The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 159: Phytophthora

   Hua Lan Ting put away the foxtail Tai Chi towel, showing his figure, and walked quickly into the small hall in the middle of the Xian Ting.

   He knows that he is not good, there is no such coincidence in the world, and the alarm is ringing at this moment, and it must be related to what happened to him just now.

   This must be a trap, but he is eagerly still wondering how he fell in, and how he appeared in the woman's boudoir for some reason.

   When there was no clue, everyone in the leisure court was awakened by the bell, and they all got up and gathered in the hall.

   Lin Xian was shocked to see Hua Lan Ting's breath is unstable and her complexion is not good, and immediately asked: "Lan Ting, what happened?"

   Hua Lanting breathed out a suffocating breath, and quickly and concisely told the story.

   Yi Liunian immediately said: "A trap, this is definitely a trap."

"I know it's a trap." Hualan Ting asked everyone: "The question is if the Ziyue Immortal Sect comes in, do I admit it or not? When I came out, there was no one outside. There should be no masters waiting in ambush. Otherwise, even if I have Tai Chi towels, I I can't come back either."

  As soon as I said this, there was a quick knock on the door: "Open the door and open the door, this is Gu Hongxiao, something has happened, please open the door immediately."

   The iron-blooded youth group had no idea for a while.

Just listen to Lu Duanshao saying in a deep voice: "I have come so quickly, this matter must be strange. Lanting, you have to tell the truth, don't hide, there is something that will be the master of you in the door, don't be afraid, the soldiers will come to block the water. Covered in the soil, you are not afraid of the shadow leaning. Go, open the door."

   Everyone came to the gate with Hua Lan Ting, and after opening the door, Gu Hongxiao walked in with a group of disciples.

   Gu Hongxiao glanced at Hua Lanting's body, then turned to Lu Duan to burn his face, and said without a smile:

   "Excuse me, Deputy Hall Master Lu, I interrupted early in the morning. It's really because a big event has just happened, and I want you to make an explanation at Vientiane Gate and give me an explanation."

   "Oh, what happened?" Lu Duan Shao asked.

Gu Hongxiao said: "It's like this. Not far from where you live is the residence of some female disciples of this sect. Not long ago, a participating female disciple suddenly came to me and cried to me, saying that someone was at dawn. I sneaked into her room before, and tried to plot against her when she was unable to act in her practice, which was frivolous."

   "She was banned because of her skill and couldn't resist, so her fame was damaged, but the disciple didn't see the person's face clearly."

   "After I learned about it, I immediately ordered a bell to be warned, and then I took people to check the scene and searched the surroundings."

   "But the daring Deng's apprentice had clean hands and feet, and there were no traces left on the scene, and it was very likely that this person used a stealth magic weapon when he entered and exited, and no one of the night patrol disciples found his whereabouts."

   "But he didn't expect that this seat has its own secret method to trace the spiritual power aura left by the cultivator. After casting the spell, I traced it all the way to this point, and the aura stopped at the door of your Xiantian."

   "So, this person is not one of you at the Vientiane Gate, that is, he has entered the Xianyuan to hide. Vice-Hall Master Lu, since everyone is here, you might as well ask, or let the old man go in and search?"

   Lu Duan Shao has not answered yet, Hua Lan Ting has already stepped forward and said: "You don't need to look for it. The person you are talking about is me. However, I was framed."

   "The truth is, I was ingested into the female disciple’s room by a spell in my sleep. I managed to escape when I found out. I didn't do anything wrong with that female disciple."

   Gu Hongxiao looked up and down Hua Lan Ting: "Very good, you can admit that it is you, then come with us."

   "Come on, take this child away and ask. What have you done? After checking the verification, the truth will come to light."

"Hold on." Lu Duanshao stopped and said, "I believe what the disciple said. He said that he didn't do it. You can't take away people. I will go to Guizong to explain the situation and pursue together after asking. The real murderer."

  Gu Hongxiao was not impatient, but slowly said:

"Old Lu, don't worry, I understand your feelings. But this is not a small matter. My responsibility lies. Since he admits that he has been there, he is the only major suspect at the moment. I must first take this away and detain him for questioning. ."

"Don't worry, the fake can't be real, and the real can't be fake. If something like this happens in the Zongmen headquarters, my disciple of the Ziyue Immortal Sect must not be humiliated for nothing. You must find out that the person is severely punished, but I will also give it to you. He has a chance to argue."

"What do you say at the Vientiane Gate? You can go to the above to talk about it. Now, forgive me for not being able to obey my fate. People must follow me. Old Lu, don't make it difficult for me to do it. Start a dispute here and save face. Everyone is ugly, what do you think?"

  Gu Hongxiao’s words were thoughtful, soft and hard, Lu Duan Shao groaned and said:

   "Okay, you can take away the people first. Lanting is only suspicious now. I believe you will make a fair inquiry. I will also immediately see the master of Yue Zitang to discuss a follow-up charter. You wait for my news."

   Gu Hongxiao nodded and took Hualanting away.

   Lu Duan Shao asked others to wait in the leisure court, and he hurriedly went out to Yuezitang.

   Half an hour later, Lu Duan-shao returned to the Xian Ting alone, and all his disciples hurriedly stepped forward to surround him.

Lu Duanshao's face was pale, and he slapped the armrest of the seat and said, "Too much bullying! Yue Zitang resolutely refused to let people go, saying that they had not found other suspicious people, and insisted that all the evidence points to Lanting alone. Moreover, The Ziyue Immortal Sect did not care about his own face and had already spread the matter out."

