The Great Demon King Of Online Games

Chapter 055 Unknown "Order Of Immortal Selection"

The scene reversed and changed so quickly that the people at [Heli Huating] were overwhelmed.

I originally thought that Xianyi Anguma would lose as a young boy and was about to die in the hands of Yan Huang, but unexpectedly, there was a sudden turn of events, and Yan Huang, who was wearing the best equipment, suddenly burped.

And their vice president Mu Jiawen Shao couldn't bear the huge contrast. He was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted in the game, and was forced to offline.

This caused the two thousand people present at [Heli Huating] to look at each other with big eyes and small eyes, not knowing what to do.

"When I was a boy in bright clothes and angry horses!"

At this time, Ah Da roared out with endless anger and resentment in every word.

There was a fierce look in his eyes, and he wished he could eat Su Bai alive.

If looks could kill, Su Bai had been killed millions of times in front of him.

Ada jumped off his mount, biting his teeth with blood, and then with a "boom", he knelt heavily on the ground.

"you win."

"Young Master Mu is ill, so I will kneel to you on his behalf and complete the bet."

"Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa!"

The sound was full and loud, like the sound of bells and drums, shaking the heartstrings of everyone present.

--"call out!"

An arrow as fast as cold lightning shot through the air and penetrated Ada who was kneeling on the ground and calling Grandpa Su Bai on the spot.

[Yin Ming Blow], damage: -3678!

"You are not the Mu family's young master, you cannot replace him."

Su Bai killed A Da with an arrow with a cold expression.

Ada, who was instantly killed by Su Bai with one arrow, his soul screamed in the team.

"Go ahead, kill him."

Suddenly, the army of two thousand [Heli Huating] locked eyes with Su Bai and charged towards him.

Fighting with open swords and guns, with 1 vs. 2000, Su Bai would not be stupid enough to stay here and fight them.

He raised his hand and fired three arrows. After killing three more enemies instantly, he directly used the [Earth Movement Technique] and escaped into the ground.

Surrounded by 2,000 people, he disappeared.

The moment he saw Su Bai disappear, countless Xuanyu threw [Hidden-Breaking Golden Light Arrows] towards the surrounding area.

But I'm sorry, earth movement is not a stealth skill, so it can't be seen at all.

Su Bai retired after a great harvest.

After getting rid of the siege of 2,000 people, Su Bai returned to the city and returned to [Galaxy City].

Although Su Bai took the initiative to kill many people, he had the [Righteousness and Strength] talisman and did not have a red name at all.

You will not be targeted by NPCs when you return to [Galaxy City].

Just after returning to the city, Su Bai's friends column was flashing with various messages.

There are also a lot of friend requests!

It was Uncle Feng Qiyunfeiyang, Xue Wu, and Xia Youmuxi who took the initiative to make video invitations, and they all looked very anxious.

Su Bai gave priority to Uncle Fengyun Feiyang’s video application.

"Good boy, tell me quickly, have you hit the first [Gang Building Order]?"

In the video, Uncle Feng Qiyun Feiyang’s voice became invisibly faster.

Su Bai has no doubt that if he appears next to Uncle Feng Qiyun Feiyang, the other person will probably hug him tightly in excitement, fearing that he will run away.

Just thinking about it makes Su Bai feel cold.

But there is a saying that Uncle Fengqiyunfeiyang’s hands and eyes can reach the sky!

So quickly I learned the news that I suspected that I had obtained a [Gang Founding Order].

"If there is one, sell it to me and I will give you an E, no, 2 E!"

The first [Gang Founding Order] is of great significance.

Even Uncle Feng Qiyun Feiyang was a little out of his mind.

Hearing him shoot two E's, to be honest, Su Bai's heart skipped a beat.

It is impossible not to be tempted.

He has not yet reached the stage where he regards money as garbage. He also has seven emotions and six desires. He loves money just like ordinary people and wants to get rich overnight.

"Uncle, don't get excited yet."

"I haven't checked whether there is a [gang establishment order]."

"Wait a moment, let me take a look first."

Su Bai immediately checked the items in the package that were revealed by BOSS Red Roar. If there really was a [Gang Building Order], he would be rich.

Three pieces of equipment, one extraordinary grade, two mortal grade, and a water spirit sword skill book.

Considering the level of BOSS Red Roar, it is not unusual for something like this to be revealed.

Soon, Su Bai's eyes shifted to a silver-grey, palm-sized sign with engraved Yin Yang and Tai Chi.

——[Order of Immortal Selection]!

(Unknown item???)

(Unexpected things may happen after use...)

(#`')Depend on!

what? !

It's not a [Gang Building Order], but an unknown [Immortal Selection Order].

The wealth of those two E's is not in vain.

Su Bai was immediately annoyed, and then waved his hand regretfully towards Uncle Feng Qiyunfeiyang in the video.


"It's not that I don't want to earn your two E's, it's just that I didn't reveal the [Gang Formation Order]."

Hearing this, Feng Qiyunfeiyang looked at Su Bai solemnly, and after a pause, he said meaningfully.

"Young man, it's okay if there's no [gang establishment order]."

"But you have to remember, if you issue a [Gang Formation Order] one day, no matter how much others offer, I can give you more than the other party."

Hearing this, Su Bai suddenly felt slightly unhappy.

He heard something between the words, and Feng Qiyun Feiyang didn't believe it, thinking that Su Bai had lied to him and wanted to sell it at a higher price.

