Chapter 4: My Husband is Really Good

A pot of stewed chicken soup.

A large bowl of yellowish corn rice.

But it made the three wives burst into tears.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

Lin Fan was busy preparing the meal, but he saw his wives suddenly burst into tears.

Did they feel wronged?

Or did they miss home?

"No, we are just so moved. Husband, you are so good to us."

The voices of the three wives were choked with emotion.

They thought that with their own conditions, even if someone chose them, it would be some rough man or even a widower, and their future would be bleak.

But now,

Not only was their husband gentle and refined, he was also very good to them.

Upon hearing this, Lin Fan laughed and said, "Oh, I thought it was something else. What's so touching about this? Since I am your husband, it is only natural for me to treat you well. Our home is simple, as long as you don't mind."

Marrying three wives.

Not only was there no grand ceremony, there was even a lack of decent food. On the entire table, there was only a large plate of stewed old mother chicken.

This thing,

In modern times, it would have been heavily criticized.

Even in the impoverished ancient times, it was considered shabby.

After all,

This was a marriage!

"We don't mind, we don't mind."

The three wives shook their heads repeatedly. "Husband, you don't mind our humble appearance, so how could we mind?"

"Haha! That's good, let's eat. I believe you must be hungry after traveling all the way here."

Lin Fan smiled and said.

Being sent to villages and towns as a bride was a physically demanding task. It was a lie to say that they weren't hungry.

Not to mention the countless times the three wives had been rejected, and they didn't know how many places they had been to.

"Yes, husband, you eat first."

The tallest of the three wives, Ye Xiaorou, shyly served Lin Fan some food.

"Yes, yes, you all eat too."

Lin Fan happily nodded and greeted the three wives.

It was so difficult to marry a wife in modern times.

But he had only been here for a few days and already brought home three wives.

And each one was beautiful and had a perfect figure.

After a meal.

Lin Fan gradually became more familiar with the three wives.

Among them, the tallest wife, named Ye Xiaorou, was gentle and considerate, with a faint noble lady temperament. She used to come from a good family, but unfortunately fell from grace.

She had also experienced some hardships.

Now she was the only one left.

The other two wives, one named Su Xiaoxiao, although not as tall and graceful as Ye Xiaorou, had a broad mind and was very tolerant.

The last one was named Wang Nannan. Compared to the characteristics of the first two, she was simpler, but with a delicate baby face that looked like she was only ten years old, and a petite and exquisite body that gave people a different experience.

Each of the three wives had their own strengths and unique qualities.

Such beautiful women.

Being able to marry one of them would be a great fortune in three lifetimes, but now he had married three at once.

Lin Fan once again marveled at how perfect this world was.

In the realm of transmigration,

He should be the happiest one.

They chatted while eating.

Originally, it was still noon.

But by the time the four of them finished eating and chatting, the sun was already setting.

When they finished tidying up the bowls and chopsticks, it was almost evening.

The night fell quickly in the mountain village.

After the sun set, the night quietly engulfed the mountain village.

Lin Fan's family was poor and didn't have any lighting equipment. The only candle for lighting was in Lin Fan's bedroom.

After the three wives finished cleaning themselves, Lin Fan led them into the bedroom.

When they saw that the entire bedroom only had one bed and not even a chair to sit on, their faces turned red with embarrassment.

Are they going to sleep together?

But isn't that too intimate?

Serving one husband together was not considered unusual in Great Long.

Many wealthy and influential people had more than one wife in their homes.

But to sleep together,

That made them feel shy.

However, before they could speak, Lin Fan took the initiative to apologize, saying, "Ladies, our family is poor and we only have this bed for now. I apologize for inconveniencing you."

Seeing Lin Fan's self-reproachful expression, the three women couldn't help but put aside their shyness and shook their heads in unison, saying, "No inconvenience at all. It is already our honor that you don't despise us."

This statement was not a lie.

If Lin Fan hadn't chosen them, they would have been taken to the brothel by now.

Compared to the experience of being in a brothel, where countless people would taste their cherry lips, or even worse, their current treatment was much better.

They didn't feel any grievances in their hearts now, only deep gratitude towards their husband.

They had even made up their minds.

If they couldn't afford the head tax and their husband was conscripted, they would commit suicide together to uphold their loyalty to him.

After all, they had married into his family, and there was only one person in his family, so they didn't have to worry about burdening others.

"Ladies, you are truly wonderful."

Lin Fan opened his arms and embraced the three women.

Holding three young women at once, smelling three different fragrances, this feeling could be described as extremely pleasant.

"Ladies, it's already late at night. Shall we go to the bridal chamber?"

Lin Fan looked at the three women and said.

The three women blushed and lowered their heads, but they didn't refuse and softly agreed.

Lin Fan, full of vigor, blew out the candles from a distance and carried each of the women to the bed.


Was destined to be a sleepless night.


A sleepless night.

Until the second day when the sun rose three poles high.

Lin Fan opened his eyes from the battlefield, oh no, the bed, and stretched lazily.

The beauties beside him were no longer there.

But the messy bed was neatly arranged.

"This is what life is like!"

Lin Fan felt refreshed.

The Dragon-Reviving Pill was truly worthy of being a divine pill rewarded by the system.

Compared to the many years wasted in the modern world, it was simply a waste of time.

This is what life is like!

"No matter what, I must maintain this current life."

Lin Fan lay on the bed, reminiscing and feeling emotional, and made a firm decision.

With determination,

He quickly got up from the bed and prepared to start his journey to wealth.

To maintain the current life, the head tax was an insurmountable obstacle. Only by solving this problem could he live a good life with his beautiful wives.

Of course,

To be even happier in the future,

This problem must also be solved.

With the skills rewarded by the system, this was not a big problem.

Outside the door,

Lin Fan saw his three wives, each of them busy with their tasks.

One was cooking in the kitchen.

One was washing clothes.

One was cultivating the land in the yard, wanting to cultivate a vegetable garden and grow some crops.

The three wives each had their own responsibilities, without any quarrels, living in harmony.

On their faces,

They all wore expressions of happiness.

No matter what the future holds, at least they are happy now.

And when Lin Fan saw this scene, his determination grew even stronger.

"Husband, you're awake?"

Ye Xiaorou was hanging clothes and happily greeted Lin Fan.

The other two women also smiled, and both sides had truly become husband and wife.

"Yes, I'm awake. You've all worked hard, ladies."

Lin Fan smiled and greeted them.

"Husband, please wait a moment. We'll be able to eat soon."

Su Xiaoxiao, who had a broad mind and sufficient food reserves, was in charge of the kitchen work at home.


Lin Fan nodded again and walked to the blacksmith's forge in the corner of the yard.

There were smelting tools and some semi-finished iron farming tools, as well as some charcoal.

Overall, it was a bit crude.

But with Lin Fan's Max Level blacksmithing skill, these were not a big problem.

He picked up some tinder and ignited the forge.

(End of this chapter)

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