   "On my way back, someone has told me that this incident is now spreading to the public. There are people who are grateful for misfortune, and there are people who add fuel and vinegar. They are all waiting to see our jokes at Vientiane Gate."

Lin Xian said in surprise: "After you left, Yue Guanghan and I used heavenly secret technique and prophecy respectively to calculate. Although the hexagrams and images are fuzzy and unclear, there should be a glimmer of life, not a dead end, but we don’t know what to do. Where can I help Lanting?"

   Lu Duan-shao looked at them, thought for a while and said:

"Fortunately, I tried my best to get half a day's time. Within half a day, they promised to ask for evidence based on the evidence they had. Starting tomorrow, if Lan Ting does not admit it, they will use means to harden it. , But let me sit in and listen."

"I'm all quiet, and I don't have enough status and strength. There is interference from the mountain guardian formation of the Ziyue Immortal Sect. I will use this half day to find the reserve team leader outside, and set up a sound transmission array with him to report to the door. Please come forward to mediate at the door."

   "Before the investigation is clear, the Ziyue Immortal Sect has suspended our qualifications for the competition, you are waiting here, continue to use prophecy to find a way to break the game, everything will wait for me to come back tonight."

   In the evening, everyone was delighted to see Lu Duan Shao taking Hua Lan Ting to turn around together.

   It turned out that Lu Duan-shao used the remote sound transmission array to get in touch with the Free Vientiane Gate, and reported what happened today. After enquiring about the situation in detail, the senior management of Vientiane Gate quickly took some measures to deal with it after urgent internal consultation.

   Speaking of this, I have to mention a hugely backed organization in Shuxuan Xianzhou-the Big League of the Four Fighters, abbreviated as the Alliance or the League of the Four Fighters.

The Four Leagues was jointly initiated and established by the four largest cultivating sects in the four regions of Shuxuanxianzhou, east, south, and north. It has absorbed many forces of different sizes and natures. And second-level members.

   The original intention of the Four Leagues was to promote the development of the realm of cultivation in Xianzhou, promote exchanges between alliance members, and assist in resolving mutual disputes.

   has only evolved to this day, and the Four Leagues have basically been reduced to a tool for the four main sects to maintain their status and eliminate dissidents.

   The Four Leagues is a relatively loose organization. In addition to paying dues, there are not too many mandatory requirements for members. In the current relatively peaceful period, if it were not for an incident involving the major interests of the four major factions, the Four Leagues would not interfere too much in the internal affairs of its members.

   Therefore, even though the four major factions are more selfish and many measures are only beneficial to themselves and limit the expansion of small and medium schools, the Four Leagues still have considerable appeal and influence.

   For example, the Youth Elite Competition is nominally sponsored and funded by the Four Leagues, and Ziyue Xianzong is only the specific organizer of this session.

   In this context, the Zizai Wanxiangmen joint merchants had a deal in the Four Leagues. This matter itself can be big or small, so the Alliance Council sold the merchant, the largest business family in Xianzhou, to save face, and decided to send someone to intervene.

   But Ziyue Xianzong, as one of the initiators of the Four Leagues, naturally has a very large right to speak, so the involvement of the alliance is very limited, and the face is not too small.

   Specifically, among the compromises reached by the parties, the first is that the Vientiane Gate of Zizai can take Hualan Court back first, but it must be kept in the idle court and wait for further investigation.

   The second article is that the observation team sent by the alliance to supervise this competition will participate as a third party in the investigation, and the opinions approved by the observation team will become the final result.

   The third article is that if it proves that Hualan Court is innocent, Zizai Vientiane can continue to compete. If it is proved guilty, Ziyue Wanxiangmen must publicly apologize to the Ziyue Xianzong, provide sufficient compensation, and severely punish the offender.

After listening to these three items Yi Liunian jumped up and shouted: "The Four Leagues is pulling the sidelines! Except for the temporary release, everything else is beneficial to the Ziyue Immortal Sect, what? Laoshizi Observatory, according to my opinion, I wear a pair of trousers with Ziyue Xianzong."

Although he brought Hua Lan Ting back, Lu Duan Shao’s expression has always been ugly. Hearing this, he smiled bitterly and said, “The passing years are reasonable, but this is the most that the door can achieve in a short time. It’s a good situation."

   "There is one more accidental thing to tell you here."

   "The competition observer sent by the league has always been a lack of oil and water. There is nothing to do, but you can also reap the filial piety from all walks of life. The competition in the past was still very fierce."

"The observer sent by the Alliance for this competition is named Cen Muyu. This old lady has never heard of any intimate personal relations with the Ziyue Immortal Sect. She is not a top expert, but she has a rare natural ability, extremely Great."

   "Her skills are similar to time-tracing."

   "You know, when the masters are in a duel, the time of each breath is very important. It is not an exaggeration to say that life and death can be fixed. If anyone can stop time or turn back for a moment, it will be enough to control the battle."

   "Cen Muyu's family is very small, but because of this ability that can be passed down through the bloodline, it has always stood tall and has been attracted by all parties."

   "I don't know how long Cen Muyu can look back in time, and it doesn't matter. But her ability has an additional ability called-Yu Chuan Chi Su."

   "The allusion of Yu Chuan Chisu refers to the transmission of letters, and her ability means to be able to pass scenes from the past to the present for viewing."

   "It is said that Cen Muyu can freeze an image at any point within three days..."

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