The Great Dao Of The Wilderness: The Sagely Path Of The Yellow Plum Tree!

Chapter 85: The Three Pure Ones Transform Ahead Of Time, The Nine-Layered Golden Wheel Of Merit, The


At this moment, as Huang Li held the Kongtong Seal, the treasure of the human race, and announced to the prehistoric world that he would establish the human religion in advance, the Taiqing origin in Kunlun Mountain suddenly began to beat violently. At this moment, that familiar feeling came again, making Taiqing feel extremely uncomfortable. He couldn't hold back any longer and was about to transform in an instant.

At this moment, he felt that he had lost something crucial. Even if the previous few times were added together, it would not be as important as what he lost this time!

Thinking of this, Taiqing couldn't hold back again, and was about to transform directly in the beating of the origin.

"Taiqing, you must stay calm!"

"The Dragon Han catastrophe has not ended yet. If you transform in advance, many dangers will be unpredictable!"

At this moment, after feeling the strong fluctuations of Taiqing's origin, Yuqing and Shangqing on the side were also alarmed and hurriedly advised.

Just kidding, the Three Purities are originally one, and the origins are connected. There are also great benefits to practicing with each other.

If Taiqing transforms in advance and encounters an accident during the catastrophe, Yuqing and Shangqing Origin will probably be implicated as well.

If it was before, Taiqing might still be able to listen to the persuasion, but at this moment, with the extreme sense of loss in his heart, he could no longer hold back. He saw that Taiqing Origin was constantly vibrating, and the innate spiritual energy in the entire top-level innate restriction was gathered together, evolving into a terrifying spiritual energy vortex covering tens of millions of miles. Soon, a Taoist with a face like an old man and a gloomy expression stepped out of the spiritual energy vortex. He had just transformed and had the cultivation of a Daluo Jinxian!

This Taoist was not someone else, but the famous Taiqing Saint in later generations!

At this time, after Huang Li established the human teaching in advance, he finally couldn't hold back and directly transformed.



Seeing this, Yuqing Origin and Shangqing Origin also sighed, and then, infinite spiritual energy vortexes also gathered. Soon, two more Taoists walked out of the spiritual energy vortex, exuding the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian. Their faces, one young and one middle-aged, are the future Tongtian Sect Master and Yuanshi Tianzun!

The Three Pure Ones are of the same origin and are all transformed from the Yuanshen of Pangu, and they have deep feelings for each other.

At this time, Taiqing transformed in advance, and the prehistoric world was dangerous. Shangqing and Yuqing naturally could not be immune and sit idly by.

"I want to see what's going on!"

Transforming, there is great joy, but at this time, there is no joy on the faces of the Three Pure Ones.

This is not their era. If they transform in advance, there will be many dangers, which are difficult to predict. It is also entirely possible that they will die!

But at this time, feeling the strong sense of loss in his heart, Taiqing Laozi did not care about many things. He immediately took the lead and went straight to the southern continent. Yuqing and Shangqing looked at each other and sighed. They followed him one after another. Although it was dangerous to transform in advance, they all had the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian. Looking at the prehistoric world, they were not weak and had some self-protection power.


At this time, in the sky above the Xuanhuang Dynasty in the southern continent, endless clouds of heavenly merits and virtues evolved, which also shook the prehistoric world that had been silent for a long time again.

"Why did the heavenly way drop merits again?"

In Yujing Mountain, Hongjun's face was calm.

Beside him, there were three Taoists sitting cross-legged. One had a smile on his face and looked extremely kind, while the other two had anger on their faces and seemed extremely vicious. The facial expressions and auras of the three were exactly the same as Hongjun. These three Taoists, like Hongjun, all exuded the aura of the perfection of the Primordial Golden Immortal. There were four Primordial Golden Immortals, all sitting cross-legged. This scene was simply a bit horrifying!

And this is the method of beheading the three corpses created by Hongjun himself!

Before that, the ancestor witch came out early, beat the ancestor Qilin violently, and even cut the prehistoric heavenly way with an axe, bringing many changes.

