The Great Demon King Of Online Games

Chapter 257 Creating A Heavenly Paradise (Part 2)

With light, if you want to cultivate life, water is naturally indispensable.

The corner of Su Bai's mouth twitched, and she felt a little pain in her chest.

Another 10 million gold coins and 30,000 low-grade spiritual stones were spent.

Immediately, ten meters away from Su Bai, a gurgling underground spring appeared.

If you have light and water, you still need an organic land and seeds of all kinds of life.

Looking at the [Tiangong Kaiwu Store], the worst piece of organic soil with an area of ​​100 square meters and ordinary flowers, plants and tree seeds all cost a damn starting price of 10 million gold coins plus 30,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

With this damn price, Su Bai almost spit out blood. She wanted to yell at Tiangong Kaiwu Store. Your grandma D is too shady.

But there is no way!

So much money has been spent, but it has not yet been built to a basic scale [Dongtian Paradise]. If we don't continue to invest, wouldn't it be a waste of tens of millions.

Su Bai made a decision and decisively bought two 100-square-meter pieces of organic soil, a pack of chestnut seedling seeds and four life eggs.

Damn it!

Another tens of millions of gold coins and a large number of low-grade spiritual stones were gone.

Su Bai couldn't help but glance at his package. The number of gold coins shrank from 1.9E to just over 1E.

The lower-grade spiritual stones were all used up, leaving only more than 300,000 [middle-grade spiritual stones] and [high-grade spiritual stones].

However, within [Dongtian Paradise], there is finally a little initial development scale.

There was a small sun, an underground spring, two pieces of organic land, and a bag of chestnut seeds.

There are four other eggs lying neatly in the mud and rocks, receiving ordinary sunlight.

——"(ding dong!)"

"(Your [Dongtian Paradise] upgrade progress: +5, when it reaches 1000 points, it will be upgraded to the ordinary newborn stage.)"

"(Of the 100 chestnut seedling seeds you planted, 21 died due to lack of spiritual energy. The estimated growth time of the remaining chestnut seedlings is 68 days. At that time, 79 points of ordinary vitality will be added to [Dongtian Paradise].)"

"(Of the four eggs you purchased, one was stillborn due to lack of spiritual nourishment. The other three are expected to hatch successfully in 11 days, which will bring three initial little lives to [Dongtian Paradise] and increase 60 points of ordinary vitality.) "

What the hell!

Lack of aura? !

Twenty-one of the expensive chestnut seedlings died instantly, and one of the eggs also died.

(#`')Depend on!

It makes me feel distressed to hear that from Su Bai!


Can burying spiritual stones here increase spiritual energy?

Su Bai had an idea, and he immediately took out a thousand pieces of brilliant [High Grade Spiritual Stones] from the [Pseudo-Emperor Level-Space Bag] and buried them around two pieces of organic soil.

——"(ding dong!)"

"(You provided one thousand [high-grade spiritual stones] for [Dongtian Paradise], [Dongtian Paradise] upgrade progress: +3.)"

After this reminder, Su Bai immediately discovered a magical scene. The chestnut seedlings, which were still in seed state, immediately broke through the soil and sprouted a little green shoots.

Moreover, Su Bai could see that their growth time changed from 68 days to 62 days, which was shortened by a full 6 days.

Seeing this astonishing change, Su Bai took out another 1,000 [high-grade spiritual stones] and built a temporary nest around the four eggs.

There was spiritual energy visible to the naked eye, which began to spread like water, nourishing the four eggs.

The dark shells of three of the eggs immediately became transparent, glowing with the luster of life.

Su Bai could clearly feel that the life forms inside the three eggs were much more energetic.

Three of the eggs that originally took 11 days to hatch successfully showed that they only took 9 days.

But for the stillborn egg, even if it was moistened with spiritual energy, it would not help. Its shell was black and there was no life inside.


The value of an egg is 2.5 million gold coins plus nearly 10,000 [low-grade spiritual stones].

It's impossible not to feel heartache.

Su Bai picked up the stillborn egg and was about to throw it away when he suddenly remembered that when growing vegetables in the countryside, various rotting materials could also be used as fertilizer.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Su Bai buried the stillborn egg under the organic soil.

Suddenly, the newly grown buds of the nearest chestnut seedlings became obviously larger and greener, and their growth momentum surpassed that of other chestnut seedlings.

Even the time required for growth has been shortened by dozens of minutes.

This [Dongtian Paradise] is quite interesting!

Su Bai smiled and immediately decided to increase investment. He took out 100,000 [medium-grade spiritual stones] from the [Pseudo-Emperor Level-Space Bag] at once.

Then they were buried under two pieces of organic soil, three eggs, and the pool of underground spring water.

——"(ding dong!)"

"(You provided 100,000 [medium-grade spiritual stones] for [Dongtian Paradise], [Dongtian Paradise] upgrade progress: +200.)"

"(The upgrade progress has temporarily reached the full peak. Within a week, if we continue to provide more spirit stones, the upgrade progress will not be increased.)"


There are restrictions!

I thought I could instantly upgrade [Dongtian Paradise] to a level.

But that’s okay.

Su Bai discovered that after he buried 100,000 [medium-grade spiritual stones], the entire 10,000-square-meter [Dongtian Paradise] had undergone tremendous changes.

Even the air is filled with the fragrance of spiritual energy.

The most obvious changes were the two pieces of organic soil, the three eggs and the pool of underground spring water.

All three began to erupt with spiritual energy, and the chestnut seedlings had grown to the length of bean sprouts and were emerald green.

There are three eggs with clear and clear shells. There is a slight heartbeat inside, full of life.

And the water source that spurts out from that pool of underground spring has a bit more spirituality, like spiritual water, nourishing the entire [Dongtian Blessed Land].

From the previously barren land, it immediately changed drastically, making Su Bai full of hope for the future in this [Dongtian Paradise]...

(O(∩_∩)O ha!!)

(Su Bai's eyes were shining brightly. He clasped his fists in his hands, faced all the readers and bowed slightly: "I wish you all a happy New Year, all the best, good luck in the Year of the Rabbit, happiness and good health!")

(Su Bai: "By the way, [Bei Cai Arrival], this coward asked me to tell everyone that this chapter is the last chapter on New Year's Eve. For those who left a message [Happy New Year] at the end of this chapter, the first and eighth place If you name it, you will receive a small benefit.")

("By the way, he also said that a lucky reader who leaves a message will be randomly selected and given a third small benefit!")

([Bei Cai arrived]: "Su Bai, are you itchy? You dare to call me a coward, believe it or not...")

([Su Bai]: "Ahem... Trust me, let me calm down. I will take care of what you told me right away.")

"(Our handsome, kind, and beautiful author also said that if the recipients of the three small benefits do not want skin, they will directly give 88 red envelopes!)"

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