Chapter 21: Being Sought After

Si River Gang.

It is well-known in Tianfeng County, overseeing many gray industries. When ordinary people hear its name, they all keep their distance.

Its leader, Tie Chengfei, is a second-rate expert in the martial world.

His iron legs are incredibly powerful, allowing him to traverse the water's surface for a short period of time. He is known as "Iron Leg Water Drifter" in the martial world.

When he first established the gang in Tianfeng County, many martial heroes flocked to join.

However, as the years went by, they grew older and rarely took care of matters, entering a semi-retired state.

Currently, most of the gang's affairs are managed by the deputy leader.

And this deputy leader.

Is Wang Wei's backer within the gang.

The search for Wang Wei, who went missing, was led by him.

Two investigators hurried back to the gang's headquarters and reported to the deputy leader.

"To be able to defeat Wang Wei with a single punch, he does have some strength. However, daring to provoke our Si River Gang, this level of strength is far from enough. Liu, personally lead a group of people to bring him to our leader! Our leader wants to interrogate him personally to determine if he is the one behind this!"

The deputy leader is not tall, but his arms are extremely muscular, indicating his formidable martial arts skills. He also exudes an imposing aura.

After listening to the investigators' report, he instructed a middle-aged man beside him.

This man is the gang's protector, a third-rate peak expert. Wang Wei, an ordinary third-rate expert like him, wouldn't even be enough to fight against ten of them.


Liu, the protector, responded respectfully.

Not long after, the protector led a group of gang members and quickly left the gang's headquarters.

On the other side.

Lin Fan is unaware of the situation with Si River Gang.

In terms of martial world affairs, he is still inexperienced and did not anticipate that martial sects do not require evidence when taking action.

As long as they suspect you, they will deal with you directly, preferring to kill the wrong person than let the guilty go free.

As for silencing witnesses.

Preventing Si River Gang from obtaining information.

That is unrealistic.

After all, even if they killed Wang Wei's entire family, the villagers would still know about his conflict with Wang Wei. Killing them all would only increase suspicion. They couldn't possibly kill all the villagers, right?

So, no matter what Lin Fan does, Si River Gang will come looking for trouble.

If he doesn't kill Wang Wei,

Wang Wei will bring trouble to him, and if he beats up the younger ones, the older ones will come.

If he kills Wang Wei,

After Si River Gang investigates, they will still come looking for trouble.

This is the martial world.

However, Lin Fan is not experienced enough and did not consider this. After finishing his meal, he leisurely left with Wang Erxiao, the cowherd, to go fishing in the river.

There is no industrial pollution in this world, so there are still plenty of fish in the river.

"Brother Fan, I've dug up the earthworms."

Wang Erxiao busied himself, completely deferential to Lin Fan.

Having an obedient person to boss around is not bad, and Lin Fan did not refuse his company.

"Alright, let's go."

Lin Fan nodded and walked towards the small river at the edge of the village with the bamboo fishing rod he had prepared.

The three wives stayed at home to take care of things.

Lin Fan bought a lot of cloth, and they have been busy making clothes these past few days.

These tasks may be tedious, but they find joy in them.

However, as soon as they closed the courtyard door and were about to take out their tools to start making clothes, the door was lightly knocked.

"Could it be that my husband doesn't want to go fishing and has come back?"

Wang Nannan was puzzled and put down what she was holding to open the door.

But it wasn't Lin Fan outside, but a group of strangers.

Led by an old man, there was a young and beautiful woman standing beside him, and two servants dressed as men and women followed behind them.

If Lin Fan were here, he would immediately recognize one of the servants as the second shopkeeper he dealt with when selling the longsword at the Divine Weapon Pavilion.

However, the previous boss, who was full of aura, now dressed like a servant, followed behind the first two, responsible for carrying bags and objects, and leading the way.

The fact that the Divine Weapon Pavilion's second-in-command treated them this way indicated their identity.

"Who are you looking for?"

Wang Nannan didn't know any of this, so she asked when she saw strangers.

"Is this Lin Fan's house?"

The leading old man asked politely.

Wang Nannan became alert and replied after a while, "Yes, do you have business with him?"

The fact that they could find their way here meant that they had already asked other people in the village. Even if she lied and denied it, it wouldn't make a difference. It was better to admit it openly and ask what they wanted.

"Yes, we have something to discuss with him."

The old man smiled and nodded, then explained proactively as if he could sense Wang Nannan's concerns, "Don't worry, we mean no harm. We just want to ask him something."

Hearing the commotion at the door, Ye Xiaorou and the other woman put down their things and came to the door.

"Can you tell us what it's about? My husband is not at home right now."

Compared to Wang Nannan, Ye Xiaorou was more cautious. She could tell at a glance that the people in front of her were not ordinary.

It's good that they mean no harm.

If they had ill intentions, it would be troublesome.

"Don't worry, we really mean no harm. I even had a transaction with Young Master Lin before."

The second-in-command stepped forward and replied.

They really had no ill intentions in coming here. They just wanted to find Lin Fan and ask about the master who possessed the lost forging technique.

The reason they came so late was because they had just obtained information about Lin Fan.

"You had a transaction with my husband?"

Ye Xiaorou didn't relax her guard. Instead, she carefully observed the other party.


The second-in-command tried to make his smile more friendly and nodded, "It was a few days ago. Young Master Lin sold us a long sword. We came here this time to ask him something."

"Are you from the Divine Weapon Pavilion?"

Ye Xiaorou had heard Lin Fan mention the sale of the long sword, so when the other party mentioned it, she immediately made a guess.

She was also familiar with the Divine Weapon Pavilion, a well-known business in Great Long with a very good reputation for honest operation.

The other party was from the Divine Weapon Pavilion.

That meant there was not much chance of them being bad people.


The second-in-command smiled and since the other party had guessed their identity, the conversation became easier.

This indeed dispelled some of Ye Xiaorou's concerns. She didn't ask any more questions, but instead told Su Xiaoxiao to inform Lin Fan about the matter and invited the other party into the courtyard.

Since they were polite guests who came to visit, and they even brought gifts, it wouldn't be good to leave them outside.

Moreover, the other party had female companions, so there was no need to worry about gossip if they were invited into the house.

"Please have a seat for now. My husband should be back soon."

Ye Xiaorou arranged for them to sit down and went to the kitchen to prepare some tea for them.

Guests should be treated as they wish.

The people from the Divine Weapon Pavilion didn't say anything and casually looked around the courtyard.

Wang Nannan was a bit shy and didn't entertain them. Instead, she sat in the courtyard and continued to chop the firewood she had collected.

Winter was coming, so they needed to prepare more firewood.

This action initially didn't attract much attention.

But when the people from the Divine Weapon Pavilion saw the hard firewood being easily split apart by Wang Nannan's axe, they were immediately captivated by it.

"Miss, can you lend me your axe to take a look?"

The leading old man, as if he had discovered something, stood up excitedly and asked.


Wang Nannan was stunned by his words. She didn't expect him to suddenly say that.

But it was just to take a look, and she wasn't that petty, so she nodded and handed her axe to him.

The old man solemnly took it and gently touched and tapped the axe with his hand, as if he was inspecting something, completely absorbed in it.

Finally, as if he had confirmed something, he muttered excitedly, "This is indeed the Thousand Forging Technique, the legendary technique that only divine craftsmen can master!"

(End of this chapter)

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