Chapter 152: Commander of the Town Martial Bureau

The court reached a consensus.

The elite troops of the capital are officially heading west, where chaos reigns.

These are the true elites of Great Long, who have achieved countless merits in battles both in the north and the south, and have repeatedly expanded the territory, deterring neighboring countries.

The neighboring countries, who had ideas of their own, became much more obedient upon learning that the elite troops of the capital were leaving the city. They dared not continue to make trouble at the border and instead settled down obediently.

From this, one can see the might of the capital's troops.

Indeed, the enemy is formidable. They only just arrived in the western region and have already crushed the most unruly group of rebels, killing and capturing countless enemies, achieving great success in battle.

If it were an ordinary rebellion, such a thunderous blow would have quelled any major waves, and the subsequent suppression would have been swift and decisive.

However, this peasant uprising is being manipulated by a hidden hand. It not only includes many martial arts experts but also many talented strategists.

When one rebel army was suppressed by the elite troops of the capital, they quickly regrouped and united, occupying advantageous terrain and engaging in a defensive battle against the elite troops.

The troops from the capital have come a long way. As long as they withstand the initial onslaught, it will be time for them to counterattack.

Truly, having a hidden mastermind, even with the elite troops of the capital, they have not been able to achieve a decisive victory in a short time. They have only gained an advantage.

Faced with this situation, the court naturally pays more attention to it, to the extent that Lin Fan has been temporarily forgotten.

Lin Fan doesn't care about such matters.

Knowing that the White Lotus Sect is a sixth-rate power with formidable combat strength, he has no intention of standing out and becoming a target. Instead, he quietly accumulates his strength and watches the tigers fight from the sidelines.

Although there is chaos in the court, the Great Long army has not completely lost its fighting power, especially the elite troops of the capital, who are truly capable and filled with experts.

No matter how powerful the mysterious leader of the White Lotus Sect is, it won't be easy to swallow the mighty army of the capital.

The same goes for the troops from the capital.

When the two sides fight, even if a winner is eventually determined, the victorious side will have to pay a great price.

Lin Fan just needs to wait for the opportunity. Regardless of who wins in the end, he will be able to sit back and relax.

"Erhu, bring the fishing gear and let's go fishing in the small river behind the mountain."

Seeing that the weather is unusually good, Lin Fan plans to go fishing and relax.


Su Erhu naturally has no objections. Without saying a word, he goes to prepare.

After spending nearly a month absorbing the Tianyuan Pill, the supreme elixir, he finally achieved his wish and successfully advanced from the acquired stage to the innate stage, reaching the level of an unparalleled expert.

At this level, looking at the entire Great Long world, there are not many generals he cannot defeat.

It is also because of this that he has been eagerly anticipating the arrival of the imperial army.

Unfortunately, this wish has not been fulfilled.

The fishing guy quickly arrived, and the two of them came to the riverbank behind the manor.

The winter snow had already melted, and the small river had long been unsealed. Today was a sunny day, a good day for fishing.

Lin Fan performed a ceremonial first cast, hanging a wriggling earthworm on the hook, and threw it to the familiar backwater bay. He sat on a protruding rock, waiting for the fish to bite.

Whether it was the ceremonial first cast that worked or the fish in the small river were hungry after a winter, as soon as the hook was cast into the water, a fish immediately bit.

"Wow, what a catch today!"

Lin Fan looked at the situation and immediately became happy.

When the fishing float was pulled down,

he lifted the fishing rod, and a carp weighing about two or three catties was pulled out of the river. The shallow red scales were very beautiful under the sunlight.

Pulling up a big carp as the first catch of the year, Lin Fan's mood became even happier.

"Fan bro, you're awesome!"

Su Erhu raised his thumb and started flattering.

But Lin Fan was truly speechless and had a black line on his forehead. He said again, "Erhu, your flattery skills are pretty good, but let's not do it in the future. Let's be a little more low-key."

Su Erhu grinned and said, "Fan bro, I also want to be low-key, but you're too outstanding. We can't be low-key!"

"You silly tiger."

Lin Fan shook his head and laughed.

Su Erhu didn't care about these words. He quickly put the fish back into the water. This was made by Lin Fan himself, woven with special silk thread, very solid and large enough to hold many fish.

However, with the smooth first catch of the year, Lin Fan was confident that he would have a great catch today.

But before he could catch a few more, an unexpected guest slowly approached from upstream of the small river.

This unexpected guest was dressed in white and wore a cloak of a martial arts hero, making it difficult to see their specific appearance.

Although their footsteps seemed slow, in the blink of an eye, they arrived not far from the two.

"Who are you?"

Su Erhu had already reached the peak and naturally recognized that this person was not ordinary. He shouted and took off his longbow.

The newcomer stopped.

But there was no intention to leave.

They first glanced at Su Erhu, then their gaze fell on Lin Fan.

"Are you Lin Fan?"

The newcomer asked, their voice carrying a special magnetism, making it impossible to determine their gender.


