Liu Tianzheng was still worried, and suggested again that he hoped to select one or two squads for Su Yu, "Those you deal with..."

Liu Tianzheng paused for a while, considered his words, and then said: "The magical beasts of the new world, all kinds of magical, terrifying, or delicious creatures. The team members may not be able to help you fight, but they can help you fight. You beware of those with ulterior motives."

Since the Su Clan Plain, politicians from all over the world have been eyeing Su Yu, and even assassinated and assassinated.

If it weren't for Liu Tianzheng's quick and decisive decision-making and Su Yu's identity as a national of Yanlongguo, he chose to cooperate with Yanlongguo, and Su Yu might still be a loner now.

Liu Tianzheng is still thinking about how to use the information provided by Su Yu to improve the structure of the members of the investigation team that follow Su Yu, and what equipment needs to be used to do so. .

However, Su Yu does not think the plan is feasible.

He looked at the eight people who had been sneak attacked by the twisted dryad before, and already knew that with the current medical technology, it was impossible for them to recover as before.

This is already a good secret service officer under General Liu Tianzheng.

After Su Yu declined, General Liu did not continue to lobby, but talked about another purpose of the trip.

"This is the data sent by the tide station. The horizontal line in the northern waters is constantly rising, reaching a critical value."

Liu Qingran handed Su Yu a document at his father's instruction: "Because the fiber continent you mentioned is still in the growing period, now everyone is wondering if the ocean is becoming more and more dangerous. Fall on land?

In Su Yu's hands, in addition to satellite images, there are valuable information on the local glaciers captured by the northern outpost.

"We want you to investigate on the spot," Liu Tianzheng pointed out several cities along the coast to Su Yu, "Although in the short term, it will not have much impact on the surrounding waters of Yanlong Kingdom, but in this world, there is no Any person, a country, can survive alone, and our country has many allies. Now they need help, and I think, except you, no one can go deep into this extreme cold."99

Extreme cold, rising sea levels...

Combining these information, Su Yu vaguely had a guess in his heart.

"I could go. But..."

Liu Tianzheng looked at him with a smile: "If you have any requirements, just ask.

Su Yu was honest and rude.

First, he could not have reached the northern pole alone.

Even if he has a lightning and fire phoenix, he can withstand the severe cold and the wind that comes with it.

According to the information given by General Liu, even if the lightning speed of the Phoenix Fire Phoenix is ​​more than twice the speed of a military aircraft flying at full speed, it will probably take a day and a night to reach the glacier in that cold place.

There must be supplies in between.

Su Yu didn't want to eat, drink, and lazar on the back of a bird, even if he was willing, he wanted to come here with the arrogance of the phoenix... It would be light to not betray the Lord on the spot, and eat him into the belly.

What's more, the task given by General Liu was just to investigate the cause of the sea level rise at a very low level.

Su Yu's own purpose is to live broadcast popular science, pick wool from the system, and find the legendary century soup.

I want to come to the century soup that only appears once in a century. The energy contained in it may be able to raise Su Yu's own cell level again.

If the information provided by General Liu is correct, the Guangbao Glacier is very likely to be the legendary extremely cold realm——

Ice hell.

There is absolutely no need to rush to march, so Su Yu can take his time to prepare supplies.

He listed all the things he needed and let the military prepare.

Su Yu and General Liu were discussing their plans for the next trip, but they didn't know that after they returned, there were humans and they landed on the Fiber Continent again.

It was Beautiful Country that accurately found the location of the island in the air based on various information, and wanted to occupy the ownership of the island in the sky in one fell swoop, and then incorporated the entire island into the territory of Beautiful Country, and conducted detailed research on the creatures on it. See what benefits are there.

Although shameless, such an act is also in line with the foundation of the beautiful country.

To take, to seize.

Absolutely loyal believer in Social Darwinism.

Obviously, the sky vegetable garden, ozone grass, and even the lightning phoenix in mid-air displayed in Su Yu's live broadcast are very tempting to lure them to "research"


The "ignorant promotion" that the Yanlong Kingdom refused to surrender also completely annoyed Hiram, so after stealing the information, he dispatched an army to this place.

In the eyes of General Hiram and Cross, the islands in the sky are safe and stable, and are more suitable for plundering than the plains and swamps that Su Yu had explored before. The most dangerous place is probably the cumulonimbus clouds in the sky.

They believe that with a little sacrifice, they can become an island in the sky like Su Yu.

So, here they come.

A large number of people, armed with a large number of advanced weapons, plunged headlong into this borderless realm that shone with seductive light like gold.

Then he ran into the monster bird's nest head-on.

【Strange Bird Lupin】

Capture Level: Iv60

Although it has an extremely disgusting appearance, it can use various techniques such as hallucinatory hallucinatory breath and isolation mimicry to lure cunning birds and beasts that are fooled by its prey.

Extremely intelligent and cruel.

General Liu Tianzheng and his party were strong and lucky. Because of the detection of unknown fluctuations, they did not choose to sail in a straight line, and escaped the gregarious nest of the strange bird Lupin. Avoid the effective attack, thus reaching the fiber continent.

Beautiful country, a small army, was not so lucky.

What they caught up with was a flock of angry and hungry strange birds who were first teased by General Liu and were hunting in the morning.

The strange bird Lupin left enough food to order.

The tragic battle ended with the beautiful country fleeing like a broken arm to survive.

A group of soldiers who lost nearly one-third of their staff and lost their sophisticated weapons, obviously still don't know how many crises they will encounter.

Until, they broke into the fiber continent head on.

"`, Is it the wrong course, according to the data, it will take us three days to reach the edge of this continent?

"No, everyone needs to be repaired, first set up camp, count the damage rate, and report to the upper management as soon as possible to ask for support."

The soldiers of the beautiful country are high-paying jobs, and they have no such consciousness of sacrificing for the country.

A third of the damage has broken their morale going forward. Regardless of whether this is the Fiber Continent mentioned in Su Yu's live broadcast, they have decided to stay in place and wait for the order of His Excellency the President.

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