The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 119: Extreme stimulation

   Brothel? It’s just that there are more young ladies and young ladies than other places. In fact, it’s not that difficult to get in, and there is nothing to look at.

   Everyone stepped in when the light curtain that was better than the blue building drifted closer, the blue light flashed a few times, and they passed through safely.

   The first feeling is that the sky is so blue and the clouds are so close.

   The second feeling is that the wind is so big and the face is so cold.

   The third feeling is that my head is dizzy and my legs are so soft.

   Jia Xiaochun has not been relieved from the expectation of visiting the building for the first time. He stretched out his legs and stepped out inertially. Unexpectedly, he stepped into the air and fell with his head head down.

   Thanks to Hua Lanting's quick eyes and hands, he leaned over and grabbed his ankle and pulled him up.

   Everyone said nothing at the moment, no one dared to move.

   Jia Xiaochun's cold sweat broke out all of a sudden.

   I can see clearly, they are floating above the high altitude in the middle of the canyon, and the seven are standing on a translucent long step back and forth.

   The long steps are three feet long and less than one foot wide. There are clouds and mists dangling leisurely under their feet. The distance from the ground is definitely more than one hundred feet, and the surrounding area is empty. The view is excellent.

   "Look at the pavilion in front, don't look down!" Yuan Geng hurriedly yelled when he saw someone shaking his body behind him.

   Everyone was tempted, stabilized their figure, and did not dare to move easily.

   A voice rang in my ears: "Within ten breaths, you will pass the question correctly, otherwise you will enjoy the excitement of a free-fall extreme bungee jumping collectively."

   "Excuse me, what are the similarities between crying and laughing?"

   "The timing begins, one breath, two breaths..."

   "It's all human emotions."

   "Wrong. Three breaths."

   "It means I am very excited."

   "No, come again. Four breaths."

   "...Five breaths."

   "It's all up and down structure."

   "Still wrong, six breaths."

   "Laughing is better than crying!"

   "No, I asked the same thing. Seven breaths."

   "Can't laugh or cry!"

   "What I answered is not what I asked, it's breathtaking."

   "You may cry and laugh!"

   "It's reasonable, but it's not the standard answer. It's nine breaths."

   "I rely on...fuck...Is it true?"

   "The answer is irrelevant. Time is over, ten breaths are up, you guys, go down!"

   With a cry of exclamation, the beams under everyone's feet disappeared out of thin air, and they no longer have a place to rest.

   The seven were tensed all over, blood was pouring upwards, their hairs were erected, and in fear, they fell straight down from the sky.

   The wind whistling in her ears, her hands and feet waved unconsciously, but she opened her mouth without making a sound.

   The feeling of being helpless is terrible.

   Fortunately, everyone is very human. They can't do it without chaos. They treat death as if they have not been repaired. But after a brief panic, without considering whether there will be protective measures in the door, they all instinctively began to try to save themselves.

   Hualanting Spiritual Consciousness rushed out, and at the same time as the height and change from the ground were ascertained, Jia Xiaochun was seen from the corner of his eyes dancing and dancing with his mouth open.

   Everyone else is near, but there is really no room to take care of it.

   He took a deep breath and forced to adjust his body in the air. A big foot flew up and kicked on Jia Xiaochun's ass. Jia Xiaochun flew out sideways, and he also took advantage of his strength to jump to the other side.

Jia Xiaochun was finally awakened by the kick of Hua Lanting, his body was flaring with teeth and claws as the clouds were rolling in the fog, his side light suddenly found that there was a huge green mushroom-shaped umbrella not far away, reflecting a dazzling light in the sun. .

   I don't have time to see clearly or think about what it is. Although there is a kick to change the direction of the buffer, it will definitely not be better to fall like this.

   Jia Xiaochun quickly took out the psychic cartridge at a record speed, stuffed something in it, there was no time to aim and shot out completely based on feeling.

   An arrow-shaped thing flew out of the cartridge with a steel cable, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and inserted it accurately on the umbrella.

   The big umbrella sank and floated down sharply, and the steel cable quickly shortened, pulling Jia Xiaochun under the umbrella, avoiding a disfigured emergency landing accident of a goose on the ground.

   He exhales, first glanced in the direction of Hua Lan Ting, and then he held his hand to the small heart that was still beating rapidly and looked down at the big umbrella.

   I saw what kind of umbrella was there, but a huge plant with upside down buttons, with seven green and hard leaves, no flowers in the middle, only a few golden stamens.

   It is Tian Jingsha hanging from a stamen, and Yuan Geng’s left hand judge pen and right hand guard are inserted into a leaf in a crisscross pattern, making him hang firmly under the leaf.

   It turned out that Tian Jingsha, who made alchemy, happened to have this strange flower that he had been cherishing and reluctant to use.

   This flower is called Aesculus aegypti, with red flowers in the middle. The whole flower spreads out for a long time. This flower is not rare, it is an ordinary antidote plant.

However, when a very small number of Aesculus sylvestris with good growth position, sufficient aura, and lucky enough to escape the destruction of animal predators, breaks through the five-hundred-year period, a leaf can be too long, and it is stronger than fine iron, and the safflower also changes. It is golden-yellow spike-shaped, and its medicinal value is rising upside down. At this time, it is called Aesculus aegypti, and it is an indispensable medicinal primer in the refining of many precious elixirs.

