The Great Dao Of The Wilderness: The Sagely Path Of The Yellow Plum Tree!

Chapter 58: Yingzhou Fairy Island, The Money Tree, The Money Of The Five Virtues!

"Children speak without restraint!"

Hearing this, Huang Li's face darkened.

This is Yuan Feng's biological daughter, the future mount of the saints in the witch-lich calamity period. If she is really used as a mount, the entire prehistoric world will be shaken, and the Phoenix clan will probably go out in full force to hunt him down. After all, as the overlord of the prehistoric world, if the daughter of the clan leader is used as a mount, the Phoenix clan will no longer be able to show their face and will not be able to restrain the prehistoric bird clan!

Of course, when she grows up, her cultivation strength will probably be improved to an unimaginable level!

At that time, let alone Yuan Feng's biological daughter, even Yuan Feng may not be able to...

"Ahem! In that case, then from now on, you will stay by my side!..."

Huang Li said. This golden phoenix has the instinct to seek good fortune and avoid disaster. It is not a bad thing to be with him.

Moreover, the population in the Hongmeng Realm is "sparse", so letting him enter the Hongmeng Realm to sort out and care for spiritual roots and spiritual materials is also a good opportunity to play to his strengths!


Hearing this, Jin Feng happily circled around Huang Li for a few times, with a cheering expression on her face: "Wow, that's great, brother, you're so good!"

Then, she also turned into a pocket bird, crouching on Huang Li's shoulder, but she was unwilling to leave.

"Since you are following me, there are some karmas that need to be dealt with...

Looking at the little golden phoenix on his shoulder, Huang Li's face was calm, and a dazzling golden light appeared in his eyes. Then, he saw several golden karma lines, pulling on the golden phoenix. Obviously, this is the karma line of the Phoenix family. In the future Longhan catastrophe, the Phoenix family will also bear the karma.

Since this little guy is following me, it is natural to eliminate its karma.

Thinking of this, Huang Li also turned his palm into a knife and evolved the magical power of the great way of karma. In an instant, he heard the sound of collapse. Immediately, the karma lines around the little golden phoenix, including the thickest one, the karma line between her and her mother Yuanfeng, The fruit line was also cut off by Huang Li. This was not because Huang Li was cruel, but Jin Feng's own instinctive choice.


Just when Huang Li completely cut off her cause and effect, Jin Feng also raised her head in confusion, looked at Huang Li and said, "Big brother, what did you do? Why do I feel so relaxed, but a little sad in my heart!"

While speaking, the expression on her face was also confused, with some tears.

"Hehe, this is not a bad thing, you will know it later!"

Huang Li did not explain too much. With a wave of his hand, he put the little Jin Feng into the Hongmeng Realm. Seeing such a rich innate spiritual energy, as well as many spiritual roots and spiritual materials, especially The Fusang sacred tree was the most attractive. Soon, the little golden phoenix forgot the sadness in her heart and fluttered onto the Fusang sacred tree to manage and sort out the spiritual roots and materials of the entire Hongmeng world for Huang Li. The four spiritual Taoists of earth, water, fire and wind were also "working hard". With the evolution of the origin of earth, water, fire and wind, the entire Hongmeng world began to expand and evolve towards a higher level!

"I'm leaving!"

At this time, seeing Huang Li accept the golden phoenix, Wangshu also spoke. Unknowingly, she had traveled in the South China Sea with Huang Li for nearly a hundred years.

This period of time was also the happiest time since she transformed.

However, the two sisters on the Taiyin Star are still Since she hadn't transformed yet, she couldn't leave for too long.

Thinking of this, Wangshu's cold and beautiful face also showed a trace of reluctance.

"This thing is called the Spirit Clan Contract. When we Spirit Clan transform, we can give it the True Name Map..."

Hearing this, Huang Li's face was calm. He raised his hand and a contract treasure appeared in front of Wangshu. This thing was obtained from the Four Spirits Taoist. The mark on it had been refined by him and filled in his own name. Next, Wangshu just had to fill in his name.

