Chapter 52: Can't Sleep Without Taking It

No one can escape the law of true fragrance when it comes to the gifts from rich women.

How many struggling young people want to save themselves from 30 years of struggle?

But no work, no pay. Lin Fan didn't want to owe anyone any favors, so he pushed the brocade box back after marveling at it for a while.

"Master Dao, everyone likes money, but no work, no pay."

Seeing Lin Fan refuse without hesitation, Dao Miaomiao was a little stunned.

But it only lasted for a moment, and she smiled again and said, "Actually, these are not from me, but from someone who offended you, as a sincere apology."

"A sincere apology?"

This time, Lin Fan was a little stunned. He didn't expect someone who offended him to have such a sincere apology.

After all, it was five thousand taels!

In an ordinary family, it would take three generations to finish eating that much.

How sincere is that?

"Yes, it's someone who offended you and wants to apologize sincerely to you."

Dao Miaomiao nodded seriously.

"Master Dao, are you mistaken?"

Lin Fan frowned. He was sure that there was no one who offended him like that.

"I'm not mistaken."

Dao Miaomiao nodded again to confirm that she was not mistaken.

This serious look made Lin Fan doubt for a moment whether someone had offended him and he had forgotten about it.

"I'm sure I'm not mistaken. It's someone from the Si River Gang who offended you, right? This five thousand taels is the apology from the leader of the Si River Gang, who asked me to pass it on to you."

Seeing Lin Fan's self-doubt, Dao Miaomiao was very satisfied. This was exactly the effect she wanted to achieve with her visit this time.

"The leader of the Si River Gang?"

After hearing the explanation, Lin Fan knew who the apology was for.

But knowing was one thing.

But he still didn't understand the reason behind such a huge apology.

After all, in his opinion, the conflicts between the two sides had already been resolved, and the other party didn't need to offer such a price as an apology.

Although the Si River Gang was powerful, such a large sum of money was not something that could be easily taken out. After all, there were many people to support.

"That's right, the other party felt extremely guilty after learning that you are a friend of our Tyrannical Saber Villa. They couldn't eat or sleep well, and every day felt like a year. This five thousand taels is just a sincere apology from the other party. The person who offended you has also been brought here and wants to personally explain and ask for forgiveness."

Dao Miaomiao explained with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Lin Fan finally understood what was going on.

The other party had learned that someone from the Si River Gang had offended him and had put pressure on the Si River Gang, which was why they were making this gesture.

Although he didn't need this gesture, the other party had indeed done it.

Facing the Tyrannical Saber Villa, one of the four major forces in the martial world, the Si River Gang was nothing more than a small ant.

Not to mention Dao Miaomiao personally coming forward, even if it was a core member, the Si River Gang would have to serve them carefully.

The five thousand taels of compensation was a complete manifestation of the fear the Si River Gang had towards the Tyrannical Saber Villa.

"You said that besides this sincere apology, the leader of the Si River Gang wants to personally explain to me?"

After understanding the situation, Lin Fan noticed the words behind Dao Miaomiao.

"Of course, after all, you are a friend of our Tyrannical Saber Villa. It's not something that can be easily resolved with just a little money."

Dao Miaomiao said proudly. In her eyes, the powerful figure that countless people in Tianfeng County feared was nothing more than a small kitten.

Even if he killed someone, no one would dare to come out and say anything.

"He is outside now, ready to explain to you personally at any time. Do you want to meet him now?"

Dao Miaomiao provided another piece of information.

Not only did she bring a huge amount of compensation, but she also brought the person responsible.

It had to be said that Dao Miaomiao was very efficient in handling matters.

However, Lin Fan shook his head and refused. After all, the person who offended him had already given an explanation, and there was no need to go to extremes.

"Let the other party take their people and leave. As long as they don't provoke me again in the future, I won't pursue what happened before."

Lin Fan shook his head and said that he had no intention of having the leader of the Si River Gang personally explain to him.

"Alright, it's up to you."

Dao Miaomiao naturally wouldn't refuse, after all, what she did this time was to make Lin Fan satisfied and express her sincerity.

The desired effect has been achieved now, so she naturally won't continue to hold on.

The Si River Gang was just a prelude, not the result.

"The other party doesn't have to explain in person, but you should still accept this gesture of apology, otherwise they won't be able to sleep when they go back."

Dao Miaomiao pushed the brocade box back, although what she said sounded unreliable, it was indeed the truth. If Lin Fan didn't accept it, the other party would really have trouble sleeping when they went back.

"Alright, then I'll accept it."

The brocade box containing a large sum of money ultimately returned to Lin Fan's hands.

Accepting this large sum of money would indeed put the other party at ease, and it would also prevent them from daring to provoke him in the future.

After all, the price was enormous.

If the other party were to come again, they would definitely be ruined.

"Alright, I've finished discussing this matter. I wonder if you're satisfied?"

Dao Miaomiao clapped her hands and looked at Lin Fan with a smile in her big eyes.

Lin Fan nodded with clasped hands, "Satisfied, thank you, Miss Dao."

"As long as you're satisfied."

Upon hearing the words of gratitude, Dao Miaomiao smiled even more happily.

It must be said that when she smiled with her big eyes and small mouth, she looked really beautiful.

Lin Fan also took a few more glances. After all, who doesn't like beautiful women?

Of course, except for those who prefer the same gender.

The two sat like this for a while, and the subsequent communication was quite pleasant.

Originally, Lin Fan thought that the other party would make some demands using this matter, after all, the purpose of what the other party did was very obvious and not concealed.

But in reality, from the moment Dao Miaomiao said goodbye, she didn't show any intention of making demands.

It was as if the problem with the Si River Gang was something a friend would take care of.

"It's interesting."

Lin Fan naturally didn't think so. These little tricks couldn't escape his eyes.

But he didn't reject it either. After all, it was beneficial for him to be on good terms with a force equivalent to the Divine Sword Villa.

The martial world is so chaotic.

Being on good terms with various major forces is quite good for him.

The leader of the Si River Gang not only offered a huge gesture of apology, but also didn't dare to resist, personally coming with people to explain.

It was a very good proof.

Otherwise, with Lin Fan's current strength, the other party would at most be unwilling to provoke him, but they wouldn't be afraid of anything either.

As a modern youth, he naturally understood the principle of taking advantage of the situation.

Both sides had value.

This was the most stable relationship.

But all of this is external. What truly matters is to forge oneself.

Lin Fan has witnessed the cruelty of this world with his own eyes and is even more aware of this.

After personally seeing Dao Miaomiao off, he returned to the blacksmith's room and started working busily, preparing to refine the self-defense Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle.


Thank you for the 1666 reward from Lihenxing. I will update more when I return from my hometown, and I will also make up for the leave I took yesterday.


Thank you all for your support, and I wish you all a happy May Day holiday!

(End of this chapter)

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