The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 157: Secretly compete

   After entering the city of Qinan, I saw row upon row of houses and shops in the city. The streets were full of people, crowded and prosperous. It was indeed the biggest city in the east.

   Shang Chenxi and his entourage came directly to an estate in the city where the merchant was located, and settled down a little bit. The seven Hualan Ting people were led to a room.

   Lu Duan-shao, the first deputy master of Tiangang Hall, Vientiane Gate, and Shu Luntai of Tianji Peak have been waiting here for a long time.

The two of them had just finished their lunch and saw seven disciples, a red-haired Lu Duan-shao wiped the oil stains from his mouth, stood up, smiling all over his face, and said in his roof-shattering voice: "Haha , The boys are here, very good, very good, your performance in Haitang City is all in my eyes, which is beyond my expectation."

   "You unexpectedly spent five people on the Three Mountains and Moon Realm. You have set a record in this door. When the Lord of the Palace returns to you to ask for credit."

Lu Duan-shao and Shu Luntai had been secretly following the merchant's convoy during their trip. When they were trapped in the Yanlu formation, Lu Duan-shao had planned to attack the host of the formation at an appropriate time. Of course, there was no need for this in the end. NS.

   Later, outside Haitang City, it was this Lu Duan-shao who had just stepped into the Seven-Star Big Dipper realm that released his tyrannical aura, which stunned Fan Lihua and ensured that everyone left safely.

Lu Duanshao continued, "From today onwards, the master of this hall will take over you in an all-round way, and we will fight for the victory of Nancheng. There is another teacher in the Tiangang Temple who leads a reserve team to live elsewhere. I will now discuss something with the second master of Shang. You should eat first. In the afternoon, let’s go to Ziyue Xianzong to report for the competition."

"I’ve prepared the rice for you. The main food is the famous rice noodle snack in the city. Haha, the name is Qi Nan Nao Can Fen. It is a stew of pig brains, cow brains, etc., and the name is grounded. It’s a bit, but I’ve tried it. The taste is really good. The amount is large and the tube is full. Slow use and slow use. See you later."

   After everyone had used their brain-remaining fans, Lu Duan Shao had also discussed with Shang Chenxi, and he and Shu Luntai would lead the seven Hua Lan Ting to report. In addition, Yue Guanghan and Hu Satuo, who had arrived before them from the Hu family, would also go with the team in the name of a follower of the Vientiane Gate to have the opportunity to watch the game.

   In the afternoon, eleven people packed their bags and found the gate of Ziyue Immortal Sect according to the address.

   The venue for this competition and the locations of the various sect teams are arranged in the Ziyue Immortal Sect, which shows that the Ziyue Immortal Sect occupies a vast area.

   There are still a few days before the start of the game, and there is already a lot of people coming and going in front of the mountain gate.

The gate of the Ziyue Xianzong, Qitianmen, was built in a very grand manner. It is more than twenty feet wide and ten feet high. It is towering. The emblem of the sect is hung on the front beam. Among them is a large sword pointing diagonally upwards. Spiritual power pressure constantly flows from the hilt to the tip of the sword and radiates.

After    reported the name of the Vientiane Gate of Ziyue, not long after waiting, someone from the Ziyue Xianzong who was specially responsible for receiving large-scale VIPs greeted him.

The disciple of the Vientiane Gate looked at the people coming, and the person who came out was an old man with red hair like Lu Duanshao. The old man's beard and hair were meticulously combed, and his face was oily. Only his face, eye corners and forehead were wrinkled, which looked more than Lu Duanshao. A lot of old age.

   However, the age of the characters in Xianzhou cannot be simply judged by their appearance. Many masters don't care about their appearance, and are unwilling to spend their spiritual energy on their faces to reduce the traces of time.

   After seeing Lu Duanshao, the visitor said loudly: "I said who the leader of the Vientiane Gate of Freedom is this time. It turned out to be Deputy Palace Master Lu. It's been a long time since we haven't seen each other for 20 years."

Lu Duan shook his hand and said, "I'm talking about it, come here, let me introduce you. The daily affairs of the Ziyue Immortal Sect are in charge of the entrance of Zi, Yue, Tian, ​​Qi, and Shanwu Hall, except for Zitang, which is directly controlled by the elders in the mountains. In addition, Yue Zitang has the most power in the city. This is Gu Hongxiao, the deputy head of Yuetang, and the boys come over to see you."

Gu Hongxiao nodded slightly and said, "Old Lu, I naturally know your abilities, but your Vientiane Gate is a little big. Why other big sects are led by the famous sect elders, you are good, only you were sent. When the deputy head of the Tiangang Temple comes out, isn't he looking down on the competition hosted by my Ziyue Immortal Sect?"

Lu Duanshao raised his red eyebrows, and replied: "Vice-chief Gu said that he was serious. This is because of the importance of this school. So although the disciples who came this time are young, they are all elites who have been chosen by thousands of choices among the younger generation. Well, there is no need for those old guys to come forward, just having this seat is enough."

Gu Hongxiao made a haha: "That's it, or it's good. Since there are no talents in the first class of youth, let the juniors come and go through the field and gain insights, and wait for the next competition to fight for a better ranking. And performance, this is also understandable."

