The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 122: True and illusion

   The last three words Huo Huixiao said were: "Kill me."

   Hua Lanting was in a daze, and the attack from the four people behind came again.

   He didn't dare to resist any more, he couldn't bear to hurt Huo Huixiao again in an unknown state, and he dashed forward to avoid it.

   Yuan quickly gave orders: "Brother Tian, ​​please go and treat Senior Sister Huo, Senior Sister Gu will take care of Senior Brother Luo, Xiaochun and I deal with Hua Lanting. Is this kid crazy or evil?"

   Hua Lan Ting faced the two of them and did not move, swallowing his own pill, secretly adjusted his breath to repair the injury just now, while thinking about what Huo Huixiao had just said, judging the current situation.

   The few people in front of them really looked like flesh and blood, and even the breath they felt was very real, and there were no signs of illusion.

  I was thinking nervously, Jia Xiaochun suddenly jumped over, turned his back to Hua Lan Ting, and shouted at Yuan Geng: "Stay, I think there must be something strange in it, how can Lan Ting act on his own?"

   Yuan Geng waved his hand and said: "He has seen him hurt Luo Siyu and Huo Huixiao with his own eyes. No matter what, you can take it first and talk about it. You can't let him do anything wrong."

   Jia Xiaochun said: "No, please ask clearly before speaking. Lanting is with me on Dongming Peak. I must protect him."

   Hua Lanting took a step, patted Jia Xiaochun on the shoulder, and walked around in front of him and said: "Brother, thank you. You protect me first, and I will stop Yuan Geng before explaining it to you."

   "Can you do it alone?" Jia Xiaochun asked.

   "Don't worry, when I faced Luo Siyu and Gu Chenfeng's joint at the same time, I could hurt one of them, trust me."

   Hualanting replied casually.

   Jia Xiaochun also replied smoothly: "Come on, bragging, it's obviously you who hurt Ronaldo first when you missed your hand, and Xiao Gu appeared."


   Suddenly, the three of them shouted at the same time, Jia Xiaochun pushed out both palms, and the edge of the palm was filled with thunder, attacking the back of Hualanting's heart from close range, while Yuan Geng's judge's pen and hand guard pierced the front of Hualanting's heart at the same time.

   Hua Lan Ting kept in mind that Huo Huixiao said twice that he should not believe his own words, but he couldn't be sure for the time being.

   If it is a phantom formation, it is difficult to distinguish the true and false disguise of this formation, so he can't take the initiative to "kill" one of his own people to try to break the formation.

   So he decided to test with words first, and if it was useless, he would use force to subdue everyone separately. It is impossible or impossible to find the flaws and then desperate.

   Jia Xiaochun's active standing in line did not let him relax his vigilance, but rather became suspicious.

   There was no seamless formation in this formation. Jia Xiaochun was not there at that time. How do you know that the two of Luo Gu did not join forces to deal with him?

   This Jia Xiaochun is not Pete Jia Xiaochun, at least not the real Jia Xiaochun.

   Jia and Yuan also immediately reacted to the wrong response, and immediately flanked him back and forth, hurting him as a killer.

Hua Lanting is ready, he concentrates and takes a long breath, his body shape looks awkward, his feet are not off the ground, only waiting for the attacking spiritual power and body of the two, he first tightens the skin with the already accomplished training. The gong endures and relieves the strength, and only activates when the palms and swords of the two are about to touch his front and back, and it is difficult to change the move.

This formula is one of the three methods he has studied and studied several light-weight exercises that he has recently studied and practiced. He borrowed a popular name called "Take off the robe and make way for it". It was done in one go, and it flashed out without letting it go.

   With the support of the spiritual cultivation base during the entrance of the Three Mountains with the Moon Realm, this style is like a ghost, like a teleport, not only leaving behind shadows in place, but also pulling out a few phantoms to escape outward.

Jia Xiaochun and Yuan Geng only perceive a flower in front of them, Hua Lanting's figure flashes out horizontally, and they are about to collide together. Yuan Geng's hook and pen, and Jia Xiaochun's thunder double palms greeted each other's vitals. It is necessary to join together to form a picture of death.

