No one can ignore Su Yu.

In today's world, even if someone has not watched his live broadcast, they must have heard of his deeds.

Especially now that the world is paying attention and led by the beautiful country, it is comparable to the large-scale armed buildup of the N-nation coalition forces re-entering the Zijin City.

No one knows Su Yu.

Su Yu, who can make global politicians so jealous and envious, how terrifying his ability should be?

Think about the huge monster that died under his palm, it was an existence that could not be shaken by a well-armed elite army. It was simply killed by Su Yu with a single click. Now, who has not seen Su Yu? An emoji that dismembers a monster?

Think about the strangeness of himself, the mysterious power of unknown origin, the pets of the sea, land and air that are easily subdued, and even the unproven devil that descended from his body to the world...

Now, this person, he said that if he wants you to escape, you can only escape.

This is Su Yu's unique, undeniable terrorist influence.

It was originally a world war-level scene in which the beautiful country led the nations to encircle and suppress the Yanlong country, but Su Yu abruptly turned the situation around.

In the streets and alleys of the beautiful country, everyone is at a loss.

To escape, you must escape far away.

Shopping malls and supermarkets hit 167, smashed and looted, bought zero yuan, and sirens sounded.

The road out of the city is congested, and it is difficult to get a ticket for the plane, so walk, even if you climb, you have to leave this land.

The bustling city of the past is finally in the dark, and the streets are empty.

On the cold street, it seems that even the temperature has dropped suddenly.

Raheem anxiously waited for news in the underground dugout.

Although Rahim issued an order because of Su Yu's arrogant speech, the White House urgently entered a state of all-weather combat readiness, and the access control was strictly managed, but it still could not prevent the staff from escaping.

Who has no family and friends?

Who would bet on their family members, or even their own lives, for the sake of being illusory, and whether they could even survive today's future?

So they chose to flee.

Raheem's fanatics, who could not escape and did not want to escape, hid in the underground bomb shelter with Rahim, who was terrified.

Before the expansion of the earth's territory, it was considered the safest refuge in the world.

But after today, it is not certain whether it will exist in the world or not.

The search on Capitol Hill turned up nothing.

The surveillance cameras in the whole city have searched all over the city, but there is no sign of Su Yu at all.

This is also expected.

No matter what Su Yu does, it seems to everyone to be taken for granted?

The search, facilitated by General Cross, ended in failure.

However, he was still urging Rahim: "Don't worry about Su Yu, now whether it is against the country or ourselves, the only way is to attack the Yanlong Kingdom, please don't hesitate to send the password command immediately!

Cross pointed to Raheem's briefcase, the so-called nuclear suitcase.

As long as the button in the box is lightly pressed, hundreds of nuclear bombs will rise from the ground and rush towards the target.

That will be the end of the Yanlong Kingdom.

This is the secret weapon of deterrence and even control of the entire world.

What about Su Yu?

Cross didn't believe that Su Yu could withstand a single shell.

The frenzy in his eyes made Raheem tremble, instinctively moved away from him, and comforted him: "Calm down, Cross, it's not that far."

The strength of the Yanlong Kingdom should not be underestimated.

Cross was about to step forward when the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Oz came.

"General Oz, you are not..."

Raheem's secretary chased in, trying to block Oz, but to no avail.

Raheem looked at Oz alertly: "Oz, what are you doing here?"

Because Oz's conservative and negotiating proposals are contrary to the main war policy of Rahim's faction, Oz has been exiled from the inner circle for a period of time.

Oz approached and took out a letter from his bosom: "This is my letter of resignation, Your Excellency.

Not only Raheem, but Cross was also shocked: "Ozzy, are you crazy?

(abfg) Cross and Oz have always been the two mountaintops of the beautiful country's army, and they are the trump cards of the beautiful country's army. Their beautiful resumes and experience from war are the front and the trump card.

Now, when Cross saw Oz, who had always disagreed with his own political views, hand in his resignation so easily and without any burden, it was incredible.

Oz must be crazy.

Just one Su Yu, scared the shit out of this famous God of War?

A deep sense of absurdity and disdain surged in Cross's heart.

Rahim was obviously caught off guard by this letter of resignation. He pinched his hands and said cautiously: "The country is in a critical moment, General Oz, I hope you can still have the self-awareness of a soldier. We will talk about this later.

With that said, he was about to send Oz out.

However, Oz just dropped his resignation and gave a military salute to Rahim, or rather, the beautiful flag of the country behind him, and then said to the people in the room with different expressions: "I have decided to go."

"Yanlongguo has secretly turned against me. However, as a soldier, being loyal to the country is my last loyalty and belief. But I have different political views with the president and everyone, and I think I can't work together." He paused. "Here, I also advise you to say an old saying in Yanlong Kingdom: if you walk too much at night, you will inevitably encounter ghosts. Hundreds of years ago, we used bloody and violent means to suppress the aborigines, but this time, it should be It's time for us to pay the price..."

The beautiful country has had enough of the dividends of plunder.

And where there is oppression, there is resistance.

The Yanlong Kingdom, which once used its own strength to resist the invasion of foreign tribes, gave birth to countless rebels who came one after the other.

This time is no exception.

Su Yu's manifesto, obviously more deterrent than Raheem.

Raheem was stunned.

Cross slapped the table: "You're leaving the country now? Oz, you traitor! 95

No one believed Oz.

As they thought, Oz did not reject the Yanlong Kingdom's rebellion, and his departure now is to surrender to the Yanlong Kingdom and Su Yu.

Cross won't allow Oz to leave the underground dugout!

But Oz didn't come alone.

He has only loyal guards, and sees the infighting on the verge of breaking out.

The secretary hurriedly knocked on the door.

"Your Excellency, it's the special line from the Yanlong Kingdom." 5

This is a conversation between the highest levels of the two countries.

Cross looked at Rahim who stepped out of the conference room. Obviously, he was more concerned about the content of the conversation between the two countries on the eve of the war. He simply waved at the Guards and let General Oz and his party go.

Cross then followed Raheem's direction.

Oz snorted coldly, and led the guards to completely leave the workplace where he had been fighting for half his life.

When Cross arrived, Raheem had hung up.

"Your Excellency the President..."

"Oh, Cross." Rahim's face was a little dejected.

"Yanlong Kingdom, what did they say?"

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