The Grand Princess

Chapter 58: Umbrella

"You...what don't you let go?"

Li Rong's whole senses are in Pei Wenxuan's actions, and it is a little difficult to understand what he said. He can understand every word, but he always feels that he has made a mistake.

Pei Wenxuan hugged her quietly, Li Rong said with difficulty: "Do you want to hold me all the time?"

As she said, she laughed: "I know that you are feeling uncomfortable tonight. If you want to hug it, you can hug it. After all, I have to go to bed. I will definitely have to join me in your family tomorrow morning and stop talking."

After Li Rong finished these words, she turned her back to Pei Wenxuan, pretending to fall asleep.

Pei Wenxuan hugged her for a while, and when he saw her stiff and motionless, he relaxed his hand, slept behind her, and looked at her quietly.

At night, he could not lie down, he could only lie on his stomach or on his side. The wound was so painful that he couldn't sleep. Anyway, he couldn't face up tomorrow morning, so he simply looked at Li Rong, combing her hair with one hand.

He has always been a safe person, and he doesn’t do anything that has no bottom line. He knows that Li Rong must have no idea about him now. If he speaks rashly, he may not even have a friend to do, so it’s better to just stay by her side. , Grinding little by little.

Dripping water pierced the stone, and the iron rod became a needle. He had a goal and was patient.

After confirming his thoughts, Pei Wenxuan seemed to have some dust settled in his heart. He stretched out his hand and took a strand of Li Rong's hair, gently placing it on the tip of his nose and sniffing.

The scent that Li Rong used in his hair soaked into his heart and spleen, he approached, gently hugged the person who had fallen asleep in his arms, and leaned his head on her.

As soon as Li Rong woke up, she found herself in Pei Wenxuan's arms. She was scared sober instantly, and then secretly scolded herself for making a fuss. Pei Wenxuan encountered these bad things at home last night. It is normal to want someone to accompany him. Not to mention Pei Wenxuan's chaste husband's temperament, even if Pei Wenxuan really has any ideas, she is not afraid of him.

Li Rong calmed down and got up. The attendant waited for her to put on clothes. Pei Wenxuan noticed the light, lifted the bed net, and poked out half of his head, as if he hadn't woken up yet. He squinted and said, "Your Highness, Going today, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

"Don't worry." Li Rong calmed him. "Wait a while I will let someone inform your mother and let her come from Pei Mansion. I will deal with you first in the palace. If you solve your mother's affairs, you will let her in. Come to the palace."

Li Rong didn't say much, but Pei Wenxuan was very clear in his heart, knowing what Li Rong was going to say by himself, he put half of his hand under him, propped up his upper body, and solemnly said: "Your Majesty, rest assured, I will do it. ."

When he said these words, although his expression was serious, his hair was scattered around his chest, his shirt was pulled apart, revealing his thin and white chest, so his always clear and handsome face showed an indescribable charm.

This kind of charm is different from the feminine charm, like a suave young man who deliberately swaggers to deceive a girl, it is a temptation of a man to a woman.

Li Rong hurriedly scanned his face, looked away, and said: "Lie down and sleep well. I'll go now."

With that, Li Rong led the people out of the room.

As soon as Li Rong went out, he ordered people to inform the secret line of Pei Mansion, and find a way to inform Pei Wenxuan of the serious injury, and coax Wen to the Princess Mansion.

After finishing this, she went to court.

When the Pei family did these things, she must have been under pressure from other families. She was born again, her temper turned too fast, and she happened to be married again. Everyone probably thought it was Pei Wen’s instigation. Family troubles, the Pei family asked Pei Wenxuan to trouble, thinking about putting pressure on Pei Wenxuan to change her attitude.

The Pei family may be thinking of beating Pei Wenxuan, first to let Pei Wenxuan know how powerful, it can be regarded as a warning to her; second, to show the family the attitude of their Pei family, showing that this matter is Pei Wenxuan's own. Idea, can be regarded as a comfort to the family.

But the thoughts of people like Guan Xu above are more than that simple. I'm afraid she is going to save Pei Wenxuan...