The two shouted again at the same time. In an urgency, Yuan even regained his strength. Jia Xiaochun patted a hook with both hands. This dangerously and dangerously stopped the cannibalism, and he looked at each other with a sigh of relief. He turned around at the same time, and was about to chase after the fleeing side of Hualanting Afterimage.

Unexpectedly, Hua Lanting had developed a series of three kills. He took off his robe and gave way to castration. The several afterimages transformed by spiritual power gave people the illusion of running away. In fact, his body was still hidden in it. Not far away.

At this moment, he turned half of his body, pressed his hands on the ground, and kicked his right leg silently, without the slightest sound of spiritual power breaking through the air, but with great strength. It was another close-up trick in the tangling leg technique, the yellow dog peeing. .

   This leg wins out of ghosts, it is vicious and vicious, it is impossible to guard against, and its spiritual power is built-in, crushing stones and cracking gold, the target can be the leg bones, lower yin or lower abdomen.

  Hua Lan Ting has determined that this is a fantasy formation, and the person is not a real person, and he is no longer tolerant of his shots, and his right foot goes straight to Jia Xiaochun's Dantian Qihai.

Both Yuan Geng and Jia Xiaochun were deceived by taking off their robe to make way for their eyes. They had just avoided self-harm in a thrilling manner. When they turned their heads to chase after, Hua Lanting’s legs had already kicked into Jia Xiaochun’s abdomen. In order to gain momentum with the close body, he broke through his body protection spiritual power.

   The dantian was destroyed, and Jia Xiaochun fell to the ground without screaming.

Hua Lanting retreats quickly. He has been injured continuously and has two great tricks. He has no more energy to issue a third move to Yuan Geng, but it is unnecessary. According to Huo Huixiao, he takes the initiative to kill the psychedelic. One person should have broken this battle.

   Sure enough, Hua Lan Ting only felt a trance, and the surrounding scenery was spinning like a kaleidoscope. After a few breaths, the seven were already in front of Ji Fang Ting.

   No one was really hurt, but their eyes were a little sluggish. When they recovered, the seven entered and sat down on the wooden fence in the Jifang Pavilion.

   Huo Huixiao took the initiative to clarify everyone's confusion: "There is no puppet, it's just a phantom array. I was deceived when I was watching from a distance."

   "The words on the archway are written-gold comes from the mine, jade is born from the stone, it is not illusion and no truth. The level of this formation is not low, I did not expect it to be used for our experience."

"Everyone who enters the battle should encounter similar situations. They will be misunderstood and wronged by others for various reasons, resulting in disputes and fighting in a nest. Only the person involved is completely conscious of his own mind, and the others are all caught up in the battle. Illusion controlled by law."

   "If you are not strong enough, or if you are not able to deal with it properly, fail to escape, and are killed or captured by other companions affected by the illusion, you will lose."

   "If you are affected by the illusion and can't control your emotions, whether you are actively defending yourself or passively surviving, and killing your fellow in anger, you will also be considered as a loser."

   "Only when you see through the illusion and consciously take the initiative to kill your companions can you break the formation. At first you want to be soft-hearted and can't bear to hurt your peers. Later, you have to be cruel and dare to kill your colleagues."

   Jia Xiaochun asked: "How does the formation know my specific state of mind?"

   Huo Huixiao smiled: "This is the power of the high-level formation. The formation spirit can detect and influence and control your soul consciousness."

   "This is still the result of suppressing the intensity. If we fully open it, our level will directly become a fool when we enter."

   "But this kind of low intensity is controlled very subtle and ingenious. Our soul consciousness is not all lost, all taken over, sometimes more and sometimes less, and occasionally back to normal."

   "On the one hand, everyone's behavior will become more confusing and difficult to distinguish between true and false, sometimes in line with your personality style, and sometimes very abnormal, making people feel suspicious and misjudged in five miles of fog."

   "On the other hand, there is a deficiency in the way of heaven, and everything will always have flaws and a ray of life. It depends on whether the testee has the opportunity, understanding and ability to realize and see through it. If it is a mortal situation, it will be boring."

