The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 149: Jagged boy

  Even though the eight horses of Huangfu are arrogant, they are also the children of the family. They were bombed by Hualanting from Huangfu's high test, and they knew that this group of people were not soft persimmons.

   Although they didn't use their full strength in the next two rounds of attacks, Hua Lanting and the others blocked it while sitting, and it was obvious that they didn't really move.

   Huangfu's family has its own fine arts, and the eighth brothers are more used to cooperating. The eldest, Huangfu Dangao, who seems to have not moved, has actually notified his servants to go out to report for help, but he secretly activated the blind sneak technique. Sitting in the seat, he was replaced with a prosthetic puppet, and his real body was in the brothers. While pretending to attack, under the cover of tables, chairs, trees and night, quietly moved to Hua Lanting's feet, sending out a vicious blow.

   But their luck is bad.

The disciples of the Vientiane Sect themselves are not obvious, but after years of painstaking practice under the guidance of the famous masters in the gate, their cultivation has already surpassed many of their peers. Not only did Hualanting’s spiritual sense perceive Huangfu’s changes and refinement. Lin Xianjing, who was good at organizing the formation, also discovered his whereabouts.

   As soon as the sword gas was up, I heard a crackling sound. After the light and dust and smoke passed, the light of the sword disappeared, and then Hualanting was heartbroken, and Huangfu Dangao, who had several bloodstains on his body, was kicked out embarrassingly.

   The several organs under Lin Xian's surprise were placed on the spot, destroying Huangfu Dangao's secret attack.

  At this time, Niu Kelian was saying: "Those spring waters are not for sale, but for the guests. This is called psychological suggestion and foil sales."

   "Begonia herbal tea has medicinal value, but in the final analysis it is a kind of tea. If you know the formula and buy the ingredients yourself and make it at home, you can make more than a dozen cups for the money you buy in the store."

"The store aims to convey a message: the mountain spring water with a little spiritual energy transported from the depths of the dusty mountains is expensive. Then the price of our secret herbal tea refined from dozens of medicinal materials and spring water is not high. Outrageous."

   "If there is no comparison, there is no harm. People's subjective feelings are largely derived from comparison. Just like girls go shopping, they are more willing to walk with their peers who are not as good as their own. The meaning is the same."

   "In short, the purpose of the store setting up a few more options is to let you ignore other possibilities and choose from the options that you think are the most cost-effective, but in fact it is the choice that the seller wants to recommend to you. This is a usual sales trap."

  Shang Chenxi completely ignored the eight brothers Huangfu who were advancing, not retreating, or not, and then asked, "What else have you observed? Tell me about it."

This time Zhuge Yun opened his mouth: "I noticed that in these two houses, the Duobao family is more enthusiastic towards customers who have spent money. They nodded and bowed, answered all questions, and took the initiative to promote other things. The shop clerk in ”is not saying that it is indifferent, but it doesn’t seem to be particularly active and enthusiastic.”

He Dayi shook his head: "I think Jiji is good. I don't like excessive service and promotion. It will make me uncomfortable. I know what I want to buy. No matter how good the thing is, I will be forced to buy it secretly. The less you buy."

   Niu Kelian said: “Let’s watch the dishes. Experienced folks can distinguish the personality and preferences of the guests by observing their words, expressions and expressions and a few sentences, and then decide which attitude and method to adopt to deal with.”

Shang Chenxi said: "This is the difference between the business philosophy and the business culture, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Customer first and sales first, or flattering or aggressive wolf sales are useful, equal respect, natural growth brought by equal sitting, Long-term customers will appear more humane."

"It's just that the wolf-like culture shouldn't become a wolf-dog culture-ask the buddies to be like wolves when completing sales, and like dogs when catering to customers; require the buddies to treat the boss as loyal and protect the owner like a dog, and the boss to treat the buddies as harsh as a wolf. Wolf. On the one hand, the man will be split in humanity sooner or later."

   After being quiet for a while, Hua Lanting said again: "I think the Dubao family's folks, or they have some problems with the reception process, this is what I saw when I was drinking tea."

"At that time, someone asked for ten bottles of herbal tea to take away, and then he leisurely chatted with his companions and waited, so the guys were busy making these ten cups, but the customer behind was very anxious. Stop urging yourself for that glass."

   "The third guest is an aunt, and her temper is even more fierce. She asked her violently why she didn't tell her in advance that she had to wait so long, and asked her for a refund not to buy it, so she quarreled with her."

