The Great Demon King Of Online Games

Chapter 004 Boss Wild Monkey Little Leader

There is only one word to describe the feeling of killing the big fat man and becoming famous at the beginning, and that is - cool!

Su Bai wasted no time and immediately went to find higher-level wild monsters to upgrade.

When Su Bai entered a certain bamboo forest, he saw green venomous snakes entangled one after another every five meters or so.

Check it out immediately.

——[Bamboo Leaf Green]!

(normal monster)

[Level]: Level 3

【Life】: 600

[Physical attack]: 21-39

[Spell attack]: 0

[Physical Defense]: 15

[Spell Defense]: 0

[Moving speed]: 8

(Don’t be fooled by its bright green appearance, its attacks may trigger deadly toxins.)

A monster at level 3 already has such high attributes.

[Bamboo Leaf Green]'s physical defense is as high as 15, and Su Bai's attack power is only 11 points, which can't break its defense at all.

However, the speed of [Bamboo Green Leaf] is only 8 points. If the distance is good, the [Qiankun Quiver] is used well, and the potential [Zanpaku] is there, it shouldn't be a big problem.

In order to avoid trouble, Su Bai first took out the [Transformation Mask] given by the system and put it on his face.

This thing will not add any attributes, but it can hide the appearance and basic information, which can avoid a lot of trouble.

After putting on the [Transformation Mask], Su Bai immediately took out a level 1 spiritual energy arrow from the [Qiankun Quiver], drew the bow 15 meters away, and aimed at a [Bamboo Leaf Green].

——"咻" sound.

An arrow shot out.

Damage: -11!

Level 1 spiritual energy arrows come with 10 points of real damage. When [Zanpaku] is not triggered, it can still deal 11 points of damage, which is considered normal.

——"(ding dong!)"

"(The probability of triggering [Zanpaku] increases to 3%!)"

Su Bai's eyes lit up when he heard this prompt.

In this way, no matter how bad your character is, when you shoot 98 arrows at the same target, you will definitely get a [Zanpaku] instant kill.

In the future, when my attack speed is fast enough, even if the BOSS is in front of me, I might not be able to survive for 10 seconds!


[Bamboo Leaf Green] When it was in pain, its fangs suddenly opened wide, and its green snake body slid down from the bamboo leaf.

Su Bai is not a newbie in the game. After shooting an arrow, he immediately took two steps back. At the same time, he took out the second level 1 spiritual energy arrow from the [Qiankun Quiver] without stopping and put it on the wooden bow.

Bow and shoot.

Damage: -11!

The trigger probability of [Zanpaku] has been increased to 4%.

Su Bai took two steps back every time he shot an arrow, trying to keep his distance.

His movement speed is 10 points, and [Bamboo Leaf Green]'s speed is 8 points.

As long as you master it well, you can handle it without any damage.

Damage: -11, -11, -11....

After shooting 11 arrows in a row, the probability of [Zanpaku] increases to 13%.

[Bamboo Leaf Green], which had 490 health left, was now less than 3 meters away from Su Bai.

He takes an arrow to attack while retreating, which will naturally affect his normal movement speed. Even if he moves 2 points faster than [Bamboo Leaf Green], he will soon be caught up.

Another arrow was fired, triggering [Zanpaku], damage: -490!

——"(ding dong!)"

"(Congratulations on killing level 3 [Bamboo Leaf Green] by leapfrogging and gaining 17 experience points.)"

[Bamboo Leaf Green]'s body immediately fell limply to the ground.

[Bamboo Leaf Green] is a level 3 monster, and its normal experience value should be 15 points. Su Bai is a leapfrog kill with an experience bonus, so it is 17 points.

The explosion rate of [All Heavens and Worlds] is extremely low, and the probability of ordinary mobs exploding equipment is even more shockingly low.

Killing a level 3 [Bamboo Leaf Green], except for 17 experience points, not even half a game coin.

Su Bai didn't care, he took the time to continue brushing.

He immediately picked another [Bamboo Leaf Green] 15 meters away and fired his arrow.

This time, his character was not good. He fired 21 arrows before triggering [Zanpaku], causing Su Bai to lose 23 points of life.

Fortunately, the bite did not trigger poisoning.

