The Government Assigns A Daughter-In-Law, Which Needs To Be Chosen?

Chapter 27 Master Craftsman, Turn Decay Into Magic!

Chapter 27: Divine Craftsman, Transforming Decay into Wonders!

A house is given with a single move.

And it's even a large estate.

This is the true mark of a wealthy woman, completely beyond ordinary imagination.

"This is too precious."

Lin Fan said it would be fake if he wasn't tempted. After all, this is a large estate!

But there is no reward without merit.

He never thought about asking for repayment after saving the other party from danger before.

Now, receiving such a generous gift from the other party goes against his true intentions.


With the System's Goldfinger, he will never lack these things in the future.

"What is this?"

Jian Ling saw Lin Fan hesitate and shook her head. "Compared to Brother Lin's life-saving grace, this is nothing. Does Brother Lin think that Jian Ling's life is not worth an estate?"


Lin Fan looked at the other party's sincere expression and couldn't refuse the deed that was pushed back. Instead, he nodded. "I can accept your estate, but it's not a repayment for saving my life. After all, when I took action earlier, it was just a casual act. I never thought about any repayment. Let's consider this gift as a token of friendship."

As he spoke, he looked at the other party's longsword. "The material of your personal longsword is good, but the forging technique is a bit rough. I will help you refine and recast it as a return gift."

"Then I thank Brother Lin."

Jian Ling's eyes brightened at the words. The assistance of a divine craftsman was absolutely priceless.

After all, refining was on a different level compared to casually forging with scrap iron. It required a considerable amount of effort and couldn't be done haphazardly.

Moreover, the longsword she wore was made of extraterrestrial meteorite iron, a rare masterpiece.

When it was forged, she didn't know how much it cost.

If the divine craftsman put in more effort to refine and recast it, even if it couldn't compare to a divine weapon, it wouldn't be far off.

She wanted to refuse.

She gave the estate as a token of gratitude, and it was just a small prelude of gratitude.

But Lin Fan gave too much!

As a sword cultivator, there was nothing more tempting to her than this.

The old man beside her was also excited.

Now he was certain that his young miss had gained the friendship of the divine craftsman.

And it wasn't just a little bit of friendship.

Although he found it strange to hear about life-saving grace and such, it didn't matter.

Having a good relationship between the two of them was enough.

As for the rest,

When they had free time later, they could casually inquire.

As long as they maintained this relationship, their Divine Sword Villa would definitely gain an advantage.

They could slowly accumulate and eventually, they would be able to invite Lin Fan to help forge a true divine weapon!

"Brother Lin, this is my Qingfeng Sword. I'll trouble you with it."

Jian Ling handed over the sword with both hands.

Lin Fan smiled and took it. "No need to be so polite. It's just a matter of using my hands."

Although the forging technique of Jian Ling's Qingfeng Sword was rough, it already had a foundation. As long as he used the Max Level forging technique to refine it, it could be upgraded and fully utilize the potential of the extraterrestrial meteorite iron.

Actually, when he saw that the other party's longsword was made of extraterrestrial meteorite iron, he felt a bit itchy. After all, a Max Level blacksmith also yearned for good materials to forge and fully display their skills.

Unfortunately, good iron was hard to come by.

Now, helping the other party refine it was also satisfying his little hobby.

"It might take some time. You can rest inside for now."

Lin Fan took the longsword and went to the blacksmith's room, speaking to the others.

"How can we let Brother Lin work alone? Jian Ling, help him light the furnace. It can also be considered as contributing."

Jian Ling shook her head and offered to help. She wasn't a delicate woman, but more inclined to be a female swordsman.

The other three had no objections to this.

Not only did they want to contribute, but during the refining process, the user's cooperation was also required. They needed to describe their usage habits and try whether it was suitable during the process.

To forge a weapon that completely matched oneself was not that simple.

It couldn't be done by just casually saying a few words.

Various habits.

And one's own strength and physique would also affect the compatibility between oneself and the weapon.

Only a divine craftsman had the ability to achieve this through their extraordinary skills.

But it also requires the cooperation of the holder.

Lin Fan originally waited until he needed cooperation before calling the other party out, after all, the other party was a guest.

But since the other party did not delay, he naturally would not be pretentious.

"Then you can help me light the fire, sir."

Lin Fan nodded and agreed.

At first, he thought that this young lady might not know how to light a fire and would make a fool of herself.

But he didn't expect that not only could the other party light a fire, but she was also very skilled.

In the blink of an eye.

The other party had already lit the fire.

"Brother Lin, how much coal should I add?"

Jian Ling looked up and asked.

"Fill it up."


With a question and an answer.

The prelude to the stove was set.

Looking at the skilled young lady in front of him, Lin Fan also felt emotional.

The other party was really different from an ordinary young lady.

Not only was she cheerful, but she also had various life skills. No wonder she dared to venture out into the world.

"What's wrong, did I get my face dirty?"

Jian Ling saw Lin Fan looking at her and immediately wiped her fair and jade-like cheek with the back of her hand, thinking that she might have gotten something dirty on her face when she lit the fire just now.

"No, your face is clean, fair and rosy."

Lin Fan joked with a smile.

It was just a joke.

But Jian Ling's face blushed slightly.

But soon returned to normal, and Lin Fan thought he had seen it wrong.

Seeing that Jian Ling didn't say anything else and continued to lower her head to check the fire in the windbox, Lin Fan didn't say much either. Instead, he took out his own food, the newly forged large iron hammer.

Compared to the rusty old hammer passed down by his father, the large iron hammer that Lin Fan had re-forged took a lot of effort. It was forged using the Thousand Forging Method.

Not only did its weight increase dramatically, but it also had a stable effect, making the hammer strikes more stable and accurate.

No warm-up was needed.

With the Divine Grade forging technique, as soon as he picked up the forging hammer, he entered a state of concentration.

After carefully examining Jian Ling's long sword, Lin Fan began his work.

The refining process.

It didn't take much time.

But it required mental focus. Based on the original foundation, he refined the weapon, repaired any flaws, and made necessary adjustments.

If refining was already difficult, then re-forging the Qingfeng Sword to perfectly match Jian Ling's own conditions was even more challenging.

But Lin Fan was not just a Divine Grade blacksmith, he was Max Level, which meant he had reached the maximum level in this attribute.

Anyone who has played online games knows that this value is not a specific level, but rather that the attribute is completely maxed out.

In the current version, this attribute cannot be further improved.

A novice divine craftsman is definitely different from a Max Level divine craftsman.


After asking Jian Ling about her usage habits, Lin Fan struck the first hammer heavily.

The Thousand Forging Method.

Also known as the Thousand Hammer Refinement.

It doesn't mean striking a thousand times, but when he strikes once, it resonates a thousand times, making the forging target more compact and forcing out any impurities.

Why is it difficult to become a divine craftsman?

Because one strike must resonate a thousand times, which is as difficult as reaching the heavens!

Even if one can achieve a hundred forges, which means one strike resonates a hundred times, they would already be considered a rare genius.

Jian Ling on the side didn't understand all this, but she could see that every time Lin Fan struck the hammer, it seemed to contain a certain power. The normally harsh sound of forging became like music, bringing joy to the heart.

This was the ability to turn decay into magic!

This was a divine craftsman.

A god among blacksmiths.

Jian Ling had never seen such a skillful technique before, and she couldn't help but be fascinated, watching with a dazed expression.

(End of this chapter)

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