The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 163: Participation and Duality

   Hu Satuo continued: "The Dirty Sect's exercises are very evil."

"It is rumored that their techniques were created by a group of successful practitioners of the sorcery, but they were limited to masters who were unable to advance further. These people became extremely radical after being unable to enter the country for a long time, and were not tolerated by their peers at the time, so they left the sorcerer. They created their own faction. They took a slanted front, took another path, and used what they learned to take another path."

"Simply put, it is to use witchcraft and spiritual power to refine all the dirt and taint. For example, there is the cold air of the mountain caves, the yin air of the cemetery, the decay of people, animals and plants after death. The air and so on."

   "According to them, existence is reasonable. Everything in the world is a product of nature. There is no distinction between high and low. They refine it, but instead remove dirt and clean up the environment for this world."

   "They just want to prove that these incompetent and useless people who were regarded by the orthodox and mainstream at the time as incapable of advancing, have their role and value."

"Don't tell me, this group of people just broke out and created a series of exercises. After these filth and odors are refined and transformed by the exercises, there are no unbearable abnormalities and odors when they are used. And the effect is not bad, and on the contrary, it has a certain restraint effect on most orthodox techniques, even the thunder attribute technique that specializes in destroying evil is not afraid."

"Although most sects tend to disagree and sneer at their practices, this one is different from the evil sects. They never harm the living and the creatures in the world. They just use the dead and dirt to practice the exercises, so people Although it rejects it, there is no reason to kill it."

   "Furthermore, it is said that true masters of the dirty door can collect and refine the anger, resentment, and hatred of people and other negative emotions and six desires, and their cultivation and power are enough to rank among the first-class realm of Xianzhou."

"At present, this school is in Xianzhou alone, doing its own thing, acting on the principle of not committing crimes, and we are not committing crimes. Coupled with the internal unity, everyone will not provoke them easily, except because there are few people willing to practice. Apart from its small scale, it can be regarded as a quasi-first-class force. The disciples' combat power is quite not weak. This is evident from the fact that they can stand out from hundreds of teams and compete for the top ten."

   Since he came to the house, Lu Duan Shao has been relatively silent after saying a few words in the opening. In fact, he is blaming himself.

After everyone’s discussion was over, Lu Duan-shao finally spoke: "First of all, because I underestimated the situation of this competition, I have been out of Lanting and Xiyuanzi in succession. As the leader of the team, I cannot shirk my responsibility. responsibility."

   "However, I am very pleased to see that you are still so high-spirited and determined to win the championship. I will take care of the other things. You can concentrate on making the game better."

   "You don't have to be afraid of this dirty sect. Their exercises and spells are indeed restrained from ordinary Dao sects, but you are different."

"The reason why the Zizai Wanxiang Gate differs from other schools in terms of the division of realm and the name is mainly due to the uniqueness of Zizai Wuji Gong. It has already begun to manifest at your level, but it is not yet obvious. It will become more prominent as you go up. Invincible of the same rank dare not say that there is nothing wrong with being above average."

"So, maybe you can't win easily, but what you have learned and practiced will not be restrained by the dirty door, and at such an age, your cultivation level is not weaker than any opponent in the competition, and even higher. A few points, it won’t surprise me to win the championship in the end."

   "Speaking of the last few battles, my opinion is this."

"First, weapons and Lingbao pills are of course important, but as you go to the back, the depth of your own cultivation and the depth of your spells are more critical. Therefore, in the first one or two games, you should try to preserve your own strength and use externally. Things win."

"Secondly, the competition is also a manifestation of the martial arts heritage. Before coming to the door, I have prepared enough for you. In addition, Shang Er Shao has just guaranteed the ticket with me. If he needs it, he now has what he has on hand, and the business will Give it your best, so don’t be stingy, just let it go."

   "Third, when it comes to dirty doors, other people in our door may not have dealt with, but I have had experience with them many years ago, and I have some experience in dealing with them."

   "You brought a large number of talismans this time, and I will lead you to remodel one of them at night, and use them with miraculous effects."

   "Finally, under the current circumstances, at this point, I, like you, formally adjusted the goal this time to be the first."

   "In the past few days, I will tailor a few tactics for the reserve team and the Lanting Seven. Even if I pull my teeth out of my mouth, I have to step on me the heroes of the Ziyue Immortal Sect!"

   "Furthermore, this is the strength that the second team can achieve."

   "Since then, it has been announced to the outside that the young generation of Freedom Vientiane Gate, Xiaohe is beginning to show its sharp corners, and will soon rise strongly!"

   The disciple of the Vientiane Gate was suffocated after being counted twice. Hearing Lu Duan-shao's pre-war mobilization, his fighting spirit was even more boiling.

   dirty gate, had to become the first stepping stone to witness the rise of the 60th generation of disciples.

In the actual combat on the second day, the Die Sect disciples were extremely tenacious, and they also cherished this opportunity of the Guang Martial Sect’s reputation. However, the Vientiane Sect disciples were as powerful as a rainbow. In addition to their tactics, the Die Sect team tried their best to defeat the battle. .

