The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 60 Kobold, Crypt and Lady’s Legs

For a moment, the person in the coffin and the "person" outside the coffin looked at each other.

In the dim light, Qin Zhibo could clearly see part of this "person's" face.

The gray skin around its eyes was twisted together like hot glue, and a pair of light blue vertical pupils emitted a turbid white light.

What's even more frightening is that these eyes are staring at me!

Qin Zhibo's heartbeat began to accelerate, and his willpower also began to decline.

90, 88, 86, 83

Although his will was declining, Qin Zhibo could still keep his gaze steady. He picked up the crowbar with his other hand and stabbed the eyes.


The crowbar missed.

The thing reacted very quickly and jumped away. The crowbar just hit the edge of the coffin board and made a loud noise.

But now, Qin Zhibo knew that he could no longer pretend to be dead.

Uncover the coffin and rise!

Qin Zhibo stood up, lifted the lid of the coffin which had become very light after decay, and stood inside the coffin.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, Qin Zhibo saw clearly what had just met his eyes in the misty grass next to the coffin.

It is a filthy humanoid creature with a canine-like head, pointed ears, and sharp claws on its hands.

Looking down, you can see that its body is covered with gray rubber-like skin, and the green spots covering its back are actually some kind of fungus growing on its body.

This creature has not been recorded in any animal encyclopedia, but Qin Zhibo still got some inspiration from its complete appearance.

They are.


Yes, Qin Zhibo had seen these humanoid creatures with dog heads, and just recently.

It's the "Corpse Eating Ceremony"!

In the process of reading "The Rites of the Corpse Eater", Qin Zhibo once saw these kobolds in the vision in his mind.

They often come in and out of cemeteries in groups, occasionally among human pagans, performing some mysterious and ancient rituals together.

Qin Zhibo did not expect that the challenge mission would lead him to such a strange creature.

What’s even more unexpected is that this kind of creature that only appears in fantasy stories actually exists so close to human civilization!

Qin Zhibo held the crowbar tightly with both hands, retreated slightly, and maintained a confrontation posture with the kobold.

But every time Qin took half a step back, the kobold took a step forward with his body leaning forward.

It stands on two legs and can walk upright, but when it moves, its body leans forward like a Tyrannosaurus rex or a kangaroo.

Its mouth grinned back to a very deep position like a dog, with white teeth exposed at the corners of its mouth.

Its eyes were not as calm as before, but contained a kind of malice.

For some reason, Qin Zhibo felt that this was a malicious intention towards food.

At this moment, another kobold stood up from the grass.

It stuck out its head like a kangaroo, and it happened to sandwich Qin Zhibo on the left and right with the previous kobold.

Now Qin Zhibo understood. It turned out that one of the two kobolds was moving back and forth in the grass making noise, and the other quietly approached the coffin where he was hiding.

It seems that these beasts still have some wisdom.

Qin Zhibo came to this conclusion, but it still couldn't change the fact that he was trapped.

The creature haunted by hunger came closer step by step, but Qin Zhibo could only continue to retreat.

Until his heels hit the solid coffin board, Qin Zhibo had no way out.

At this time, a kobold glanced behind Qin Zhibo, seeming to know that Qin had no way to retreat, so he pounced directly on him.

Its jumping ability was extremely good. The skinny bones wrapped in rubber spread out in mid-air, and its sharp claws pierced Qin Zhibo's throat.

However, Qin Zhibo was not unambiguous, and he hit the skinny body with a stick.



Qin Zhibo's hands felt a slight shock, as if they were hit on a piece of elastic rubber.

And Qin faintly heard the sound of broken bones.

Looking at the kobold again, he was knocked down from the air and fell to the ground, howling in pain.



The kobold's voice was the same as before, like a woman's cry, but now there was more sadness and sadness.

It's just that Qin Zhibo has no mercy for such ugly creatures.

Qin Zhibo lifted the crowbar, stepped over the coffin, and was about to lift the crowbar again.

But at this moment, the kobold next to him made a sound.

Qin Zhibo, who knew he was in a one-on-one situation, was very alert and quickly turned his attention to the other kobold.

The kobold first barked twice at its companion with its long and narrow mouth, and then turned around and ran away.

When he heard the voice of the kobold next to him, the kobold also lost the will to fight and turned around and ran away.

In a few seconds, the only one left in the grass near the coffin was a confused Qin Zhibo.

Qin Zhibo: "Huh? That's it?"

Is this the fighting power of kobolds?

I thought there would be a fierce battle, but the kobold escaped after being hit with a crowbar.

But after thinking about it, Qin Zhibo thought of another possibility.

Could it be that he went back to call for support?

After all, the intelligence level of this creature seems to be quite high. If it feels like it can't be defeated, it would probably think of going back and calling its companions.

Although he had forced back two kobolds just now with the advantage of his weapons, Qin Zhibo could not guarantee that he could resist them if a few more came.

But it was still early before dawn, and leaving the cemetery would be considered a mission failure.

Under the temptation of the mission reward, Qin Zhibo decided to wait and see if the two kobolds really returned with more kobolds, and then escape.

Hope it comes in time.

Qin Zhibo squatted next to the coffin and stared for a long time in the direction where the kobold escaped. He never saw any large creatures coming from there.

This made Qin Zhibo gradually become more courageous, and he even planned to go over and check to find out where the kobolds came from.

Following the direction in which the kobold escaped, Qin Zhibo came to the east side of the cemetery.

Here, Qin Zhibo saw a very suspicious half-lying crypt.

There is a solid-looking wooden door covering the crypt. Under the wooden door, a large amount of white mist spreads from the gap.

All these strange white fogs in the cemetery come from this crypt!

Qin Zhibo put his ear in front of the wooden door and did not hear any suspicious sounds behind the door.

Driven by curiosity, he decided to open the wooden door.

As the crowbar hooked the edge of the wooden board, the heavy wooden door was slowly opened.

Before the door was fully opened, a disgusting rancid smell rushed towards him. This smell even made Qin Zhibo feel that his brain had a psychedelic feeling.

It's as if I am caught between reality and fantasy.

After the door of the crypt was opened, a dark abyss appeared before Qin Zhibo's eyes like an "ever-widening black throat."

Although Qin Zhibo had not yet used a nuclear lighter for lighting, Qin Zhibo had already seen a lit up investigation point near the entrance of the cave.


[This is a right calf, I believe it once belonged to a woman named Chikako Ikeda]

Thanks to Qingqing Zijin and book friend 20210301106555410860 for the reward!

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