The Government Assigns A Daughter-In-Law, Which Needs To Be Chosen?

59. Chapter 59 Who Are You Calling A Tiger Girl?

Chapter 59: Who are you calling "tiger ladies"?

In a small grove.

Dao Miaomiao was troubled by compensation.

However, Lin Fan didn't wait for the other party to respond. He just jokingly said a sentence and started dealing with the bodies in the field with Su Erhu.

Although Lin Fan was not afraid of trouble, he naturally tried his best to avoid provoking cults.

So after finishing the matter, it was natural to destroy the evidence.

And also to collect some spoils, which was not to be missed.

The iconic weapons and items couldn't be taken, but some unmarked silver and silver notes could serve as hard-earned money.

Indeed, as cultists, they carried a considerable amount of money.

Anyway, Su Erhu, who was responsible for searching the bodies, couldn't keep his mouth shut at this time.

Originally, he didn't think cleaning up disgusting things was a good job, but now he just wanted to say "so satisfying".

When moving the bodies, he did it with all his might, just like with his own wife.

After burying all the bodies in a deep pit, he still felt unsatisfied and said, "Brother Fan, if we encounter this kind of good thing frequently in the future, we'll get rich!"

"What are you thinking?"

Lin Fan glanced at him and admonished, "This kind of windfall comes quickly, but death comes even faster. If you have the opportunity to make money, don't spend your life on it!"

Upon hearing these words, Su Erhu, recalling the dangerous situation just now, suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

If it weren't for Lin Fan's terrifying weapon, the leading white-robed person who rushed forward would have definitely given them a hard time.

And if things went wrong, this place would have become their burial ground.

The harvest was indeed abundant, but the danger was also extremely terrifying.

"This time was just unavoidable. If we encounter this kind of situation in the future, we should stay as far away as possible and avoid it if we can."

As the leader, Lin Fan naturally had to teach his subordinates well.


Not only would the other party get into trouble, but it would also bring trouble to him as the leader.

"Okay, Erhu understands."

Su Erhu understood the danger and naturally wouldn't argue at this time. He nodded to indicate his understanding.

"You've rested for so long, you should be almost recovered, right?"

Lin Fan, with Su Erhu, swept away the traces on the scene, especially the traces caused by the two of them. When he saw Dao Miaomiao still sitting on the ground without any image, he couldn't help but feel annoyed.

What's going on?

Still pretending to be pitiful and miserable?

In response, Dao Miaomiao weakly said, "I was hit by the White Lotus Sect's soft tendon powder, and now I have no strength."

"You were poisoned again?"

When Lin Fan heard these words, his expression slightly changed.

Dao Miaomiao shook her head and said, "It's not exactly poison, but a special medicine that makes people lose all their strength."

"Soft tendon powder?"

Lin Fan remembered this kind of medicine. It could make people completely weak and lose their ability to resist. This kind of medicine definitely needed special attention.

If one accidentally fell victim to it, it would truly be a case of being helpless and unable to do anything, no matter how the other party disposed of or tortured them.

Just like Dao Miaomiao's current state.

Even if the other party was executed on the spot, they would only be screaming for their lives.

"Can you still walk now?"

Lin Fan knew that the other party had been affected, so he couldn't continue to leave her hanging. He walked up and reached out to support her.

Dao Miaomiao tried, but after walking a few steps, she almost collapsed to the ground.

If it weren't for Lin Fan's quick reaction and reaching out to support her.

However, it was like this, the other party almost stuck to Lin Fan's body.

That unique elasticity that belonged to a young girl, instantly transferred to Lin Fan's body.

"I can't walk."

Dao Miaomiao said pitifully.

"I really owe you." Lin Fan said somewhat irritably, then he put the other party on his back: "Remember, you owe me again today. Think about how you can repay me."

"Mm." Dao Miaomiao nodded softly. Compared to her usual energetic self, she was completely different now.

Her face was slightly flushed, embarrassed as she buried it in Lin Fan's shoulder.

Although she had a carefree personality, this was the first time she had such close contact with a man.

This strange feeling made her a little at a loss.

A little shy,

But she didn't resist.

"Why aren't you talking? Did you get poisoned and faint?" Lin Fan carried her for a while and noticed that the usually talkative girl hadn't said a word for a long time, so he couldn't help but ask.

If she really fainted while being carried like this, it would be a disaster. He would definitely get into trouble.

Fortunately, that didn't happen. Upon hearing his words, Dao Miaomiao immediately pouted and said coquettishly, "What are you saying? Isn't it normal for a girl to be quiet? Why are you making it sound like something else?"

"Pfft!" Lin Fan almost burst out laughing when he heard this, speechless, he said, "With your tomboyish appearance, you still call yourself a girl?"

"Who are you calling a tomboy?" Dao Miaomiao immediately became angry and lightly punched Lin Fan's shoulder with her clenched fist.

"Am I wrong?" Lin Fan directly retorted.

"Of course you're wrong!" Dao Miaomiao didn't hesitate to refute. Although she was a bit impatient and acted a bit hot-headed, she still looked like a girl through and through. She had nothing to do with being a tomboy.

"Alright then, since you're not a tomboy, think about how you can compensate me." Lin Fan was very tactful and didn't argue with the girl. Since she didn't faint, they could continue discussing the issue of compensation.

Just a moment ago, Dao Miaomiao was unwilling to back down, but when she heard this, she fell silent once again.

Quietly lying on Lin Fan's back, her changing facial expressions and eyes showed that she was thinking about something.

Lin Fan didn't ask again. He mentioned compensation just to avoid arguing with the other party, not because he really wanted anything in return.

Being willing to lend a helping hand meant treating the other person as a friend, an acquaintance.


Even if there was a huge compensation, he wouldn't get involved in these matters.

Soon, the group returned to the mansion. They didn't inform anyone about this incident to avoid worrying or leaking information. They simply said that Dao Miaomiao accidentally got injured and happened to be brought back home for recuperation.

No one suspected anything. The three wives helped arrange a resting room and applied medicine to Dao Miaomiao's injuries.

Except for the soft tendon powder, the rest were just superficial wounds that only required some medicinal powder. There was no need to invite a doctor.

As for the soft tendon powder, there was no antidote. It could only rely on time for the effects to slowly fade away.

Dao Miaomiao settled down like this, as if nothing had happened.

But outside, it wasn't so calm. The guards responsible for her safety quickly discovered that their young mistress had gone missing after being lured away by the undercover guards. No matter how they searched, they couldn't find any trace, so they quickly reported back to Tyrannical Saber Villa.

When this information reached them, the entire Tyrannical Saber Villa exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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