Chapter 25: Familiar Faces

By a small river.

Lin Fan was fishing.

It must be said that the natural resources in this world are really great.

No need for fancy fishing gear or heavy investment.

Just a bamboo pole and a worm, and you can easily catch fish.

Air force?

Fishermen never go empty-handed!

Wang Erxiao was herding cows by the river, and he also helped with unhooking the fish and threading the worm.

The two of them cooperated quite well.

But just as Lin Fan was preparing to redouble his efforts, his second daughter-in-law, Su Xiaoxiao, came running towards him with a wave of commotion.

"Husband... husband, there's a group of people at home looking for you."

Su Xiaoxiao was a little out of breath from running too fast.

"A group of people looking for me?"

Lin Fan furrowed his brows slightly upon hearing this. In this world, besides his wives and the people in the village, he didn't know many others.

Even those he knew were just acquaintances.

There was no reason for someone he barely knew to come looking for him.

"Do you know who they are?"

Lin Fan started to pack up his fishing gear while asking his second daughter-in-law.

"It seems... it seems to be from the Divine Weapon Pavilion. That's what they said."

Su Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and replied.

"The Divine Weapon Pavilion?"

Lin Fan's gaze flickered slightly, and he roughly understood.

"Let's go back and talk about it."

After learning the general situation, Lin Fan packed up his things and headed back.

Wang Erxiao still had cows to tend to, so he didn't follow. Instead, he was responsible for cleaning the fish they caught.

The small river was not far from home.

In no time, Lin Fan returned home.


When the two wives at home saw Lin Fan, they finally found their backbone.

Although they had been resolved by the people who came looking for them, they were still somewhat frightened. They were also more guarded against the old man and the others.

But when they saw Lin Fan, their hearts were at ease.

Although they hadn't been together for long, Lin Fan, as their husband, had never let them down and had gained their deep trust.

"Well, I made you worry."

Lin Fan comforted his wives and then looked towards the visitors.

When he saw the familiar second shopkeeper, he was about to confirm their intentions.

But before he could speak, a surprised voice rang out.

"It's you?"

The one who spoke was the young woman known as the Miss. Her voice was crisp and pleasant, and she was staring blankly at Lin Fan, who had just returned.

"Who are you?"

Lin Fan was puzzled. He was sure he hadn't seen her before.

He was very sure about this.

Because since he came to this world, he had never seen anyone as stunning as her.

Not to mention how beautiful she was.

It was the unique temperament she exuded, like a continuous sword intent, which made people yearn for it but also afraid of being hurt.

Not to mention, her appearance was also outstanding. Among his three wives, only the eldest wife, who had the highest appearance, could compare to her. The other two wives were slightly inferior.

Such an extraordinary woman.

If Lin Fan had seen her before, he wouldn't have forgotten.

Seeing Lin Fan's puzzled expression, the woman also froze for a moment. But soon, she reacted and coughed lightly before speaking again, "Brother Lin, have you forgotten me so soon?"

"You are Jian Shisi?!"

When he heard the familiar voice, Lin Fan's eyes widened.

The voice belonged to none other than Jian Shisi, the young hero he had saved when he went up the mountain to fight the tiger!

Despite the strange name, even after several days had passed, he still had a deep impression of him.

He didn't expect this.

Seeing the other person again, there was a drastic change!

Not only did she become a woman, but also an unimaginable beauty.

This is unbelievable!

"It seems that Brother Lin still remembers me."

Jian Shisi smiled, as if Lin Fan recognized her immediately, which made her very happy.

"I do remember, but your transformation is quite drastic!"

Lin Fan couldn't help but sigh.

This change is more than just drastic. Apart from a faint resemblance in the facial features, everything else, from skin tone to figure, is completely different.

The previous Junzi Jian had fair skin, but it was somewhat rough.

But now, the other person's skin is as white as jade, smooth and delicate.

And the figure.

The towering and exaggerated pectoral muscles are completely different.

This change...

It's hard to recognize.

"Brother Lin, please don't mind. When traveling outside, disguising oneself is just a small trick to better navigate the martial world," Jian Shisi said apologetically.

"I understand," Lin Fan nodded in understanding. If the other person were to travel the martial world with her current appearance, it would indeed be inconvenient.

Not only would the Fierce Tiger Sect target her, but also some lecherous individuals in the martial world would not let her go.

"Jian Shisi, is that not your real name?" Lin Fan asked another question, considering their unexpected encounter as fate.

"Indeed, it is not," Jian Shisi nodded. "My real name is Jian Ling, but Jian Shisi is a name I chose voluntarily."

Lin Fan didn't quite understand her intention, but he didn't say anything more.

Having unexpectedly met again, they exchanged pleasantries and then returned to the main topic.

"Do you have any business with me?" Lin Fan asked casually since they were acquaintances.

The old man had a pleased expression on his face.

He didn't expect his young miss to know the other person.

With this, the conversation would go smoothly.

Originally, he planned to wait for Lin Fan to return and personally discuss it.

But now it was unnecessary.

Since his young miss knew the other person, she could handle it herself.

Jian Shisi, or rather Jian Ling, didn't refuse either. She took over the topic and said, "Brother Lin, let me introduce myself first. I am the Vice Master of the Divine Sword Villa, and the Divine Weapon Pavilion is our family's industry."

Her words were concise, but the information contained within was shocking.

"I didn't expect Miss Jian Ling to be such a wealthy woman!" Lin Fan was truly shocked.

He was not familiar with the Divine Sword Villa, but he was very familiar with the Divine Weapon Pavilion.

In the Great Long Dynasty, it was undoubtedly a huge money-making machine.

And such an existence.

Turned out to be the other person's family business, and it seemed to be just one of them.

How wealthy must they be?

Calling her a wealthy woman is not an exaggeration at all.

Jian Ling blushed slightly at his words. The term "wealthy woman" sounded a bit vulgar to her.

But she wasn't angry. Instead, she smiled and said, "Well, I am indeed wealthy, but I am still young. I can't be called an old woman, can I? You're making me sound old."


Lin Fan laughed heartily. Although the other person had changed her appearance, her temperament was still the same.

"Let's go inside and sit. It's not proper to discuss matters in the courtyard," Lin Fan said with a smile, inviting her into the house. This was truly treating her as a guest.

The old elder and the second shopkeeper couldn't help but reveal a pleased expression.

This was the friendship of a divine craftsman.

Although it was different from what they had expected, it didn't matter. The result was what mattered.

(End of this chapter)

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