Chapter 91: Martial Garrison

"Martial Garrison?"

Upon hearing the words reported by the old butler, Lin Fan's eyes slightly narrowed.

Martial Garrison.

A violent organization personally established by the Martial Emperor of the Great Long Dynasty, somewhat similar to the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty, known as the hounds of the court.

However, they do not monitor the officials or supervise the military, but specifically target the martial world.

If a major force in the martial world threatens the imperial rule, they will act as hounds of the court and fiercely attack.

There are also some notorious individuals who, like the notorious thieves in the martial world, are wanted and pursued by them.

The experts in the martial world are constantly moving around with strength far surpassing ordinary people, and indeed need these violent organizations to restrain them.

It is not surprising that they would pursue the thirteen notorious thieves.

However, just as he had dealt with the thirteen thieves, the other party arrived right after, which made him feel strange.

Jian Ling, who was keen-minded, also noticed this at this moment and frowned as she spoke, "Husband, this is too coincidental."

"It is indeed coincidental, but the other party is specifically responsible for such matters. It is reasonable for them to come after the appearance of the thirteen thieves here. Let's not think too much about it for now."

Lin Fan nodded and replied. Some things may seem coincidental, but they are indeed coincidences.

"Well, no matter what, there is no need to worry too much. There are people from my family serving inside. Even if the other party has any intentions, they wouldn't dare to act recklessly."

Jian Ling thought for a moment and also nodded.

Dao Miaomiao, on the other hand, had a nonchalant expression and said, "I'm not afraid of them. If they dare to cause trouble, I'll go find my uncle."

"Find your uncle?"

Lin Fan raised an eyebrow at her words.

Jian Ling helped explain, "Her uncle holds an important position in the border army."

The explanation was simple, but Lin Fan understood as soon as he heard it.

Both of his wives have connections in high places.

No wonder their family business can become so big. No wonder they can remain so calm when they hear that the Martial Garrison, which specifically targets major forces in the martial world, has arrived, without paying much attention to it at all.

"My wives are amazing."

Faced with this situation, Lin Fan could only say that they were amazing.

Outside the main gate.

A group of figures dressed in black brocade robes, holding various weapons, riding tall horses, were looking at the tightly closed gate.

"Sir, why don't we just charge in? As members of the Martial Garrison, when do we need the consent of a rural gentry?"

A young man with a cold expression furrowed his brow and spoke to a tall and thin man at the forefront of the team.

The tall and thin man had an ordinary appearance and seemed unremarkable, but his sharp eyes, like those of a hawk or falcon, made people dare not meet his gaze, instilling fear in their hearts.

This man was the leader of the Zhendu Division, not only holding a high position but also possessing strength that surpassed first-class standards.

It was because of him that the formidable Thirteen Great Thieves were being pursued and dared not stay in one place for long, filled with fear and trepidation.

Due to their special authorization by the imperial power, there was indeed no place in this small county town that they couldn't directly enter.

The subordinates below found this action rather strange.

In response to this inquiry, he remained calm and unaffected, saying, "This is indeed a remote and impoverished place, but the owner of this house is not as simple as you think."

"The owner of this house is not simple?"

When they heard this answer, everyone present became puzzled.

The mansion in front of them was indeed large and magnificent, but these remote areas could not nurture any true dragons.

They often traveled outside and had a wide range of information, knowing many things that ordinary people did not know.

For example, they knew where important figures were located to avoid offending them while carrying out their official duties.


Seeing the reaction of his subordinates, the leader of the tall and thin man snorted lightly and said, "The young lady of Divine Sword Villa recently married the owner of this place, and the lord of Divine Sword Villa, Jian Tianfeng, not only did not oppose it but also gave her a stake in the third floor of Divine Weapon Pavilion as her dowry."


When this statement was made, all the members of the Zhendu Division present were shocked.

Divine Sword Villa.

They were naturally not unfamiliar with it.

Among the high-ranking members of their Zhendu Division, there was one who came from this place, and their formidable strength made everyone in the division admire them.

In addition, officials from various regions also had various connections with this powerful force.

Even during the founding of the Great Long Dynasty by Emperor Taizu, the contemporary Sword God of Divine Sword Villa had contributed and played a role in the dynasty's success.

Although many years had passed and these achievements had faded, they still contributed to the unique nature of this powerful force.

Now they were being informed that the young lady of this powerful force, and even the current heir, had married the owner of the mansion in front of them.

Not only did the lord of Divine Sword Villa not oppose it, but he also acknowledged it and gave her a stake of thirty percent in Divine Weapon Pavilion as her dowry.

Divine Weapon Pavilion.

Who in the entire Great Long Dynasty didn't know about it? It was a money-making machine!

"Are you shocked by this? If I were to tell you that even the young lady of Tyrannical Saber Villa secretly married the owner of this mansion a few days ago, I wonder if you would be even more shocked?"

Seeing this scene, the tall and thin man sneered and dropped another bombshell.


This was indeed a bombshell, and everyone present was blown away.

