The Great Demon King Of Online Games

Chapter 100: Great Changes In The World, The Star Of The Brave

Daxia Star!

More than a month has passed since the limited-time event of [Devil Abyss] in the game.

But at this time, earth-shaking changes have taken place both inside and outside the game.

The world has changed!

A month ago, when the [Devil Abyss] event started, in just three days, it caused huge panic both inside and outside the game.

Because, a large number of players have mysteriously disappeared one after another.

Not only disappearing in the game, but also in reality, as if disappearing from the world.

At that time, after the [Demon World Abyss] event was launched, a large number of players chose to enter the ghost-level or even god-level [Demon World Abyss] in order to pursue opportunities.

I also dreamed of being able to soar into the sky from inside and come back with huge opportunities.

As a result, the cruelty and horror inside were beyond anyone's expectation.

Half of the top ten players in the top five cities in the game were kicked off the list within three days.

Before the new round of evaluation of the Tianbang, the top ten players on the Tianbang were actually removed from the list, which caused a huge shock both inside and outside the game.

This was definitely caused by an accident.

Subsequently, people continued to reveal in reality that their relatives and friends all mysteriously disappeared after entering the ghost-level [Demon Realm Abyss].

No one has been seen for several days.

Even after entering the game, look for their ID on the leaderboard, and even let strangers add them as friends.

I got prompts, all of which were: No such person found! ?

Players who have entered the [Devil Abyss] above the ghost level will all evaporate and disappear without a trace inside or outside the game.

When someone realizes something is wrong, they immediately choose to report it to the government for help.

But as time went by, the matter became more and more serious, and more people found that their family members, friends, and classmates disappeared one by one.

And without exception, they are all people who have entered the [Demon Realm Abyss] above the ghost level!

When the incident became unmanageable, the current King of Xia suddenly stood up in the palace of Daxia Star and held a press conference for all the people.

King Xia himself told a shocking fact.

"The news from the Universal Civilization Alliance has confirmed that [All Heavens and Worlds] is not just an ordinary online game."

"It can radiate into reality! The reason why all players who entered the ghost-level [Devil World Abyss] disappeared is because they entered another game space together with their bodies through the login link stone."

"I would like to solemnly remind all the people of Daxia Star! In [All Heavens and Worlds], do not enter extremely dangerous maps easily. Youwu has a system prompt, which is a map full of unpredictable risks."

When King Xia told everyone about this through the news, it caused a storm.

This information is simply shocking and can be called a myth-like deed.

But the person who spoke personally was the dignified King of Xia, so although countless people had difficulty digesting it, they had to believe this absurd fact.

Suddenly, [All Heavens and Worlds] became a terrifying and demonic game.

It frightened countless people to retreat and not dare to enter again.

Countless elders and parents do not allow their children to touch this game that is full of dangers and unknowns.

But at this moment, another shocking announcement came from the Daxia Palace.

"Anyone who can return safely from the [Demon Realm Abyss] above the ghost level, as long as he reports it to the government, and after verification, he will receive the great honor of meeting King Xia, receiving first-level nobility, and joining the Royal Guards!"

Meet King Xia!

First-class noble!

Join the Royal Guard!

For countless ordinary grassroots people, this is an opportunity to counterattack and change their destiny.

No one will be unmoved!

But the bigger shock is yet to come.

After the royal family issued this announcement, no one on the Daxia planet knew about the three super families that had existed for thousands of years.

The three major aristocratic families, [Beicheng], [Gongsun], and [Mu], jointly issued an announcement!

"Anyone who returns safely from the [Demon Realm Abyss] above the ghost level and joins their family will receive an annual salary of over 100 million and enjoy the same top-notch treatment as direct members of this family."

"You can even get married with the direct descendants and granddaughters of the three major aristocratic families who are like each other."

As soon as the announcement of the three super families came out, it was like setting a precedent. There were also other big families, financial groups, forces, etc.....

One by one, they issued conditions that made people jealous and crazy.

Everyone is rushing to grab all the players who have returned from the Ghost Level or above [Demon Realm Abyss] in advance.

This is a huge signal!

Even ordinary people have noticed that [All Heavens and Worlds] is a terrifying game like a monster.

But within it, there must be a unique opportunity for a carp to leap over the dragon gate and soar into the sky!

Otherwise, the royal family, the three super families, and other powerful forces would not be able to offer such crazy conditions to attract talents.

For a time, the elders who had previously not supported their nephews' re-entry into the game were moved again, and began to allow the younger generations to return to the game under the premise of safety.

Moreover, with the arrival of the second batch of 50E yellow-level landing connection stones sent by the Universal Civilization Alliance.

In just two days, they were all snatched up by people, with everyone from the elderly to children queuing up to receive them.

Those who have the financial means will spend a lot of money to buy 200,000 Mysterious Connecting Stones to enter the game.

There are people who have no conditions and have not received free Huangjie connecting stones. Some people actually sell their blood and kidneys and take out loans to raise money to buy connecting stones.

For a time, the game style of [All Heavens and All Realms] prevailed throughout Daxia, and it almost became a real game for all.

Even the elderly and children rush into it to explore.

The tenth day after the [Devil Abyss] event.

On this day, a huge dark crack suddenly opened in the sky of Daxia Star, which seemed to connect an unknown space.

That night, countless unheard of and unseen monsters and ghosts emerged from the vast gap in the sky.

These terrifying demons and monsters attack all living creatures on the Bactria Planet.

Even the Royal Family of Daxia Star, after discovering the appearance of the huge gap, had already dispatched a large number of J teams in advance to prepare various weapons.

But on the first night, the damage was still serious, and a large number of terrifying monsters broke through the siege of Team J and entered various parts of Daxia Star.

