The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 116: Lantern Fairy

   Luo Siyu said: “It’s not a problem to fly two hundred feet, but it’s a lot more difficult to carry a soft rope.

   Luo Siyu gently rubbed the gluttonous back in his hand, bowed his head and said a few words, then pointed to the soft cord and the pavilion in the distance.

   Red eyes Ming Xia Chan's two red eyes turned and blinked, twisted her body very humanely, and whispered twice.

Luo Siyu flicked it with his finger and said: "Eating food, you are really a gluttonous cicada." While taking out a spiritual stone from his arms and placing it under the gluttonous mouthparts, within a few breaths, the spiritual stone was broken into powder. .

   gluttonously shook his head and shook his head in a satisfied look. The lines on his body flashed a few times, and he spread his wings and flew on the soft cord, stuck his mouthparts in, and then fluttered his wings and flew up.

   At this time, the sky was half dark, and everyone saw the soft cable slowly flying unmanned like a long thin snake, swaying forward and upward.

   Under everyone's intently staring, the soft cable went up all the way in the air, and stopped for a while on the top of the mountain road. It should be the glutton who felt the increased spiritual pressure over the mountain road.

   After an ear-splitting cry, the head of the soft cord was raised suddenly, and the gluttonously crossed the spiritual pressure area from a high place, and continued to fly to the pavilion with the soft cord.

When    was approaching the pavilion, a strong lateral wind blew, and the soft cord was swayed. With strong eyesight, you could see the gluttons being blown and rolled a few times to the side.

   Everyone's hearts were raised.

Glutton seems to be anxious, knowing it, he keeps beeping several times in a hurry, a stream of air jets out from the mouthparts under the body, a white line is pulled out in the air, and the soft cord seems to be stretched upwards. When he speeded up, he reached Zhou Shangting's double-edged octagonal spire, went around three more times, and fixed it.

   Everyone let out a sigh, and after tying the soft cable here on the tree, they started to march along the cable to the pavilion.

   The angle at this time is already very steep, and everyone has to cooperate with hands and feet to climb over.

   Yuan was even more responsible for breaking. When he crossed the top of the mountain path and approached the pavilion, the soft cable immersed in the spiritual pressure suddenly couldn't withstand the pressure and disconnected, and Yuan Geng swung over to the rock below the side.

   Hua Lanting has been observing, shaking his hands and flying out of the dragon head and scorpion tail Ruyisuo, curling up the soft cable and pulling Yuan Geng up.

   finally passed the first hurdle and arrived at Zhou Shangting. By then, the sky was completely dark, and the dark clouds covered the moon that night, and it was very dark.

   There is no mountain road in the direction leading to the next Miaoguan Pavilion above, and it is not far away is a thorny forest full of shrubs.

   Everyone discussed it, and in order to compete for the first place, they decided to take a break for two hours first, and then tentatively ventured up at night.

   The seven were about to meditate, and there were violent knocks and screams from the top of their heads. When everyone went out to see, they were greedy with a soft cord around the dome of the pavilion, shouting and bumping.

   Luo Siyu pursed his lips and made a string of weird syllables, greedy responded a few times, but refused to stop.

   Luo Siyu was helpless, so he flew to take it off, fed a piece of spiritual stone to comfort him, and said to everyone:

"I laughed, I was caught by the dome just now, greedy thought it was a bully, so I started fighting. I persuaded it, it said it was not bad, it was the pavilion's first hand. Alas, it's still a young man. The child has a temper."

   Everyone went back to the pavilion and started to rest.

After Hua Lan Ting slowly adjusted his breath for several weeks, his energy and spiritual energy recovered. He looked at the dim night sky, and suddenly wanted to try whether he could communicate with the power of the stars under the guardian of the experience formation, so he activated it. The secret method of Ziwei Star Dou Guantian.

   is actually no problem, the stars of various colors are scattered all over the sky, and they are absorbed by him.

   The others were sitting still, and there was no abnormality in the turbulence of stargazing power. Only Huo Huixiao's brows flashed. She looked up around and Hualanting. She did not speak, and closed her eyes to continue doing the exercises.

   Wan Lai is completely silent, occasionally a breeze blows.

   Just when the two hours were approaching, it was Hua Lan Ting at first, and then the others opened their eyes. They all noticed that the surrounding atmosphere was not right, with extremely light footsteps and strange aura approaching.

   Everyone walked to the side of the pavilion to observe.

   In the dark night outside, dozens of pairs of ghostly eyes blinked from time to time. Looking at it with full eyesight, it turned out that there were twenty or thirty wild wolves cruising around.

   "The coyotes!" Luo Siyu cried: "The second-tier spirit beasts live in groups."

   Hearing the human voice, three coyotes couldn't help but jumped in.

One pounced on Jia Xiaochun. Jia Xiaochun slapped a small free fist on the coyote's head. The coyote was knocked into the air, shook its head and stood up, barking his teeth fiercely at Jia Xiaochun twice. Voice.

   The other prisoner dragon stick in the hands of Tian Jingsha was hit **** the shoulder, howling and falling back a few steps, then he stood up again after groaning a few times.

   Luo Siyu said: "Bronze head and iron bone tofu waist, just hit its waist."

Hua Lanting heard the words and handed out a wishful rope, the head of the cable turned, and he turned and hit the coyote's waist. But when the coyote lifted its back, he avoided the cable head and put his claws on Hua Lanting's shoulders. Hualanting's cable head circled around the waist of the wolf, and then he threw it out, taking the opportunity to split his palm, his spiritual power penetrated the coyote's abdomen, and the coyote fell vaguely with flesh and blood.

   The blood is permeated, all the coyotes are about to move around, slowly surrounding them.