The battle continues.

When Su Bai killed the fifth [Bamboo Leaf Green], his health had dropped to 14 points.

Fortunately, after killing this [Bamboo Leaf Green], he had just enough experience to level up, and a pleasant warmth spread throughout his body.

——"(ding dong)!"

"(Congratulations on successfully reaching level 1 and gaining 5 freely allocated attribute points.)"

After upgrading, the vitality is restored to full value, and the total vitality changes from 100 points to 105.

Defense increased by 1 point, attack increased by 2 points.

Xuanyu's profession itself is fragile, and life defense growth is a weakness.

Su Bai added all 5 attribute points to agility, and his body instantly felt more flexible, with a small increase in attack speed and movement speed.

After the movement speed is increased, Su Bai becomes more flexible when using [Bamboo Leaf Green].

Next, he killed more than thirty [Bamboo Leaf Green] in succession, and was only bitten once.

Su Bai is already level 3.

There is no doubt that the attributes allocated by the two bonus points are still all allocated to agility.

"No way! Someone appears at level 3 [Bamboo Leaf Green] so soon. Is he doing it alone?"

"Friends, do you want to form a team? There are two Tianlongs in our team, one is Shenhuang, and the other is Spirit Sword. We just lack a physical long-range Xuanyu."

"If we all form a team together, it will definitely be more efficient."

A team of four came to the bamboo forest.

After discovering Su Bai, he looked slightly surprised and extended an invitation to him.

These four people can all be promoted to level 1 so quickly. When they come here, they can be regarded as small elite players.

"No, I don't like forming a team."

Su Bai refused and turned around to leave.

Players have already appeared in the level 3 monster spawning area, and more people will definitely arrive after a while.

Su Bai is going to change to a higher level place to play alone.


"The monsters in [All Heavens and Worlds] have such high attributes, I just want to do it alone in the early stage, and I don't even make a draft to brag."

See Su Bai refuses to leave.

In the four-person team, the player from the Shenhuang profession curled his lips and sneered.

"No, he's not bragging. Look, there are more than a dozen [Bamboo Leaf Green] corpses there that haven't been refreshed."

"He's a master."

The captain of the Spirit Sword profession said in surprise after noticing it with sharp eyes.

"Damn, this [Bamboo Leaf Green] has 600 health, 15 defense, and 39 attack. It may be poisoned after being bitten."

"The server has just been launched. How did he manage to be so efficient on his own?"

"It seems that he used the Xuanjie Link Stone, so he probably got some good equipment."

"Xuanjie Link Stone! 200,000 universe coins. MD, it's great to have money."

"Captain, we are a bit reluctant to farm these [Bamboo Leaf Green], so we should go back and farm level 2 pheasants."



After these people left, Su Bai came to a mountain.

There are lush vegetation and tall trees inside, making it difficult for even the sun to shine in, making it look a bit shady.

"—Howl howl howl!"

At this time, the cry of a group of wild monkeys rang out in the woods.

Su Bai looked intently.

They found a group of wild monkeys with white faces, yellow fur, and long tails. Among them was a larger wild monkey leader, at least 1.6 meters tall and weighing at least 200 kilograms.

——[Little Wild Monkey Leader]!

(Elite Monster)

[Level]: Level 9


[Physical attack]: 98-123

[Spell attack]: 0

[Physical Defense]: 45

[Spell Defense]: 0

[Moving Speed]: 45

[Skill]: (Cruel Bite)

(This is an aggressive monkey leader who is very territorial and will often tear apart small animals that intrude into his territory. Please stay away from this dangerous creature.)

Little BOSS? !

Su Bai's eyes warmed slightly.

[All Heavens and Worlds] You can view the attributes of monsters that are no higher than 10 levels.

Although he discovered the mini-BOSS, after seeing its attributes, Su Bai didn't plan to provoke it yet.

As long as the first arrow does not trigger [Zanpaku], this [Wild Monkey Little Leader]'s high movement speed of 45 can quickly catch up with him and kill his small body.

What's more, there are a group of younger brothers around it.

Wait until it reaches a few more levels before killing it.

Su Bai wisely left here and soon came to a lake.

And on the edge of the lake, the monster wandering around made its eyes suddenly light up.

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