"Okay! Come on!"

No matter what, it is the right way to eat first!

Su Yu goes to the table and devours it!

For several days, everything was fine, and the monster attack that I had been worried about did not come.

Su Yu gradually let go.

"It should be fine! It's been a few days, and there's been no movement at all!"

When the live broadcast was turned on, the audience chatted with him for days.

"Shen Su, it's so boring, I'm getting moldy when I stay at home!

"Yeah, I also feel so bored, Su Shen, if you have time, open a live broadcast and chat with us.

"Yes, but what happened a few days ago was really shocking, but it's all over."

"Yeah, it's the same as it was at the beginning, there's nothing left now!

It seems that the fears of the audience in the live broadcast room have passed.

Su Yu looked at the camera and smiled happily.

"Looks like everyone is bored, and so am I, I'll go shopping around and show everyone something new when I have time! 99

The live room is all about excitement.

"Okay! That's great, long live God Su!"

“Great to finally have some fun! 01”

Just then Su Yu's cell phone rang.

He glanced at the call from Liu Tianzheng, the official boss, and it was estimated that he had something to look for.

He said a few words, turned off the live broadcast, and connected the phone.

"Hey! 99

"Hey! Su Yu? All the things you asked me to do have been done, and the high-level officials of various countries came over without any refusal when they heard that it was your invitation. 35

Su Yu was a little surprised, didn't expect his face to be quite big?

He has underestimated his energy, he has countless fans around the world, and his strength is also recognized as the number one person in the world.

In addition, the events of Sakura Country and Beautiful Country made the whole world know his strength.

Even some big countries like the Maoxiong country are thinking about giving some face when they hear his invitation, let alone some small countries.

"Have they all come? Well, I'll go over now."

"Come here now? Should I send someone to pick you up?"

"No. 35

Pick up? They're not as fast as the Sharoman Sphinx, or will they run faster.

It's not good to keep these high-level executives waiting too long.

Just then, a loud noise came from the phone.

"Huh? What's the matter!

"Su Yu! What you said before has come true, and now there are monsters attacking us!"

He has a mind! Is it at this critical juncture? To know that all countries have their high-level officials there now!

If this matter spreads out, it will be a lot of fun! People in their country will think that Su Yu is plotting against them.

Invite everyone to come here and catch it all!

Thinking of this, his face sank.

"Can you hold on? I'll be right here!"

"It's okay! Because you reminded us before, we were prepared in advance, but I don't know how long it will last, you better hurry up! 95

"Hmm! 99

He hurried out the door.

"Saromance Sphinx. 35

Hearing the call, he immediately appeared, and Su Yu jumped on its back without thinking much.

Afterwards, the Saloman Sphinx heads towards the military center at full speed!

"Be sure to hold on and wait for me to come! 99

Su Yu's face is solemn!

At this moment, in the military base of Yanlong Kingdom, there are countless people in gorgeous clothes, but without exception, they all have panic on their faces.


A huge sound came, and the whole base shook!

A lot of sand and stones fell from their heads.

"Mr. Liu Tianzheng, what's the matter? 99

A white-skinned person questioned Liu Tianzheng.

He is a high-level executive of Kangaroo Country, and he was invited, but he was very unhappy when he encountered such a situation!

His life is very precious, he will not die here!

Someone took the lead, and many eyes looked over.

Liu Tianzheng frowned.

"Now there are always powerful monsters attacking our base outside!

Everyone was surprised.

The scene gradually became chaotic.

"It was Su Yu who invited us here, how could this happen? Where is Su Yu? I want him to give us an explanation!

"Could it be that this monster is under his control, he wants to kill us all here!

The senior officials of the beautiful country took the opportunity to attack. Although they were afraid of Su Yu's power, this time he was on the side of "righteousness".

He believed that someone would definitely be on his side.

Although Su Yu is powerful, it is impossible to destroy them all!

As long as some unfavorable remarks are spread here, Su Yu's prestige will be greatly reduced in the future.

No matter what, it's a profitable business!

After having his remarks, they all stood in his team as expected.

"Mr. Liu Tianzheng! I also want to know what's going on?"

"Where's Su Yu? Where is he, and why hasn't he shown up yet?

"Has Su Yu been hiding and manipulating this monster?"

A group of people questioned Liu Tianzheng, even though he was used to seeing strong winds and waves, he felt a lot of pressure now.

After all, those who are standing in front of him now have no lower status than him! They are all high-level officials of a country.

"Everyone, listen to me carefully, this time I invite you to come here because there is a big matter that needs to be discussed with everyone!

"We don't want to see such a thing happen, and now our soldiers are resisting the strange things outside with all their strength! Please rest assured!

"As for Su Yu! He also just received the news that everyone is here. I originally wanted everyone to enjoy the food of our Yanlong Kingdom!"9

"After that, we will start to discuss important matters, after all, it is relatively boring and boring!"

Liu Tianzheng's speech is both polite and neither humble nor arrogant, such is the demeanor of a great country!

He stared at the people from Kangaroo Country and Pretty Country.

"Su Yu will feel it right away, I hope you don't let some people with ulterior motives be misled!

Immediately afterwards, he released the picture of the monster attacking outside.

Countless soldiers rushed up to fight with their lives.

"Look, these are our soldiers! They are fighting desperately! We have enough sincerity! I hope everyone understands that this incident is just an accident! 35

After a speech, many people who remained skeptical were pulled back!

"I believe that the Yanlong Kingdom will not do such a thing! I believe that Su Yu will not do it!"

A young woman with white skin stood up and said!

It was Sharapova.

With her taking the lead, many people who were already friends with Yan Longguo also stood up.

"Yes, our country and Yanlong Kingdom have had a lot of cooperation in the past, I believe in them!

"Me too! 35

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