The Great Demon King Of Online Games

Chapter 164 Ancient Golden Owl

So cool!

[Qiankun Quiver] has finally been upgraded to another level, and the original 10 [Xuanling Arrows] that came with it have become 20 [Xuanling Magic Arrows].

Even the ordinary [Level 3-Aura Arrow] has a 5% chance of causing a 2-second stun effect.

The improvement is extremely huge!

The only thing that gave Su Bai some headaches was that the mouth of [Qiankun Quiver] became even more tricky. From now on, it would only swallow equipment above [Good - King Grade].

In this regard, Su Bai could only sigh secretly, even he himself had not been able to gather a royal weapon.

One can imagine how precious the royal equipment is.

Having devoured so much equipment just now, Su Bai's attributes have skyrocketed again:

——[Character]: Su Bai

[Level]: 47 (114567/10500000)

[Realm]: Fusion Realm (Attributes increased by 1000%)

[HP]: 3.01 million

[True Spiritual Value]: 950,000

[Attack power]: 790,000

[Physical Defense]: 600,000

[Spell Defense]: 550,000

[Power]: Jiuduan——(the power of nine cows and two tigers)

[Speed]: Eighth Stage - (Hundred-mile running at top speed)

The vitality has exceeded the 3 million mark, the basic attack power is 790,000, and both defenses have exceeded 550,000. These attributes are simply not too powerful.

If Su Bai takes the [Spiritual Divine Martial Pill] and the title bonus of [King of Slaughter], his attributes will be greatly increased.

However, Su Bai discovered that the stage of strength and speed of [Hanming Warrior] was suddenly reflected in a paragraph of text.

[Power] After reaching the ninth level, it is introduced as the power of nine cows and two tigers.

Could it be that the power of one of his moves now is equivalent to the sum of nine oxen and two tigers?

Out of curiosity, Su Bai tentatively punched a half-meter-thick tree behind him.

As a result, after this punch was struck, the power changed qualitatively, forming a violent wind and wave, accompanied by the vision of nine mad bulls and two ferocious tigers.

"Click" sound!

The half-meter-thick tree body was punched through the middle by Su Bai with his bare hands, leaving a shocking tree hole.


Beicheng Qian, who had finished cleaning the battlefield and approached with equipment, suddenly exclaimed that her whole delicate body was blown backwards by the strong wind.

Just one punch from Su Bai caused strong winds to spread out.

Su Bai reacted faster. He moved like a flash of light and caught up with Beicheng Qian. When Beicheng Qian was about to fall to the ground, he put his arms around her waist.

"Are you okay?"

Su Bai helped Beicheng Qian up and apologized.

Su Bai also didn't expect that after adding a lot of attributes, the wind caused by just one punch would be so powerful.

"I'm fine..."

Beicheng Qian's cheeks were flushed, as attractive as a peach. She shook her head gently, and then broke away from Su Bai's big hand.

Such close contact made her very shy.

"Here, this is the final equipment..."

Beicheng Qian initiated a transaction with Su Bai again.

This time Su Bai shook his head and refused: "No, what I need in the future is equipment above [Good - King Grade]."


Beicheng Qian was stunned, and then she said immediately: "I will keep these for now, and then I will give them to those who need them in our service area."

Hearing this, Su Bai nodded.

At this moment, the sky was approaching dusk, and the light on the entire [Canghai Island] became dim.

"No! Su...Su Bai, run away now, as far away from me as possible. I can't hurt you."

After Beicheng Qian suddenly thought of something, her pretty face was filled with fear. Then she turned her back to Su Bai, summoned her pet, rode on it, and started running.

It seemed like something terrible was about to happen, and she was the source of the unknown.

Su Bai was confused by Bei Chengqian. He moved his steps like a strong wind and caught up with Bei Chengqian in an instant.

"Su...Su Bai...don't follow me!"

"I didn't know I would meet you before. When I was deliberately captured here by them, I had already communicated with the [Ancient Golden Owl]."

"After nightfall, the [Ancient Golden Owl] will come to me. It is an overlord-level monster that is close to the [Nascent Soul]. It is very terrifying."

"I wanted to sacrifice myself before, luring the [Ancient Golden Owl] here, and killing this stronghold in the [Angel Server Zone]..."

"'s too late to say anything now. Anyway, after channeling, it cannot be released. [Ancient Golden Owl] will be coming soon. Please leave quickly and don't follow me anymore..." .”

Beicheng Qian's tone was very urgent, with a hint of crying and determination in her voice.