   At this time, Gu Chenfeng said to Luo Siyu: "It seems that the pass to the Miaoguan Pavilion is guarded by the spirit beast. Let's come, you and the coyote king."

   said with a wave of his hands, there were hundreds of green and yellow bright spots floating in his arms.

   Everyone opened their eyes again, these light spots are actually fireflies, is this Gu Chenfeng's beast pet?

   Luo Siyu said: "That's right, these fireflies are called stream fireflies, also called rogue fireflies, Xiao Gu's favorite."

   Gu Chenfeng glared at him, muttering words and singing:

   "You are an elf carrying a lantern, you know all my feelings. It is you who wake me up from my dream, and once again, again, give me an unrestrained heart."

   With her singing, the fireflies danced lightly, dotted, very dreamy, and the coyotes' figures became clear under the fluorescent light.

Suddenly, the streamer fireflies suddenly accelerated, and a group of five or seven flew onto the waist and lower body of the coyotes. The coyotes tried their best to dodge and shake, but they could not make it. They soon howled and howled. rise.

   Luo Siyu explained: "The streamer can secrete paralytic toxins after biting its prey. Generally, the middle one can't die, but it will take a long time to wake up in a coma."

At this moment, a few huge coyotes came out from the dense forest behind, one of them was about two feet long. It was supposed to be the wolf king, surrounded by a few female wolves guarding them. The wolf king let out a miserable howl, and the female wolves charged forward. Come here.

A group of more than a dozen streamer fireflies were also surrounded. The female wolf claws bit her tail and swept her, and used all her strength to hit streamer fireflies. Although some of them were swept to the ground, they were not immune to being poisoned and fell to the ground. fate.

   The Coyote King didn't step forward at all, but retreated back when the situation was bad.

   Luo Siyu had been ready for a long time, pointed with his hand, greedy, and breathed aura from the back of his mouthparts. Under the push of the reaction force, he pulled out a white line and shot towards the wolf king.

   The Coyote King was dissatisfied, rolled over and dodged, then got up and ran away in a diagonal stabbing.

  The gluttonous compound eyes watched six directions, and he stopped in the air and turned around. Another sprint was attached to the waist of the wolf king, and his mouthparts pierced.

  The Wolf King ran slower and slower. When he fell to the ground, his flesh and blood was all absorbed, and only a piece of skin and skeleton were left on the ground. The glutton seemed to be a big circle and sank a lot, and he slowly flew back to Luo Siyu's hands.

   The few people in Hualanting felt their backs chilled. This "hidden weapon" was not easy to provoke. They had a new understanding of the power of Swaggering Peak and Royal Beasts.

  Cleared the coyote pack, everyone calmly began to walk cautiously into the bush.

   Hua Lan Ting led, five male disciples guarded Huo Huixiao and Gu Chenfeng in front, back and forth, and Gu Chenfeng released streamers to illuminate the way forward.

   There is no existing road in the bushes, and Hualanting uses a dragon head cable to dial the branches and leaves blocking the road to open the way.

   Shortly after walking in, the streamer glowing above his head buzzed, and the yellow-green light turned dark green.

   Gu Chenfeng stopped everyone and said: "There are circumstances, the fluff of the whole body of the streamer is very sensitive to the changes of aura, and has a certain sense of danger. The color turns green to show that the creatures with aura are releasing hostility."

   Everyone stopped to observe, Hua Lan Ting also started a range scan of spiritual consciousness, but they did not find any signs of spiritual beasts hiding nearby.

  While hesitating, everyone's eyes darkened, and the surrounding bushes moved, large swaths of branches and leaves danced and enveloped everyone, and the front end came like a javelin.

   The seven were shocked, and each released their spiritual power to wave their weapons to resist. The small branches can still be interrupted. Many thick branches bend when they touch them. Although the skin is damaged, they will still be wrapped around the weapon and stretched out.

   The seven were caught off guard, all the spells from all the schools were all out, and they finally had a round of offensive, and cleared a small area.

   Seeing the surrounding bushes swaying with the wind, thousands of arms rustling in the night shouted louder: "Retreat, exit first!"

   Everyone rushed back to the grass, and when they looked at each other, no one was injured. Except for the two women in the middle, the five male disciples were all in ragged clothes with scratches on their bodies, and they were very embarrassed.

   Gu Chenfeng said: "I see, this is the dragon's claw thorn willow wattle, it is a very aggressive variety of spiritual plants."

Luo Siyu took out the clothes from the space device and put them on, and said: "I remember that when you said that, this thing is very difficult to wind, not afraid of water, fire and thunder, strong toughness, and has considerable resistance to knives, chopping and axes. It’s said that even those at the level of our master will have headaches for more than a thousand years."

Yuan Geng looked into the distance: "These are supposed to be 100-year-old. You can still cut them off with the weapon spell attack just now, but the number is really too much. It stretches for hundreds of meters above it, and you can't get around it. Killing in a straight line will not exhaust us."

   Hua Lanting asked: "Is there any weakness in this thing?"

Gu Chenfeng said: "Yes, the weakness lies in the roots. Willow thorns grows through the roots to absorb nutrients and spiritual energy. Only the underground part is weak and tender. Just digging the roots with hard objects or spiritual energy will work. It takes a lot of effort and hurts the ground. Rhizomes within the next ten feet will do."

Yuan Geng said: "If there is a weakness, we will divide it into two groups, one to attack the roots, and the other to resist the attacks on the front and the sides. They rotate. Anyway, they can't move. We can rest when we are tired. Everyone can work hard. I guess I can get out of this area in the middle of the night."

   is about to start action, Jia Xiaochun suddenly said: "This is a bit slow, time-consuming and labor-intensive, I have a way, you see if it works."

   said, taking out a long cylindrical ancient monster piece from the storage space.


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