It also made Hongjun feel a sense of crisis in his heart.

Under this sense of crisis, he surprisingly created the method of proving the Hunyuan Dao, the method of beheading the three corpses. As long as he cut off his own good corpse, evil corpse, and self corpse, and then merged them with himself, he could prove the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. This kind of practice method, placed in the prehistoric world at this time, is absolutely unimaginable. After all, even if the three corpses cannot be merged with himself, as long as one corpse is cut off, it is equivalent to having one more clone to practice. Not only that, the three corpses can also be verified with the original body!

At this time, Hongjun cut off three feet, and the speed of practice was more than four times faster than before!

However, after seeing the merits of the heavenly way on the northern continent, Hongjun's expression of neither sadness nor joy on his face was also a little bit unbearable.

The prehistoric Heavenly Dao at this time was different from before. After a corner of it was shattered by the Axe of Creation, the laws between heaven and earth became much thinner. Under such circumstances, it was still possible for Heavenly Dao to sense and give merits. What kind of amazing contribution did it make to this world?


Not only Hongjun, but all the great masters of prehistoric times were also alarmed at this time. Their reactions were different. Some were indifferent, and some were surprised.

But more of it is a kind of curiosity. What kind of mystery does the Human Religion have that can make the Heavenly Dao create merits? For a time, many innate gods and demons became active. After all, the previous method of creating a dynasty and gathering luck has been broken. Now, creating a great religion can make the Heavenly Dao gain merits? For a time, countless innate gods and demons also sneaked into many races to preach, and even wanted to imitate Huang Li's creation of the Human Religion. In the prehistoric world, many large and small sects were also created. It was a kind of imitation, which made people laugh and cry. The ending was also destined. The reason why the Human Religion could make the Heavenly Dao gain merits had nothing to do with the sect. Its core was still the human race. After all, the Human Religion could educate the human race, so it would naturally gain such a terrifying merit! Of course, this is a later story, so let's not talk about it for now. Soon, countless Heavenly Dao merits suspended in the sky roared and fell downwards. Thirty percent of them sank into the Kongtong Seal in Huang Li's hand, causing it to emit dazzling golden light. This Kongtong Seal is the treasure of the human race. It is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. Not only that, as the luck of the human race grows, its power will also surge. Not only that, with the addition of these thirty percent Heavenly Dao merits, the power of the Kongtong Seal has also surged again, almost equivalent to the level of ordinary treasures! In the future, if the human race continues to grow and even becomes the real protagonist of heaven and earth, then it is not impossible for this Kongtong Seal to surpass the power of the treasure level. Soon, another three percent of merits fell and sprinkled on the human race. For a time, the strong geniuses among the human race were born like bamboo shoots after rain. Finally, 40% of it fell directly on the eight-fold golden wheel of merit behind Huang Li's head, causing it to roar and transform to a higher level!

When Huang Li first created the human race, the golden wheel of merit behind his head was already an eight-fold golden wheel of merit. After that, whether it was the birth of characters, copper coins, etc., the Heavenly Dao was touched and dropped more than ten times of Heavenly Dao merit in succession, making it more and more concentrated. At this time, coupled with the merit of creating the human religion, finally, the original eight-fold golden wheel of merit roared and began to transform to a higher level. Breaking through the limit, soon, as the four-fold Heavenly Dao Merit fell into it, Huang Li looked expectant, and a golden wheel of the Nine-fold Heavenly Dao Merit instantly evolved behind his head!

At this moment, Huang Li felt a flash before his eyes, and he had come to a strange space, and in front of him was a white ball of light!

A corner of this white ball of light was broken, and it seemed that there were flowers, birds, fish, insects, mountains, rivers, and the entire prehistoric world. Just a glance at it, Huang Li's heart was filled with , a glimmer of enlightenment emerged. Obviously, this was the Heavenly Dao that had been shattered into pieces, and this was the Heavenly Dao space!