Before, she vowed to die and bring all the enemies in this stronghold to die together.

But now, to be honest, she doesn't want to die, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

As a hidden profession [Psychic-Spirit Sword Warlock], once you use your blood to communicate with powerful monsters, you can use your blood to communicate with them.

When the time is up, the monster will come after the psychic and eat him.

Moreover, it is the kind that will never give up until the goal is achieved.

"Su Bai, I'm serious..."

Beicheng Qian's excited voice suddenly stopped, and it became completely dark on [Canghai Island].

——"(ding dong!)"

“(It’s already dark, the attributes of all native creatures on [Canghai Island] are doubled, and the experience, explosion rate, and glory points are doubled.)”

The system prompts immediately.


Almost as soon as the system prompt ended, there was a fierce roar that overwhelmed the sky and formed a terrifying hurricane that resounded from a distance.

Then, on the eastern periphery of [Canghai Island], there was a piece of golden light that soared into the sky, dispelling the endless darkness and spreading out.

It was like the ancient giant demon had awakened, and the demonic aura soaring into the sky was earth-shattering.

In the swamp to the east, the unparalleled owl beast that was as high as the mountain, covered in golden light, as tall as a mountain, with a bird's head and a body of scales, suddenly stepped out of its lair.

This is exactly - [Ancient Golden Owl]!

Suddenly, in the outer area of ​​[Canghai Island], all kinds of birds, animals, poisonous snakes and insects all swarmed in panic, quickly left their nests and fled into the distance.

They were all frightened by the menace of [Ancient Golden Owl] and left their homes.

"'s coming to me, hurry up!"

After feeling the unparalleled power of the [Ancient Golden Owl], Beicheng Qian's snowy face turned completely pale.

After she cried to Su Bai, she didn't look back, and rode her mount with its limbs trembling from fright, away from Su Bai, not wanting to injure him.

However, Beicheng Qian, who was about to leave, suddenly left her mount. She was held around the waist by a strong arm, and then she was forcibly held in his arms.

Beicheng Qian was about to struggle when Su Bai's rich and tense voice rang in her ears.

"Trust me, it can't hurt you as long as I'm here."

"Just like I promised you during the day, this stronghold in the [Angel Server] area does not need you to die together. I can flatten it by myself."

Under the night, the [Ice Soul Tiger Power-Knife] in Su Bai's hand exuded an extremely melancholy luster, shining on his face, making him appear calm and confused.

[Ice Soul Tiger Power-Knife]

Beicheng Qian, who was originally feeling flustered and confused, looked at Su Bai at this moment, and couldn't help but feel a little more at ease, but still a little nervous.

Because [Ancient Golden Owl] is too powerful, and now that it is night, its attributes will double.

Although Beicheng Qian is now a little afraid of death, she is even more afraid that she will implicate Su Bai.

After all, Su Bai is related to the safety of the entire Daxia Star. He is the biggest hope of [Daxia Star] in this survival challenge dungeon.

"Promise me, if you can't do it, leave me and go on your own, okay?"

Beicheng Qian looked at Su Bai pleadingly, her eyes were full of water, moved, and even had an inexplicable throbbing luster...

"Haha... don't worry, it's natural."

"I, Su Bai, value my life as much as gold. If it is really dangerous, I will definitely leave you and run away without looking back."

Su Bai joked.

Although he had a joking tone, a woman's heart is so complicated. Beicheng Qian's handsome face and red lips were slightly bitter, and her heart felt a little lost.


"Why did the overlord-level monster BOSS suddenly leave the nest?"

"Run quickly, escape to the west..."


In the forest in the distance, various screams of shock rang out.

The [Ancient Golden Owl] suddenly moved out. It was as tall as a mountain, and its demonic power soared into the sky, causing mountains and forests to collapse wherever it passed, destroying everything.

All living creatures encountered have become the target of attack and destruction by the [Ancient Golden Owl].

Some players from various servers who were unfortunately encountered in the outer area died and screamed one after another.

Even Su Bai and Beicheng Qian, who were far apart, saw with their own eyes that a handful of players who were trying to escape on flying mounts were beaten into the ground by the wings of [Ancient Golden Owl].

"I'm going to try it first."

Su Bai also felt the power of [Ancient Golden Owl]. After speaking to the uneasy Beicheng Qian, he immediately summoned [Thunder Song].

Then, he rode on [Thunder Song] and turned into a ball of blue lightning rainbow, piercing the night sky and flying away.

In just a dozen breaths, Su Bai was already a thousand meters away from the [Ancient Golden Owl].

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