Chapter 44: A Man's Sensitive Spot

A decision was made in his heart.

Lin Fan didn't mention this matter again.

When he had free time, he would ask the village chief who was causing trouble and leave it to the Divine Sword Villa to handle. There was no need to make his injured uncle worry.

However, what he didn't expect was that before he could take any action, the other party had already come looking for him.

Or rather,

The other party had come looking for his uncle again.

"Sujianwu, have you prepared my medical expenses? If you can't come up with it today, it won't be as simple as breaking a leg. All your limbs will be broken!"

An arrogant voice came from outside the house.

Then, the old and worn-out courtyard door was kicked open, and a nervous-looking young man entered with several strong men in martial attire.

These strong men had bulging temples and a fierce aura, clearly not ordinary characters.

Uncle was originally planning to say something to Lin Fan, but upon hearing the commotion, his expression changed drastically.

"Brother-in-law, quickly! Take little sister and hide!"

Uncle anxiously spoke, obviously knowing who had come.

However, Lin Fan didn't move, or rather, there was no time to hide now.

And he didn't need to hide.

Although he didn't like to fight with others,

It didn't mean that he was currently weak.

He had defeated the king of the roaring mountains and easily killed the weakling Wang Wei.

How could he be scared away by just anyone, leaving his uncle behind and fleeing with his wife?

"The people who broke your leg, are these guys, right?"

Lin Fan asked calmly.

Uncle also knew that there was no time left and sighed as he nodded, "Yes, it's Li Li. I'll try to hold them off later. Don't confront them head-on, they're not ordinary people."

"Alright, I have my own plan. Uncle, you just rest, I'll handle it."

Lin Fan didn't argue and nodded before leaving the room.

Uncle wanted to say something but didn't have time. He could only try to get up and help, but his leg was already broken.

Not to mention helping, even turning to the side was troublesome.

He could only lie down in despair.

Outside the house,

Su Xiaoxiao had been boiling water in the kitchen and came out when she heard the commotion.

When she saw a group of fierce-looking people, her face turned slightly pale. However, after these days, she had seen a lot and didn't panic too much.

"Oh, there's even a beauty? Could it be that you're Su Jianwu's sister? I didn't expect that the waste would have such a beautiful sister. What a waste!"

Li Li, who led the group, brightened up when he saw Su Xiaoxiao, who was dressed nicely and charming. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Are you the one who injured my brother?"

Su Xiaoxiao also realized what was happening and stared at him angrily.

This was her expression when she was angry.

But it made Li Li even more excited, thinking that this kind of beauty was even more charming.

"So what if it was me who injured him?"

Li Li smirked.


Su Xiaoxiao was furious, but as a gentle person, she didn't know how to argue with others.

"Haha! What a beautiful lady!"

Li Li laughed even more arrogantly, not hiding his lewd gaze.

Originally, he was just an ordinary person, toiling in the fields.

But because his sister caught the eye of a big shot, he suddenly turned over a new leaf.

When the big shot came with his sister to her hometown and learned that he had been beaten, he immediately helped him.

As for who was right or wrong,

It didn't matter to the big shot.

Just a nobody, no matter who was right or wrong, he would be taken care of.

In this situation, Li Li, who was already rebellious by nature, naturally became even more arrogant.

He settled all the conflicts he had in the past.

Among them, his uncle, who had the biggest conflict with him, had his leg broken and had to compensate for his previous medical expenses, which far exceeded the actual amount.

As for not being able to pay?

It was a perfect opportunity to show off his power and break all the remaining limbs.

With this show of strength,

Li Li firmly believed that no one in the nearby villages would dare to provoke him again. As long as they saw him, they would obediently call him "Master Li"!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt like he was floating.

Seeing Su Xiaoxiao, a beauty like this, he immediately had evil thoughts.

As someone of his level,

He was no longer interested in his plain-looking wife at home!

"Beauty, your brother owes me medical expenses. If you don't want him to have his limbs broken and become a cripple, then serve your Lord Li well. As long as the Lord is happy, everything will be fine!"

Li Li threatened with a lewd smile.

"You shameless!"

Su Xiaoxiao had never cursed anyone before, and this was the harshest thing she had ever said.

Li Li became even more excited by this, the more he looked at Su Xiaoxiao, the more he liked her, and he wanted to possess her.

Supported by a powerful figure.

Just forcefully humiliating a rural girl, it would be easy to handle.

"This is shameless? You haven't seen true shamelessness yet!"

Li Li proudly said, then took steps forward, preparing to take action.

But before he could get close, a fist the size of a sand pot came.


No fancy moves.

Just a plain and ordinary punch.

But Li Li, who was arrogant just a moment ago, had his face contorted in madness.

The big mouth that took a direct punch was now searching for teeth on the ground, blood gushing out.


After rolling in the air for a few rounds and falling to the ground, he finally had time to let out a miserable howl.


Seeing Lin Fan's arrival, Su Xiaoxiao finally found her backbone.

"Well, with me here, everything will be fine."

Lin Fan comforted her by gently patting her hand, then looked at Li Li, who had fallen to the ground, his gaze turning cold and chilling, with a hint of killing intent.

"Speak, how do you want to die?"

The cold words came out, devoid of any emotion.

What he hated the most was someone having designs on his wife, this was his sore spot.

Or rather,

This was the sore spot of all men.


Li Li opened his mouth wanting to say something, but nothing came out.

His mouth was completely ruined.

Lin Fan was not joking when he was angry, if it weren't for not wanting to kill in front of his wife's family, he would have used all his strength to smash the other party's head with a single punch.

A punch that even a tiger king couldn't withstand, how could an ordinary person bear it?

"Haha, kill him!"

Li Li's mouth was ruined, so he could only mumble, but the general meaning could still be understood.

He wanted Lin Fan dead.

Arranged by a powerful figure, the accomplice who followed along made eye contact and then charged towards Lin Fan.

They came to help out, so naturally they wouldn't stand idly by when their boss was beaten.


They had to take down Lin Fan first.

"Hmph! You're all looking for death!"

Lin Fan didn't need to think to know that these were the accomplices, the ones who broke his brother-in-law's legs.

Now they dared to act tough, he had no intention of being polite to them.

With a cold snort,

He clenched his fist and took the initiative to meet them.





Four punches in a row.

Four accomplices.

Four muffled sounds echoed.

In the blink of an eye, four people were lying on the ground.

"Quick, call for backup!"

Being killed with just one punch each, the accomplices knew they had encountered a tough opponent, so they called for backup.

One of the burly men nodded in pain, then quickly took out a signal arrow and shot it into the sky.


A piercing sound rang out, clearly audible several miles away.

This was a signal arrow.

A kind of signal used in the martial world.

In terms of nature, it was similar to the fireworks used by the Axe Gang.

The signal arrow was shot.

Soon, there was a response from outside the village.

(End of this chapter)

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