The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 166: Slaughter

   Ai Qing's soft expressions on the merchants' faces are extremely solemn.

   After listening to everyone, they immediately converged their joy and became awe-inspiring.

   Hua Lanting asked, "What happened?"

   Ai Qingrou said: "Last night, the Haitang City Lihua Club and the Tu family made a big attack on the mountain, and now all the dust-covered mountains have fallen into their hands."

   Everyone was shocked.

   Yue Guanghan asked urgently: "How could this be? How about the casualties?"

   Ai Qingrou said: "I didn't talk to you in detail before. The precious rhenium mine was discovered on the dusty mountain. Qin Wu and our businessmen agreed to jointly develop it. The news leaked out, which attracted the Tu family."

   "The incident happened in a hurry, and the specific situation is not very clear. I only know that the enemy is strong. Our people see the enemy and we quickly withdraw. The casualties are not too large."

   "Although the merchants stayed behind to help defend, it's just that Qin Wu headed them to defend their lair. They won't retreat. I heard that the damage was serious."

   "The people on both sides are now rushing here day and night to join us. Mr. Dai has led the people out to meet us. When they arrive, we will know the details."

Niu Kelian added at this time: "The value of Rhenium mine is too great. If it is known by other forces, it will inevitably cause coveting. Therefore, we did not have a big fanfare in the early stage. We only sent capable investigators and craftsmen and a small number of masters to the station. It's not eye-catching, otherwise it won't be easily lost."

   Hua Lan Ting asked: "What should we do now? Will this lead to a war between the merchant and the butcher?"

Shang Chenxi took it over and said: "The two families of Shang and Tu family have always had friction in business, and small-scale fighting is not without it, but this time it is going to be a big fight. It is unlikely that the two families will start a full-scale war, but the Tu family is so blatantly provocative. , A local war is inevitable."

   "This matter has been reported back home, and the old man has to decide how to decide. But I can't wait here, I have to do something, I have already sent the business masters in this area to gather in the dusty mountain."

   "The problem is that the number of personnel that can be in place in a short time is limited, and the opponent is prepared, how many people there are, and the strength and number of masters are unknown."

"It would be great if we could regain the dust-covered mountain in a battle. We discovered and developed the mine first, and the site is in our hands. Then, whether it is morality or at the negotiation table, even in war, businesses can take the initiative. "

   "But if it fails again, the situation will be unfavorable, and the time will be delayed. When a large number of people from the Tujia arrive, it will become a fait accompli, the scale of the war will escalate, and the subsequent development will be even more unknowable."

   Lin Xian said in surprise: "So the key now is to understand the opponent's strength and deployment on the dusty mountain as soon as possible, right?"

   Ai Qingrou replied: "Yes. But we have already asked, the other party can take the cottage, naturally there are a lot of people and not weak, but the night is too chaotic, no one can tell the specific situation."

   "If it is clear, we can decide whether to counterattack immediately, or surround the mountain for assistance, or encircle a spot for assistance, or resolve the problem through off-court negotiations."

   Lin Xian was surprised and thoughtful and did not speak again.

   At this time, the door opened and Daisy who went out to meet him returned, followed by the merchants and the main characters of the defeated generals in the dust-covered mountains.

   The group of people looked very embarrassed, especially the blood-stained bodies of the heads of the dust-covered mountains, and everyone was injured. Qin Shanyin unexpectedly lost a left arm.

   Yue Guanghan called out, got up and rushed over.

Qin Shanyin first nodded at everyone, and then with tears in his eyes, he said to Yue Guanghan: "Boy, the cottage is gone, the home is gone, your second and third uncles died in battle, and the whereabouts of the seventh uncle is unknown. Remember, no matter what. How long will one day be revenge for this!"

Afterwards, Qin Shanyin and Shang Chenxi reported the situation that night. Except for the fact that someone saw him and knew that he was a foreigner, the old Liutou betrayed the information about the rhenium mine to Lihuahui. There was no other valuable information. .

   After Qin Shanyin and others were taken to heal and rest, Shang Chenxi said: "There is no other way for the time being. I will continue to dispatch troops to condemn the generals at night. I will leave for the dusty mountain tomorrow morning. When I arrive, let my camera act."

