After resting for several days, Su Yu also came to the bottom of the island in the air, and he started the live broadcast.

There was a burst of cheers in the live broadcast room.

"Shen Su, I've waited for a long time and finally I've waited until today~"

"God Su is here, everyone is ready.

"Shen Su, how to evaluate the kiss of the white rabbit toffee is already dangerous in itself."

"Ahhh, shut up!"

"Catch, the Lord has appeared! 35

In embarrassment, Su Yu opened today's live broadcast.

"Okay, don't make a fuss, I'm going.

Seeing that Su Yu was fully prepared, everyone also quieted down and watched the live broadcast room calmly.

"God Su, how are you going to go up?"

He aimed the camera at the island in the air, and a large vine was surrounded by a large number of vines under the island, but it did not reach the ground directly, like rootless water.

"Have you seen 'One Four Seven'? I'm going to fly to the vine first, and then climb up?"

Climb up?

Everyone got up without knowing why.

You're already on a plane, why do you want to climb up halfway?

A series of question marks appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Why? Su Shen, why don't you just take a plane and fly up?"

"Yes, how much does it fly?"

For their puzzlement, Su Yu did not give a reply, he sold a pass.

"You'll know then.

He contacted officials to provide him with a plane.

Officials are also very interested in this suddenly appearing air island, and the most suitable person to explore is undoubtedly Su Yu.

So they naturally agreed to this request very readily.

Besides, let alone Liu Qingran...

The plane flew very fast, but the distance was very far. After a long time, he finally reached the vicinity of the vine, and he jumped directly to the vine.

"Fuck! Superman, no long jumper in the world can jump that far."

"Wake up, who dares to dance except God Su.

"That's true.

On top of the vines, he began to climb up cautiously.

Suddenly a monster appeared.

【Monster bird Lubanda】

birds and animals, edible

Capture Level: Iv30

He is mild-mannered and will not take the initiative to attack, but his strength should not be underestimated.

The body is like a bird, but the face is like a human face. Rao is that Su Yu was mentally prepared and was startled, and almost fell off when his hand slipped.

The camera is aimed at the feet, and if it falls from the height of thousands of miles, it will be smashed to pieces and nothing will be left.

"Be careful, Su God!"

"Be careful, husband, or forget it, we'll go home. 35

Su Yu grinned wildly.

"It doesn't matter, but it seems that we are lucky, and we met something good when we came here."

"This is the strange bird Lubanda, it will not attack actively, there is no danger.

[Ding, you have popularized the strange bird Lubanda, reward physique +10]

"Wow, what is this, it looks so disgusting.

"This bird is really long and indescribable..."

"Ugh, she caused me physical discomfort.

Although the strange bird Lu Banda is indeed not so wishful, but Su Yu did not intend to let it go.

【inch strength】

Su Yu directly launched his skill and punched the monster on the head of the monster. The monster bird, who was still looking left and right, just burped, and his fellows flew away when they saw the danger.

At this time, Su Yu lit a fire directly, looking at this posture, he was ready to cook here.

After a while, the fire was lit, and the poor bird was blown by the golden crisp.

"I'm gonna start now!"

After saying a word, he immediately started to gobble it up.

"Delicious, golden, crispy, melt-in-your-mouth, 6 points!""

Another high score of 6!

"Same rating as the Gera crocodile! How delicious that is!"

"Mom, I want to eat too."

"It's not too late to give me this kind of thing.

"Che, you still dislike people being ugly? I don't know how delicious it is!

It didn't take long for the strange bird Lubanda to be eaten, and Su Yu threw its bones out at will.

"Reported, the anchor is paralyzed in the sky!

"Shen Su, this is not good, how dangerous!

"Where do people come from so remote here?"

"That's it!

In the face of this large group of fans questioning, he also thought that it was wrong and neglected.

Although it is said that it is very special, far away from the crowd, but not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

"Everyone is right, I didn't pay attention this time, and everyone should be careful not to throw things from high altitudes. Even if you don't hit people, it's not right to hit flowers and plants."

Faced with such a humble and polite anchor, how could they bear to continue to say anything?

So the barrages all started to look like this.

"Ahhh! God Su, I love it, where can I find such a good anchor?"

"Look here."

"Shen Su, you're right, everyone, don't throw things from high altitudes, we need to learn more from God Su!"

After that, Su Yu continued to climb up again.

These vines are extremely huge, but there are some small vines attached to them. He grabs these small vines and climbs up with ease.

With his current strength, this is nothing.

Crawling and crawling, something new appeared!

A group of strange birds with four wings and long tails appeared.


birds and animals, edible

Capture Level: Iv21

Before Su Yu could do anything, it immediately started attacking.

"Dangerous, God Su, run!

"What are you babbling about? God Su must have a clue.

"That's right!"

This kind of strength is not worth mentioning at all for Su Yu, he solved this group of strange birds with three strokes and five divisions.

"This is, everyone should stay away when they see it, but he will take the initiative to attack."9

[Ding, you have popularized Gedong, reward physique +5]

Everyone began to complain silently in their hearts.

Who else will come to this island besides you?

No! Absolutely not.

"What a joke, can it meet me at 5.6?"

"That's right, it's absolutely impossible for me to touch it, God Su, don't worry. 99

With the new food, Su Yu naturally didn't miss the chance to eat at all. Looking at the pile of strange birds on the vine leaves, he moved his hand.

"Haha, as expected of your God Su, I knew it wouldn't be that simple. 39

"Su Shen's appetite is as good as ever!"

"Shut up, I can't wait for the rice in my hand, Su Shen remember to tell me what it tastes like!"

Soon the food was ready, and this time he just baked a lot, because there is still a long way to go, he needs to eat more to maintain his strength.

"This meat is somewhat similar to the strange bird Lubanda, but it is far less delicious, barely 4 points.

Under the eyes of everyone, the wind swirled the clouds and devoured them all!

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