The Gourmet World is Integrated, Start to Popular Science The Rainbow Fruit

Chapter 153 Visiting the Castle, shocked the audience

Sharapova was also in a trance when she saw the food castle in Su Yu's live broadcast room.

"Such a gourmet castle? 35

"You say I have a chance to reproduce an identical one?"

She shook her head.

"No, it doesn't need to be the same, even if it is one-tenth of the original.

But after careful consideration she came to a conclusion.


No one except Su Yu has made such a castle, and the precious ingredients in it cannot be made even by the power of the state.

The transplant of plants and the difficulty of obtaining animals are basically impossible for them to solve.

Not just her.

The beautiful country, the stick country and other large and small countries are discussing this matter.

After all, the visual impact of this gourmet castle is too great.

This is the castle in the dream, especially for women, there is no way for them to refuse such a castle. If there is a chance, even if they go bankrupt, I am afraid they will not hesitate.

In Su Yu's live broadcast room, the automatic lottery draw by the computer quickly showed the results.

Number one! Riders car dealership.

"I also want to keep a low profile, but his strength doesn't allow it! Hahaha!

Second 147th! White Rabbit Toffee.

"Okay! Husband, I'm here!

The third place! Sharapova is the most beautiful in the world.

Many people here have sent a lot of treasure maps before, and I don't know if it was a trick from God, or they were drawn.

This caused many people to start yelling.

"Dog care, it was your car dealer last time, and if you were drawn like this, you wouldn't believe it if you didn't ask me."

"The inside story, there are a lot of people here who just gave away the treasure map! The inside story!"

"Don't talk nonsense, Su Shen is not here, the lottery is random, you say the inside story? Then you have to talk to Douya."

"That's it!"

No matter what they say, he is the most excited at this time. Last time, he missed ten pounds of the meat of the giant crocodile because of the skin!

So this time, even if he saw that he had won the lottery, he was very careful to speak, for fear that one would accidentally make Su Yu angry.

"I'm not being naughty this time, there's no reason for Su Shen to disqualify me this time."

He thought so.

But just by coincidence, when Su Yu came back, he noticed (abfg) the name of the car dealer.

"Cheyou car dealer? This friend, I remember you!

The riders in front of the computer suddenly became nervous.

"I didn't do anything this time!"

He really didn't do anything, but this luck is a bit against the sky, Su Yu suddenly had an evil idea.

"This friend has been familiar with my deep thinking, I have decided to cancel your qualification for winning the lottery, and now the live broadcast will draw another person!

This passage has added a sad person and a group of crazy fans to the world!

There is another chance, maybe you can draw yourself?

So the live broadcast room started to go crazy again.

Only the riders and the car dealership are left sad alone! He angrily issued a sentence.

"Blocked, I have been blocked all my life! Bye anchor!

Since then, there has been a legend of an unlucky person in Su Yu's live broadcast room, and that is the story of a car dealer.

To sum up, God is chasing after the food, but by chance Su Yu kicked him the rice bowl.

"Okay, friends who win the lottery will be invited by me, please try to come before 12 noon three days later, don't wait when it's too late!

So he closed the live broadcast room like this.

In the content of this live broadcast, Lin Feng was also online all the way, and when he saw the unfortunate incident of the car friend's car dealership, he also laughed unconscionably.

But in the end he decided to have a word with Su Yu.

"Shen Su, it's not very good for you to do this to the rider and car dealer, and he has been disqualified from winning the lottery twice. 55

"I know what I know, don't worry."

Lin Feng can only wave his hands helplessly. Now that he has made a decision, he can't say much. After all, the live broadcast room belongs to him, so who has the right to say anything?

He also received the favor of Su Yu, saying that he did not receive a penny, but he knew better than anyone that what he received this time was completely incomparable to money.

Because of the food he made, his condition has recovered, and he is no different from a normal person now, and he will no longer be half-dead after running a few steps like before.

So he believed that Su Yu would definitely not be such a bad guy.

Three days later, the winners of the live broadcast room came to Su Yu's food castle one after another, and Liu Qingran was the first to arrive!

After all, there are official domestic forces.

"Husband, here I come!"

"You sit and wait first, the others should be arriving soon, so let's visit together."

"Okay, husband!"

The second one arrived was Sharapova, which was unexpected,

The blond beauty, she greeted with a smile.

"Hello, we meet again.


Seeing the two of them talking, Liu Qingran overturned the vinegar jar and stood between the two of them, pouting and turning to look at Su Yu.

"Husband! What are you doing! Don't have an affair!"

This made Su Yu immediately speechless.

In desperation, he had to send Liu Qingran away first and then talk.

As time passed, the winners, one by one, all arrived here within the stipulated time, one by one.

After everyone arrived, Su Yu also started the live broadcast and chatted with everyone.

"Hello everyone, three days have passed, it's time for the winning fans to visit the castle!"

The live broadcast room also exploded.

Because among them, many people are very good-looking, and they named Liu Qingran and Sharapova.

The winning crowd lined up neatly.

"Wow, so many handsome guys and beauties!

Su Yu also began to introduce everyone one by one.

"This is the Big White Rabbit Toffee!

The barrage swiped directly, and a series of "wife" and "so beautiful" filled the entire screen.

Liu Qingran also smiled triumphantly. Although many people usually praised her, it was the first time that so many people praised her at the same time.

Then there's Sharapova.

Not surprisingly, the barrage was similar to before, not inferior to Liu Qingran, which made the latter pouted.

One introduction after another, and after a while there was only one person left.

"No, Su Shen, there are eleven people here! I remember ten people who won the lottery!"

This sentence immediately caught everyone's attention, and even the fans who won the lottery were stunned, and they didn't count how many people were present.

Now suddenly there is one more person, what is going on?

All of them are waiting for Su Yu's answer.

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