Even if it was the vastness of the wilderness, as long as one side encountered danger, the other side could sense it in an instant and come across the infinite space!


Hearing this, Wangshu did not hesitate and directly evolved the true name of the Great Dao into two Great Dao talismans, which he slowly printed on the contract treasure. Seeing this, Huang Li's heart was also slightly warmed. The true name of the Great Dao cannot be easily told to others, otherwise, if it is performed with spells and strange arts, the consequences will be absolutely devastating. After all, if ordinary creatures recite the true name of the Great Dao, the innate gods and demons can sense it in an instant. Now Wangshu signed the true name of the Great Dao without thinking, obviously, he already trusted him without reservation in his heart.


As the infinite moonlight evolved, the lunar star floated above the prehistoric South China Sea. Immediately, Wangshu turned into a ray of moonlight and went straight to the lunar star.

The innate gods and demons are all clear-minded. Since they already know each other's intentions, they will not quarrel. When the two sisters transform, they will come to the prehistoric world again!


Looking at Wangshu's leaving figure, Huang Li slowly retracted his gaze, and then, he did not stop, and moved his figure and went straight to the depths of the South China Sea.

Along the way, under the blessing of terrifying luck, opportunities are also endless, among which there are many innate spiritual treasures in the positive area!


On this day, Huang Li stopped, and in front of him was the location of the Yingzhou Fairy Island deduced.


Looking at the empty front, Huang Li was surrounded by the primordial purple light, and then, he punched straight ahead!


The next moment, a strange wave emerged, and then, in Huang Li's surprised expression, a hidden top-level innate restriction slowly evolved!

Seeing this, Huang Li's face was also slightly happy, immersed in his mind, and directly began to crack it.

[You cracked the restriction of Yingzhou Fairy Island, your world avenue is upgraded, and the current world avenue fusion is: 5%]

[You continue to crack the restriction of Yingzhou Fairy Island, your fortune avenue is upgraded, and the current fortune avenue fusion is: 5%]

[You completely cracked the restriction of Yingzhou Fairy Island, your formation avenue is upgraded, and the current formation avenue fusion is: 12%]

Soon, Huang Li broke the restriction in front of him, and then he stepped into it without hesitation.


As soon as he stepped into Yingzhou Fairy Island, the extremely rich innate spiritual energy rushed to his face. Looking around, spiritual roots and spiritual materials were everywhere. In terms of the scene, it seemed to be better than Pengcai and Fangzhang Fairy Island. This was normal. At this time, as time passed, the evolution of the top cave paradise was becoming more and more perfect, and the scene inside was naturally more and more amazing.

While thinking, Huang Li did not hesitate, and turned into a stream of light and flew directly to the core area of ​​Yingzhou Fairy Island.

Along the way, as he continued to go deeper, the quality of spiritual roots and spiritual materials also increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. Huang Li did not hesitate to transplant all the spiritual roots and spiritual materials he encountered into the Hongmeng Realm. There were also many large veins and mines, which were not spared. For a time, the Hongmeng Realm roared and almost reached the limit of the advanced world. It seemed that it was only one step away from being promoted to the top world! "We're here!" On this day, Huang Li stopped. This was the core area of ​​Yingzhou Fairy Island. Here, the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth almost turned into an ocean, but what really attracted Huang Li's attention was Still in this sea of ​​spiritual fluid, there was a spiritual root that was as strong as the sky. Even his original body, Huang Zhongli, seemed to be a small witch compared to it. Not only that, on this spiritual root, there was also the familiar Pangu pressure, which even made Huang Li feel like he was facing the pillar of heaven!

"Is this... the sky-reaching Jianmu?"

Looking at the sky-reaching spiritual root in front of him, Huang Li was slightly startled, but he knew its origin in an instant!