Lu Duan-shao said: "The Vientiane Gate is closely related to the merchants and cannot be left out. Most of these disciples were injured after the game. The reserve team leader will take them back to the mountain tomorrow and ask the head to send someone for reinforcements. Shu Lun and I The station stayed behind and went to the dusty mountain with the second young master, which was somewhat of a boost."

   Shang Chenxi handed over to express his gratitude, and the relationship between the two really did not need to be polite.

There is already a very tacit understanding between the senior brothers of Hua Lanting. When Shang Chenxi was talking with Qin Shanyin, he found Lin Xianjing, Yue Guanghan and Hu Satuo whispering, so he looked at Lin Xian who was still thinking and asked. Said: "Xian Jing, do you have any ideas, might as well speak out and listen?"

   Lin Xian was surprised and raised his head and said, "Well, Lan Ting does not ask me to say anything. I am considering feasibility and assessing risks. I have an idea, please refer to it or give it a try."

   Everyone turned their eyes to him.

Lin Xian continued in shock: "After the Lanting stall, I have more insights into the doorway that the four of us used to decipher the forged images of the Ziyue Immortal Sect. The same is true for Yue Guanghan and Hu Sahuan. These days, the three of us did not compete. Task, so I have been discussing and experimenting."

   "We have a common whim, this method can not only improve the prediction technique, but it may also be used for spatial transmission."

   A stone stirred up a thousand waves. Hearing this, even the masters such as Dai Xigui, Baojian Bo, and Lu Duanshao opened their eyes in surprise.

   In today’s Xianzhou cultivation world, there are many types of medium and long-distance sound transmission methods, and they are more commonly used. Medium- and long-distance transmission is much more difficult. Only the sects of Kaishan Lipai have enough manpower and material resources to set up a transmission array. As for ultra-long distance and transcontinental and even trans-planetary transmission, only a few large sects with long heritage and abundant resources can do it.

   Even so, even in the Vientiane Freedom Gate, regardless of the number of people or the distance, any transmission needs to be reported in advance, even for special approval.

  Because of this, everyone heard Lin Xian startled to say that he has a new way to achieve spatial teleportation.

   Seeing everyone's expressions, Lin Xian waved his hands in shock: "It's not what you think, don't worry, listen to me slowly."

   "This matter is still basically at the conceptual stage. We have done micro-distance experiments with small objects, and we have also succeeded several times, but there are still thousands of miles away from realizing stable human teleportation."

   "In addition, after calculation, there are quite a few restrictive conditions."

   "First, there should not be too many people. One or two people died."

   "Second, the cultivation base of the teleported person cannot be high. The strong one has a natural response to the force of space tearing, which can easily lead to the failure of the teleportation."

   "Third, the distance should not be too far."

   "Fourth, the detailed coordinates of the destination must be known in advance."

   "Fifth, the original motivation for starting the formation must be sufficient, and it must be maintained until the personnel land."

   "Sixth, we can't be disturbed from beginning to end."

   "Seventh, the transmission is one-way, sent to the past but not brought back."

   "Eighth, I don't know what the real person is doing during the transmission process, such as whether the body can bear it, and whether it is harmful to the spirit and cultivation."

   "Ninth, it is completely uncontrollable for accidents. There is no way to pass the pass, no way if the pass is missed, and no way if the pass is injured and the pass is dead."


   "I'll go." Yi Liunian intercepted Lin Xianjing's words and said: "There is still tenth? You are too unreliable, it's useless to say it."

   "Don't interrupt." Hua Lanting said: "Since Xian Jing said it, it must be considered."

   "Xian Jing, if I guess it is correct, do you mean to send people to the dusty mountains to detect the strength of the Tujia, and provide a basis for determining the next action plan?"

Lin Xian nodded in surprise: "Yes, this is a very, very bold and unbelievable idea. When we first thought it out, the three of us were taken aback. But if it succeeds, it will be an unprecedented initiative. Provide a first-hand data reference for future improvement."

   "If it weren't for today's thing, I wouldn't have said it now, it's really unbelievable."

   "Dare to say it, also because after the three of us have just discussed, although there are still too many uncertainties, we can't be more, but we all agree that this is an excellent opportunity for experimentation given by God."

