Chapter 19: Eliminating Hidden Dangers

On the calm dirt road, only the sounds of birds and animals could be heard, and not a few people passed by in a day.

In a place like this,

If any other sound were to arise, it would be extremely abrupt.

And indeed, that was the case.

When the sound of horse hooves came, it could be heard clearly from afar, startling a flock of birds and animals.

On the horse's back was a young man dressed in sturdy clothing, his face cold, occasionally raising his whip to lash the horse, as if he were in a hurry.

However, when he passed through a dense stretch of mountain forest, he suddenly pulled the reins and stopped.

"Who's there?!"

The young man stared and shouted, looking at the figure that emerged from the mountain forest, blocking his path.

"So soon you don't recognize me?"

The figure blocking the road slowly raised his head, revealing a handsome face with a smile beneath his straw hat.

"It's you!"

The young man's eyes widened even more, mixed with a hint of fear.

"Do you want to kill me?"

These two people were Lin Fan and Wang Wei, and it was obvious what they were doing by blocking the road.

Lin Fan smiled and replied, "Otherwise, should I wait for you to find someone and come back to kill me?"

The fact that the other person was a core member of the Si River Gang was not a secret in the village. His younger brother, Wang Fa, often boasted about it. From the elderly in their seventies and eighties to children as young as seven or eight, everyone was well aware of this.

Lin Fan was not a fool, so naturally he knew about this.

And knowing the other person's identity, it was not difficult to guess that he had suffered a big loss and would take certain actions.

And knowing what the other person would do, Lin Fan naturally wouldn't just sit and wait.

Eliminate the threat.

This was the correct way to handle it, rather than waiting for the other person to come knocking and something uncontrollable happening.

"Hmph! I am a core disciple of the Si River Gang, do you dare to kill me?"

Wang Wei coldly threatened, revealing his identity.

"It's precisely because you are a core disciple of the Si River Gang that I want to kill you."

Lin Fan's expression remained unchanged. "Enough with the nonsense. If this is your last words, then let everything end here!"

As soon as he finished speaking,

Lin Fan charged forward, his terrifying strength giving him an unparalleled burst of power, like a bullet being fired.

Without any reaction, the horse Wang Wei was riding was punched in the head.


With a scream, the horse collapsed with a loud thud, instantly killed.

"Damn it!"

Wang Wei didn't expect Lin Fan to be so decisive, attacking as soon as he said so, to the point where he couldn't react in time.

Fortunately, he was also a skilled martial artist, and with a roll, he managed to avoid any serious injuries.

But the wound on his left arm, which had just stabilized, began to throb with intense pain.

"Damn it!"

This made him unable to stop cursing, his resentment towards Lin Fan unable to be washed away even by a river.

But before he could make any moves, Lin Fan's attack came again.

Without any fancy moves, he simply stomped in mid-air. With Lin Fan's terrifying strength, if this stomp landed, Wang Wei would be skinned alive even if he didn't die.

Under the threat of death, Wang Wei could only shut his mouth and roll on the ground to avoid it.

"Have the guts to let me get up first!"

Wang Wei shouted loudly as he rolled.

"Hmph, I'm only beating a drowning dog like you, what's there to be proud of?"

Lin Fan didn't have any intention of showing mercy, the result was what mattered most.

After all, he was a young man.

Do young people need to show mercy?

"You bastard!"

Wang Wei was beaten so badly that he could only roll on the ground in a miserable state. His appearance was extremely pitiful, completely different from his usual arrogant and domineering demeanor.

Lin Fan didn't waste any more words and used his strongest power to unleash a fierce attack on the opponent, not leaving any room for reserve to avoid any unexpected accidents that may occur during the night.

Wang Wei was never a match for Lin Fan, and with his left arm injured and losing the advantage, he struggled desperately but eventually couldn't continue.

First, he took a horizontal kick from Lin Fan, breaking an unknown number of his ribs, causing his waist to feel as if it had been blown open by a detonator.

Then his chest was brutally trampled on, accompanied by a cracking sound.


Wang Wei spewed out a mouthful of blood, his resistance growing weaker and weaker, and the light in his eyes dimming at a visible speed.

"Si River Gang, I won't let you off the hook. Soon, you will accompany me in death."

Wang Wei knew that he was doomed and felt regret in his heart, but more than that, he felt hatred.

"I'll be waiting."

Lin Fan's gaze was calm as he stepped on the opponent's neck and exerted force.


With a crisp sound, this one-sided battle came to an end.

In order to not be constantly threatened in the future, Lin Fan had to be ruthless, even if his heart didn't want to be. He had the strength to fight, and if he couldn't win, he could always run away. But what about his wives?

So no matter what state of mind he was in, Wang Wei, this big threat, had to die!

However, as he dealt with the opponent's body and erased the traces at the scene, Lin Fan's hands couldn't stop trembling.

After all,

This was his first time killing someone.

Killing someone may sound very simple, but only the person involved knows the truth when it comes to actually doing it.

Some murderers, when caught, have abnormal nerves to some extent.

Lin Fan was not as exaggerated as a vigorous and lively dragon, but he couldn't calm down completely either.

But when he thought about his wives at home no longer being threatened, he became resolute again.

Even if it happened again, he would not hesitate to eliminate Wang Wei, this big threat!

At home,

Ye Xiaorou and the other two wives were waiting for their husband at the door.

Although Lin Fan pretended to be relaxed when he left, women's sensitive sixth sense made them aware of something.

But they didn't want to cause trouble for their husband, so they pretended not to know.

However, as time passed, they couldn't help but worry, even feeling lost.


Su Xiaoxiao and Wang Nannan looked at Ye Xiaorou, the eldest sister, and were on the verge of tears.

"Don't worry, our husband is capable and nothing will happen. Besides, he just went out to do something, so there's no need to worry."

Facing the worries of her younger sisters, Ye Xiaorou could only pretend to be calm and smile.

She was the most intelligent one and had already vaguely understood what her husband went out to do.

But at this moment, she couldn't act recklessly and had to pretend not to know about it.

She emphasized that Lin Fan just went out to do something, not wanting the two women to think too much. The fewer people who knew about it, the better.


Upon hearing this, the two women calmed down considerably and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaoxiao, go and cook. Our husband will definitely be hungry when he finishes his business and comes back. Nannan and I will continue making clothes for our husband, trying to finish them today."

Ye Xiaorou took on the responsibility of the eldest sister and began to arrange things at home.


The two women obediently nodded and started doing their respective tasks.

Lin Fan didn't return home until evening. When he saw this heartwarming scene, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Everything was worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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