The Great Dao Of The Wilderness: The Sagely Path Of The Yellow Plum Tree!

Chapter 51 Hongjun: My Home Was Stolen? The Ancestral Root Of The Peach Tree, The Queen Mother Of Th

And this is just the beginning.

As the endless stream of Heavenly Dao Merit fell, layers of Merit Golden Wheels evolved and gathered behind Huang Li's head!

One Merit Golden Wheel!

Two Merit Golden Wheels!

Three Merit Golden Wheels!

Until all the Heavenly Dao Merit Celebration Clouds fell, three Merit Golden Wheels were suspended behind Huang Li's head, emitting dazzling golden light, layer upon layer, making his already handsome face look even more weird. In the prehistoric world, nine is the extreme, twelve is perfect, and twelve Merit Golden Wheels are the limit. Of course, the more you go back, the more Heavenly Dao Merit you need to consume for each condensation. According to legend, when you condense nine Merit Golden Wheels, you will have the power of heaven and earth, which is equivalent to the Heavenly Dao Saint level!

And if you can condense twelve Merit Golden Wheels, in terms of status, you can even rival the Taoist Ancestor.

"Not bad!"

Feeling the golden wheel of merit behind his head, Huang Li also had a smile on his face.

Compared to directly refining the merit of the Heavenly Dao, condensing it into the golden wheel of merit behind his head is the most cost-effective way!

Now the Great Dao has retired, and the Heavenly Dao is in charge of the prehistoric world.

The golden wheel of merit is equivalent to a talisman, and if you really lack merit, you can break it and use it. The most important thing is that at this time, as the golden wheel of merit condenses, Huang Li is also somewhat surprised to find that as long as he moves his mind, the authority of heaven and earth around him seems to be able to bless himself. Although it is not much, it is equivalent to the power of a Daluo Jinxian!

Obviously, this is the benefit of the golden wheel of merit. It can not only be used as a talisman, but also can be used to exert the authority of heaven and earth!

Moreover, with the continuous gathering of merit in the future, the level of the golden wheel of merit is improved, and the authority of heaven and earth that can be blessed is also becoming more and more terrifying. Horror!

It seems that if one can really condense the Nine-fold Merit Golden Wheel and master the same authority as a saint, it seems that it is not impossible!

Of course, the "Nine-seven-three" merits required are absolutely astronomical numbers!

"The Chaos Soul Purification Array, relying on the arrangement of the ancestral veins of the earth, is transforming the turbid air and evil spirits of the earth at all times and obtaining endless merits. In the future, it is not impossible to condense the Nine-fold Merit Golden Wheel and master the authority of the saint level!"

Huang Li murmured, looking at the Chaos Soul Purification Array that was running on its own, and he did not stop. With a move, he returned to the Pangu Temple again.

At this time, as he used the Chaos Soul Purification Array to solve the source of the turbid air and evil spirits of the earth, and engraved the array on the blood-colored cocoon, it continuously purified the turbid air and evil spirits in the body of the ancestor witch. It can be seen that the twelve blood-colored cocoons that were originally in endless pain all exuded a peaceful breath, as if they were in a deep sleep.

"Little guys, when the foul air and evil spirits in your bodies are purified, that's when we'll meet again!"

Looking at the twelve witch ancestors who seemed to be sleeping in front of him, and feeling the pull of the blood in his body, Huang Li's face also showed a gentle smile. He didn't expect that by accident, he would become the eldest brother of the twelve witch ancestors in the future. However, the current witch ancestors may not be able to see anything. When they transform, it will be the day when the whole prehistoric Dragon Han catastrophe will undergo earth-shaking changes!

The Pangu Temple has a chaos ban that isolates the secrets of heaven. Only Pangu blood can enter, and even the power of heaven is isolated. Here, the witch ancestors are naturally very safe.

Thinking of this, Huang Li did not stop, and disappeared from the spot in a move.


