Introduced in the book, after eating the prey, the Sarromans sphinx will store the remaining undigested nutrients in the form of sugar in the lacrimal gland.

If there is no accident, the Saloman Sphinx will be emitted once a year.

And what Su Yu is doing is nothing more than helping the Salomans sphinx to excrete...

"Hey, thinking about it like this, sure enough..."

I don't really want to collect the tear secretions of the Saloman Sphinx.

Do everything halfway, and do nothing halfway is not Su Yu's rule.

He continued to stimulate the Saloman Sphinx according to the method recorded in the book.

This causes the carbon dioxide in the saromance sphinx to dissolve into the tears, turning it into a carbonated solution, creating a mellow cola.

Just a little bit more.

Replica sacrifice.

The last bit of energy recovered was used by Su Yu to beat: acupuncture!

Inch strength!

Is it ok?

Su Yu jumped off the saromant sphinx.

The audience in the live broadcast room also waited nervously:

Will Su Shen make a live rollover for the first time?

The food that has been waiting for so long is actually a cola. If you don't even beat the cola, 180 Su Shen's face will probably hurt.

It's embarrassing to dig your feet, I hope Su Shen can't beat the live broadcast, or Su Shen rolls over, and their fans are not too embarrassed

Everyone has different thoughts, and no one is going to engage in barrage at this time.




I saw the monster's tears, surging out:

Like a huge waterfall.

Flying down three thousand feet!

"It came out, ah ah ah!

The live broadcast room is boiling:

"Woooo, it's born, it's finally born!"

It's as if Su Shen gave birth to a child...

Whoops, the live broadcast room is full of water sounds.

"Not yet~" Su Yu signaled that everyone should not worry.

"Not yet?"

"We are collectively frightened, this thing is not Coke, isn't this already crying?

Su Yu shrugged: "Of course it's a Coke, but it's not the kind of Coke I want."

The flying stream in front of him went down three thousand feet, but it was the acidified alkaline water that the Salomans sphinx first squeezed out and accumulated in its lacrimal glands.

"Although this is already a high-quality Coke without a doubt, but what comes after it is the precious and truly mature Coke."

A real mature Coke... that's the energy body Su Yu wants.

But now...

Su Yu looked at the river that had submerged to his calf, and kept grinding his teeth: "At that time, the mature cola will be dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, the alkaline water flowing out now."5

He didn't know how the Saloman Sphinx had disposed of the Coke before.

In his view, the current situation is not optimistic.

If he was still standing in the water, he might not have thrown the icebreaker out later.

That's an amount that one person can't finish drinking, and it's not comparable to the river in front of him—

It can be fitted!

"Huh? There is still more flow, not enough? If all the flow comes out, won't this place be submerged? Submerge the desert?"

"This child can cry... how wronged he is!"

"Wow, isn't that a cola pool? It's an unexpected start wow, God Su will show us the swimming style when the time comes~"

Not waiting for how Su Yu reacts.

The real Coke has also poured out from the eyes of the Sharoman Sphinx.

In the lacrimal glands of the Salomans sphinx, the luscious sugar turned into a sweetness that is several times that of maple syrup, plus carbonic acid, in the full ripe sweetness of the whole year. That's something that neither champagne nor soda can match.

I heard that its bubbles will not dissolve even if it stays in the cup for a whole year, and it will continue to rise gracefully.

Here comes the real, mellow, ripe Coke!

It is indeed the abundant and majestic energy that Su Yu has dreamed of!

The energy exploded in this underground palace in an instant.




The live broadcast room was full of admiration:

"Did you hear it, I think I heard the sound of firecrackers?

Whoa, whoa, whoa—

"Is it the real Coke in Su Shen's mouth? Wow, what a powerful carbonated drink, it's just like the sound of firecrackers bursting, this exciting impact! 35

Su Yu had already taken a sip in front of everyone: "Aha, this is Coke that really contains energy! If there is no comparison before, I can't appreciate the rarity of today - it's a waste of money, even if the taste is not good. It's not bad, but it's really greasy to drink, soft and weak!

Of course, this is only for his body.

The blood flow in Su Yu's body was accelerating.

What a refreshing feeling!

This abundant energy occupied his body in an instant, as if it was filled with electricity in an instant.

Su Yu wandered happily in the Wang Yang of Coke.

Everyone in the live room could hear that cheerful voice.

And what Su Yu felt was a heavy and majestic energy.

It's almost overflowing.

The strong sense of existence makes all the fierce struggles that have arisen along the way become dull.

The strong stimulation of carbonic acid instantly knocked the cells of the whole body.

Su Yu's exhausted body, exhausted from energy, instantly went from being empty to filling up in one breath.

The sweetness of the thick sugar penetrated into every corner of the body bit by bit like a strangulation technique.

No, not only that, this is...


His cells have evolved again.

There is no doubt about that.

This filling energy is enough to reopen the cell-strengthening barrier and charge towards higher and stronger.

It's a joy that can't be compared to when you get Century Chowder.

And the Sharoman Sphinx, who reigns at the top of the food pyramid, also looks very happy.

Su Yu raised an eyebrow:

This guy can be considered to have discharged the things that have been accumulated for a long time, so, is he in a good mood now?

It is said that the Saloman Sphinx is the king sleeping in the underground palace.

It's the legendary horror.

But in Su Yu's view, it's not like this new world.

Simply a gift for all living things!

"It's true, I didn't expect that such a boss is just weird, crying miserably..."

The emotion in the live broadcast room continued.

After all, besides Su Yu, who else could feel the majestic vitality in front of him.

"What I'm saying is that when I cry, it's still... soft and cute.

Su Yu chuckled lightly.

His body has almost recovered, and his mental state is even better.

Because of the limited size of the underground palace... Su Yu did not release the Wall Penguin chicks as storage space.

Instead, it directly uses the power of thought to put the cola all over the place into the space.

Just like the previous century thick soup, he plans to take it back and drink it as a healthy soup.


Su Yu is a bit of a pity looking at the saromant sphinx.

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