Su Bai's voice suddenly became colder: "Okay, I understand."

After saying that, he hung up the video directly.

At this time, Xue Wu also sent several voice messages.

"Wow, you were so handsome when you were a teenager."

"You were the first to kill the [Open Light Realm] BOSS, and also defeated Yan Huang, one of the top ten on the [Dali City] Heaven Ranking. Now you are completely popular."

"By the way, when you were a boy, don't be as knowledgeable as my uncle. I believe you. If you say you didn't reveal the [gang founding order], you definitely didn't."

"He is a little paranoid about creating the first guild in the server."

"I'm going to stay up all night tonight. If you're free, can you take me with you to upgrade?"

Xue Wu spoke more frankly.

When he was in the [Endless Auction Venue], Xue Wu also helped him a lot.

Su Bai replied: "It depends on the situation. If you are free in the evening, I will find you then."

Xuewu immediately sent a smiling emoticon: "OK!"

After finishing the chat with Xue Wu, Su Bai took a glance at the message sent by Xia Youmuxi.

I also came here for the [Gang Formation Order].

It seems that the first [Gang Establishment Order] is really popular, and countless people want to take advantage of it.

But unfortunately, there was no [Gang Establishment Order]. Su Bai simply replied to Xia Youmuxi: "I don't have a [Gang Establishment Order]."

Then the conversation was closed.

Behind Xia Youmuxi is [Shui Mu Nian Hua].

Judging from the look on Mu Wenkuo's face that day, [Shui Mu Nian Hua] is definitely closely related to his Mu family.

Although he didn't know why Mu Wenkuo was kicked out of [Shui Mu Nian Hua], Su Bai was still a little wary of Xia Youmu Xi.

Looking at the friend application column, there was an applicant's ID, which caught Su Bai's attention.

It was Yan Huang who wanted to add Su Bai as a friend.

Also attached is a message: I refuse to accept the defeat and I will fight you again.

Su Bai ignored this.

Su Bai was too lazy to waste time in a meaningless battle.

Su Bai went to repair the equipment, and kept all but one piece of equipment that had been exploded by the enemy in the package. The rest were all listed on the trading platform and sold in an auction mode.

It is estimated to be another considerable fortune.

As for the water-based spiritual sword skill book that BOSS Red Roar revealed, Su Bai did not sell it, but fed it to the [Qiankun Quiver], gaining 15 points of spiritual attributes.

Then, Su Bai mailed a piece of equipment for the Spirit Sword profession to Young Master Ice and Fire, along with the information.

"Thank you for the information you provided. This is the reward. Of course, if you ask me to take you through the [Coiling Snake Ridge] copy, you can still do it."

The information that Mu Wenkuo and the others had on the Yin Ren Tomb map was what Master Binghuo told Big Clever and Little Clever.

Su Bai still has 190,000 experience points left to reach level 20. After completing all this, he is ready to upgrade first.

In the evening, he continued to explore the [Yinming Tomb Mansion], where he also had a hidden mission.

But at this time, he received a reply from Master Binghuo: "O(∩_∩)O Thank you, no need."

Don't bring a copy with you when you see the other person, especially Su Bai.

After closing the email, Su Bai went out of town to upgrade.

Su Bai is wearing a cool [Yin Ming Suit], and he also carries a [Mysterious Black Box] on his back. Such a special standard equipment has caused countless players in [Galaxy City] to recognize him at a glance. He is Xian Yi. Angry Horse as a teenager.

Basically, the [Black Box] and the phantom mask on his face have become the symbols of Xianyi Angma's youth.

Suddenly, countless players came here, all wanting to get close to Su Bai, and there were also various requests for help.

Of course, there are also those with bad intentions, with coldness hidden in their eyes, who want to kill him and get a reward of 20 million.

No matter what purpose they approached, Su Bai ignored them all and accelerated his speed to throw away a group of followers.

When I left the city, I happened to find a group of people from [Heli Huating] not far from the door.

have nothing to say.

Su Bai took action and killed 8 more people.

Anyway, the [positive energy plus body] talisman is still in effect. If you kill someone, you won't be famous. If you don't kill, you won't be killed.

This frightened some people in [Heli Huating] who were about to leave the city. Their eyes trembled and they stopped where they were, not daring to leave the city.

I was afraid that Su Bai, the evil star, would take them away together.

After killing the person, Su Bai summoned [Thunder Roar], and rode it away in the sky under countless exclamations and envious eyes.

Su Bai spent a few hours grinding alone, and had 190,000 upgrade experience, but was still short of 150,000.

There is no way, there is no BOSS to kill and good tasks to do, and the upgrade is very slow. What's more, there is a [mysterious black box] that keeps sharing its experience.

Su Bai is ready to go offline.

The glasses man had already called me twice at the door, saying he wanted to eat.

This feeling of being remembered and asked to eat is so good!

When Su Bai was about to log off, he remembered the [Order of Immortal Selection] again.

The introduction says that after using it, unexpected things will happen.

Anyway, don’t use it in vain, just in case there is a surprise.

Su Bai immediately chose to use it with the mentality of giving it a try.


As a result, a furious dragon thunder suddenly fell from the sky in the game, shattering the void and instantly hitting the top of Su Bai's head.

It was simply a thunderbolt of TMD.

Su Bai's whole body froze, and he lost consciousness in the game on the spot, and was forced offline.

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