The Great Demon King Of Online Games

Chapter 563 The Pressure Of The Female Tyrant (Part 2)

Since yesterday, the All-Heaven Allied Forces have been stationed at the headquarters and have begun to send out signals to mobilize new All-Heaven Allied Forces to come for support.

For the time being, although the allied forces stationed here suffered heavy losses, they could still barely hold on and resist the constant charges of the dark and strange legions.

However, once the allied forces of the heavens fall and the large forces of the dark and strange army leave Guanshan and enter all the heavens and realms, the real devastating disaster will begin.

Wherever the dark and strange legion goes, it will be like the ancient times, and no one will be spared.

Wherever darkness and weirdness appear, it will become a forbidden area of ​​​​life.

During these five days of defensive battles, the Eternal God Emperor and his generals and other supreme beings did not want to forcefully intervene in the battle to reduce casualties for the Allied Forces.

However, every time the Eternal God Emperor and his generals and other supreme beings were about to take action, the auras of the masters of the source of darkness lurking within Guanshan would surge.

Currently, six of the ten masters of the source of darkness have awakened. Although they have not yet returned to their peak state, each master of the source of darkness now has supreme strength.

But the Lords of the Source of Darkness are still worried about something and have not come out in full force. The same Supreme Lords such as the Eternal God Emperor and generals are also worried.

Therefore, the two sides temporarily reached a tacit agreement, neither of them sent out overwhelming supreme combat power, maintaining a special balance between the two sides.

But while it is said to be a balance, in reality the Allied Forces are under great pressure, and their advantages are decreasing little by little as time goes by.

Originally, the dark and strange legions were suppressed in Guanshan and could not leave the misty sea at all.

But now, the footsteps of the dark and strange legions have reached the depths of the Lanhai Sea, causing the all-heaven coalition forces to continuously shrink and retreat their defense lines.

Because the number of dark and strange legions is increasing, and they are endless, and there seems to be no end.

Moreover, the beings in the dark and strange legion, regardless of their strength, all possess the characteristic of dark devouring. Even if they are injured to the point where they only have a mouth left, they can quickly recover by devouring flesh and blood corpses.

In such a brutal battle, the number of corpses continued to increase, giving the dark and strange legions more power to devour as much as they wanted, and the more they fought, the more courageous they became.

Moreover, the existences of the dark and strange legion are born with the contagiousness of dark poison. If the Allied Forces of the Heavens who are bitten by them do not remove the dark poison immediately, they will soon lose their minds, lead to soul confusion, and finally... Become a member of the dark and strange world.

Facing such a strange and terrifying opponent, it is normal for the All-Heaven Alliance Army to be defeated one after another.

But the allied forces in the heavens have also learned to be smart. They have a large number of special magic weapons against darkness and weirdness, and they only kill the enemy's vital parts, striving to kill them with one blow, so that the existence of the dark and weird army cannot eat the corpses to recover.

Moreover, all the Allied Forces of the Heavens who are bitten by the strange darkness will immediately withdraw from the battlefield and seek the help of Daluo Jinxian to remove the poison of darkness from their bodies...

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, in the sky above the extremely tragic battlefield, a terrifying law of surging energy burst out again.

Then, dozens of powerful and extraordinary figures appeared from the void, but all of them were injured.

They are the Eternal Immortal Blood Red Taoist, the Ancient God Sculpture Changfeng, the Great Demon Qi Xian, Pluto Luo Jun and more than a dozen people.

And their opponent is the king-level demon in the dark shadow.

In the fierce and fierce battle just now, the Blood Red Taoist and the others were all injured.

At this moment, everyone's face is entangled with dark poison. It is necessary to step back and suppress the dark poison immediately.

On the other hand, the kings and demons in the darkness and strangeness, although all of them were injured, still showed excitement and ferocity in their eyes, without any signs of fatigue.

"You retreat first and force out the poison of darkness. Leave this place to me for now."

The female Taoist woman was very energetic. She waved her sleeves and signaled the Blood Red Taoist to step back first to drive away the poison of darkness.

"Then be careful."

The Blood Red Taoist and the others did not dare to hold on. They all knew how powerful the poison of darkness was. They all bowed their hands to the female demon and quickly retreated.

But in this case, the female slave will have to face a dark king of the same level and a dozen dark king demons alone.

Because of the All-Heaven Alliance troops stationed outside Guanshan, there is no extra manpower at this level.

Although the allied forces in the heavens have urgently called for support from all the heavens and all the realms, it will still take some time for the core power of the Eternal Immortal and the Great Luo Jinxian to arrive.

Moreover, not all [immortal-level forces] can make up their minds to die with the darkness and weirdness, and are willing to send out all the power within the sect.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

"Female Emperor, although I admire your elegance very much, I will not show mercy to you just because you are an outstanding woman."

"Then next, you will have to face us alone and take action together."

"Tsk tsk's so dangerous to destroy flowers. Thinking about it, this emperor is really looking forward to it."

The female demon's opponent, the Dark Emperor, smiled ferociously and waved his hand.

Behind him, dozens of dark king demons immediately formed a special formation to besiege him.

"Sister, we are here to help you."

At this moment, there was a clear and delicate sound.

It was Zi Yan who came with Lan Ling'er and several Buddhas and elders from [Prajna Valley] to help the female demon fight.

"Do not come."

"If you all come to help me, then the battlefield to the east may collapse."

"Go and do your part. I have no problem here."

The female demon was as dazzling as the supreme queen, and she rejected Zi Yan's kindness.

Today's Prajna Valley has cultivated Lan Ling'er, a rare formation genius in the ages. After cooperating with many Buddhist elders and Zi Yan to perform the formation, the power is as strong as that of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

In the Lanhai battlefield to the east, Zi Yan and the others are the absolute backbone and must not leave, otherwise they will become a breakthrough point for the dark and strange legion.

Suddenly, the female slave fell into a state of siege.

Even if she is as strong as a female demon, she feels pressure at this moment.

After all, there are semi-saint enemies of the same level.

Moreover, before this, the female demon had been fighting against the opponent for a long time. Now that there are more than a dozen kings and dark demons, it will naturally be a bit difficult.

"Little man, it's your turn to stand up for me this time."

As she became more and more strenuous, the female demon moved her mind. She made a decision and suddenly used [Summoning of Couples].

This is the first time that a female demon has used the couple summoning skill on Su Bai.

It can also be seen that the female slave is really struggling.

In the distance, Zi Yan, who was refused help, was worried about her eldest sister Nvba. She hesitated and used the [Couple Summoning] skill on Su Bai for the first time.

I hope Su Bai will come to share the pressure for the eldest sister Nvba...

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