In the sky above the prehistoric world, a figure sat cross-legged, surrounded by a hazy green light, and countless talismans evolved. Even though he was on the road, he was still immersed in cultivation. This figure was naturally Huang Li. After leaving the Pangu Temple, he turned into a stream of light and flew straight towards the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

The three major ancestral veins of the prehistoric world, Buzhou and Shouyang, have all been explored. As the second ancestral vein, Kunlun has the same opportunities.


On this day, Huang Li, who was on the road, slowly opened his eyes with a feeling in his heart.

At this time, he only felt a stream of cool air flowing from his eyes, and at the same time, the attraction in the banquet also emerged in his heart!

Obviously, this is the induction of the insight across the eternity.

This is normal. At this time, he is a mid-level Chaos God and Demon, with amazing luck. He also has the Golden Wheel of Merit and is favored by heaven. It is reasonable for him to encounter opportunities while walking. Thinking of this, Huang Li also stopped. Immediately, his figure moved and went straight to the dark traction.

Soon, Huang Li stopped in front of a mountain. This mountain is hundreds of billions of miles high. The old trees on it are twisted and look like real dragons. If it were placed in the previous life, an ancient tree would be larger than the entire Blue Star. However, in this prehistoric world, even this mountain is just an inconspicuous hill in the prehistoric world.

Soon, Huang Li went straight to the depths of the mountain. In front of him, there was nothing.


Huang Li punched out, and in an instant, a restriction slowly appeared in front of him.

Seeing this, he was also familiar with the road. Soon, he broke the restriction in front of him and stepped into it.


As soon as he entered the forbidden area, Huang Li's eyes lit up. Looking around, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was dense, more than a thousand times that of the outside world, and there were many spiritual roots and spiritual materials growing. Although it could not be compared with the top-level cave paradise, it could also be regarded as a large cave paradise.

Thinking of this, Huang Li also moved his figure and flew directly to the core area of ​​the cave paradise.

Along the way, whether it was spiritual roots and spiritual materials, innate veins and minerals, or even spiritual soil, they were all moved to the Hongmeng Realm by him. Soon, Huang Li stopped.

This is already the core area of ​​the forbidden area. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth has become so dense that it has turned into a faint mist.

And the pull in the dark is right in front of him, but there is nothing there, without any items at all.

"Strange!" Huang Li muttered. He was a mid-level Chaos God and Demon at this time, so the opportunity he sensed would not be wrong. At this moment, his heart moved slightly, and he keenly sensed a trace of the breath of the Great Dao of Time and Space. The next moment, a look of "disappointment" appeared on his face. Immediately, after transplanting all the spiritual roots and materials in the core area of ​​the restriction, he did not stay any longer. With a move, he disappeared from the spot. Buzz! Not long after Huang Li left, a wave of time and space appeared. Immediately, an ancient treasure realm, which seemed to be engraved with the Great Dao of Time and Space, slowly evolved with a group of the origin of extreme yin. "Phew, that was close!"

A wave came from the Extreme Yin Origin. It was the Extreme Yin Origin between heaven and earth that evolved when the world was created. Now it has already given birth to a naive consciousness, and is accompanied by the Kunlun Realm, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, which has the ability to travel through time and space. Previously, when the restriction produced a wave, it urgently activated the Kunlun Mirror to travel through time and space and hide in the depths of space. Now, after seeing the intruder leave, it dared to show up.

However, after seeing the entire restricted space being plundered.

The future Queen Mother of the West, that is, the origin of the Supreme Yin, also had strong fluctuations!

This guy is too hateful. If it waits until it transforms...

"I found you!!"

Just as the future Queen Mother of the West was daydreaming, suddenly, a voice sounded from beside it, almost scaring it to death. Almost without hesitation, it was ready to activate the Kunlun Mirror and travel through time and space to leave, but the next moment, what shocked the Supreme Yin Origin was that no matter how it activated, it could not activate it at all. The surrounding time and space seemed to be imprisoned. For a moment, a trace of despair appeared in the heart of the Supreme Yin Origin!

"Oh? The Supreme Yin Origin? The future Queen Mother of the West?"

Looking at the "trembling" Supreme Yin Origin in front of him, and the ancient treasure mirror suspended on it, Huang Li, who had returned, also had a smile on his face.

