The Grand Secretary’s Pampered Wife

Five hundred and seventeenth

Chapter 517

But after Fengshi's dagger was pried off, Fengshi took the stump of the dagger directly to the armory, found the soldiers who forged weapons, and asked them to repair his dagger.

These soldiers were all blacksmiths, and when they came to the barracks for nothing else, they made a special trip to blacksmith.

At the moment, they are repairing the damaged armor and weapons for the soldiers, and they are a bit busy.

Although Fengshi is a son-in-law, repairing armor and weapons is an urgent order from King Yi.

Finally, a soldier finished repairing the armor in his hand, Feng Shi hurriedly handed him his dagger.

The soldier took a look and said, "The blade is broken."

Feng Shi asked, "Is it impossible to repair?"

The soldier said truthfully: "It's difficult. Generally, what we repair is the kind of rolled blade or gap. The deputy broke your dagger like this. It is difficult to connect it again, and there will be traces after it is connected."

The main reason is that their current blacksmithing skills are not strong enough, and it is said that they can meet each other flawlessly in Liang Guo.

"Then, is there no other way?" Fengshi asked.

"Melt down and redone," said the soldier.

"Is it still the dagger my lord gave me?" Feng Shi was puzzled, but there was no way.

In order to pry a small broken box, he actually broke the dagger that the adults gave him. It's really annoying to think about it!

In the end, Fengshi did not choose to melt the blade, and he walked back with the broken dagger.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he came to the place where Gu Jiao was imprisoned before he knew it.

It was the yard where sundries were piled up in the house. As the medical officer said, no one really came here.

However, fifty steps away from the main entrance of the sundry courtyard, there were a large number of soldiers practicing.

Strictly speaking, the defense of the sundries yard is very tight.

Fengshi was angry, and he couldn't help wanting to take it out on that soldier of Zhao Kingdom.

When he came to Gu Jiao's house, he frowned when he realized that the guard guarding the gate was gone.

He remembered that the door was open when he left, and it was closed now.

His complexion suddenly sank due to all the weirdness, he pushed the door unceremoniously into the room, and glanced inside vigilantly.

I saw the medical officer standing in front of the bed, bending over to bandage the wound on the wrist of the soldier from Zhao Kingdom, the medical officer heard the movement behind him, and felt the cold wind blowing in from the door, turned his head and said to Feng Shi: "Feng Shi Lieutenant general, please close the door, the patient is already frozen and cannot be blown anymore, so he will not recover."

"Is he really alright?" Feng Shi told the medical officer to hang the boy's life,

But he didn't care about it in his heart. After all, he had been in the frontier fortress all year round and had seen too many people with frostbite. It was basically impossible to live for a few days if it was so cold.

The medical officer cleared his throat, and said unhappily, "Is Vice-General Feng questioning my medical skills?"

Feng Shi was speechless for a while, although he was indeed questioning, but speaking out would always make people feel embarrassed.

He coughed lightly, looked at the boy's wrist, and said, "How did you untie his rope?"

The medical officer said seriously: "He was injured, didn't you ask me to hang him? I don't know how to bandage his wound if I don't understand the rope. If he doesn't bandage the wound, what should he do if he becomes infected? With my last breath left, I am lucky that I am not dead, if there is any further delay, even the Immortal Da Luo will not be able to save me!"

Since the medical officer said that the boy had his last breath left, Fengshi didn't care about whether to tie his hands or not.

"How long will it take for him to wake up?" Feng Shi asked.

"It's hard to say." The medical officer said, looking at the door of the cloak, "If you continue to blow the wind, you won't be able to wake up for ten days and a half months!"

Feng Shi hurried into the house and closed the door.

After a while, he felt that something was wrong with him, what did he come in for! He doesn't want to look at this kid!

"Where are the people outside?" Feng Shi asked.

The medical officer pretended to turn his back, and while bandaging Gu Jiao's non-existent wound, he said with erratic eyes: "How do I know? I've been healing him inside."

"Where did this kid go?" Feng Shi impatiently left the room.


The doctor's voice came from inside the house.

Feng Shi frowned, and closed the door with his backhand!

After confirming that Fengshi had gone far away, the medical officer's legs softened and he sat on the edge of the bed.

He raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead, and gasped for breath: "I was scared to death. I was scared to death... Fortunately, I didn't reveal the truth... You don't know the methods of King Yi... If he finds out... I'll help you……"

The medical officer inexplicably felt something was wrong halfway through his speech, he took a closer look and saw that Gu Jiao had already fallen asleep in just a short while!

Doctor: "..."

The medical officer waved his hand in front of Gu Jiao's eyes: "Hey, hello, girl? Girl? Little... son?"

Gu Jiao didn't respond.

"Okay! I'm going to expose you now!"

The medical officer turned around and left, but just as he reached the door, a ghostly voice came from behind: "Bury the body."

The medical officer staggered and fell forward, his forehead hit the door panel, and a big bag came out immediately.

He didn't dare to turn around, just turned slightly and nodded.

"Remember to bring two steamed buns when you come back, I'm hungry." Gu Jiao closed her eyes and said flatly.

"...I am a member of King Yi, you will make me unjust." The medical officer said solemnly.

Gu Jiao turned over and faced the inner side of the bed: "Let me touch the small medicine box twice."

Medical officer: "Deal!"


Gu Jiao slept from noon until night.

The acute pulmonary edema caused by frostbite improved slightly, but the real recovery was not so fast, and she had to stay on the mountain for a few days.

not to mention--

Gu Jiao paused, took two pills of chloramphenicol from the small medicine box and ate them, and poured herself a glass of water.

The doctor came over halfway through the drink.

Seeing that she was awake and sitting at the table drinking water, the medical officer couldn't help but look her up and down.

To be honest, his face was still a little pale, and it could be seen that it had been severely frozen, but it was much better than when it was delivered in the morning, at least it was not as pale as a corpse.

"Here, the steamed buns you want." The medical officer put the food box on the table, took out a bowl of steamed buns, and brought out a bowl of jujube and ginger soup, "Drink it to keep out the cold."

If she is really a kid, a bowl of ginger soup is enough. Considering that she is a girl, the medical officer cut a few slices of red dates and put a spoonful of brown sugar.

"And this." The medical officer took a small backpack from behind, "Is it yours?"

"Yeah." Gu Jiao nodded.

"I couldn't find anything in it, so I only found this one basket." The medical officer said regretfully.

Gu Jiao brought over the small back basket, which was made by Gu Xiaoshun for her. It was very durable, and it was almost undamaged when she accompanied her from the capital to here.

Gu Jiao put down the small basket and ate the steamed buns with ginger soup.

After drinking the warm ginger soup, Gu Jiao broke out in a sweat and felt much better.

After she finished eating, she took out two pills from the small medicine box and handed them to him: "Take it."

"What is this?" The medical officer asked strangely, looking at the pill in his hand.

"Medicine." Gu Jiao said.

"Why should I take medicine?" the medical officer asked.

Gu Jiao said lightly: "You can eat as soon as you are told, so much nonsense."

The medical officer refused in his heart, and he didn't know what kind of medicine it was. What if it was poison?

He looked at the medicine in his hand, and then at the small medicine box on the table, "Can I touch it more after taking it?"

Gu Jiao: "No."

Doctor: "..."

For the next two days, Gu Jiao quietly stayed in the small room to recuperate.

The soldier went nowhere, but Vice General Feng couldn't find him, so he sent a new one over.

It is not a small matter to lose a soldier in the military camp, but something bigger has happened in the military camp in the past few days, and there is no time to take care of a soldier all of a sudden.

King Yi fell ill, and on the second night of living in the village, King Yi suddenly developed chills and high fever.

During the Battle of Lingguan City, King Yi was shot and wounded. At first, the medical officers thought that his wound was infected, which led to this series of conditions.

However, the medical officers checked King Yi's injury and found that the wound healed well, without any signs of redness, swelling and infection.

The medical officials also speculated that King Yi had contracted a cold, and made a decoction for King Yi to treat the cold.

Unexpectedly, after taking a decoction, Wang Yi not only did not get better, but coughed up bright red bloody phlegm on the morning of the third day.

The medical officers diagnosed King Yi again. This time, the medical officers finally noticed something was wrong.

Generally speaking, coughing up such bloody sputum is due to lung disease.