When Li Rong thought of this, she felt impulsive.

I didn’t rush to rescue Pei Wenxuan last night. It’s impossible for Pei’s family. Pei Wenxuan was really killed. Pei Wenxuan was injured and returned. They went to find someone to reason. She didn’t commit a crime, and reason was on their side. But she still wanted to trouble last night. For a while, she didn't expect the praying mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole. When she robbed people, she remembered that the family might be waiting for her.

The key points of Qin’s case have long been concentrated on her Supervision Department (the Supervision Department has been changed to the Supervision Department), and she has tried everything possible to find her trouble, and the supervision department has been abolished. Want to do.

She led people into Pei's house, fearing that it was their reason today.

Li Rong had already imagined the scene where the zucchini flew to Li Ming's desk like snowflakes. Li Rong tapped the small fan, thinking about the organization language.

After thinking for a while, she sighed, and Jinglan put her pastry on the plate next to her, and smiled: "Your Royal Highness sighed early in the morning. What are you worrying about?"

"I..." Li Rong was about to say that she didn't have much confidence in the affairs of this morning, but she didn't say anything, Jing Lan said in a casual way, "But I was wondering how I saw Master Su today explain what happened yesterday?"

Li Rong froze. After a while, she sighed again: "Why do you mention this?"

I don't want to go to court.

It's just that she should face it or she has to face it. Li Rong paved herself up and finally reached the gate of the palace. After she got out of the carriage, she stepped into the square. There were ministers standing in twos and threes on the square. After Li Rong walked a few steps, he saw Su Rongqing who had just arrived.

After hesitating for a while, she went forward and called Su Rongqing, "Master Su."

Su Rongqing saluted Li Rong, and Li Rong smiled awkwardly: "Yesterday..."

"Weichen and elder brother left first after eating," Su Rongqing said respectfully, "I didn't delay anything. Your Royal Highness need not worry."

"Excuse me," Li Rong saw that Su Rongqing's expression was calm, not half dissatisfied, and she was even more embarrassed, and could only say, "Something did happen yesterday, and I will be a hostess another day."

"Actually not necessary," Su Rongqing said calmly, "His Royal Highness is now sensitive, and shouldn't have too much contact with the ministers, so as not to cause criticism from the courtiers. Yesterday, when I agreed with my brother, I didn't know that Your Highness was coming. ."

Su Rongqing refused altogether, and almost said, "It's just right that you are not here."

Li Rong felt that her face was slapped, but her face had already been tempered by Pei Wenxuan like a copper wall and an iron wall. She pretended not to hear anything, and smiled: "Okay, I will make an appointment next time. Master Su is busy. My palace is leaving first."

With that, Li Rong didn't give Su Rongqing a chance to refuse, and turned around and returned to his position.

After a while, Li Ming was surrounded by his attendants into the court. Li Ming sat down as usual and asked, "Is there anything important today?"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Rong saw Pei Lixian move her steps. Pei Lixian moved faster, she moved faster, and hurriedly knelt to the ground, and said loudly, "Father, you have to be the master of your children!"

Li Rong sounded with sorrow, making Pei Lixian shiver. He raised his eyes to Li Rong and then at Li Ming. Li Ming calmly served tea, and said calmly: "Are you bullied?"

"It's not a child minister, it's a husband," Li Rong said, voiced crying, "Last night Pei Nayan asked the husband to be called back to Pei's house, saying that the mother-in-law was seriously ill, and the husband was anxious to go back. But after returning, he was beaten by Pei Nayan. . Now I’m lying at home with scars, and I can’t go to court at all. You know, a man of filial piety, he always respects his elders, but because of me was implicated, he was beaten severely. Even if the opponent is an elder, he can be a man. He is also the son-in-law of the royal family. Even though the Pei family is fighting horses, it is the dignity of the heavenly family to damage the face of the children and ministers!"

