"Hey, just listening to Su Shen say, I get goosebumps all over my body, and I have a voice!"

"Me too!"9



"Count me in~"

"Hey, isn't there a mirage ahead, I saw an oasis!

Su Yu looked at the live broadcast equipment and found a thick green in front.

Not an oasis, nor a mirage.

It is a huge cactus that rises like a high-rise building!

From where Su Yu was, the behemoth was far away.

But as the so-called Wangshan ran to the dead, Su Yu took the group in the live broadcast room and really walked a long way, killing two beasts that were about to attack, and finally reached the bottom of this huge cactus.

The curved cactus is shaped like a faucet.

When I got closer, the faucet was indeed dripping water.

But such a drop of water, like a ton, dripped from a high place, causing a tremor.

Su Yu turned sideways to avoid being accidentally splashed by water droplets.

"Hey, look, isn't this a place where some big beasts draw water?"

"I also saw a lot of corpses and bones."

Looking at those white bones, it seems to be exuding the dim light of death, and the heads of all kinds of beasts are lined up, which scared everyone in the live broadcast room:

"So many bones, I don't know if I can make a soup..."

"Guess the Cantonese upstairs blindly!"



【Faucet Cactus】

desert plants

Capture Level: Iv2

As the name suggests, it is a cactus with a faucet.

A pest-like presence in the desert.

In the sweltering heat and dryness of the desert, water droplets will keep dripping, attracting many animals seeking water to drink, but the water contains highly toxic ingredients, and then draws nutrients from the carcasses of dead animals to grow.

There is really no difficulty to capture, and there is really no value to capture.

"Drinking the water from the tap cactus will immediately report to another world. So the bones here, I don't recommend everyone to use them to make soup."

In fact, the creatures here are only dead for a few days.

The water faucet cactus absorbs the nutrients of the corpse, and can quickly eat and wipe the flesh and blood, and the piles of bones scattered on the ground will be digested by the water faucet cactus at this time tomorrow.

This area is literally a dining table for faucet cacti.

It's no wonder that it can grow so big. Looking at the corpses nearby, it can be seen that there are many beasts in the desert courtyard.

Seeing such a powerful plant that hunts, it reminds Su Yu of the twisted dryad he saw in the Fiber Continent before.

But it is a pity that the water tap cactus has a low capture level, and there is no forest heart of twisted dryad in his body. Su Yu shrugged and decided to follow the natural survival law of survival of the fittest. A tap cactus that does not refuse.

He didn't care.

But the audience in the live broadcast room was shuddered by the underdeveloped spikes of the water tap cactus: it looked quite hairy, but I didn't expect it to be a gangster!

The danger of the new world is always so sudden and inexplicable.

Following Su Yu's live broadcast, there are not one or two adventurers among such a huge fan base.

Even dare to take risks, the number of adventurers who dare to take risks is extremely large.

But the more you are seduced by Su Yu's world, treasures, and delicacies, the more you know the danger and murderous intentions, as if standing on the scythe of death and dancing.

Soon, everyone followed Su Yu's footsteps and climbed over a cliff again.

What catches the eye is the rice desert that is as white as snow and has no horizon.

With Su Yu's popular science, everyone finally accepted and believed it bit by bit:

"Wow, there really is such a desert full of rice!"

"If all this rice can be hauled back, will the global food crisis be solved?"


"I don't think it's enough. The world's population of 10 billion, even if a lot of people were lost in the early stage due to the advent of the new world, the rice in front of the desert is just the ration of the world's people for a day, right? Not enough!

"Do you know again upstairs?"

"Elementary school problems, not as knowledgeable as elementary school chickens~"

Because grown here, these rices are naturally adapted to this hot environment and will not be baked into rice flowers by high temperature.

Of course, the question of the audience in the live broadcast room was also thought of by Su Yu before he came.

Su Yu gave several close-ups of the rice desert, from far to near.

Then I also tried the taste of rice for everyone:

"It's not sticky and crispy. It's a little like rice popsicles, maybe it's still affected by the temperature. I don't know what the texture will be after it's made into rice."

Then Su Yu used his half-baked cooking skills to make meals on the spot:

"Well, it doesn't feel like the taste of northern rice, it's a bit like the long-grain rice from the south... Probably better in claypot rice!"

With the audience drooling, Su Yu summoned the Wall Penguin chicks.

Then he threw the slap-sized little guy into the rice field and devoured it, and he took hundreds of millions of fans to the brown sugar desert next to the rice desert.

Brown sugar is everywhere, and the sand that falls is a very sweet caramel taste.

"The sunlight will still not melt the sugar cube."

Honey-molded brown sugar, almost purple, with a distinctive caramel-like aroma that is mouth-churning:

Su Yu took out iced milk with a natural aroma of black tea to mix it, and drank it slowly, waiting for the return of the Wall Penguin.

"ton ton ton"

With a cheerful thud in the tremors of the earth, Su Yu once again left the Wall Penguin running happily under the scorching sun, and made him take this brown sugar desert into his belly, and then moved everyone with him.

Until it came to a long distance, there were beasts circling all over the place, and the sand ice desert exuded a faint cool water vapor!

"Like the previous popular science, the ice cream here will not melt.

Knock into the mouth, and it instantly becomes an outbreak of cool and cold sand ice that can melt in the mouth, how can it not make people excited.

Su Yu was eating a variety of fruit-flavored smoothies, and even if he didn't feel unbearably hot, he couldn't help but swim in the smoothie, just like swimming in sea water.

At this time, all kinds of deserts are dealt with one by one, just like Su Yu's previous popular science.

Then, the so-called diamond desert, emerald desert, sand gold desert in his mouth...

Even if these deserts have not yet appeared in Su Yu's live broadcast room, even if no one in this world except Su Yu can carry those gems, pearls, jades and sands out of the desert courtyard, even if Su Yu has no shortage of yellow and white things, no shortage of banknotes , He didn't even bring back the crystal bats above the glacier, which had no threatening power. It seemed that he wouldn't take out the diamonds, valuable jewels, and golden sands all over the ground and use them up.

But it still can't be stopped, the whole world is selling these premium commodities in large numbers!

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