Lin Fan also glanced at the other person, then calmly nodded.

"That Lin Fan who resists the court?"

The newcomer showed no emotion and asked again.


Lin Fan also remained calm.

"Do you know what you have done?"

The newcomer continued to ask, but their voice became somewhat cold.

Lin Fan nodded honestly, "Of course I know what to do. I'm not a child."

The newcomer said, "Since you know, are you not afraid?"


Lin Fan laughed, "In my world, there is no fear, only right and wrong."

"Oh? So you're saying that this matter is not your fault?"

The newcomer's voice returned to calm.

Lin Fan didn't answer immediately, but looked the other person up and down before saying, "First, tell me who you are. I don't like talking to riddle-tellers."

The newcomer didn't play coy and instead reached into his pocket and threw a waist token towards Lin Fan.

This seemed like an ordinary action, but it actually contained a special hidden force. Even if it was an ordinary person, they would be seriously injured if they accidentally caught the waist token.


Su Erhu saw this scene and immediately became furious, preparing to shoot an arrow at the newcomer's buttocks.

But Lin Fan stopped him with a raised hand. He also raised his hand and caught the waist token that had been tampered with, as if it was just casually picking up something.

The whole action was casual, just like picking up something ordinary.

The newcomer's gaze froze, "Outsiders think that Lin Zhuangzhu is only strong in terms of guarding power, but they didn't expect that you are equally unfathomable."

"Hehe, you're not bad either."

Lin Fan chuckled and glanced at the waist token.

What caught his eye were the three characters "Commander" engraved on it. He was not unfamiliar with this identity waist token.

But the three characters engraved on the back made his calm gaze ripple.


The three characters engraved on the back of the waist token were "Commander".

Lin Fan was quite clear about the structure of the Zhenwu Division after taking over the Godcatcher Chasemaster.

Not to mention the four Godcatchers, this was the lineup of the Zhenwu Division, similar to the current popular singers or actors in entertainment companies.

In the martial arts world.

They were famous and made countless martial arts experts tremble with fear.

After all, they were not only top-notch experts themselves, but also had a considerable number of subordinates. If they were targeted, there were not many martial arts experts who could withstand it.

However, these Godcatchers who made martial arts experts tremble with fear were just extras in front of the Commander.

What really made the major forces in the martial arts world fear the Zhenwu Division was not these famous Godcatchers, but the mysterious and unfathomable Commander!

As one of the Four Greats, the Old Man of the Northern Legs, was always on high alert when mentioning the Commander.

Even wary.

From this, it could be seen that the Commander lived up to his reputation of being unfathomable.

Now Lin Fan witnessed it with his own eyes and also highly recognized this evaluation. The Zhenwu Division Commander in front of him was indeed extraordinary. He gave Lin Fan the feeling that he was not weaker than the Four Greats.

The court really couldn't dispatch a large army to suppress the problem in the west, but it didn't mean they ignored it. Instead, they handed the matter over to the Zhenwu Division.

Lin Fan was not a rebel, just a family force with martial strength. It was also appropriate to hand it over to the Zhenwu Division. The arrival of the other party was not surprising.

But so what?

No matter how unfathomable he was, Lin Fan could still expose him.

If the other party wanted to make a move.

Lin Fan didn't mind suppressing a Commander to establish his authority.

"You want to arrest me?"

Lin Fan put down the identity waist token and smiled as he looked at the other party.

The Zhenwu Division Commander replied, "That was indeed the plan at first, but after seeing you in person, I changed my mind."

"Why did you change your mind?"

Lin Fan became interested.

The Commander calmly replied, "It's simple, because I can't defeat you."


Lin Fan was stunned by his words.

It was rare for someone to say that they couldn't defeat someone so matter-of-factly.

It had to be said,

This Commander was talented.

"In that case, what do you plan to do?"

Since he thought the other party was talented, Lin Fan didn't rush to make a move.

The Commander replied, "I don't have a plan. Since I can't defeat you, let's just have a chat."

"What do you want to chat about?"

Lin Fan put aside his fishing rod. The other party's topic was indeed interesting.

"Let's talk about surrendering to the court."

The Commander didn't waste any words and directly stated what he wanted to talk about.

"Are you trying to recruit me?"

Lin Fan laughed again.


The Commander nodded slightly.

Lin Fan shook his head with a smile, "The topic you want to discuss is a bit funny. I think it's better to deal with the rebellion in the west first. If we can't handle it, it's already good enough if I don't rise up against it."

"Then there's nothing to talk about?"

The Commander's tone turned cold again.

"What? Are you going to make a move?"

Lin Fan laughed even more joyfully, his eyes filled with anticipation.

The Commander nodded, "Since this matter is not feasible, and I have a mission on hand, even if I'm not your match, I can only give it a try."

As he finished speaking.

The other party approached like a ghost.

But in response,

Lin Fan simply raised his hand and tapped the internal force in his body towards the other party.

Thanks to Hai Wang's 1666 reward once again, thank you very much for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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