This strain of Tian Jingsha is a wild species for more than 800 years. It has been processed, and the leaves are usually dried up. Once injected with aura, it can be restored to its original size. It happened to be used by him as a life-saving umbrella and took the three of them away. whereabouts.

   On the other side, Hua Lanting pounced in the direction where the three of Huo Huixiao were.

   Huo Huixiao, this girl is not known from her family or she is loved by her teacher, and she has an endless stream of babies.

   At this moment, the three of them were embracing in the air, squeezing themselves on top of a big old futon.

   The futon is a magic weapon that can be used for short-term manned flight. Generally, only disciples above the Sixiang Yin-Yang realm can be used as an emperor, and only the best among them can be qualified to own it.

   Huo Huixiao was about to try to rescue other people, Hualanting had already flew over diagonally.

   Huo Huixiao shouted here, and controlled the futon to rush towards Hualan Court.

   Hua Lanting waved his wishful thinking, Luo Siyu held the cable body and wanted to pull him over.

   The design of the futon is only for single use. The three people on the stand barely float in the air. This movement, coupled with the weight and momentum of Hualanting, made the futon lose control and fell to the ground.

   Fortunately, they were very close to the ground, and the four of them rolled to the ground without any injuries.

   It turned out that there was a thick protective layer of spiritual power on the ground, even if it fell directly, it would not be a big problem.

   After the confluence of the seven, the elder's voice in the door responsible for supervision and protection sounded again:

   "A team with more than three disciples who fell directly will be eliminated. You all land indirectly. You can continue to answer the question just now."

   "The timing begins. One breath, two breaths, three breaths..."

   "Cry and laugh are ten strokes!" Hua Lanting and Huo Huixiao replied in unison this time.

   "Correct, pass the level."

  Huo Huixiao came up with the answer by Ji Zhongshengzhi, while Hua Lanting just saw Yuan Geng crossed the swords on the leaf surface when the seven leaves and one grass fell. Suddenly, fortunately, he thought about ten strokes in his heart.

   The seven trembles at their feet, and when they stop, they have been teleported to the Jifang Pavilion.

   The seven settled their minds after the bungee jumping stimulation, and after an hour of recovery, they were about to start heading towards the Fulan Pavilion.

Outside the Fulan Pavilion, most of the clouds and mist dissipated, revealing an ink-and-wash landscape-like picture scroll-pale black mountain rocks, green pines and cypresses, as well as flickering lakes and mountain streams, and a few unmanned boats. .

   After not taking a few steps, everyone stopped, because the mountain path in front of me suddenly disappeared and moved several tens of meters away. Although the scenery in front was still the same, the rocks, trees, and the creek and boats changed their positions.


   "I'm coming." Huo Huixiao walked to the front and sat cross-legged on the ground. She wanted to find the correct route to the mountain by using heavenly secret techniques.

   After dropping a handful of counters, after a few breaths, the counters on the ground were silent and moved more and more fiercely, constantly changing the arrangement and combination, and one of them broke apart with a snap.

   Huo Huixiao continuously changed his gestures, trying to stabilize his calculation.

Tian Jingsha whispered to everyone: "This is because disciples from other teams are interfering with her, or causing her to get the wrong result, or just wanting to injure her in the air. It seems that we are not the only ones who have walked this distance. a team."

The secret prediction technique is very mysterious and mysterious. In addition to playing a role in general situation research and judgment, event prediction, personal fate and other matters, it can also track and locate and even remotely kill. What is more unique is that peers can be separated by a long distance. This kind of match is very dangerous, and the difference between the masters is often at the cost of one party's serious injury repairing back, or even death.

   Huo Huixiao's level is naturally far from reaching the calculations and comparisons of the Xeon masters thousands of miles or more away, but a contest within a mountain can still be done.

   Not long after, Huo Huixiao suddenly said: "Siyu, Chenfeng, help me! The opponent should be two teams with irregular personnel. I am now one-on-two, and I can't bear it!"

   Luo Siyu and Gu Chenfeng hurriedly sat behind Huo Huixiao, inputting spiritual power for her, keeping her attack power.

   The opponents should have adopted the same method. The two sides formed a stalemate. Huo Huixiao's body trembled slightly, and the calculations were already half cracked.

   Tian Jingsha saw him, took out a pill from his arms and asked Gu Chenfeng to feed Huo Huixiao.

   With this help, Huo Huixiao took advantage of the situation to counterattack, destroying the opponent's line of defense in one fell swoop and winning this invisible competition.

   She could figure out the route, and was about to stop her efforts and get up, but she gave a sigh and said to everyone:

"Another team came up. One of them, the Tianji disciple, seemed to have felt the fighting method just now, and felt that he was not very sure of defeating me. This person proposed to go up the mountain first and then go to the top of the mountain and then make a decisive battle. He also gave a space coordinate. , Do you discuss whether to defeat him now, or go up and talk about it?"

   Yuan even asked: "Then are you sure?"

   Huo Huixiao replied: "It used to be a bit expensive, and it will be more difficult to win."

   Yuan Geng and Hua Lan Ting exchanged a few words, then smiled at each other, and Yuan Geng said, "Promise them, pass this level first, and then Fu Lan Ting will confront each other."

   Everyone followed Huo Huixiao out of this mountainous area of ​​ink and wash, and came to an open area.


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