In the prehistoric world, there are Supreme Yang, Sun, and Shao Yang, which are Dong Wanggong, Di Jun Donghuang, and Fuxi respectively.

Similarly, there are Zhiyin, Taiyin, and Shaoyin, which correspond to the Queen Mother of the West, Yihe Changxi, and Nuwa in the prehistoric world.

The Zhiyin Origin in front of him is the Queen Mother of the West who has not yet transformed. After the witch and demon calamity, she was canonized as the head of the prehistoric female immortals after preaching in Zixiao Palace. She is in charge of the prehistoric female immortals and is also a top-level great supernatural power. According to legend, she and Dong Wanggong became Taoist partners. After Dong Wanggong exploded and died, she hid in the prehistoric world.

And that ancient treasure mirror must be the legendary Kunlun Realm. According to legend, it has the power to travel through time and space. I am afraid that the Zhiyin Origin has sensed the danger and activated the Kunlun Mirror. However, he has already integrated the avenue of time and space into himself at this time. He sensed a clue and killed a sneak attack. He also blocked it with the time and space domain, so he "caught" it. Otherwise, with the power of Kunlun Realm, I am afraid that even the perfect strong man of Hunyuan Jinxian will find it difficult to detect its trace!


While Huang Li was thinking, the "trembling" Supreme Yin Origin also sensed the breath emanating from Huang Li's body.

Under the blessing of the Great Way of Charm and the Great Way of Yang that he practiced, the Supreme Yin Origin instinctively felt close to him. As the saying goes, a single yin cannot last long, and a single yang cannot last long. The Supreme Yin and the Supreme Yang themselves have a mysterious attraction. Huang Li had previously observed the Shouyang Mountain evolved from Pangu's "yang" root in Shouyang Mountain and comprehended the Great Way of Yang. He was already strongly attracted to the Supreme Yin Origin. With the blessing of the Great Way of Charm, the attraction to the Supreme Yin Origin was simply unimaginable!

The next moment!


In Huang Li's somewhat surprised eyes, Kunlun Realm, together with the Supreme Yin Origin, all fell in front of him.

"You want to follow me?"

"Your companion spirit treasure, Kunlun Realm, is also given to me?"

Feeling the close fluctuations transmitted by the Supreme Yin Origin, Huang Li's face also showed surprise, but soon, he understood.

He has now achieved the Dao of Charm and merged himself with the Dao of Hunyuan.

With the blessing of the Dao of Yang, it is normal for him to be attracted to the Queen Mother of the West, who is the source of Yin.

However, if he remembers correctly.

After the Queen Mother of the West transforms in the future, she seems to be a Taoist partner with the King of the East. Does this count as...


While Huang Li was thinking, the fluctuations emitted by the source of Yin became stronger and stronger.

Obviously, Huang Li's attraction to it at this time is simply unimaginable, and it has left a deep and indelible mark in the heart of the Queen Mother of the West who has not yet transformed.

Seeing this, Huang Li did not hesitate and carefully put the source of Yin into the Hongmeng Realm.

Immediately, he put away the Kunlun Mirror. After doing this, he did not stay any longer. With a move, he had left the original place.

At the same time, when Huang Li "kidnapped" the source of Yin, that is, the Queen Mother of the West who had not yet transformed.

In a hidden restriction somewhere in the prehistoric world, a group of the source of the Yang, as if it had a feeling, suddenly emitted a strong fluctuation. It felt as if something that belonged to him was lost. Unfortunately, it could not take shape at the moment. The feeling of frustration was simply indescribable! Of course, Huang Li did not know about this. At this time, he was sitting in the sky above the prehistoric world, continuing to fly towards the Kunlun Mountains. At the same time, as his mind moved, an ancient treasure realm was already suspended in front of him. This was the Kunlun realm of the top-grade innate spiritual treasure. As he was about to refine it, he found a big surprise. In this Kunlun mirror, there were as many as 47 innate restrictions. Looking at the top-grade innate spiritual treasures, this Kunlun mirror can be regarded as the top! Thinking of this, he did not hesitate, immersed himself in his mind, and started to refine it directly. [You have refined 12 restrictions in Kunlun Realm, your Avenue of Time has been improved, current fusion: 2%]

[You have refined 47 restrictions in Kunlun Realm, you have completely refined Kunlun Realm, current fusion of Avenue of Time and Space: 5%]

"Time and Space Shuttle?"