"As a result, the guests who came in later stopped doing it. They all clamored for the staff to make tea for the individual customers first. The store was full of people and chaos, and it took a long time to calm down. Responsible for the collection. The guy Qian originally had a smile on his face, but then he greeted the guests with a dark face."

Shang Chenxi heard of interest: "Well, this example is interesting and typical. In my opinion, it at least involves goal setting, resource allocation, time management, process design, customer service, and even personnel employment. Lao Niu , Test you, you will analyze and analyze for the children."

Niu Kelian was about to speak, and three big men walked outside, and one of them shouted: "Who is it? You guys told Lao Tzu, which **** was spraying dung with his mouth full and eating the bear heart and the leopard's courage? Dare to defame us openly. Huangfu's business!"

   It turned out that reinforcements from Huangfu's house arrived.

   These three people are from the previous generation of "Huangfu Eight Horses", known as Huangfuzhong, Huangfufa and Huangfubai in the "Eight Generals of Huangfu". They rushed over as soon as they received the news.

Huangfu Fagao stepped forward and pointed to Shang Chenxi and said, "Uncle Wu, it is this group of outsiders. The man headed by this guy is rude, saying that our Huangfu family has no vision and mismanagement, and the guy taught is like a wolf. Wild dogs are generally unbearable."

   Huangfu narrowed his eyes, but he didn't say anything. He flew up and shot two auras with both hands, transformed into palms, and slapped Shang Chenxi's cheeks.

  Shang Chenxi frowned and looked at Hua Lanting and said, "Someone is going to slap her face. Xiao Hua, it's up to you. Whoever scolded Ben Shao today, give me all your lips!"

Before the departure of the Hualanting seven people, after three days of emergency training by Wang Jinlian, they initially formed a system of cooperating with each other through secret words such as voice transmission, eyes, gestures and so on. At this time, after receiving the instructions, Hualanting got up and stomped. Make a gesture with five fingers of his right hand.

   Lin Xianjing and Yi Liunian immediately stood up and rushed out. One of them dealt with one of Huangfu's spiritual power palms, and after dissipating the spiritual power, they wrapped his arms respectively.

   Hua Lan Ting also jumped up and patted Huang Fu Zhong's right cheek with his left hand.

   Huangfu's arms exerted strength, but he couldn't get rid of the entanglement between Lin Xianjing and Yi Liunian. At the same time, he was secretly surprised, the palm of Hualanting's spiritual power was about to reach his face.

   Among a good emperor, his body shook, his neck shook, and his head was retracted into his neck and disappeared.

   Hua Lanting slapped empty.

   However, the target of this palm was not in Huangfu. Its palm strength came out instantly. The same spiritual palm was drawn on the face of Huangfu Fa Gao behind. Huangfu made three rounds on the plateau, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

   Huangfu Zhong hid in the blind eye secret method, kicked out with all his legs, and forced Lin Xianjing and Yi Liunian away.

  Wait for his head to show up again, Hualanting's prepared right palm was rounded and it was a big mouth, which was firmly drawn on his left cheek.

   After the crisp sound, five blood stains appeared on Huangfu Zhong's face, and half of his teeth and blood flew out.

   Everyone in the Huangfu family behind him was dumbfounded.

   After being taken aback for a while, Huangfu made a strange cry with Huangfu, and he was about to rush up after taking out the weapon.

   "Stop!" A shout came from outside the door, and an old man in black flashed in and stopped the two of them.

   "Grandpa San." Huangfu's children shouted in unison.

   The old man ignored them and walked quickly to Shang Chenxi, bowing to the ground: "Dare to ask you, but the Second Young Master Shang?"

   Seeing Shang Chenxi nodded slightly, the old man shook his head again, and said with a smile: ""The third elder of the Huangfu family, Huangfu, visited the second young man. "

   After that, he turned around and flicked his robe sleeves, and the strong wind blew out. Whether it was the eight horses or the three generals, they all fell on their backs and couldn't get up.

Huangfu turned his head around and said to Shang Chenxi: “I’m late and late, I’m terrified, and please forgive the two youngsters. These young guys who have never seen the world have eyes and no knowledge of gold inlaid jade, and accidentally collided with the two young men. It’s too much. If you are presumptuous, I will report back to the Patriarch and be punished severely."

