The Gourmet World is Integrated, Start to Popular Science The Rainbow Fruit

Chapter 151 starts broadcasting again, everyone's expectations

Knowing that his physical condition is not so good, Su Yu also made a decision.

He took Lin Feng back to his current residence.

"You stay here now, and I'll get you something to eat.


Lin Feng was flattered, what food did God Su make?

Su Shen wanted to cook me food, and a storm surged in his heart all of a sudden.

If other people knew about it, they might be envious.

"God Su, this is not good. 55

He was a little embarrassed.

"There's nothing wrong, if you do things for me, I will definitely not treat you badly.

Under Su Yu's enlightenment, Lin Feng also agreed, and it would be a lie to say that he was not interested. Are there people in this world who don't want to eat food made by Su Shen himself?


Not to mention fans, it is impossible to refuse this taste.

But because of the face.

Su Yu walked to the kitchen, and after thinking for a while, he opened his panel to check the properties he had now.

Host 01: Su Yu

Age: 20

Constitution: 900 [Same strength as a beast with capture level Iv90. 】

Food Luck: 80

Props: space ring, pet contract, a full set of anesthesia gun

Abilities: gourmet cells, super sense of smell, inch strength, super sense of taste, acupuncture, proficient in cooking, danger perception, lion roar, extinction, gravity, language proficient

Seeing this, he nodded with satisfaction, and then took out some food from the space ring.

The food piled up on the ground like a hill.

Only then did he stop.

"These should be enough for this meal. 35

If others heard what he said, I'm afraid they would have gone crazy in the first place.

So many things, how many days are you planning to eat?

Should it be enough?

are you a pig?

No! You can't eat pigs!

Among these foods, a centipede-like ingredient is particularly eye-catching, because it alone accounts for one-third of the volume of the hill.

Now there should be no one who doesn't know what this is, especially those who watch Su Yu's live broadcast, should be impressed by this.

The millipede can cure cancer! Its appearance makes cancer no longer incurable.

"This should be useful to Lin Feng."

He muttered to himself, and then began to get busy. He planned to use the centipede as the main ingredient to make food to help Lin Feng cure his illness.

Cooking proficient starts!

All the ingredients were handled in an orderly manner in Su Yu's hands, and it didn't take long for him to do it all, and the next thing was to wait for the pot to come out.

"God Su!

"Wait, it will be eaten soon.


"By the way, Su Shen, according to my design, you are still missing some materials, are you going to give up these designs, or?

Lin Feng said worriedly.

Su Yu knew what he was thinking.

"Perfect, all of these are indispensable, you don't have to worry about the material, first use the things you have, and I will find the things you lack.

"Thank you Su God! 9

His face turned from worry to joy.

Su Yu was a little bit dumbfounded, did Lin Feng help him build a house for free or did he help Lin Feng?

The kitchen made a noise, and he entered it again, and after all the dishes were ready, they brought them out one by one.

Soon the table was filled with a variety of delicious dishes.

Lin Feng also saw the centipede at a glance!

"God Su! This..."

"It's okay, eat it, I have a lot of this stuff!

If nothing else, he really has a lot of these ingredients.

"It's too expensive."

"It's just normal stuff to me.

Su Yu said casually, he had already started to gulp down.

But Lin Feng, who heard this sentence, was not like this, and his heart ached almost out of breath!

Know that this is no ordinary thing!

But it was said before, and he didn't eat it pretentiously.

After eating, Su Yu carefully observed Lin Feng, and his originally pale complexion became rosy because of this.

"How about it?"

"Delicious! The dishes made by Su Shen are really different! 35

"Looking at your complexion, it's a lot better!"

"Yes, I don't know why after eating Su Shen's food, I feel that my whole body is much better!

Others don't know what's going on, but Su Yu knows that it's full of rare ingredients.

In addition to cooking with his own hands, not to mention that he can come back to life, but it is almost the same.

"This meal is even my salary for you!"

Lin Feng didn't have any opinion, because he didn't want to ask for money.

Su Yu gave all the materials on his body to Lin Feng and asked him to build the house according to the plan.

In the days that followed, he kept actively looking for the materials needed to build the house in various places.

Cake Hill.

Su Yu was looking for materials inside.

A person suddenly exclaimed.

"God Su!

"You are blind, Su Shen is busy right now, why did he come here?"

"Yes, yes, and if Su Shen came to the wild, why wouldn't the live broadcast be broadcast?"

"It doesn't make sense! I'll go to the live broadcast room to see."

Seeing that Su Yu did not start the live broadcast, he shook his head in disappointment.

"If you see it, I'll say how could Su Shen appear here now.""

After a while, Su Yu collected enough cakes and ran out.

"Really! I really saw God Su!


Such things happen in all corners of the world, and many people143 say they saw Su Yu.

After several days of hard work, the materials for making the house were finally collected, and he lay down and rested for a while.

"I haven't started the live broadcast for several days. I don't know what happened to the live broadcast room."

After that, he opened the live broadcast room.

It's okay if you don't open it, it will fry the pot directly when you open it.

"God Su! So handsome!"

"God Su, what are you doing, I miss you!

"What a bastard! Stay away from my family Su Shen. 99

"Shen Su, be diligent, okay? If I don't watch your live broadcast for a day, I feel like ants are crawling on my body!

The kindness was hard to resist, and Su Yu also said a few words to them.

"Hello everyone, I've been busy these days so I don't have time to broadcast live.""

"What are you busy with!"

"Well! It's a secret. I'm not going to tell everyone first, but as a fan anchor, I will definitely not disappoint everyone. There will be an unusual event these days!"

"Event? Another event! Great, I must be the winner this time!

Su Yu's words made everyone in the live broadcast room go crazy.

You must know that every activity he does is not simple, and every time he can make fans crazy.

This is an unusual activity that he himself said, I don't know what it will be?

This made everyone look forward to it....

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