Jianmu, Bairen It has no branches, but nine barrels, and nine jackfruits underneath. Its fruit is like hemp, and its leaves are like awns!

Legend has it that Pangu God cut through the chaos and created the primitive world. However, when the world first opened, it was also like the chaos, with clear air and turbid air mixed together. Later, Pangu God used his own body to support the primitive world. The clear air rose to become the sky, and the turbid air fell to become the earth. What supported the sky together was the towering Jianmu in front of him. In the future, when the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors were conferred the title of God, there was a legend that Zhuanxu cut off Jianmu and cut off the connection between heaven and earth!

Of course, the pressure of supporting the sky was so terrifying that even Pangu could not withstand it and died of exhaustion. Jianmu was also unable to bear it and was completely broken. The giant tree in front of him should be just a fragment of the broken Jianmu!

Thinking of this, Huang Li was also shocked. Just a fragment had such a terrifying power!

It is difficult to imagine how huge the complete Jianmu is. I am afraid that it has already surpassed the limit of the best innate spiritual roots and reached the legendary chaotic spiritual roots.


Huang Li was amazed and came to the bottom of the Jianmu. At this time, his eyes focused slightly and he made a new discovery.

Under this towering tree, there was a spiritual pool that emitted dazzling golden light. It was all wealth transformed into substance. However, what really attracted Huang Li's attention was that in this golden pool of wealth, there was a strange spiritual root that was only a few feet high. It was blooming with colorful divine light and rustling, as if it had gathered all the wealth in the prehistoric world. Not only that, on this strange spiritual root, there were also a lot of "fruits"!

But if you look closely, you will find it.

These fruits are not ordinary spiritual fruits, but strange coins. As they sway and collide in the wind, they make a sound of metal clashing!

Not only that, these coins are also different. There are five kinds of them, which emit red, black, yellow, green and white divine lights respectively. As the light flows, it makes this spiritual root more magical!

"What is this?"

Looking at the strange spiritual root in front of him, Huang Li's heart moved and he grabbed it directly.

Soon, a message came, letting him know the origin of this spiritual root in an instant!

This is the legendary money tree spiritual root, which is both a prehistoric treasure and a prehistoric Jiong root!

And what is bound on it is not ordinary money, but the legendary five virtues money!

What are the five virtues?

In the prehistoric world, there are holy virtues, merits, blessings, morality, and hidden virtues!

Among them, merits are the merits of the heavenly way. The heavenly way is fair, and those who have made great contributions to the prehistoric world will naturally have merits. Previously, Huang Li purified the turbid air and evil spirits of the earth, and he got the merits of the heavenly way, which was transformed into the golden wheel of merits behind his head!

Hidden virtues are related to the reincarnation of the underworld. If you have hidden virtues, even if you die in reincarnation, there will be no small benefits.

Of course, at present, the reincarnation in the underworld has not been established, and Yin De is also illusory!

As for Fude, it is between merit and Yin De. With Fude, one can avoid danger and calamity. Even if it is a dangerous calamity, it is difficult to be contaminated!

During the Conferred God Calamity, the Nanji Immortal, Yun Zhongzi, among the disciples of the Chan Sect, is a famous Fude Golden Immortal. Among them, Yun Zhongzi has made several moves and was contaminated by the calamity. He even laid a pillar of Tongtian Divine Fire in Juelong Ridge and killed Wen Zhong, the Grand Master who carried the fate of the world. You should know that even the twelve golden immortals of the Chan Sect did not dare to attack Wen Zhong to avoid being contaminated by the great cause and effect. However, Yun Zhongzi was unharmed after killing Wen Zhong. This shows the role of Fude!

As for saintly virtue and morality, they are somewhat illusory. The former seems to be related to the saints of the Heavenly Dao.

It’s just that at this time point, there are naturally no saints in the prehistoric world, and the latter, I’m afraid you have to refine and comprehend it before you can know its role.


Just as Huang Li was looking at the money tree in front of him, he saw that the money tree was also rustling, showing its closeness to him!