   Huangfu Xun is in charge of foreign affairs at home. He is sleek and mature. In fact, he has always been behind the three confidants in Huangfu waiting for opportunities.

   If the opponent is a soft persimmon, then let the three generals squeeze at will. If the kick is an iron plate, he also has room to round the field.

   The juniors don’t know Shang Chenxi, and although he has never seen him, as the number three person in the family, how come there is no detailed information about important forces and figures in Xianzhou and the business world? Coupled with the fact that he has received the news that the business team has entered the city, he can almost be sure of his judgment without any hesitation.

   The merchants, regardless of their financial resources or the force behind them, are all behemoths in Xianzhou, and they are not in the same order of magnitude as the Huangfu family.

   Not to mention him, it was Patriarch Huangfu Pugu who came in person. Unless there is a very special reason, he would not dare, let alone offend the merchant for such a thing.

Shang Chenxi hiccuped, and said without a smile: "Elder Huangfu is too serious, and Shang Er is a rich eleventh generation. I made a mistake in a private chat. The little brothers in your family said that I was full of mouths. Spitting feces, crying and crying to tear their mouths and slap their faces. If these children weren't for the youthful and vigorous protection of me, I would have suffered it at that time. Don't you think?"

   Huangfu Xun’s complexion turned from white to red and then back to white, his sweat was about to come down, he screamed for a long time, and then forced a smile and said: "Second young man, no, second master, you will be a shame for the little old man by saying that."

"I, ah, um, haha, the merchants really come out in large numbers. These young heroes are all arrogances like dragons and phoenixes. When I turn back, I will send them, ah no, personally select and offer the finest treasures of my Huangfu family. What do you think of it as a meeting ceremony?"

   "Second Lord, you have a large number of adults, those **** have been beaten up by me and can't get out of bed. Can you allow me to take them back first, and then bring gifts to the house tomorrow morning?"

Shang Chenxi shrugged: "Whatever, it doesn't matter, I don't care. But let me explain, these little guys are not from my business, they are the team that participates in the Eastern Elite Competition at Vientiane Gate, the team name is... …What's it called? Yes, there are five words floating in the sky—Iron and Blood, Youth League."

   Huangfu's tour was so exciting.

   No matter how businessmen say they are still doing business, the so-called so-called not hitting the smiley people, how can the son of the richest man really fight because of a few quarrels with the juniors, this matter is actually not difficult to solve.

But the Vientiane Gate of Freedom is Don’t look at the martial history of thousands of years in Xianzhou, it is not particularly long, and it has always been relatively gentle, unable to stand the rapid development of strength. Recently, I heard that it is between raising hands. The bloodbath wiped out the rebellious Jiang family in the Southern Region, and the style suddenly became tough.

The Huangfu family is much stronger than the Jiang family. Haitang City is not within the sphere of influence of the Vientiane Gate. The armed fights between disciples are not a major event, but they are not afraid of thieves or thieves. Hidden dangers arise when they become dirty. The distance of Shenghua Mountain is really not far.

Thinking of this, Huangfu patrolled the sky and made a haha: "It turned out to be so, thank you for your reminder. As the saying goes, if you don’t know each other, another day, another day will let the Huangfu brothers be the host, and apologize for all the young heroes at Vientiane Gate. The young man is angry. Big, go fast, maybe you will become friends once you come and go."

   "Second Lord, I won't bother too much. There is a mistake in the Huangfu family's affairs today. First, please Haihan, sincerely make up later, I will retire first."

   After another click, Huangfu patrolled his hands and lifted the eight horses and three generals and retreated cleanly.

  Shang Chenxi beckoned and said, "Don't pay attention to these young children, let's continue the topic just now."

   Yi Liunian asked: "Wait, why don't I know the name Jagged Youth League?"

  Shang Chenxi said strangely: "Hey, didn't anyone tell you? Lao Mu told me?"

   Yi Nian: "I think it's better to call the JieXue Anti-rape Team. Besides, we are all 20 years old. Brother hasn't been a teenager for a long time."

  Shang Chenxi laughed: "At any rate, he is a person who has been practicing in the mountains for more than ten years. According to the average lifespan of one hundred and five years old, if you are a few years younger, you will be called the older children group."

   Yi fleeting scratching his head: "That's right, it's pretty good. The little lotus has only sharp horns. Since ancient times, the hero has been a young man, and there is nothing wrong with it."


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