The Great Dao Of The Wilderness: The Sagely Path Of The Yellow Plum Tree!

Chapter 66: Heaven Bestows Merits Continuously, Wangshu Refuses, And Becomes Furious For Three Days!


As the endless Heavenly Dao Merit was absorbed, the golden light emitted by the Merit Golden Wheel became more and more intense, although it had not yet transformed into the Nine-Layer Merit Golden Wheel.

However, compared to before, the Heavenly Dao authority that blessed Huang Li's body was also greatly improved.

Soon, 40% of the Heavenly Dao Merit was absorbed into the Merit Golden Wheel.

20% was absorbed into the thatched house that had just been built, causing it to emit dazzling golden light and transform into an acquired Merit Spirit Treasure.

10% was sprinkled on the ministers of the human race.

The remaining 30% fell into Youchao's body, causing his cultivation to soar to the level of Daluo Jinxian. Of course, with the help of Heavenly Dao Merit, although his strength increased dramatically, he was afraid that he would be much weaker in terms of combat power than those of the same realm. Of course, with the fundamental cultivation method, as time goes by, Youchao will completely master his own power and possess the combat power of a truly Daluo Jinxian! "Thank you, Holy Father!" Feeling the power in his body, Youchao knelt down to Huang Li. Not only Youchao, but also the human race at this time were also shocked and knelt down one after another. The new human race was extremely ignorant and was very grateful to Huang Li for creating them. Unexpectedly, under the guidance of the Holy Father, Youchao actually created a thatched house. From then on, the human race no longer had to sleep in the open air and be affected by the celestial phenomena. For a time, the worship of Huang Li among the human race also climbed to a new height, and even a sculpture in the image of Huang Li was erected and worshiped day and night. Feeling the continuous flow of human luck, Huang Li nodded slightly, his figure disappeared, and continued to observe the evolution of the human race.

It can be seen that with the creation of the thatched house, the human race no longer needs to be affected by the changes in the prehistoric celestial phenomena, and the reproduction and survival are more prosperous than before!

However, soon, the human race encountered troubles and bottlenecks.

At this time, except for the first batch of innate human race, the human race born with continuous reproduction is just an ordinary person.

The hair drinks blood, and it is easy to die from disasters and diseases, and the speed of reproduction is also limited!

This is normal. Although the prehistoric human race is like a superman compared to the human race in Huang Li's previous life, even the acquired human race is like a superman, but the origin of the prehistoric world is too strong, and the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth are equally terrifying. The creatures above the fairyland are fearless, but the creatures below the fairyland are extremely fragile, and some slight disturbances may bring fatal dangers.

In a short period of time, there are not a few people who died of diseases and plagues among the human race.

Although newborns were born, in the long run, it also had a significant impact on the reproduction of the human race and the growth of the ethnic group.

One day, there was thunder and lightning in the sky, and in an instant, heavy rain fell, and the human beings hid in the thatched huts to avoid the rain.

However, there was a human who was in the heavy rain, and seemed to be thinking about something.


At this moment, a lightning bolt struck a towering ancient tree, and soon, a black thing fell.

This human was not afraid, and walked forward with ease, and then there was an attractive fragrance.

It turned out that this was a giant snake, which was killed by thunder. The man ate the snake meat, and a satisfied expression appeared on his face.

In the past, I ate raw animal meat and drank animal blood. How could I know that there was such a delicious food in the world!

But soon, a trace of doubt appeared on his face.

The divine thunder in the sky is like a ball of fire, which can roast meat. It is not only delicious, but also can resist the severe cold. After eating, you don’t have to worry about getting sick.

It would be great if it could be preserved!

However, the power of the thunder is so amazing, it contains the wrath of heaven, how can ordinary creatures get involved!

Just when this man was confused, a voice sounded in his mind.

"Look at the top of your head!"

Hearing this, the human looked up and saw that it turned out to be a bird pecking at the tree, looking for insects inside. The hard beak of the bird kept hitting the tree, and sparks appeared. Seeing this scene, his eyes lit up, and a flash of inspiration also appeared in his mind!

Soon, this human learned how to make fire by drilling wood, and the first flame was born in the human tribe.

So far, the human race has officially bid farewell to the life of drinking blood!

"From today on, you will be Suirenshi!"

At the same time as the influence of the Dao body, Huang Li's figure also appeared, causing Suirenshi's face to change drastically, and he immediately knelt on the ground.

At the same time.


The Heavenly Dao was moved, and once again evolved the Heavenly Dao Merit Celebration Cloud, which was suspended above the prehistoric East China Sea, causing the prehistoric world, which had just been silent for a while, to vibrate again.

"The Heavenly Dao has dropped merits again? What happened?"

"This is the third time that the Heavenly Dao has dropped merits. Could it be that some living beings have found loopholes in the Heavenly Dao and can make the Heavenly Dao drop merits continuously?"

"The East Sea of ​​​​the Great Wilderness? This matter is probably related to the Dragon Clan!"