The daughters of two powerful forces, even the heirs of the present generation, would consider it a stroke of luck to marry just one.

But now, someone has married both.

And the one responsible for all this is the owner of the estate they are investigating.

Now they finally understand why their master, despite discovering the traces of the thirteen major thieves, did not forcefully intervene.

To be able to marry these two daughters, gain the approval of their elders, and receive a hefty dowry, even a fool would know that this existence cannot be simple.

"Who is this owner? Could it be someone from a noble dynasty that I am not aware of?"

The young man who just spoke was dumbfounded at this moment.

"I don't know either. The information about the other party is very simple, so simple that it is frightening."

The expression of the tall and thin man changed for the first time as he looked at the estate in front of him with great curiosity.

Previously, he couldn't believe the information he received, thinking that he had made a mistake.

But in the end, he confirmed repeatedly that there was no mistake in this intelligence.

However, the more it was like this, the more cautious the Zhenwu Bureau became, dispatching more intelligence personnel to investigate.

Matters outside the court were under the jurisdiction of the Zhenwu Bureau, and now that the heirs of two powerful forces were marrying the same person, they naturally had to investigate seriously.

Now they had a perfect excuse to conduct the search.

"Later, all of you should put away your previous arrogance. If you cause trouble, I won't clean up after you!"

The tall and thin man issued a warning to prevent his subordinates from ruining his plan.

"Yes, sir!"

These subordinates were already frightened. Even without this warning, they would obediently put away their previous arrogance.

After all, the owner of the estate in front of them was definitely not someone to be trifled with.


While they were talking, the tightly closed gate slowly opened.

Then, a team led by Lin Fan walked out from inside.

When the people from the Zhenwu Bureau saw Jian Ling and Dao Miaomiao accompanying Lin Fan on both sides, their pupils slightly contracted, and their gaze instinctively focused on Lin Fan in the main position.

As an organization specifically dealing with the martial arts world, the Zhenwu Bureau's personnel had naturally seen the portraits of Jian Ling and Dao Miaomiao, the heirs of these two powerful forces, long ago.

Although it was nighttime, with the vision of powerful martial artists, aided by the moonlight, they could see clearly, and they wouldn't make a mistake.

And how could they not be completely captivated by the presence of someone who could willingly accompany these two heirs on both sides?

As the other party assessed him, Lin Fan also assessed them.

Then his gaze was drawn to the tall and thin man in the leading position.

This person doesn't look strong, and even appears somewhat thin, but the faint aura emanating from him makes Lin Fan feel a hint of danger.

Although it's just a hint.

Even the previously top-notch Blackheart Tiger couldn't give him that.

Jian Ling introduced in a soft voice, "This person is one of the four divine hunters of the Zhenwu Bureau, nicknamed the Iron-blooded Pursuit Divine Hunter. He is extremely skilled in tracking. Countless villains in the martial world have been captured by him. His strength has reached a level beyond first-class. In the entire martial world, there are not many who can match him."

"The four divine hunters?"

Upon hearing his wife's introduction, Lin Fan finally understood the situation behind this faint threatening aura.

The Zhenwu Bureau has a commander and a deputy commander who oversee the entire violent organization and are directly responsible to the current emperor of the Great Long Dynasty.

Beneath them are the four divine hunters.

Each of them holds a high position and possesses extraordinary strength. Even the four major powers dare not underestimate them.

It is normal for the thirteen major thieves to be chased everywhere.

Since the last encounter with the Crown Prince Xianwang, Lin Fan has been studying various information about the Great Long Dynasty.

Because of this, he is not unfamiliar with this violent organization.

To intimidate the top experts in the world, this violent organization has not hidden its intentions.

It is not difficult to find out.

"I didn't expect all four divine hunters to come. It seems that these thirteen major thieves are more impressive than I imagined."

Upon learning the other party's identity, Lin Fan couldn't help but smile. Such legendary figures are rare.

While he was sizing up the other party, the other party was also sizing him up.

Facing his smile, the other party nodded slightly and then clasped his hands together, saying, "I am Pursuit, a divine hunter of the Zhenwu Bureau. I have come to pursue the thirteen major thieves. I hope that this friend can give us some convenience."

"The esteemed member of the Zhenwu Bureau is too polite. As law-abiding civilians, we will naturally cooperate with the government's official duties. If I'm not mistaken, all the thirteen major thieves you are pursuing are currently in my estate."

Lin Fan also clasped his hands together.

His words were calm, but when his words fell, the opposite side couldn't remain calm.

"The thirteen major thieves are inside?"

The members of the Zhenwu Bureau's eyes slightly contracted, even the leading divine hunter's gaze froze for a moment.

"Yes, but they were all killed because of their evil intentions. They are indeed inside, but they have become corpses."

It was a simple answer, but the members of the Zhenwu Bureau found it even harder to remain calm.

Even the four famous divine hunters couldn't stay calm and showed a look of shock.

"The thirteen major thieves, who have been free for many years, really died here like this?"

He looked once again at the large estate that was within reach, as well as its owner, and his heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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