The Grandson Of The Reborn Chaebol Family Became The World's Richest Man

Chapter 91 Chen Daojun's 100 Billion Gift, Chen Yangzhe's Preference!

The gate of Yangxinzhai.

Chen Runji handed over the car to the butler, and walked towards the house with Chen Daojun, Li Hairen and others.

"Hey, Daojun is here?"

At this moment, the doctor saw Chen Rong and Chen Dongji running out.

They looked Chen Daojun up and down, as if they all wanted to see what gift Chen Daojun had prepared.

"Little nephew, didn't you prepare a gift for the old man?"

Seeing this, Uncle Chen Rongji asked curiously.

He searched carefully just now, but he didn't see where Chen Daojun's gift was at all.

Seeing Chen Rongji's curious expression, Chen Daojun frowned and asked, "What gift?"

"A gift for grandpa!" Chen Rongji explained: "This is an old tradition in our family. The old man lost his temper so much last time. As the juniors, "Shouldn't we all prepare gifts for the old man?"

"Oh? Prepare a gift?" Chen Daojun chuckled, shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's you who made the old man angry, not me. What does it have to do with me?"


Hearing Chen Daojun's words, Chen Rong and Chen Dongji had nothing to say for an instant.

Indeed, as Chen Daojun said, it was the two brothers who made the old man angry last time, and no one else had anything to do with Chen Daojun.


While Chen Rongji was meditating secretly, the doctor said after listening to Chen Dao: "I really prepared a gift..."

It was purely unintentional that he prepared gifts for Chen Yangzhe, and the purpose of Chen Rongji brothers was completely different.

"Look, I'll just say it!"

Chen Dongji who was on the side heard the words, and instantly regained his energy: "With Daojun's ingenuity, can he miss this opportunity? Brother, after luck, he is much more vigilant than us..."

"Indeed." Chen Rongji nodded thoughtfully and said, "Compared to us, Daojun is obviously better at reading the old man's mind!"

Speaking of this, he asked curiously: "Daojun, can you tell uncle, what gift did you prepare for grandpa?"

He really wanted to know what gift this unexpected little nephew could prepare for Chen Yangzhe.

So far, Chen Dongji has prepared a vase and spent three billion.

He prepared a piece of jade and spent a full six billion.

What about this little nephew?

He knows the old man best, will he prepare something more valuable?

Judging from his current investment income, it is estimated that even a gift worth tens of billions would be nothing.

Just when Chen Rongji looked curious, he suddenly heard Chen Daojun say: "The one I prepared... is actually not a gift, it's just the product I researched recently...


Hearing Chen Daojun's words, both Chen Rongji and Chen Dongji were stunned.

The two looked at each other.

This gift was too unexpected.

In the opinion of the two of them, with the character of the little nephew, they will inevitably prepare a gift that kills the audience in seconds.

But who knew that he actually prepared a product developed by himself?

Could it be that the learning machine that is selling very hotly?

The old man is already at this age, why don't you give him a learning machine?

Isn't this slapping the old man in the face?

Thinking of this, a joyful smile appeared on Chen Rongji's face.

He stepped forward and patted Chen Daojun on the back, sighing: "Daojun, well done! Grandpa will be very happy to see your new product!"


At this time, the eldest aunt Sun Zhenlan also came forward: "Daojun, your little grandson is what your grandfather admires the most. Next time you have a new product, you must remember to give it to him as soon as possible!"

This great aunt usually likes pee and mud the most.

Hearing Chen Daojun's gift at this moment, she was so excited that she almost laughed out loud.

No way, the more outlandish the gifts Chen Daojun prepared, the happier the whole family would be.

As long as they don't steal the limelight from their eldest son and grandson, Sun Zhenlan and Chen Rongji don't care about anything else.

Besides them, Chen Dongji was also secretly proud.

He is the one who likes to play tricks the most among all the juniors.

Although he publicly stated that what he gave was a vase worth three billion yuan, but he did not say that there was also a pair of calligraphy and paintings of celebrities worth tens of billions in the vase.

The painting was carefully chosen by him to fit just right in the vase.

In this way, he had prepared two gifts. Compared with his well-intentioned elder brother, Chen Dongji naturally had a bit of an advantage.

There is no way, the family is too involved, and everyone is trying their best to please the old man.

As long as we can inherit Shunyang, who is going to win the others?

Thinking of this, Chen Dongji stepped forward and said: "Daojun, next time you have a new research and development, don't just give it to grandpa, but also give it to us uncles to try it out, you can't just engage in classism!"

He's happy now.

As long as this little nephew who made him feel embarrassed quits the ring, Chen Dongji has no other opponents.

"Look, the old man is back!"

While everyone was talking, Chen Huarong who was next to him suddenly yelled.

When everyone looked up, they saw a tiger-headed Benz stopping outside the gate of Yangxinzhai like a fast-moving car.

Immediately afterwards, the old man came down from the back door.

He was wearing a gray suit, followed by a bunch of bodyguards, and he looked very domineering.


Seeing this, Chen Rongji and Chen Dongji rushed up to greet him and shouted.


Chen Yangzhe responded blankly, passed through them, turned and walked towards the living room.

It wasn't until he saw Chen Daojun in front of him that his ice-cold expression gradually melted, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Daojun, are you here so early?" Chen Yangzhe sized him up and said with a smile, "Come on, follow me upstairs!"


Chen Daojun responded, got up and followed behind him.

Chen Yangzhe took two steps forward, as if he remembered something.

He turned his head and glanced at Chen Rongji and Chen Dongji, and shouted to them: "You two, come up together!"


Chen Rongji and Chen Dong (赵赵)ji were taken aback for a moment, before they realized: "Yes, Dad!"

As they spoke, they hurriedly followed up.

For the old man's invitation, they didn't know whether to be happy or anxious.

During the last family dinner, the old man dropped his glass of anger, and his anger has not dissipated until now.

Now, he openly called the two of them to go upstairs, and it is very likely that he will continue to settle accounts with them.

Alas, the treatment of the grandson is better!

Every time he sees this little grandson, the old man always has a sincere smile on his face.

This has never happened before the two brothers.

Could it be that, as the eldest son and second son in the family, they are really going to be defeated by this little grandson?

Even Chen Xingjun, the eldest son and grandson that the old man once liked, has already fallen from the altar by now, right?

"Rongji, come here!"

While Chen Rongji and Chen Dongji were bowing their heads in thought, they suddenly heard Chen Yangzhe shouted in front of them. .

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