The originally peaceful Great Wilderness was once again stirred up. As the saying goes, things never happen more than three times. At this time, the Heavenly Dao has dropped merits three times in a row. This has been incredible since the birth of the Heavenly Dao. For a time, many innate gods and demons, and great supernatural powers, were also speculating. However, no matter how they speculated and deduced, Huang Li had already reversed yin and yang and reversed cause and effect. They could only deduce that this matter was related to the Dragon Clan, but other information could not be deduced at all.

"Is this Heavenly Dao merit related to my Dragon Clan?"

At this time, in the Ancestral Dragon Palace, Zulong's face also showed a trace of doubt, but since the secret has been deduced, it must be correct. Besides, as the dominant race in the prehistoric world, the Dragon Clan has a deep foundation and countless strong men. Now that they are conquering the prehistoric world, their luck is constantly gathering, and the number of new geniuses in the clan is also like mushrooms after rain.

It is also reasonable to allow the Heavenly Dao to continuously drop merits!

"Quickly check to see which clan genius can obtain such Heavenly Dao merits!"

"If it is a subordinate race, give my blood essence and let them return to the main vein!"

Soon, Zulong could not sit still and started to check.

Not to mention the prehistoric world that was stirring up waves again at this time, the Heavenly Dao merits had just evolved not long ago and fell directly.

Three percent fell into Suiren's body, making his breath soar to the perfection of Daluo Jinxian in an instant.

One percent fell on the human race.

Twenty percent sank into the flame, causing it to emit a golden light of merit, and it evolved into a spiritual treasure of merit!

The remaining 40 percent all flowed into the golden light of merit behind Huang Li's head, making it shine brighter and brighter, and the power of the Heavenly Dao was enhanced!

"During the Lich and Witch Tribulation, Nuwa created humans, and the Heavenly Dao gave them merit, allowing them to directly prove their Dao and become saints!"

"Now that I created the human race, I have the great merit of creating humans, and I have obtained two merits in succession, but there is still a big gap from the nine-fold golden wheel of merit!"

Feeling the golden wheel of merit behind his head, Huang Li murmured, and a look of doubt appeared on his face.

In theory, the merit of creating humans, plus two merits, is enough to evolve into the nine-fold golden wheel of merit, and obtain the same authority as the Heavenly Dao Saint.

After all, Nuwa created humans, and he also created humans, just a little earlier. What difference can there be between the two?

Could it be that...

At this moment, Huang Li had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and thought of a possibility, and his expression became a little strange.

If he guessed correctly, there are two possibilities for the merits of the Heavenly Dao at present, which are not comparable to the later generations of Nuwa creating humans.

One is that the Heavenly Dao is new, and its origin cannot be compared with the later generations, so it naturally cannot create a Heavenly Dao saint!

The second is that the human race he created is a little...too strong!


The most important reason why the human race became the protagonist of destiny during the later witch and demon calamity period was because they were... too weak!

They had a short lifespan, a low foundation, and limited potential. Apart from the innate human race, there was no other race weaker than the human race among all the races in the prehistoric world!

It just so happened that such a race was favored by the way of heaven. The main reason was that such weak humans were the easiest to control.

After all, compared to the human race, the other powerful races in the prehistoric world, the three races of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, the Dragon and Han catastrophe, destroyed the entire prehistoric world, countless powerful people fell, and the witch and demon catastrophe swept across the ancient prehistoric world, and even directly smashed the pillar of heaven into pieces. The way of heaven is fair, and it uses the essence of all things to nourish the creatures of heaven and earth, but in return, it is devastated. In comparison, the weak human race can cause limited damage to the entire prehistoric world. In this way, it is reasonable to be favored by the way of heaven! Otherwise, there are more than trillions of prehistoric creatures, and there are also many who create houses and flames by chance. Why can the human race obtain the merits of the way of heaven? [It is naturally favored by the way of heaven. As long as it is good for the reproduction of the human race, it is equivalent to making a great contribution to the prehistoric world, and naturally it can obtain a steady stream of merits of the way of heaven. Thinking of this, Huang Li's eyes are also bright, and he feels that his thoughts have become much clearer. At present, the merits of the Heavenly Dao are not many, but if it can be made to descend a few more times, it will cause a qualitative change and gain merits, which will be amazing!

Thinking of this, he was also immersed in his mind, practicing while observing the evolution of the human race.

The clouds rolled and the clouds dispersed. With the mastery of fire and huts, the human race also grew day by day.

Not only that, they got rid of the life of sleeping in the wilderness, had a fixed residence, formed tribes, and began to explore the entire Penglai Fairy Island.

But soon, the human race found some problems again.

Although there were thatched huts and flames, the human race was naked, and the acquired human race was weak, but it was difficult to resist the changes in the external weather.

Often, a gust of wind would cause illness, and even premature death, and there were not a few.

Soon, under the guidance of Huang Li, the human race also had the first piece of clothing made of grass and vines to resist the cold.

"From now on, your name is Ziyishi!"

Soon, more merits of the Heavenly Dao fell.

Seeing this, the originally shocked great masters of prehistoric times, innate gods and demons, all showed a trace of numbness on their faces!