At this moment, a message emanated from the Heavenly Dao, which made Huang Li slightly startled, and at the same time, he instantly understood the meaning contained in it!

The Nine-fold Merit Golden Wheel is enough to grasp the authority of Heavenly Dao, and in terms of status, it is the same as the Heavenly Dao Saint of the prehistoric world!

However, looking at the prehistoric world, since the great god Pangu created the world, no living being has ever been able to do this, even if In the witch-demon calamity period of the later generations, when there were five saints a day, no one had ever evolved the golden wheel of merit to the full nine levels. Huang Li at this time had achieved this, which was considered a different kind of sainthood. However, it was not so easy to master the authority of a saint!

What is authority? It is the power of heaven!

The authority of a saint is equivalent to an incarnation of heaven, who can use the power of the prehistoric heaven at will, as if blessing the power of this world, and is naturally difficult to contend with!

However, it is not so easy to obtain this power.

First, one must place a strand of his own spirit in the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao and be assimilated by it. In this way, he can use the power of the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao at will. The advantage of this approach is that the spirit placed in the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao is immortal. Even if he dies, he can be resurrected again. It is no exaggeration to say that the Heavenly Dao saints are not as weak as imagined in the Great Desolation World. In fact, the sainthood of merit may be much stronger than the sainthood of law. This is normal. Behind the saints is the entire Great Desolation World. Even if he has achieved the Great Primordial Golden Immortal, he cannot compete with the Great Desolation World transformed by Pangu's body. , is also impossible!

This is why the Great Immortal Yangmei of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Realm was directly suppressed by Hongjun!

However, everything has its pros and cons. The Yuanshen is entrusted to the Honghuang Heavenly Dao, and it is naturally entrusted to the Honghuang Heavenly Dao. Similarly, it is also influenced by the Heavenly Dao in a subtle way!

Thinking of this, Huang Li did not hesitate and made a decision immediately!


With his Chaos God and Demon background, it is just a matter of time for him to prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the future. In addition, with his supernatural enlightenment, he naturally does not want to entrust the Honghuang Heavenly Dao to the Under, he was restrained and assimilated by the Heavenly Dao. Soon, at the same time when Huang Li refused, he felt a flash before his eyes, and he was back to the top of the Xuanhuang Dynasty again. Everything just now seemed like an illusion. Only the nine-fold golden wheel of merit behind his head roared and burst into extremely bright golden light!

"One step to become a saint, it seems tempting..."

Huang Li murmured, his expression calm. After refusing to entrust his soul to the Heavenly Dao, his status, although the same as the saint of the prehistoric Heavenly Dao, but the authority is greatly reduced. At this time, he can attract The power of the prehistoric heavenly way is roughly equivalent to the perfect level of the Hunyuan Jinxian. Compared with the previous level, it is also greatly improved. Huang Li has no regrets about this. No matter when, the power is still obtained through self-cultivation, which is more reliable!

0... Ask for flowers0...

Moreover, among the prehistoric world at this time, the three most powerful prehistoric ancestors, including Hongjun and Luohou, are probably at the perfect level of the Hunyuan Jinxian!

The nine-fold golden wheel of merit can draw the authority of the heavenly way at the perfect level of the Hunyuan Jinxian, which is completely enough.

"Now that the Human Religion has been established, the human race is flourishing, and the nine-fold golden wheel of merit has been evolved, it is time to go to the prehistoric starry sky, sharpen the flesh, refine the Pangu bloodline in the body, and prepare for breaking through the realm of Hunyuan Daluo!"

Looking at the thriving human race below, Huang Li's expression was calm. With the emergence of the Wu clan, a corner of the Heavenly Dao was shattered, and the amount of evil spirits between heaven and earth also surged greatly. The time for the outbreak of the Longhan catastrophe was also greatly shortened. The time left for him seems to be very long, but in fact, there is not much left.

And once Hongjun proves the way to become a saint, the power of the Heavenly Dao will truly usher in a qualitative leap. At that time, his many plans will be difficult to implement!

