The Government Assigns A Daughter-In-Law, Which Needs To Be Chosen?

Chapter 39 Enemies Are Against Each Other, This Matter Is Endless!

Chapter 39: Arch-nemesis, this matter is not over!

Dao Miaomiao glared with anger, as if she was about to pounce and bite someone at any moment.

In response, Lin Fan smiled and said, "What? Does your Tyrannical Saber Villa still play the coercion game?"

"You're talking nonsense!" Dao Miaomiao was clearly angry, her words filled with fragrance.

"What do you mean then?" Lin Fan sneered at the other party, feeling threatened. They were saying they weren't forcing anyone? Just because they raised their voice a bit, did they think they were Divine Sword Villa?

Dao Miaomiao's face showed displeasure, taking the opportunity to step on Divine Sword Villa.


They never missed an opportunity to belittle their opponents.

And they say there's no enmity between the two sides?

Lin Fan didn't continue this topic, but continued, "Since your Tyrannical Saber Villa doesn't force people, then please leave. I currently have no intention of changing my cooperation partner."

Rejected again.

Dao Miaomiao's chest heaved with anger, and the pressure increased on her red dress.

Lin Fan was a little worried that the dress might burst.

Forget about Tyrannical Saber Villa for now, they certainly knew how to take care of their people.

"Master, won't you reconsider?" At this moment, the old man who had been following silently suddenly spoke up.

Compared to Dao Miaomiao's clamor, this guy was much more polite in his speech, always saying "you" instead of "you this guy".

But in the instant he spoke, Lin Fan sensed a familiar aura from him, the same as the old man with the sword before.

In other words,

This was another peerless master, just like the old man with the sword!

Lin Fan's gaze slightly narrowed, but he still shook his head and said, "I currently don't have that intention. After all, I have already made an agreement with Divine Sword Villa. I can't easily break my word. But if I ever have that intention in the future, I will definitely consider Tyrannical Saber Villa first."

The old man fell silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "Since that's the case, we won't force you. This is my identity token. When you've made up your mind, you can take this token to any branch of the Blade Overlord Pavilion and they will bring you to find me."

"Alright." Lin Fan reached out and took the identity token.

The token was not big, with no fancy decorations, only a majestic "blade" character.

Without a doubt, the other party was a figure just like the old man with the sword.

Dao Miaomiao was still a little unwilling, but since the old man had made a decision, she could only leave.

But as soon as they left the gate,

They ran into Jian Ling, who had come to visit as well.

Jian Ling was in a good mood. She had gained the friendship of the Divine Craftsman and even obtained a semi-divine weapon. The entire Divine Sword Villa wanted to worship her, and there were even radical members who wanted the current Villa Master to step down and let her take over.

Poor father, he still wanted to scold his daughter for being willful, but he was overwhelmed by the elders in the villa.

His position was almost not guaranteed!

Now, without the old man with the sword having to intervene, the other party didn't dare to force a marriage anymore.

Because of this, Jian Ling was in a good mood. She briefly explained the situation to the old man and came to find Lin Fan, the benefactor who supported her good days.

Having moved to a new home, it was only natural to pay a visit and strengthen their relationship.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she arrived at the door of Lin Fan's new home, she would run into her arch-nemesis.

"Dao Miaomiao?!"

"Jian Ling?!"

The two only exchanged a glance, and sparks began to fly in their eyes.

The old man who came with Jian Ling and the old man from Tyrannical Saber Villa also locked eyes. Although they appeared calm on the surface, an invisible pressure floated between the two.


A soaring sword and an overwhelmingly dominant long saber could be seen clashing.

"Old man, you're still alive?" The old man with the sword sneered and spoke.

The old man on the other side also sneered, "If you're not dead, how could I possibly leave first?"

"Shall we practice another day?"

The old man with the sword glanced at the long knife behind the other person and made a suggestion.

"Anytime, I'm ready!"

The old man on the other side also glanced at the long sword behind the sword-wielding old man and readily agreed.

The two old men faced each other.

However, they had to be relatively discreet, as both were renowned figures in the martial world.

But the two younger ones below didn't have as many restrictions; they would confront each other directly if they were unhappy.

"Why are you here? Why don't you stay at home and play with your big knife?"

Jian Ling wielded his spear and staff, showing a different demeanor from his usual boldness.

"Hehe, why do you need to manage where I go? Haven't you heard that your father wants to force you to marry and have children? Instead of preparing to have children at home, why did you come here?"

Dao Miaomiao didn't back down either, hitting the nail on the head.

Being forced into marriage had always been a sore spot for Jian Ling.

In fact, in a fit of anger, she had even run away from home with her maid.

Now, being directly mocked by the other party about it, she couldn't help but feel unstable.

But as a female swordsman who often trained alone, she wasn't so easily shaken.

Taking a deep breath to steady her emotions, she smiled and said, "At least this proves that someone wants me. Unlike certain people who have a hot temper and would love to knock men's heads off. Even if they want to get married, no one dares to marry them. They can only rely on paying a high penalty to the family to avoid the fate of being sent to a brothel."

"Who can't get married?!"

Dao Miaomiao jumped up like she had been stepped on the tail, her beautiful eyes round and glaring.

"Whoever responds, I'll talk about them."

Jian Ling smiled casually and easily grasped the situation.

With Dao Miaomiao's looks and status, she had countless suitors.

But since a few passionate pursuers had been cut off by her fiery temper, no one dared to try again.

Chasing after other women might cost money at most.

But chasing after Dao Miaomiao would cost more than just money; it would cost one's life. Who could afford that?

Because of this, those eligible suitors didn't dare to take the risk.

There was simply no need!

As a result,

Now, even if she wanted to get married, no one dared to marry her.

If it weren't for the fact that Tyrannical Saber Villa was wealthy and could afford the penalty for violating government regulations, she would have been forcibly assigned like an ordinary woman from an ordinary family.

If she couldn't be assigned then, she would have no choice but to enter a brothel.

Great Long Martial Emperor established these regulations in order to rapidly increase the population and increase fiscal revenue, in order to satisfy his ambition of continuous external warfare and territorial expansion.

Under this core principle,

The wealthy could naturally avoid punishment.

But this money was not something an ordinary family could afford, and the longer it was delayed, the more they would have to pay. It was the same as a head tax; ordinary people simply couldn't afford it.

As the young master of Tyrannical Saber Villa, she didn't have to worry about not being able to pay.

But now that it was being brought up in public, it was like being insulted and having one's shortcomings exposed. It would be strange not to be angry.

"This young lady is as beautiful as a flower, how could no one want her?"

Dao Miaomiao gritted her teeth, and her fitted long dress once again bore the pressure that it could hardly bear.


Jian Ling just responded with a chuckle, which was the best answer.

"Just you wait, this matter isn't over. This young lady won't stop until she steals you away from her!"

Dao Miaomiao was furious. She knew she would be at a disadvantage if she continued to argue, so she decided not to argue anymore. But in her heart, she was determined that this matter would not end like this.

Originally, after Lin Fan clearly rejected her, she had no intention of pursuing him further.

After all, she was very clear about the temperament of a divine craftsman, as someone who belonged to one of the Four Supreme Powers.

But now, things were different.

She swore that she would definitely win over Lin Fan, so that Jian Ling would know the consequences of provoking her!

(End of this chapter)

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