Li Rong cried, Pei Liwen couldn't help but hurriedly went out and said: "Your Majesty, the facts are by no means what your Highness said. Since the husband and your Highness got married, he has never returned home to visit his mother. Recently, my sister-in-law is unwell and has been summoned many times. Yu Fu Ma and Fu Ma ignored him, and his sister-in-law was discouraged and passed on to the elders of the family and called Wen Xuan back to the family."

"I originally hoped that through persuasion, the propaganda could know how to return and be filial to the mother, but he did not say badly, not only did not listen to dissuasion, but also insulted the elders. The sister-in-law saw his son so presumptuous, so that the subordinates act according to the family rules. But Wen Xuan relied on his identity as a husband to refuse to be disciplined, and clashed with the servants at home, wounding many servants, not counting, and threatening to have a princess backing him, no one can control him. Later, the princess led troops into the house and took the husband away. Before leaving, he broke the hands of two servants, arrogant and arrogant, rude and rude, and now they are still bleeding and slandering the Pei family, Your Majesty!"

Pei Liwen kowtowed down and said loudly: "His Majesty will not be punished during this trip, I am afraid of the cold."

Li Ming didn't speak, he raised his eyes to Li Rong, only said: "Pingle, what do you say?"

"Father, he said that they called for the consort many times, but the consort refused. It is better to let them call the witnesses, when, where, who will pass the word, and check them one by one. They said that the consort had beaten someone. Last night the consort was Hearing that his mother was ill, he rushed over immediately. There weren’t many people with him. The family was surrounded by a man, and the man was a Wenchen, because he had eaten something. The leopard dared to do it. After taking the initiative, he was beaten to bed by them. Master Pei and Erchen argue each other, so you might as well check the matter one by one to see who is lying!"

"Call it," Pei Liwen heard Li Rong say this, angrily said, "His Royal Highness is going to reverse black and white, it's too arrogant!"

"Okay," Li Ming was a little impatient when he heard the quarrel between the two sides. "Speaking of which, it's all your own business. Such a thing, you are shameless in the courtroom, I Also. You guys were beaten by you too. Pingle rescued people last night. What's more noisy? Forget it, I heard that the three states have not rained for a long time this year, and there may be severe droughts. Don't mention these trivial things right now. ."

When Li Ming moved out the important affairs of the country, Pei Liwen was stunned for a while, holding his breath in his chest, making his face flushed.

Li Rong got up calmly, and then listened to a courtier to come out and say: "Your Majesty, your Majesty first established the Supervisory Division, just..."

"There's no end?!" Li Ming knew what he was coming from when he heard the admiral Chasi, and said angrily, "I have to deal with a disrespectful crime? Pei Wenxuan is also my son-in-law, relative of the emperor. ! I'm very generous if I don't care about it! Shut up you guys!"

Li Ming cursed, and finally suppressed everyone, Li Rong Xiaofan tapped her palms, bowed her head and said nothing.

Li Ming finished cursing and forcibly turned the topic away. The courtier endured his anger and followed Li Ming to talk about rainfall.

Li Rong lowered her eyes, counting the time.

At this moment the sky will have a bright color, but it will also be covered with dark clouds, as if it will rain at any time.

Wen was sitting in front of the mirror and putting on makeup. She looked at the woman in the mirror and sighed softly.

She didn't sleep all night, and the whole person was not in good spirits. The maid behind her couldn't help but say: "Why is the woman sad."

"Yesterday," she said slowly, "I don't know the truth or falsehood of what your Royal Highness said. I have been thinking last night, if what she said is true, the second uncle really wants to harm the literature..."

"Madam, I thought a lot." The maid interrupted Wen's words and whispered, "The second master grew up with the grandfather. The grandfather is the only son of the grandfather, and the second master is raised as a biological child. Look at the second master's house. The eldest son is also a small official of the eighth rank. The eldest son has an impetuous temperament, and it should be more tempered. His Royal Highness does not understand the deep meaning of the second master, and has a misunderstanding."

Wen didn't say a word, she held the comb in her hand and looked down silently.

She had always ignored these things before. When Pei Lizhi was there, she would arrange everything for her. She never thought that the people around her would have two hearts, nor did she think about what she needed to fight for.