Lu Duan Shao: "It's easy to say, I heard that Guizong will play with the strongest hero lineup of the young generation of three heroes, one hero and one outstanding hero. If we eat our iron-blooded youth team hard and bleed their teeth at that time , But it doesn’t look good on the face."

   Lu Duan Shao and Gu Hongxiao both had smiling faces. They had guns and sticks in them, soft and hard, and they didn't give in to each other. They smelled a bit of gunpowder when they came up.

  Gu Hongxiao snorted in his nose: "Come here, take the free Vientiane Gate to their residence. It's a good life arrangement. Don't neglect. The master of the hall has to receive other schools, so I won't pass."

   Another deacon came over and led everyone inside.

On the way, the deacon handed over a batch of waist cards and jade slips and said: "There are still a few days before the start of the game. Before the official start, you can freely enter the gate, the arena and the resident area with your waist cards. It is only in my case. Enter. After the start of the game, if there are other alternate disciples who want to enter and exit, they must be picked up by the team leader. In addition, these jade slips have detailed instructions on the game rules, please watch by yourself."

   Ziyue Xianzong's halls and halls are intricately distributed, decorated with carved beams and paintings, magnificent, and it is extremely luxurious and extravagant.

Arranged for a single-door single-family residence called "Xian Ting" in Vientiane Gate, which is very spacious. Everyone lives in a single room. There are many vacancies. There is a separate hot spring pool in the room, which is the location. Too remote, not very suitable for Vientiane Gate's thriving position in the east of Xianzhou.

   After moving in, Lu Duan-shao gathered the seven Hualan Ting people for a small meeting.

   Lu Duanshao said with a stern face: "You have also seen and heard just now, the Ziyue Immortal Sect is not particularly friendly to our Free Vientiane Gate, there is naturally a reason for this."

"The Ziyue Immortal Sect was established earlier, more than 10,000 years ago. It has always been a dominant group, occupying the throne of the overlord in the eastern part of Xianzhou for a long time. Therefore, it has developed the habit of being defiant and above-the-top, bullying other schools. Suppression, many of the sect disciples have always been arrogant and domineering to the outside world."

"This sect is considered a new sect. More than a thousand years ago, we were not in the first echelon of the cultivation sect in the eastern part of Xianzhou. The Ziyue Xianzong didn't put us in the eye at that time. They have been mainly targeting the second sect. , The three sects were suppressed."

   "But in the past millennium, the development momentum of this door is very rapid, from high-end combat power to reserve forces, from the actual control of the site to the influence on Xianzhou affairs are steadily increasing."

   "You also know that this school has always been low-key, pursuing the practice of forbearance first, keeping a low profile, and burying one's head in development, so it did not attract much attention from the Ziyue Immortal Sect at the beginning."

   "But when the school is big and powerful, it's like an elephant stepping into a pool. No matter how light and light it takes, it will inevitably splash water and make waves. This still attracts the eyes of the Ziyue Immortal Sect."

"At present, their key prevention goals and focus are still not on us, but this door has entered the list of suppression. Too big conflicts should not exist for the time being, but all kinds of constraints and frictions are inevitable. ."

"You must not have a heart to hurt people, and you must have a heart against others. Arrange you inside, the reserve team outside, and the power of friendly forces such as merchants, so that the parties can take care of each other. It is also based on these considerations. You don't want these things. Thinking too much, your task is to hurry up and improve your practice."

   "As for this competition, there are no hard and fast ranking requirements for Just do your best, as long as you have experience and gain, you can go as far as you can."

"Don't be presumptuous. In this youth elite competition, it is said that the average age is in the 30s and 40s, and the average cultivation base is in the early stage of the pill formation stage, and you are only in your twenties, and you have already reached the Sanshan Banyue. It's the entry period and the Dengfeng period. Gu Hongxiao and I said that we are not afraid of any hero team.

   "Let's talk about the strength of the Ziyue Immortal Sect. It is undeniable that they are indeed giants. The number of sect disciples is over 10,000, and the number of powerful people is huge. We can only look back in terms of overall strength."

   "The Ziyue Xianzong focuses on sword cultivation. Although it has begun to introduce and develop other cultivation categories and methods in recent years, the traditional factions that advocate sword cultivation have an absolute advantage."

"They are based on Taiyi Hunyuan Gong, with the Void Wuji sword as the main vein. After ten thousand years of development, they have formed a rich swordsmanship system. Duandi is unique and quite powerful. learn."

   "I have seen the jade slips. The rules and schedule of the competition are explained in great detail. Please come down and study for yourself. If you don't understand, just ask Senior Brother Shu Luntai."

"To put it simply, this competition is a bit strange. There will only be a seven-person team battle. The previous individual competitions and other forms have been cancelled. There are hundreds of large and small martial arts teams participating in the competition. Knockout, after multiple rounds, there will be a wild card match and round-robin qualifying until the top ten and top three are determined."

   "In the next few days, after getting acquainted with the venue, I will personally guide you to practice together a few times, but the intensity will not be too great, mainly for recuperation."

   A few days later, the elite disciple contest of the Eastern Shuxuan Xianzhou Cultivation School kicked off as scheduled.

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