As the saying goes, one step ahead, every step ahead, take the lead, that's it!

Thinking of this, Huang Li no longer hesitated. After instructing Wangshu, he also moved his figure and flew straight to the prehistoric sky.

His speed was very fast. In an instant, he crossed a trillion-billion-square distance and soon arrived in front of the earth's fetal membrane. Then, he took a step forward.

Clang clang clang!

Endless chaotic airflows continuously cut Huang Li's body, making bursts of metal clashing sounds. One strand of it could kill a Taiyi Jinxian Perfect Powerful Man. However, the chaotic airflow here was still a little too weak for Huang Li at this time. Immediately, he no longer hesitated and took a step forward, flying straight into the depths of the prehistoric starry sky. As he continued to go deeper, the chaotic airflow became more violent and dense, and the power it exuded became more terrifying!


Low-grade innate spiritual treasure!

Middle-grade innate spiritual treasure!

High-grade innate spiritual treasure!

Top-grade innate spiritual treasure!

Huang Li's speed was extremely fast. Under the avenue of space, he could reach a distance of trillions of miles with one step. At this moment, he was close to the deepest part of the prehistoric starry sky. The chaotic airflow here was extremely violent, even reaching the level of ordinary top-grade innate spiritual treasures. Not only that, there were tens of thousands of chaotic airflows cutting Huang Li's body at all times, which was equivalent to tens of thousands of top-grade innate spiritual treasures. Every moment, they were constantly cutting his body. This kind of pressure made Huang Li feel a burst of pain.

Not only that, what made Huang Li slightly happy was that.

Under the tempering of the terrifying chaotic airflow in the outside world, the Pangu blood deposited in his body finally began to slowly refine at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It works!" Seeing this, Huang Li's eyes lit up. Immediately, he gritted his teeth and flew deeper into the prehistoric starry sky again. As he continued to move forward, the power of the chaotic airflow was also constantly increasing. If the previous chaotic airflow was just equivalent to an ordinary top-grade innate spiritual treasure with one restriction, then as he continued to move forward, soon, the power of the chaotic airflow was close to the top-grade innate spiritual treasure with thirty-six innate restrictions. The terrifying power cut Huang Li's body all the time, leaving deep wounds that could be seen to the bone, but soon, under the powerful healing ability of the Hongmeng Immortal Body, it healed very quickly! This kind of pain was like being tortured to death, but Huang Li's face remained calm. He sat cross-legged on the spot, immersed in his mind, and his blood was roaring. The speed of refining Pangu's blood had reached an astonishing level. Every moment, the Pangu blood in his body would become a little more concentrated, and there were constant reminders in front of him. His ranking among the chaotic gods and demons was also constantly improving. [You refine Pangu's blood essence, and your Chaos God and Demon footwork will be improved [Current footwork ranking: the ninth temple master's tenth place]

[You refine Pangu's blood essence, and your Chaos God and Demon footwork will be improved, current footwork ranking: nine hundred and twenty-fifth place]

[Footwork ranking: eight hundred and ninety-ninth place]


[Footwork ranking: eight hundred and fifty-fourth place]

In the five million times time flow, Huang Li slowly opened his eyes. At this time, with the help of the tempering of the chaotic airflow, he had completely refined the drop of Pangu's blood essence that had settled in his body

The Chaos God and Demon bloodline footwork also jumped from nine hundred and thirty-first to ninety-ninth. You should know that the Chaos God and Demon ranked in the top 100 are already high-level Chaos God and Demon bloodlines

In other words, Huang Li at this time has already broken through to the high-level Chaos bloodline!

As his mind moved, a green avenue light group was already suspended in front of him

This is the light ball of the Great Dao, which is obviously much clearer than before!

Not only that, what surprised Huang Li even more was that.

As his mind moved, a huge force suddenly gathered from the light ball of the Great Dao in front of him, blessing himself, making him seem to be able to draw the power of the Great Dao with every move!



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