Huang Li opened his eyes. At this time, he had already completely refined Kunlun Realm, and the harvest was not small.

For the fusion of Avenue of Time and Avenue of Space, both were improved to five percentage points.

As a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the function of Kunlun Realm is also extremely powerful, that is, to travel through time and space. This kind of travel is not possible out of thin air, but requires setting the time and space coordinates in advance. Immediately, you can activate Kunlun Realm, go back through time and space, and return to the time and space coordinates. This sounds complicated, but it is extremely simple to evolve. With Huang Li's mind moving, a time and space coordinate has been set. Next, if you encounter danger anywhere in the prehistoric world, you can directly activate Kunlun Realm and return to the set time and space coordinates. "If I set up the time and space coordinates in the Pangu Temple, I can activate the Kunlun Realm and return to the Pangu Temple when I encounter any danger..." Huang Li murmured, his eyes bright. It must be said that this Kunlun Realm is really a life-saving artifact. Of course, this kind of time and space shuttle is not used casually. Generally speaking, the longer the distance of the shuttle, the greater the consumption of the Kunlun Realm, and the longer it takes to use it again! Huang Li can naturally understand this. The power of time and space is a taboo power, and it is naturally not so casual to use it! In any case, with this Kunlun Realm, it is definitely a powerful life-saving trump card. Thinking of this, while rushing on the road, he also left hundreds of time and space coordinates in succession, and used formations to cover their aura. In the future, if he encounters any danger, he can activate the Kunlun Realm and shuttle back to these time and space coordinates. The vastness of the ancient world, Huang Li had traveled for tens of thousands of years without realizing it. At this moment, a mountain that reaches the sky suddenly appeared in front of him. He saw:

2.4 The mist and haze were colorful, and the sun and moon were shining. Thousands of old cypresses and thousands of bamboos.

Thousands of old cypresses, with rain all over the mountain, were green; thousands of bamboos, with smoke all over the path, were gray. Outside the door, there were exotic flowers and fragrant grass.

It was a blessed place for immortals!

You know, it was still the early days of the Longhan catastrophe, and there were many sacred mountains and blessed places in the world, which had not evolved completely. To have such a scene, this sacred mountain must be extremely extraordinary.

However, what really attracted Huang Li was that when he just approached this sacred mountain, a burst of cool air emerged in his eyes. It was a glimpse across the eternity, which caused attraction. Not only that,

This attraction was simply extremely strong.

Obviously, the opportunities contained in this sacred mountain are also amazing! Thinking of this, he did not hesitate, and turned into a stream of light, following the traction in the dark, and flew straight to the depths of this sacred mountain. Soon, Huang Li stopped, and in front of him, a restriction suddenly appeared, covering the entire sacred mountain. This restriction was extremely complicated, but it was only a moment, and he broke it directly, and then he stepped directly into the minister of the restriction. "What is this??" As soon as he stepped into the restriction, Huang Li stopped and looked at the scene in front of him. His expression was slightly startled. Looking around, he saw that the number of spiritual roots and spiritual materials in the world was not inferior to that of a top-level cave paradise. Although these spiritual roots and spiritual materials had some traces of postnatal transplantation, Huang Li's face showed a trace of doubt, but soon, it disappeared in a flash. Under the cover of his divine sense, there was no trace of any living creatures in the entire sacred mountain blessed land!

If it is really the dojo of a great master, even if it is no longer a dojo, there will definitely be some boys and immortal birds left to guard it.

The scene in front of him can only indicate one possibility!

Either this place has no owner, or the great master who sits here has died. Huang Li is more inclined to the latter.

Thinking of this, he is no longer polite. With a big hand, he transplants all the spiritual roots and materials into the Hongmeng Realm!

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