The Great Demon King Of Online Games

Chapter 575 Seizing The Body

Half an hour later, the dense divine energy in the Dragon Transformation Pond in Tianfu was reduced by more than half.

As the most important place of creation in Tianfu, the Hualong Divine Pond is like the lifeblood of the Heavenly Mansion, so it is taken very seriously.

The Tianfu Hualong Divine Pond underwent a sudden change and lost more than half of its divine energy. This has never happened before in all eternity.

Even though the Eternal God Emperor generously opened the Dragon Transformation Divine Pond to Su Bai, he still showed up with his ten ancient gods as soon as he noticed this surprising change.

At this time, with a "pop" sound, the waves of divine water rose up, and a man with a return to his original temperament and half-squinted eyes stood out from the Dragon Transformation Pond.

It was Su Bai.

I saw that more than half of the sacred trees and fairy fruits around the Hualong Divine Pond had withered.

The ten ancient gods all had pained expressions on their faces, and their eyes looked at Su Bai with a bit of anger.

"Daluo Jinxian, congratulations to little Su Bai..."

The Eternal God Emperor took his words back and said instead: "Congratulations to Demon Lord Su, you have made further progress in your cultivation."

"If my old friend Qian Yihuang could learn about this scene, he would definitely feel relieved."

The Eternal God Emperor was looking at Su Bai in great surprise.

With his supreme strength, second only to that of a saint, at this moment, he felt like he couldn't see through Su Bai.

The aura around Su Bai's body fluctuated, and his whole body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist. He looked like the Great Luo Golden Immortal, or the Hunyuan Great Luo Golden Immortal above Da Luo.

"The God Emperor is so complimentary."

"Although I am already the Demon King of the Immortal Emperor Demon Clan, I am still a junior in front of you. Just call me Su Bai."

Su Bai cupped his hands and smiled, also seeing the dissatisfaction of the ten ancient gods, and said: "I'm sorry, I was a little out of control when I broke through."

"Let's do this. I'll use two unparalleled magical medicines to make up for the loss of the Dragon Transformation Pond."

After hearing Su Bai's words, the top ten ancient gods looked much better.

But the Eternal God Emperor waved his hand and said, "Well, why is this necessary?"

"You have the opportunity and ability to absorb more than half of the divine energy in the Dragon Transformation Pond. This is your own creation."

"By the way, among the other supreme beings in the world, only the Martial Ancestor of the Desolate Realm is missing, but a message has been sent that the Martial Ancestor will arrive within half the time of burning an incense stick."

"Su Bai, how about you and I go meet the other supreme beings first?"

Although the Eternal God Emperor said that Su Bai did not need to make up for anything.

But Su Bai understands one thing, it's not surprising that many people are polite, not to mention that he has his own plans.

"No, this compensation is deserved."

Su Bai took out two unparalleled magical medicines and put them into the hands of the ancient god sculpture Changfeng.

Then he said: "Don't worry, I'll wait for Martial Ancestor to come before meeting them together."

The Ancient God Sculpture Changfeng received the two unparalleled magical medicines sent by Su Bai, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

Unparalleled miracle medicine!

It's so precious in the world, but even they don't have much in Tianfu. He really didn't expect that Su Bai would be so generous.

However, if the Eternal God Emperor did not agree, no matter how keen the Ancient God Sculptor Changfeng was on the unparalleled magical medicine, he would not dare to accept it.

Therefore, Su Changfeng looked to the Eternal God Emperor for help.

"Okay, since little friend Su Bai is so kind, I, Tianfu, will accept these two unparalleled miracle medicines."

"Little friend Su, I will send someone to notify you when Martial Ancestor arrives."

"Tianfu has prepared a resting place for you. You can go there first to build a solid state."

Su Bai nodded: "Okay, thank you."

After the Eternal God Emperor left, another ancient god came towards Su Bai: "Su Mojun, please."

Su Bai smiled: "Okay."

Tianfu treated Su Bai with great dignity, and prepared for him the supreme elegant room with the highest specifications in Tianfu.

Inside, they are all made of divine crystals using mysterious formations, which can even reduce the proportion of time passing.

"Su Mojun, if you need anything, you can call me at any time."

This ancient god sent Su Bai here, and after finishing speaking, he left first.