From this day on, as soon as it gets dark, a large number of terrifying monsters will emerge from this terrifying endless gap.

But as soon as day broke, everything was fine again.

It's a good thing, otherwise, Daxia Star's Team J wouldn't be able to withstand the strange tide that is like an inexhaustible killing force.

After lasting for three days, causing huge casualties and panic, the Royal Family of Daxia Star approved the dropping of nuclear bombs into the huge gap in the sky.

But after ten nuclear bombs were dropped in succession, the huge gap in the sky showed no response.

For a time, everyone was in danger, saying that the end was coming and the world would change drastically.

The Royal Family of Daxia Star also had to ask Team J to evacuate there one after another, and began to strictly guard the major cities after nightfall to prevent the terrifying creatures that appeared at night from wreaking havoc on the people.

On the fifth day after the giant crack appeared, Daxia Star GC suffered an unprecedented huge strange wave attack after nightfall.

Inside it, two heads were as high as the mountain, similar to the appearance of giant monsters in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

This caused heavy casualties to the J team guarding GC, and they were preparing to evacuate the people and abandon the city.

But there are two figures wearing cool armor, like the gods of war in the movie, one man and one woman, riding strange beasts and falling from the sky.

The two were extremely brave and turned the tide. Not only did they kill the giant beast as high as the mountain, they also helped Team J fight off the huge strange tide and rescue the entire GC.

These two people turned out to be the largest financial group in GC, Mu Wanxing, the eldest daughter of Mu, and Ada, the loyal bodyguard of the family.

Mu Wanxing and Ah Da returned from the [Demon Realm Abyss] not long ago, and brought with them all the equipment and skills in [All Heavens and Worlds]. They have super powers in reality.

The video of Mu Wanxing and Ah Da fighting back the monster tide and saving the entire GC was spread all over the Internet.

On that day, the Daxia royal family and the three super aristocratic families Beicheng, Gongsun and Mu family all sent envoys.

The two of them were the first people to return from the [Demon Realm Abyss], and brought everything in the game with them. They had powers similar to superhumans, enough to protect the safety of the whole place.

The royal family and the three super aristocratic families all want to recruit such talents.

But the final winner turned out to be the super aristocratic family - the Mu family.

The head of the Mu family announced to the public that GC’s Mu family was originally one of their branches, and they were basically a family.

In order to welcome the GC Mu family back to the main family, the head of the Mu family announced that he would not only adopt Mu Wanxing as his adopted daughter, but also list her as one of the candidates for the next head of the family.

At the same time, Mu Feifeng, the daughter of the Mu family, must be married to Mu Wanxing's younger brother Mu Wenkuo for a closer marriage.

Mu Wenkuo's close confidant Ada was given the surname Mu and became a direct member of the Mu family.

Suddenly, Mu Wanxing, her younger brother Mu Wenkuo, and Ah Da became the most prominent figures on Daxia Star.

Starting from the next day, more [Devil Abyss] players who entered the ghost level or above returned safely.

Each of them, like Mu Wanxing and A Da, gained the ability to bring everything in the game into reality.

Once he appeared, he was regarded as a hero by everyone and became a popular star in Daxia Star that everyone admired and admired.

Today is the 35th day after the [Devil Abyss] event.

There are more than a thousand lucky players who have returned from the [Demon Realm Abyss] of ghost level and above.

But 8 days ago, there was no longer a single survivor who could return from the [Demon Realm Abyss] above the ghost level.

You know, when the [Demon Realm Abyss] event started, the number of people who entered the [Devil Realm Abyss] above the ghost level was over 500,000.

But only more than a thousand people made it back successfully.

Those who have not come back are obviously gone forever and will never come back.

This has also made countless people realize how cruel the [Heavens and Worlds] that everyone is looking for is in today's world of drastic changes.

But as long as the lucky ones stand out, like these more than a thousand people, they will all jump over the dragon gate.

Also called by everyone - [Star of the Brave]!

Half of these more than a thousand brave stars were recruited by the Daxia royal family.

Due to their fighting prowess, the ten best people among them were even awarded the title of "God of War" by King Xia.

Moreover, the ten war gods were all given marriages to the royal family's golden branches and jade leaves. They became royal relatives, extremely glorious and envied by others.

As for the other half of the Brave Stars who returned from the [Demon Realm Abyss], most of them were won over by the three super families.

There are only a few cases where they are won over by other major forces.

Although the huge crack in the sky that threatens Daxia Star is still there, with these more than a thousand Brave Stars, after nightfall, as long as ordinary people do not leave the city, their safety can be guaranteed.

These more than a thousand brave stars are the most powerful top force to resist the strange tide.

Moreover, these brave stars will become stronger and stronger. As their levels and equipment are improved in the game, their combat effectiveness in reality will also increase.

Their myths are spread throughout the Bactria.

Moreover, more people also hope to obtain the ability of the Brave Star from within [All Heavens and Worlds].


The starry night is quiet.

The Daxia stars at night have no longer retained the peace and quiet of the past.

In the wild, there are sounds of beasts roaring and howling, rising and falling here and there.

QZ, outside the suburbs.

A dilapidated and abandoned hospital that looked like it had experienced a disaster.

Suddenly, there was a flash of strange light, piercing the endless darkness here.

Then, a young figure suddenly appeared in a ward that was buried in weeds and mud.

"Finally... finally back..."

"Hey, where is this?"

The young figure suddenly appeared. When he discovered the surrounding environment, his eyes suddenly froze. He felt that this place was very strange.

But with the sudden appearance of this young figure, it attracted pairs of pairs of terrifying green beast eyes from all around, approaching it.

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