In the four years since Pei Lizhi's death, what she has done the most every day is to eat fast and reciting the Buddha, hoping that Pei Lizhi can live better in the underworld.

After being scolded by Li Rong last night, she finally had some ideas. She took a look around and realized that many of these people around her were not old people.

For example, the housekeeper arranged for her to dress her up. But she has been in the hands of her sister-in-law for a long time. She doesn't like to take care of these chores. She also thinks that Pei Lixian’s wife, Qin, manages better. Now that she thinks about it carefully, she realizes that she is a little scared. There are not many people who were not sent by the Qin family.

She was scared in her heart and didn't dare to say much. After putting on her makeup, the next person sent the bird's nest up as usual. Wen had just taken the bird's nest and opened the bowl cover, and saw a line of small characters written on it: "Lord, please see Madam, Princess See you."

When Wen saw this line of words, she panicked. She hurriedly looked around and saw the person serving the bird's nest looking at her. Wen's heart beat fast, her hand shook, and the bird's nest bowl fell to the ground, and the attendant serving the bird's nest hurriedly knelt down and said anxiously, "Slaves are damned."

"You clean up first." Wen steadyed his voice, then let the maid next to him go down and get another bowl of bird's nest. When the maid went out, Wen immediately said, "What's wrong with me?"

"Madam, the eldest son is seriously injured, you will sleep secretly first, come out from the back window, and I will lead you out."

Wen listened, she suppressed her rapid heartbeat, and did not dare to ask any more. After the people came back, she ate a few bites of bird's nest and said that she would sleep for a while and sent everyone out. Then she opened the rear window as required. As soon as she opened the rear window, she saw the attendant waiting for her at the door, stuffed her a coat, and whispered: "You change it, hurry up."

Wen nodded and hurriedly changed his clothes, and then led by the attendant, pretending to be a grocer, walked out the back door.

When he got on the carriage, Wen hurriedly said, "What's wrong with me?"

"The eldest son needs your help, so let you go and have a look." The attendant soothed. "Be calm and not restless. You will see the eldest son soon."

Seeing that Wen couldn't ask anything, he stopped talking, wringing his handkerchief in a hurry.

On the court, after sorting out the rain and other matters, Li Ming finally announced the next court.

Li Rong smiled and turned around, preparing to leave the hall. Before leaving the house, he heard Pei Liwen stop her and said loudly: "Your Majesty, don't you feel guilty when you lie like this today?"

When Li Rong heard what he said, she turned her head and looked at Pei Liwen. She couldn't help but laughed: "My palace didn't trouble you, do you dare to take the initiative to trouble me? This is when the palace asks you, you Lie today, don’t you be guilty?"

"It doesn't matter if you lied or not," one of the courtiers gathered around and said with a cold expression, "the mother teaches her son, it is right and proper for her to trespass into the courtier's home, that is not appropriate."

"Why don't you say this to my father?" Li Rong turned to look at the speaker, with a smile, "I didn't dare to say a word in front of the hall just now. Are you coming to trouble me now? Do you think you are so kind? Reason, let's go."

"Your Highness," a courtier frowned, "you are too arrogant."

"Then you can join me." Li Rong looked over again, "If you really can't bear it, do you want to beat me twice?"

"You!" The speaking courtier stepped forward and was hurriedly stopped by the people next to him. Seeing the angry courtier, Li Rong turned her fan and laughed, "My palace is so in love with you that you can't understand me, and you don't have anything to do with me. The way it looks. Let’s do this. You’re blind, this palace doesn’t care about you. Sooner or later,” Li Rong passed the courtiers around her one by one, “You have to say sorry to this palace.”

With that, Li Rong folded a fan and walked out with a smile: "Okay, you sirs are gone, my palace has to go to handle the case."

"His Royal Highness Pingle!" Pei Liwen yelled at Li Rong's back, "This world will not indulge you so presumptuously and not give justice. I will go to the Imperial Study Room and beg your Majesty. If you don't punish you today, I Just slammed to death in front of the dragon pillar in the Imperial Study Room, persuading you with death!"