"A team is not afraid of failure. As long as one person can break the formation, all will pass. This time, thanks to Brother Lan Ting, I was too exhausted to kill the ghosts. Although I saw through it, I was unable to break the situation. It was a failure. ."

Hua Lanting said: "I also rely on you to seize the opportunity to remind me, otherwise it is difficult to say what will happen in the end, this illusion is really too realistic, the injuries are so real, and it is difficult to pass through without a lot of luck. ."

   "Another stupid way is to consume." Huo Huixiao said: "High-level formation maintenance consumes a lot of money, this time the disciples are so much, it should be able to pass the time limit without results."

   Jia Xiaochun glanced at Hua Lanting with a grievance, and said, "Brother Hua, I still vaguely remember your unrequited footing. Now Dantian is still in pain."

Hua Lanting laughed and said, "I also have lingering fears. If I really get rid of Siyu's gluttony, he is afraid that he is not looking for me desperately. I just saw this little guy flying out to play, and I confirmed that we have already gone out. Formation, everything before is an illusion formed by the manipulation of consciousness."

   Luo Siyu smiled and said, "It's very greedy to hold grudges. Last time it had a grudge against the pavilion, so he flew up to find the top of Jifang Pavilion and went to a stand."

   After talking, everyone meditated in the pavilion to recover, waiting for the final pass leading to Wanchun Pavilion.

   Hua Lanting almost killed the glutton in the illusion, feeling guilty, and at this time, a ray of spiritual consciousness was found on the top of the pavilion.

   Glutton is really a grudge, hitting the dome from left to right, making a dull sound, and having a great time playing.

   Hua Lan Ting relieved his heart and sank into the operation of the exercises.

   After ninety-nine-one eighty-one weeks of Wuji Kung fu, Hua Lanting was full of energy, and opened his eyes. The others were still sitting quietly, and there was no sound around them.

   Hua Lan Ting was a little strange that there was no greedy crash on the roof of the pavilion.

   Upon a glance, his face suddenly changed!

   The gluttony is still there, hitting back and forth, but there is no sound, because it hits directly through the dome every time it hits!

  The dome is only a ghost, but no entity!

   Hualanting Spiritual Sense is swept down Most of the pavilions have become phantoms, and only the lower part is still a real entity, and it is in the process of dissolving!


   Hualanting got up and shouted: "Danger! Everyone get up and exit the pavilion!"

   Before the six people fully awake, Hua Lanting quickly took out the dragon head cord with his right hand and waved it out, rolled up the waists of Huo Huixiao and Gu Chenfeng next to him, and pulled Yuan Geng up with his left hand, shouting:

   "You catch Tian Jingsha." As he said, he flew and led a few people out of the pavilion.

   Yuan didn't even know why, but he reacted quickly and subconsciously picked up Tian Jingsha with one hand.

  Hua Lanting jumped up with four people, and did not forget to turn his head in mid-air and shout to Jia Xiaochun: "Take Luo Siyu, zip the cartridge!"

Jia Xiaochun was always clever and did not ask. He pulled Luo Siyu up with his left hand and moved his right hand together. On the shoulder of the spiritual force cartridge, a zip line shot upwards, directly inserted into the trunk of an ancient tree next to the pavilion, and then the two pulled up. .

   Just flew out of the pavilion, Jifang Pavilion was completely transformed, and a **** hole appeared at the bottom.

   A moment later, everyone will inevitably fall down.

   Everyone was in shock, looking at each other, and the blurred scene in front of them changed, this time they really appeared in the Jifang Pavilion.

   It turned out that the previous one was still a false illusion in the illusion, and everyone was almost sent out of the game.

   After hearing Hua Lan Ting's explanation, Huo Huixiao stomped his feet and said in hatred, "It's so insidious, I blame it for carelessness."

   Jia Xiaochun stepped on the ground, then knocked on the pavilion post and asked, "Is it okay this time?"

Huo Huixiao said: "I have checked. This is the real Jifang Pavilion. It's not a illusion and nothing to seek the truth. Thanks to Glutton and Lanting, otherwise we can't find out if we wait for the formation to close and the illusion disappears. Then the whole army will be wiped out."


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