In the specific process, the disciples of the Vientiane Gate showed a rich and powerful style of local tyrants. They did not fight close fights with the dirty gate players at all. They only bombarded indiscriminately at the middle distance. All kinds of spirit treasures poured out without money. The other party was overwhelmed.

   When facing the opponent’s special magic spells, the Seven of the Vientiane Gate kept swinging their hands, and each piece of specially-made talisman was raised in the air like a defensive or forward attack.

   Dirty Sect Spells encounters them, and their effects are all greatly weakened, causing no big threat or harm to Hua Lan Ting and others.

This type of talisman selected by Lu Duan-shao was developed by the ancestors of the Freedom Vientiane Gate from the theory of Yin and Yang in the alchemy and the fire of civil and martial arts. Dual urn.

   Each of this talisman contains three powers, one of which is the power of thunder, and the other two contain different attributes and properties, which are specifically divided into:

Turbidity, profit and loss, decline and prosperity, survival, existence, good or bad, repentance, survivorship, criminal morality, advance and retreat, growth and decline, guest host, ups and downs, rise and fall, civil and military, old and tender, rigid and soft, separation, gathering and dispersal, communication, up and down , Male and female, black and white, defensive battle, life and death, brake recovery, depth, pumping, cold and heat.

   The interaction of the three forces has a powerful suppression and crushing effect on the filthy air and its evolution.

  The skill of the dirty door master can't exert enough power, so naturally it will be defeated.

   After winning this game, the second team of the Jagged Youth League advanced into the top ten with their heads up, and no one suffered serious injuries.

   Three days later, the first five battles will begin, and the ten teams will be divided into five groups to catch and fight.

  The rules stipulate that at this time, the division will be decided by the jury, not by drawing lots.

   It’s hard to say the trickiness and moisture in this, and the list will be announced before the war, so that Ziyue Xianzong, as the organizer, can predict the opponent in advance and make targeted arrangements, while other teams will not have this treatment.

   Every team secretly scolded Ziyue Xianzong for being shameless, but there was nothing to do. Who made the family a landlord? Fortunately, the Vientiane Sect disciples didn't care much about it.

   Ziyue Xianzong finally did not choose to have a strong encounter with the Vientiane Freedom Gate in advance, and the Jagged Youth League would encounter another strong team.

In the reserve team of the Jagged Youth League, Feng Qingjun, Song Feifei, and Zhang Hanyun are naturally listed. Among the other three, two are acquaintances of Hualanting and their acquaintances. Sanfeng Ruthless Wang Genji, one was the fourth peak Quzheng with solid basic skills and well-balanced ability in the first big competition of the 60 generations of disciples. The last one was named Yu Qian, who was an outstanding male disciple who only emerged in the past few years. .

   In the top five competitions, the Jagged Youth League still used the tactics of the previous game, relying on spiritual weapons to carry out storm-like bombardment.

   The top ten players are not weak teams. They all come from the big gates. Their opponents obviously had anticipated this move and made corresponding preparations. They also used a variety of magic weapons and magic weapons to fight against the disciples of the Vientiane Gate.

   After the treasures carried by the two sides ran out, no one could help each other. The Vientiane Sect disciple had the upper hand, but could not determine the victory, so the two sides launched a magical attack.

This battle is very beautiful on the scene. The two teams are magic weapons first and then magic methods. From time to time, magic weapons explode and the lights that collide with the magic methods sound on the colorful lights are as colorful as a firework display. .

   After a dazzling spell showdown, the Jagged Youth League further expanded its lead, but the opponent refused to give up and still had the power to fight back.

   Lu Duan-shao also made an estimate of this and made pre-requisite arrangements. Based on the characteristics and strength of the seven opponents, the disciples of the Vientiane Gate found one of the opponents, and the tactics changed to close combat.

   At this time, the slight gap between the two sides in cultivation and skills finally appeared. Under the pressure brought by the close and tight play of Hua Lan Ting and others, this team gradually couldn't bear the collapse.

After winning another game, in the first five battles, after a lottery, one of the teams was lucky bye. Ziyue Xianzong also avoided the Freedom Vientiane Gate as he wished, and did not accidentally defeat the opponent, and the opponent of the Jagged Youth League In the last game, there was a serious attrition. Although the alternates were added, the overall strength dropped drastically and the game was quickly lost.

   In this way, it stands to reason that the remaining three teams will use round-robin matches to calculate each other's wins and losses, as well as the minor differences in injuries and the number of outs to determine the first place.

However, maybe it is the operation of Ziyue Xianzong, maybe another team after watching the game, thinks that they are not the opponent of the other two teams, or maybe they are satisfied with the third place and are happy to see the two tigers fight. These are not known.

   In short, this team declared to abstain from the fight and directly sent Ziyue Xianzong and Zizai Wanxiangmen to the finals.

   But also because of the lack of this game, Yi Liunian and Wen Yin can not play, the second team will bear the burden of the victory.

   Five days later, the finals of the Eastern Shuxuan Xianzhou Young Elite Disciple Competition will be a battle between the "Heroes" and the "Iron Youth League".

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