   "First of all, the distance to the dust-covered mountain will be better here, and the master Lu Dianzhu present here should be able to work together to support the driving of the formation."

   "Secondly, nothing else. Yue Guanghan knows the dusty mountains well. He knows an absolutely safe place, and he can sense the coordinates with big prophecy, and he will definitely not be discovered."

   "Furthermore, Hu Sa-tao happens to be there, and his Wuzhu Space asks the Divine Law Association to add a layer of insurance to the transmission."

   "In addition, I can't use the heavenly secret prediction technique now, but the hexagrams in the Dayan heavenly secret technique can be used to arrange the hexagrams, and the hexagrams are indicated as auspicious."

   "Finally, Yue Guanghan participated in the research, and his personal experiments will help modify and improve this method in the future."


   It was Shang Chenxi who spoke: "Have you not seen Qin Shanyin's attitude towards Yue Guanghan? He has a lot of hope for Yue Guanghan. He hopes that he will grow up and inherit the mantle of the dusty mountains. He will not agree to Yue Guanghan's adventure."

Yue Guanghan stood up and said: "I don't, I can't wait. When I cultivate to the point where I can surpass the Five Masters, I don't know if I will be the year of the monkey, the enemy may be old and dead at that time. I will take revenge now, even if I let them pay interest first. also."

   "Occupy my home, kill my family, steal my things, I want the Tu family to know that although the dust-covered mountain is small, it should not be humiliated!"

   "The posterity is terrifying." Shang Chenxi said, "Qin Wu also nodded."

   "I will convince him." Yue Guanghan said stubbornly.

"Wait." Hua Lanting also stood up and said: "Guanghan will definitely not be able to go alone. Let's not talk about teleportation. With the cultivation base of his medicine realm, even if he is familiar with the road, there are now masters there. , What can he do after going in? Once he loses, he won't even have the power to fight back."

   Lin Xian asked in surprise: "Are you trying to say?"

   Hua Lan Ting: "I will go with him. Don't worry, it's up to you to think about how to achieve it, but I have my reasons."

"One is what I just said. I have just entered the Sixiang Yin-Yang Realm, and my cultivation level is neither high nor low. This time it is only for reconnaissance, not hands-on. I have strong self-protection ability and also have a stealth Tai Chi towel. Besides, no matter what, I always You have more experience than the children in the mountains like Guanghan, and there is a lot more room for maneuvering."

   "The second point, you remember when I was out of the dusty mountain, I said that I had the familiar feeling that I had been here before. Actually, I didn't say at the time, what I felt was a calling."

   "It's not fooling or calling."

   "Rationality and data are of course important, but the monks of my generation want peeping into the heavens, mind-sensing, and intuition. Although vague and mysterious, we all believe in it, right?"

"Third, who else should I do? Xian Jing four overdrawn, Qing Jun six were injured, and I can recover in one night. The fleeting years and Wen Yin? OK, if you can send four people at once, I'm willing to take it with you. This pair."

   Lin Xian groaned in surprise: "It's not impossible to send two people. It is not difficult for Second Master Shang to tune in a few masters overnight. But if you want to go, you still have to agree with the Lord Lu."

   Lu Duanshao looked struggling, and finally resolutely said: "I, agree."

"I think I am at the Vientiane Gate. Since a generation of ancestors, I have been able to establish a foothold in Xianzhou and rise rapidly. One of the important traditions is continuous innovation and development. For this, the price paid is sacrifice. There are many casualties caused by old and new exercises."

   "My generation is more than conservative, and it is time for your generation to take the responsibility step by step for the development of this school."

   "In today's final, I don't know the internal information of the blow that the Ziyue Xianzong arranged for Zhudui, but Zhudui is undoubtedly brave and brave. I am very pleased to see your courage and not lose to him."

   "What is courage? The word for courage is to be courageous."

   "Intrigue is not a fight, it is hard work, it is dedicated, it is to use all your energy to work hard, to face, to fight for, to give, without fear of sacrifice."

   "Therefore, from the point of view that you are all the jade in my door, I should not agree. However, it is the jade that needs to be polished. Therefore, I agree and I will bear all the consequences."

   "But then again, there are prerequisites for the permission of the Lord of the Hall."

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