"I go!"

"I am coming too!"

With that, the courtiers were angry, as if they were about to meet and bump into the dragon pillar.

Li Rong nodded and said: "Very good. I don't want to care about you anymore, you have to hit the sword, my palace accompany you, in front of the royal study room," Li Rong raised his finger to Pei Liwen, "It's not you today. Carried out, I was carried out by someone. Go!"

With that, Li Rong shouted loudly, turned around and walked towards the Imperial Study.

When she went out, a strong wind mixed with autumn leaves rolled across the mat, thunder rumbling, and the officials were stunned for half a minute after she was drunk by her, and then they scolded and chased them out. The two teams arrived in front of the Imperial Study Room and knelt aside. Only Li Rong was alone on Li Rong's side, while Pei Liwen brought a large number of courtiers to kneel on the other side.

"His Majesty!"


People on both sides yelled, their voices mixed.

"I beg your Majesty to severely punish Princess Pingle for innocently trespassing in the court house. Such a arrogant, arrogant and lawless princess must never be in charge of this important post!"

"Pray for the father to severely punish the brothers of Pei Lixian and Pei Liwen, deceive his brother-in-law, treat his brother's orphans poorly, seize his brother's family business, and beat the prince, such a shameless, chaotic ethics, and fierce and cunning people, never indulge!"

"His Majesty!"


The people on both sides shouted for a long time, and Fulai finally came out from the inside. His face was apologetic: "His Royal Highness, sirs," Fulai said with a wry smile, "Your Majesty said, this is a family matter, he doesn't care, please come back."

"Your Majesty, the princess is the superintendent, how can it be just a family matter? If your majesty doesn't give justice to the ministers today, the ministers will kneel here and kneel until death!"

"Kneel to death?" Li Rong laughed. "Didn't it say that it's a good hit? Shou Longzhu is there, hit it."

"You!" Pei Liwen's eyes widened, Li Rong smiled and said, "Pei Shangshu, you must keep your word."

"Women and villains are difficult to raise," Pei Liwen gritted his teeth, "I don't care about women."

"Even women can't win," Li Rong shook her fan and said leisurely. "It seems that Lord Pei is really unreasonable. I should kill him by smashing him to death and keep a good reputation."

Pei Liwen didn't take care of Li Rong. He was breathing heavily, as if he was about to explode anytime and anywhere, and only said to Fulai: "Thank you, Fu Gonggong, if you don't punish the princess today, I will never leave."

"I also bother Fu Gonggong to convey it," Li Rong said slowly, "If I don't give justice to the horseman today, I will be here and kneel until I die."

Fulai listened and said with a bitter face: "His Royal Highness, what are you making?"

"They are making trouble." Li Rong sneered.

Li Rong and Pei Liwen knelt at the entrance of the Imperial Study Room, and the news soon spread.

At this time, Pei Wenxuan also changed his clothes and sat in the lobby, watching Wen help him in.

When Wen saw Pei Wenxuan, his eyes were red, and he stepped up anxiously: "Wenxuan, how are you doing?"

"Mother, please sit down." Pei Wenxuan smiled and told Wen to sit down. Wen looked at Pei Wenxuan anxiously, "What happened last night..."

Pei Wenxuan did not speak, he quietly looked at Wen, and Wen looked at Pei Wenxuan's eyes. She couldn't help but feel cold. She stared at Pei Wenxuan blankly and trembled: "Do you blame me?"

Pei Wenxuan smiled without saying a word, with a somewhat alienated look in the peace, making Wen's whole person tremble: "You also think that your second uncle is not good to you and will harm you, right?"

"Mother," Pei Wenxuan smiled bitterly, "I don't think, but in fact, that's it."

"This may be a misunderstanding..." Wen fell into a deep heart, and couldn't help but explain, "Your second uncle told me..."

"It doesn't matter what he said," Pei Wenxuan interrupted her and said seriously, "The point is, what did he do."