At the same time, five different copper coins fell into Huang Li's hands, suddenly emitting five-color light.

"You want me to refine it?"

Looking at the five-color copper coins in his hand, Huang Li also knew the intention of the money tree. Immediately, he also became curious and looked at the five-color copper coins in front of him.

Among them, the merit money emits a rich merit golden light, the Yin De money emits a rich black light, the Fude money emits a red light, the Moral money emits a green light, and the Saintly money emits a yellow light, and there are inscriptions of the Way of Heaven engraved on it. At a glance, it feels extremely mysterious.

"Try the Saint's Coin first!"

Huang Li also had a trace of curiosity in his heart. At present, no saints have been born in the world, and Saint's Coin is naturally mysterious.

While thinking, he immersed himself in his mind and began to refine directly. Soon, a trace of Saint's power flowed into his body, and the Saint's Coin in his hand turned into ashes.

"What is this?"

Just after absorbing this strand of Saint's power, the expression on Huang Li's face changed slightly, and even a trace of surprise appeared!

In his perception, the prehistoric world at this time seemed to have become a little different. Not only that, the Heavenly Dao rules that evolved in the prehistoric world seemed to be influenced and borrowed by him at this moment. Although he could only borrow a trace, he only refined a Saint's Coin. If he refined enough, borrowing the power of the prehistoric Heavenly Dao rules would naturally increase!

In other words,

The Sainthood in this Sainthood Coin actually represents the authority of Heaven in the prehistoric world?


Thinking of this, even Huang Li was shocked!

During the witch and demon calamity period, Daozu Hongjun once said that below the saints, everyone is an ant!

Even if a Hunyuan Golden Immortal is perfect, that is, a quasi-saint, he is like an ant in front of the Heavenly Saint!

Why is this so? This is related to the Heavenly Saint's control of the Heavenly Saint. Every move is influenced by the prehistoric world. The power of the Desolate Heavenly Dao is added!

However, if you want to master the authority of the Heavenly Dao, first of all, you must prove yourself to be a Heavenly Dao Saint and be bound by the Desolate Heavenly Dao!

But at this time, as long as you continue to refine the Saint's Money, theoretically speaking, as long as you refine enough Saint's Money!

Even if you don't prove yourself to be a Heavenly Dao Saint, you can still master the same authority as a Heavenly Dao Saint, or even more than a Heavenly Dao Saint??


For a moment, even Huang Li couldn't help but take a breath, but soon, he calmed down.

There is no other reason. To obtain the authority of the Heavenly Dao Saint, the amount of Saintly Virtue Money needed is probably an astronomical figure, and the time consumed is unimaginable! Of course, if there is time to modify the Great Dao Divine Power, it may not be impossible to make enough Saintly Virtue Money in the future! "Just Saintly Virtue Money has such power, what effect does Moral Money have?" Huang Li suppressed the surprise in his heart, immersed in his mind, and soon, he refined the Moral Money in his hand. As a message poured in, the expression on his face changed again! The ability of this Moral Money is naturally not the morality of the previous life, but is related to the Great Dao of Retreat! If refining Saintly Virtue Money can grasp a ray of Heavenly Dao authority, then refining this Moral Money can grasp What he holds is actually the authority of the Great Dao!

"Money can reach the gods. In this primitive world, even the Great Dao and the Heavenly Dao can pull him!"

Huang Li couldn't help but sigh as he murmured. He had to say that the ability of this money tree was really too terrifying!

Soon, he immersed himself in refining the money of merit and virtue. Sure enough, as he guessed, the money of merit turned into a ray of merit and sank into the golden wheel of merit behind his head.

And the virtue was to bless himself. Although it was not much, he could clearly feel it. However, what surprised him was that as the money of Yin De was refined, a kind of mysterious traction seemed to come from the depths of the boundless sea of ​​blood, but this induction was too vague. Before he could feel it carefully, it disappeared.

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