The Great Demon King Of Online Games

Chapter 103 Just Playing With You

This person is not simple. He can jump from an 8-meter-high helicopter without any abnormality. His steps are extremely stable.

Then, more than a dozen fully armed figures with high-tech weapons slipped down on lanyards. They quickly formed a formation and surrounded them. The formation could be used to attack or defend, and it was very capable.

A muscular man in a suit, with a sharp edge in his eagle eyes.

His eyes flicked away from the unconscious little clever.

Then, he looked at Su Bai with an imposing manner, and when he saw the spiritual egg in his hand, his expression became happy.

"Quick, bring the storage device."

The handsome man in a suit snatched away the spirit egg and said to one of his subordinates.

Then, he carefully placed the spirit egg into the freezer storage container.

"Who are you, what's your name, and why are you here?"

After doing all this, the muscular man in a suit immediately looked at Su Bai like a prisoner.

Su Bai's current appearance, with bare feet and a hospital gown, looks just like an ordinary person.

But in today's wilderness, it is difficult for ordinary people to move even after nightfall.

"Huang Hua."

"QZ people."

The muscular man in a suit was naturally dissatisfied with Su Bai's answer. When he wanted to press for more questions, a voice rang on his walkie-talkie.

After listening, the muscular man in a suit gave Su Bai an indifferent look: "Your accent doesn't sound like a QZ person. Come back to the base with us first."

"You are not allowed to leave until your origins are investigated."

"You two are carrying Li Jiling."

Soon, Su Bai was brought to QZ's brave base by this group of people.

Along the way, Su Bai was very cooperative and observed everything calmly.

I even tried to ask these armed men circumstantially, hoping to get some useful information.

But they were very disciplined and basically ignored Su Bai, and even told Su Bai to shut up.

But when sitting in the suspended armored vehicle and entering the QZ Brave Base, Su Bai observed the changes in the environment outside through the vehicle glass.

The area of ​​QZ ancient city in the past has been reduced by more than half.

Nowadays, a deep river for city protection has been dug out of the remaining ancient city area.

Beside the moat, preparations are being made for a tall and thick city wall, which seems to be used to protect against monsters and birds of prey in the wild.

Even if it's night now.

But construction has not stopped below, and tall city walls are being built day and night.

In the city, all the houses were dark, with no lights on.

Only a few special buildings have warning lights on.

Except for a few people on patrol, there was no ordinary citizen on the street. It seemed that ordinary people were no longer allowed to go out easily at night.

A general curfew has been implemented!

Su Bai saw all this.

The QZ Brave Base is very grand and heavily guarded, with one post every three steps, one sentry every five steps, and there are cameras everywhere.

The helicopter and all the armored flying vehicles finally stopped on a wide platform, with many people waiting below.

The muscular man in a suit stepped off the helicopter first, holding the storage device containing the spirit eggs in his hand.

He looked around at everyone around him, but no one dared to look at him. His authority was extremely high, and then he said coldly.

"Li Jiiling, a member of the Brave Star, betrayed the emperor's favor and did things poorly. During this trip, 21 members of his entourage were killed."

"I, Mu Yunhan, will now impose sanctions on him as the director of the QZ Brave Base."

"A fine of one year's salary and an additional three months' confinement."

"Someone, take Li Jiling into the solitary room."

Supervisor Mu Yunhan's voice dropped.

The pupils of countless people around him flashed slightly.

Mu Yunhan!

One of the nephews of the Mu family, one of the three super aristocratic families, is also a Brave Star. With his family connections and Brave Star status, he takes charge of the QZ Brave Base and has great power.

"Master...Director, he is seriously injured, and the sharp claws on his shoulders have not been removed yet."

"Should we let the medical staff come..."

A person in charge said after seeing Li Jiji's alert state after being carried down.

"He is a brave star, not an ordinary person like you who is as weak as an ant."

"It's just a small injury to the flesh, nothing serious."

"No need for paramedics, just take him down."

Mu Yunhan covered the sky with one hand here and had great power. After he opened his mouth, no one else dared to speak.

"By the way, lock up this person of unknown origin and interrogate him after I'm done."

With that said, Mu Yunhan pointed at Su Bai, who had just walked down and was looking around.

"Supervisor, your behavior is inappropriate."

"Li Jiiling is one of yours. He didn't care about life and death and got the spirit egg for you."

"Now that he is seriously injured, you not only don't send medical staff to treat his injuries, but you also lock him up. It's too inhumane."

"Secondly, my name is Huang Hua. Thanks to me, you were able to successfully obtain the spirit egg and rescue the seriously injured Li Jiiling."

"Who am I to be an unknown person?"

"Why do you want to imprison me?"

Su Bai's every word is sonorous and powerful, spreading widely.

Everyone around was startled and looked at Su Bai in surprise.

This was the first time they saw someone dare to contradict Mu Yunhan.

For a moment, they all looked at the strange figure Su Bai curiously.

"Why, it's just me who makes the decision here."

"Terrible monsters appear in the wild. As a second-level brave star, Li Jiling was seriously injured."

"But you, a mere ordinary person, can stand in the wild and keep him safe. Isn't this weird?"

"I have checked and there is no one in QZ named Huang Hua at your age."

"You said you are not a person of unknown origin, so what are you?"

"Put him under arrest. If he dares to say even a single word, he will be slapped with a slap in the face."

Mu Yunhan spoke coldly.


Suddenly, the little Smart who was about to be carried away to solitary confinement slowly woke up after spitting out a mouthful of black blood.

After waking up, when he saw Mu Yunhan, he shouted excitedly.

"Have you got the spirit... spirit egg?"

Mu Yunhan said calmly: "Yes, I got it."

Hearing this, Little Smart breathed a sigh of relief, and then said anxiously: "Quick, take it and save my brother."

"You promised... promised me that if you can get the spirit egg back, you will share half of the spirit egg's source power and ask the Wood Goddess of War to take action to save my brother."

At this time, Mu Yunhan curled his lips slightly, walked towards him with the spirit egg storage device in hand, and put it against his ear.

"Thank you for fetching this spiritual egg for me."

"But how can your brother, a mere ordinary person, be worthy of enjoying the power of this precious spiritual egg?"

"Master Mu asked me to tell you something. He has arranged a good cemetery for your brother."

After hearing this, Xiao Jiling's whole body was shaken, his eyeballs burst with bloodshot streaks, and the corners of his mouth bleed in excitement.

"Are you lying to me and using me?!"

Little Smart gritted his teeth.

"Well, congratulations, you guessed it right."

"I've been playing tricks on you from the beginning."

"If you hadn't been a Brave Star, Master Mu would have prepared not only one grave for your brother, but two for you as well."

"But it's good this way. I'll have more opportunities to play tricks on you like a monkey for Master Mu."

Mu Yunhan smiled jokingly and stood up: "Take him to confinement."

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