When Su Bai was the only one inside, the corner of his mouth curled up in joy, and with a movement of his hands, the elemental power of yin and yang changes converged into supreme law stripes, wandering around.

Su Bai stretched out his hand, and the energy of life surged in his palm, and then a ten centimeter-high green plant grew.

After the green plant rolled, leaves containing various elements such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, rain, fog, light and darkness grew around it.

When it bears fruit, it directly turns into the fruit of time and space, revealing its supreme mystery.

"Is this the ability of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's Hunyuan Wuji Dao?"

Su Bai was very surprised.

With the help of Hu Yu'er, Su Bai did not just break through to Da Luo Jinxian, but directly soared to Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

After reaching this state, with two black and yellow treasures, the ultimate treasure Demon Refining Pot, and the Supreme Bodhi Tree, Su Bai is fully capable of concealing his true state in front of supreme beings.

Therefore, even the Eternal God Emperor cannot see through Su Bai.

"Dong dong..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the private room.

Su Bai smiled, knowing who was coming.


Immediately, Yan Guiji walked in side by side with a man and a woman, two stunning and talented figures.

The two people who came in were Daotian and Li Xian.

"Master, your distinguished guest has arrived."

After Yan Guiji came in, she bowed elegantly towards Su Bai.

"Okay, please step back first."

After Su Bai finished speaking, Yan Guiji disappeared directly.

However, the expressions of Daotian and Li Xian were extremely surprised.

Nayan Guiji was countless times stronger than when she first saw her just now, and she had reached the point of possessing an entity.

But he still obeyed Su Bai and called him his master, which surprised both Daotian and Li Xian.

"Take a seat, you two."

"Now that the heavens are facing dark and strange threats, what the future will be like is completely unknown."

"We may have had some misunderstandings before, but in the face of the great safety plan of the heavens, I think we should be on the same side."

After listening to Su Bai's words, Daotian and Li Xian, who were sitting opposite Su Bai, looked at him with even more admiration.


"Su Mojun..."

Now Su Bai has inherited the name of Demon Lord of the Immortal Emperor Demon Clan, and his status is one generation higher than them.

Daotian and Li Xian changed their words and said, "Su Mojun, we did feel sorry for you because of misunderstanding before."

"But you are right. Before facing the great danger to the safety of the world, we are on the same front."

"You definitely didn't come to us just for a drink. If you have any orders, just say so."

Su Bai smiled softly and served Daotian and Li Xian a glass of wine.

"It's really something. But I want to ask you two a question."

Daotian and Li Xian: "Please tell me."

"How far can you two go to protect the safety of all the worlds?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Daotian and Li Xian hesitated for a moment: "The heavens and the world are the places where we were born and raised."

"For the sake of the peace and future here, the two of us are fighting against the darkness and weirdness, and we have no regrets even to the death."

Su Bai: "Okay, based on your words, let's have a drink."


Daotian and Li Xian stood up and took the wine glasses. After clinking the glasses with Su Bai, they drank it on the spot.

However, the moment Daotian and Li Xian drank the wine, the two mysterious and yellow treasures, the Golden Lotus of Merit and the Purple Lotus of Samsara, simultaneously emitted the ability to seal the sky and the earth, sealing the years, and spread throughout the elegant room.

Although Daotian and Li Xian were both kings of genius, they were locked and still by Su Bai without warning, along with the years.

"You also said that for the future of the world, you will not hesitate to die in battle."

"In this case, you don't need to die in battle, I just need you two to sacrifice your bodies."

As soon as Su Bai finished speaking, an extremely powerful dark soul flew out of his body, split into two, and forcibly entered the bodies of Daotian and Li Xian.

Two breaths of time passed by in a blink of an eye, and Su Bai stopped in time.

At this time, Li Xian's cold face was suddenly covered with a layer of enchanting and charming demonic temperament. Her eyes were flowing and dazzling, and she looked at Su Bai with a smile.

"Thank you so much for your kindness."


at the same time.

In the Tianfu, the Eternal God Emperor, the generals and the other five supreme figures all had slightly confused expressions.

Just now, they sensed signs of the loss of time in a very short moment.

Only the Eternal God Emperor and a few people could detect the subtle changes that occurred in an instant.

However, after several supreme saints swept away their thoughts, they didn't notice anything wrong at all, so they withdrew their doubts.

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