The Heavenly Dao seemed to be having a seizure, and in a short period of time, it dropped four merits in a row. Even if they were shocked, their hearts were a little numb!

But this was just the beginning.


As the three ancestors of the human race gathered, Huang Li also quickened his pace. Under his guidance, soon, characters, farm tools, currency... all came out from the human race, allowing the human race to multiply and prosper. At the same time, every time a new item was born, it seemed to have made a huge contribution to the prehistoric world, which made the Heavenly Dao feel it and continuously drop the Heavenly Dao's merits!

In just a hundred years, the Heavenly Dao's merits have fallen on the prehistoric East China Sea more than ten times, which shocked countless great masters and innate gods and demons in the prehistoric world, but soon fell into numbness again...

"What? You said that this Heavenly Dao's merit has nothing to do with my dragon race?"

In the Zulong Palace, Zulong's face also showed an expression of disbelief.

This Heavenly Dao's merits fell on the prehistoric East China Sea one after another, making him very happy. Who would have thought that it had nothing to do with his dragon race?

In Qifeng Mountain, Nuwa and Fuxi, who had just transformed, stepped out of the restriction.

For some reason, every time merits were lost, Nuwa felt a stronger sense of loss and discomfort, as if these merits were supposed to be related to her!

In the ancient sky, deep in the ancient heaven.

"What? You said Wangshu rejected our marriage proposal?"

Santian sat on it, emitting the terrifying pressure of the late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian. Looking at the star god who returned empty-handed, he couldn't help but show an expression of disbelief on his face! You know, they are all late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian, and they are in charge of the ancient heaven. This time, they are even more humble, sending star gods with three top-grade innate spiritual treasures as betrothal gifts. How can Wangshu be desperate and dare to refuse? "That's right, Wangshu also said that she already has someone in her heart. If you dare to come again, you have to..." Looking at the furious Santian above, this Daluo star god was also trembling with fear, and hesitant to speak. "What did she say?" Qingtian spoke coldly, and Huangtian and Cangtian on the side also had gloomy faces. Under the gaze of the three late stage Hunyuan strongmen, the body of Daluo star god was trembling. However, after thinking about Wangshu who beat him up, he became more and more angry and exaggerated, saying, "She said that Santian is just like a frog in a well looking at the moon. How can he be her Taoist partner? If you dare to come again, I will definitely destroy the heavens... " "Okay, okay!" Santian was arrogant to begin with. Hearing this, he was furious. Especially Huang Tian, ​​who wanted to form a Taoist partner with Wangshu, looked gloomy. As he spoke, he wanted to kill his way to the moon star and have a fight with Wangshu. But soon, the eldest brother of the three heavens, Qingtian, also calmed down. He looked at the star god below with cold eyes, and when he raised his hand, a treasure seal evolved, which swelled up in the wind and went straight to suppress the star god who was exaggerating! This treasure seal is his companion spirit treasure Qingtian seal, which is at the level of the best innate spirit treasure and has amazing power! "No!!" Looking at the treasure seal that was suppressing him, the star god showed infinite fear on his face. He wanted to avoid it, but how could he avoid it? In an instant, the treasure seal fell and suppressed and killed him directly, and he died on the spot. "Brother?" Seeing Qingtian raise his hand and kill this Daluo star god, the originally angry Huangtian and Cangtian also calmed down and looked at Qingtian with some doubts. "That Wangshu is the god of the moon, with a cold personality, and how could he say such arrogant words!"

"The most urgent task now is to sort out the prehistoric starry sky. When we finish sorting out the starry sky, we will take the power of the starry sky. If Wangshu still dares to refuse, he will die!"

Qingtian said coldly. No matter what, Wangshu still refused them. However, he is the god of the moon, sitting on the moon star, and has infinite moon star origin blessing. It is not so easy to suppress him. Simply sort out the prehistoric starry sky first. At that time, the strength of the three brothers may usher in a surge. With the power of the entire prehistoric starry sky, they will go to the moon star and force Wangshu. If he is still stubborn, he must be killed!


Hearing this, Cangtian Huangtian also nodded. They created the ancient heaven and announced it to the prehistoric world. In the starry sky, many star gods have come to join them. With their help, they have sorted out nearly half of the prehistoric starry sky. The benefits they have gained are indescribable. Compared with the time of transformation, their strength has increased by more than ten times or a hundred times. If they can completely sort out the starry sky, their strength will also usher in a transformation. At that time, if Wangshu dares to refuse again, he will be an obstacle to the ancient heaven, and he will definitely die.

While talking, Santian no longer hesitated. With a move of his figure, he brought many star gods from the ancient heaven to continue sorting out and conquering the prehistoric starry sky. If they met star gods on the stars, they would take the initiative to join their ancient heaven, but if they dared to disobey the ancient heaven, they would be killed in an instant!

For a time, the originally peaceful prehistoric starry sky also set off many bloody storms.

The death of countless star gods made a trace of the evil spirit of the calamity emerge between heaven and earth without knowing it.

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