In Su Yu's view, these beautiful, flirtatious plants are less dangerous from places where there are no predators at all.

"It's still more cute beasts."

Su Yu turned on the live broadcast device.

Whether it is to go deep into the jungle to find a glimmer of hope for the survival of the eight-person team, or continue to popularize science and continue to become stronger with the rewards given by the system, for Su Yu, there is no choice.

Although he had promised Liu Qingran, he would wait for rescue on the spot.

But who is Su Yu, only danger hides from him, but there is no time for him to admit counsel.

"If you want to come to Big White Rabbit Toffee, you shouldn't be in the mood to watch the live broadcast!""

With such a guilty conscience like a thief, Su Yu opened the live broadcast room and briefly introduced the dangerous area of ​​the Fiber Continent.

Before taking a few steps, Su Yu found a mess of flowers.

The fallen petals, the messy flower mud, and the "one-five-zero" ratio indicate that a fight had occurred here before.

Looking at the bullet casings scattered on the ground, but not much blood, Su Yu's brows loosened, picking a blooming flower and pinning it on his chest pocket:

"This dense flower bush is actually the flower of tranquility.

【Peaceful Flower】

Plants, not edible.

Capture Level: Iv10

The flowers blooming on the peaceful island, the birthplace is the peaceful island where there is no danger.

Because it likes a stable and stable environment, if a creature with killing intent approaches, it will drop a petal.

[Ding, you have popularized the tranquility flower, reward constitution +5]

"An Ninghua is like a radar that senses danger, it is extremely sensitive to creatures with murderous intentions, and it is simply a must-have product for adventure travel!

Su Yu was explaining the function of tranquility flower to everyone. Who would have guessed that the petals on the chest would fall down with the popular science.

In the live broadcast room, everyone is still silly:

"Hahaha, God Su also has a day when his car rolls over. How can there be any dangerous creatures in the boundless prairie!""

"Maybe it's because of this tranquil flower that you sense Su Shen's murderous aura?"

"Pfft, although there are five pieces, they are worn out every time they are picked."

Unlike everyone's joy, Su Yu was calm and looked around carefully.

"Have you seen the plant with strawberries on the top?" Su Yu smiled, picked up a stone, and smashed it at the strawberry, "Hey, I still remember the advice and doubts that everyone gave me when I broadcast the first live broadcast. ?

"What advice? Wow, it's a waste of money, that strawberry looks so delicious and sweet! Why did Su Shen smash it?

"Do strawberries grow like this? With such a long plant, only one bears fruit?"

But I saw that what kind of strawberry was in that plant, and under the turf, a behemoth suddenly burrowed out.

The monster threw strawberries, covered in turf, and quickly nibbled at Su Yu.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was so frightened that they had a big fight, and here Su Yu directly resolved the battle, grabbing the toad-like plant, fiddling with the strawberry-like sarcoma on the top of its head, and said: "Well, everyone was worried before that there would be biological creatures. Use sweet food to camouflage and lure prey—not anymore.99

【Strawberry Snake】

Amphibians, top strawberries are edible.

Capture Level: Iv60

It looks like a toad, but it moves slowly, like a Cordyceps sinensis, and can burrow into the ground. The strawberry-like sarcoma camouflaged on the top of the head emits a strawberry-like aroma, and then uses a snake-like tail to hunt down the herbivorous creatures that pass by and swallow it in one bite.

"Wow! What a clever plant.

"The accident upstairs revealed some strange habit."

Su Yu looked towards the dark huge, boundless jungle ahead.

It was clear and cloudless weather, but the sun couldn't get in. Standing in the direction of Su Yu, it was quite eerie.

This is just the outskirts of the forest, and there are already all kinds of unpredictable dangers.

In the next trip, even Su Yu became cautious and more cautious.

Stepping on the rotten branches and remaining leaves, I don't know how thick a layer is, it is as soft as the clouds above the sky.

Countless humus accumulates and nourishes the plants everywhere.

There was no sound around, only the sound of "creak" and "click" under Su Yu's feet, the silence made the heartstrings tense.

Of course, Su Yu, who has both tranquility and strong perception, will not be nervous.

The nervousness is that in the live room, everyone seems to be watching a horror movie.

All kinds of strange creatures, carnivorous grasses that hunt insects, climb tree trunks and mid-air.

From time to time, there will be a few bird calls in the sky.

Su Yu looked at the white feces falling from the leaves on the ground, and decisively took out a parasol from her bag.

"Is it raining?"

"Doesn't this block the view? It's not safe to use an umbrella."

"It's not so scary anymore, it's just so funny, Su Shen seems to be afraid of getting sunburned.


The sunshade in Su Yu's hand swayed, followed by another sound.

Bird droppings like rain fell all over Su Yu's body.

"Hahaha, it's bird shit, it's a big lump! How much did you eat?

"So God Su is guarding against bird shit! 35

Then everyone saw that the feces on the umbrella that fell on the ground actually flickered and grew a half-meter-high plant.

"This, this is... sprouted?"

I saw a plant full of tentacles quickly growing out of the bird droppings, taking root, pulling vines, and in the blink of an eye, it was a plant with a disgusting face and sharp teeth.

"Oh, it's disgusting!"

"Does it grow out of shit?

"It's so fast, what if it falls on you?"

Su Yu avoided it carefully and said, "There are seeds of plants that they have eaten and have not digested in bird droppings, and because the feces are rich in nutrients, they have just seen what everyone has just seen and take root."

The plants here are extremely powerful.

Even the reinforced concrete walls in the city cannot prevent these plants from taking root and growing.

Fortunately, the fiber continent is still far away from the nearest city, and human beings are still safe - these are not weak 5.6 grasses.

They are all carnivorous plants!

"As for whether it will grow and take root in people... They will treat you as fertile soil, after all, the flesh is a good culture vessel. 35 Su Yu's words are like a horrible joke, but everyone sees these plants , Those sharp and bloodthirsty teeth, how could these science be regarded as a joke.

"They will stick to you like leeches, like blood-sucking vampires. Here, the danger is no longer the roaring beasts, these young, ordinary young plants can also kill you. .

Su Yu also tore a seedling from the trunk, and saw that the root system of the seedling was already very developed. Such vigorous tearing not only did not break the seedling, but even the grip of the root system ripped a huge hole out of the huge trunk. .

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