"Mother, father's old man, how much do you have around you?" Pei Wenxuan asked, and he was stunned. Pei Wenxuan said slowly: "I was assassinated on my way back from Luzhou. I was lucky enough to return. The mansion, I heard that the second uncle intends to experience me and arrange for me to be a small official."

"Assassination?" Wen's face was shocked, "Why... why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it's useless." Pei Wenxuan smiled, "What kind of temper you are, I know in my heart. When I came back, there was no one around you anymore. I was afraid that after you knew it, thinking about what to do, you would be caught Murder. It would be better to live a lifetime without knowing anything like now."

Wen stared at him in a daze, and Pei Wenxuan continued: "My father was alive before, and he often told me that we men should be responsible for the rest of our lives and we should try to make people around us live well. If the other party is not doing well, then We have a problem. Father has been taking care of you all his life, caring for you, you don’t have to think about anything."

Pei Wenxuan said, I don't know why, and Li Rong's appearance was flashed in his mind. He suddenly felt a little sad, a little distressed, and a little unspeakable guilt.

"My father asked me to continue to take on his responsibilities and continue to take care of you. I always thought that this is my struggle. If I have a good life or a bad life, I shouldn't disturb you. You live well, if I lose , I am incompetent."

Wen looked at Pei Wenxuan, tears falling: "Then now... why did you say it? Did I harm you and make you desperate?"

"Not really," Pei Wenxuan laughed. "There is someone who told me that she should give you a choice."

"Father did not give you the choice to be a big lady or a wife. He treats you as a canary and spoils you all his life. He takes all the responsibilities on himself, yours, your family, and mine."

"I used to think that I should be such a person. I worked hard, but slowly I realized that I am not a father, and my father's approach may not be right."

"A person is a person, and when I have exhausted my energy, if I want to be responsible to everyone around me and to cover their responsibilities, I will not be able to live my life."

"So, I want to give my mother a choice."

Pei Wenxuan looked at Wen, he stepped forward, knelt in front of Wen on one knee, looked up at her, and said seriously: "Help my son, can you?"

Wen heard what Pei Wenxuan said, she cried so much that she couldn't see the front.

"You told me that morning..." Wen said hoarsely, "I waited for this sentence, waited for your father for a lifetime. But he never told me, I forgot."

"Wen Xuan...I'm sorry..." Wen cried and knelt to the ground, "I'm sorry, it's my mother's fault, I'm sorry..."

Pei Wenxuan didn't speak, he quietly looked at Wen who was crying awkwardly before him.

It was raining outside, and the sound of rain was mixed with Wen's cry. Pei Wenxuan looked at Wen's crying, and he whispered: "Mother, don't cry, get up."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone rushed in.

"Punma," Tong Ye gasped crudely, "there is news from the palace."

Tong Ye said anxiously: "San Ye brought a lot of courtiers and knelt at the entrance of the Imperial Study Room and asked to deal with His Highness, and His Highness also knelt at the door of the Imperial Study Room and asked to deal with the Second Master and San Ye.

Pei Wenxuan got up and got up in an instant. With such a fierce move, the wound suddenly broke free. The blood came out of the white clothes. Pei Wenxuan said coldly: "Get on the carriage and enter the palace."

With that, Pei Wenxuan turned around and respectfully said to Wen: "Mother, please join me in the palace."

"Listen to you." Wen sniffed. "Listen to you."

Pei Wenxuan answered, Wen stood up, and saw the blood on Pei Wenxuan's back. She wanted to ask, but she didn't dare to ask any more, so she held back the sound, only knowing to cry.

After a while, everything was arranged properly. Pei Wenxuan took the umbrella and got into the carriage with Wen.

He watched the crackling rain in the courtyard, and the scene of Su Rongqing holding an umbrella for Li Rong flashed in his mind.

His heart suddenly tightened.

This kind of thing will never happen again.

He told himself that for the rest of his life, he would not allow this to happen again.

The author has something to say: Pei Wenxuan: "Please keep Su Rongqing three feet away from my wife, or I will shoot."

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