However, there are many types of lung diseases, such as lung diseases caused by wind and cold, and... lung diseases caused by plague!

"No, it can't be the plague, right? Could it be tuberculosis?" A young medical officer asked fearfully.

Tuberculosis is also a type of lung disease. It is highly contagious in the early stage, but as long as the right medicine is taken, most of it will become chronic. To put it bluntly, it will not cause death immediately.

Plague is more contagious than tuberculosis, has a higher fatality rate, and dies faster.

If they had to choose between the two, they would of course prefer that King Yi had tuberculosis.

"But according to Yi Wang's symptoms, it doesn't look like tuberculosis." An older medical officer said.

These words made all the medical officers fall into silence.

On the other side, in the study of the silver fox man, Fengshi was reporting to him about King Yi's condition.

"The doctors said that King Yi was infected with lung disease, but they can't make a conclusion about the exact type of lung disease." Feng Shi said truthfully.

"Lung disease...can't be..." The silver fox man said and shook his head, "No, it's impossible, uncle, he has never been in contact with those plague patients. Cough cough!"

While he was talking, he suddenly coughed violently.

"My lord! Are you alright?" Feng Shi stepped forward, poured a cup of hot tea for the silver fox man, and put his hands in front of the silver fox man.

The silver fox man took the hot tea and took a few sips, but instead of stopping it, it became more violent.

"Ahem! Ahem!" He put the teacup on the table and frowned, "Pour some cold tea!"

"Yes!" Feng Shi poured him a cup of cold tea.

The silver fox man took a sip and seemed to have stopped, but he coughed violently again after a while.

"My lord!" Feng Shi looked at him worriedly.

The silver fox man waved his hand and said lightly, "It's okay, it's just a little cold."

The silver fox man is a peerless master, and a minor illness like wind and cold can't trouble him, so he seldom takes it to heart.

"It will be fine in a few days. You should send someone to watch over my uncle, and don't let him have any accidents."

King Yi is the most orthodox royal family of the former dynasty, and he is the direct descendant of the last Sejong, so nothing can happen to him.

Feng Shiyu said earnestly: "My lord, you should also take care of yourself. If something happens to King Yi, you will be the only descendant of the royal family."

"It's not that I don't have a son." In the middle of speaking, the silver fox man stopped himself first, "Understood, you step back."

After Fengshi left, the silver fox man sat alone in the study for a long time, until late at night, when it was time to rest, he got up and left the study.

He came to the door of a wing.

The maid guarding the door saluted him: "Consort."

"Has the princess rested yet?" the silver fox man asked.

"Stop," said the maid.

The silver fox man was about to enter the house, but he coughed twice, turned around and put his fist on his mouth: "Ahem!"

"My son-in-law, are you feeling unwell?" the maid asked.

The silver fox man put down his fist and said calmly: "I'm fine, forget it, the princess has rested, so I won't go in and disturb her."

In the early morning of the next day, Yi Wang was finally diagnosed with the epidemic by the medical officials.

The silver fox man was looking at the military defense map of the village in his study when he heard the news.

He put down the album in his hand, frowned and looked at Fengshi: "What did you say? What happened to my uncle?"

"His Royal Highness Yi Wang...His Royal Highness Yi Wang...has the disease!"


"That's what the medical officers said! The medical officers even asked the little one to ask the adults if it is necessary to isolate His Royal Highness Yi Wang?"

"But uncle..." The silver fox man stood up excitedly, and then he felt a tickle in his throat, and he covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed violently.

After coughing, he took off the veil and saw a patch of blood on it.

"My lord!" Feng Shi also saw it, and his face changed suddenly! He walked towards the silver fox man with strides!

"Don't come over!" The silver fox man raised his hand to block him, his eyes moved slightly, his expression complicated, "You go out first, no one is allowed to enter this study room again."

Fengshi: "But..."

Silver Fox Man: "Get out!"

Fengshi clenched his fists: "...Yes!"

Fengshi gritted his teeth, turned and walked out of the study.

However, the moment he walked out, he suddenly bowed and coughed up a mouthful of blood!

Yi Wang: Kill her!

Son-in-law: Don't be afraid, uncle, how can she kill five thousand of us by herself?

Little plague: Hello?

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