The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 169: Change and unchanged

  The development of science and technology to this day, the world that people see is only a tiny part of the whole world.

   This is the same as thousands of years ago when humans didn’t know that there was air, didn’t know that there were electric and magnetic fields, didn’t know the elements, and thought that compared with the sky and a circle, there were many more unknown worlds, too much to imagine.

   Conclusion: The world is so unknown and human beings are so ignorant. What things do we have to worry about?

  Hua Lanting sighed again. He could understand the opinions of scientists in this world. Imagine that the human brain is just a pile of flesh and bones, but it can produce thoughts. Isn't this a matter of careful thinking and fear?

   But at the same time, he couldn't agree with the final conclusion. The scientist touched the elephant's head and the elephant's tail. How can he let go of the bad business and emotional debts in front of him?

   Looking up, you can see far.

   Looking backwards, there are old and small, how can you give it up?

   Looking down, it is the rolling traffic on the street.

   This morning, thousands of people left their homes and got into cars and rushed to their destinations. They choose the route on their own without discussing with others, their driving skills are different, their attitudes towards risks are different, and the degree of politeness varies greatly.

The criss-crossing road network constitutes the arteries and veins of urban traffic. When these private cars of different sizes and shapes move or enter and exit, all kinds of buses, trucks, motorcycles, and taxis join in. Come in. Everyone is driving towards their own goals, focusing on their own interests.

   Hua Lanting thought, this is not necessarily because people are selfish, but simply because no one knows or cares about where others want to go. Regarding other people, everyone only knows the location, direction, and speed of a few cars around, and assumes that other drivers try to avoid scratching as much as they do.

In most cases, he sees a smooth and orderly flow of traffic. Looking down from a high altitude, he even feels a touch of aesthetic pleasure-all the independent cars below are connected end to end with a narrow distance between them, but they do not collide. Once there is a little gap, the car next to it will seize the fleeting opportunity and suddenly merge. When the distance between the vehicles is large, it will accelerate, and when the distance between the vehicles is small, it will slow down again.

   The traffic situation during peak hours is indeed a great result of social collaboration, not chaos and disorder. Traffic jams and collisions are small probability events, because any system will have copper leakage and accidents, just like his fire and office romance.

   Quantum entanglement, I am here, really in another distant space, is there another same self in a daze?

  Time is like a river, and the rapids inside are like events of the size and magnitude. Just when something is glimpsed, it has been hurriedly taken by another thing and replaced its original position, and after a while, this new thing will still be taken away without error.

   It’s always like this. It seems that I figured it out in an instant, but I’m relieved, and I can’t figure it out in the next second. In fact, everyone understands the big things, but it's hard to control small emotions.

   Just thinking about it like this, Hua Lanting began to lose his mind. After looking up and down, his eyes began to look level, and he began to look forward.

what is that? What did he see?

   Something called an airplane!

   In a trance, he did not immediately realize why there was a plane above the city, obviously a civil airliner, not a helicopter for aerial photography.

  He is still sitting there.

   The plane is getting closer, and he can even see the people in the cockpit!

   The plane went straight to the building and ran into him. The plane quickly grew bigger in the field of vision!

   There are exclamations around!

   Hua Lan Ting finally reacted.

   A few seconds later, he didn't move, and still sat there.

   There is an old Chinese saying in his brain, whether it is a blessing or a curse, it is a curse that cannot be avoided.

   At such a distance, there is no way to escape. At this time, his heart is blank, and he has no idea who this body should think of at the last moment of this life, or what he is feeling.

   At the moment when he saw the driver’s alien appearance, a few words popped out of his mind: 9/11 terrorist attack!

   followed by darkness, endless darkness.

   Although it is dark, it seems to be in the snow-white light again. Because he inexplicably feels that there are many, many "things" around him. He doesn't know how to call them. They are the souls who died together. It is not that people will lose a few grams of weight after death, that is the soul. ? Spirituality? idea?

  I'm still conscious?

There was light, and it seemed that there was a "voice" talking: "Hey, I am a monkey. I am making a noise in the underworld. Give me twenty yuan. I will cross out your name and you can go back. It's a liar."

   "Boy, I am the King of Yama. Give me ten dollars to cross it and go home. Don't ask me why. I won't tell you because there is no middleman to make the difference."

   "Brother Lan Ting, I'm the book of life and death. Give me five yuan, five yuan is fine, I will erase your name from me, don't ask me why it is so cheap, because it is a factory direct sale."

   Hua Lan Ting wanted to laugh, and wanted to pay for it. Suddenly he realized that he no longer had the function of laughing, his face, his hands and feet, just a stream of consciousness.

   was mourning, and heard the voice again:

   "Junior Brother, you are mean! You can't prevent me from becoming an immortal. Lao Jun is anxious and eager like a law, let Dafa go as he pleases!"

   Then there was a burst of crackling of the mountains and the ground.

   Then, a bluish-black light flashed, from far and near, enveloping the Hualan Court, crossing the boundless sky, and flying into the distance.

   Before crossing, he hadn't had enough time to sit down and his **** was hot before he went back to the cave.

   A voice rang: "Man Hua, hello, let's meet again."

Hua Lanting was stunned for a long time without answering. He tried his best to recall the novel information in the "twisting" world he had received before the plane crashed into the building, but found that he could only remember fragments and fragments of fragments and claws. Passing fast.

   After trying his best to preserve the few vague impressions, Hua Lanting sighed for a long time, and then the soul returned to his place. After seeing the surrounding environment clearly, he remembered that a voice was talking to him just now.

   This voice that is near and far away, young and old seems familiar!

   After reacting for a while, Hua Lanting, who had recovered his senses, blurted out: "Qi Ling clone? Are you the master Qi Ling in the Three Profound Five Elements Heaven in Mengbi Sheng Huashan?"

Qi Ling replied in his mind: "Haha, that's right, it's not right, he is him, I am me, this clone is not another clone, but, it is, it is all, the incarnation of the original spirit is great. "

After hearing this, Hua Lan Ting was stunned again and murmured: "That's right, it's not right...It's you, not you... Then, this is me Hua Lan Ting, and that person in New York is also me. The name is Lan Tinghua? Quantum, quantum, that what, quantum entanglement!"

   "I am in Shuxuanxianzhou, and the other I is on the earth. Both are me. This world is not the other world, but is there the past? Or the future? Or parallel space? Alien space?"

   Qi Ling coughed twice, and seemed to smack his mouth, and then said: "What quantum? What New York? What earth? I haven't heard of it."

   "However, this device is so smart and intelligent, you probably know what you want to express by guessing and relying on it. Let me say two paragraphs, you can experience it yourself and find the answer by yourself."

   "The first sentence: Once the mirror is broken once, even if you splice it together, there is no way to reflect the original appearance of things as before-you can only see your fragmented self in it."

   "Because there are cracks, the so-called water covering is difficult to close, and the broken mirror is difficult to round."

   "This is change. What you can see forever is change."

"Second sentence: It is still that mirror. Even if it has been broken countless times, each sliver is still a small mirror, and it can still be used as a complete mirror—you are still intact when you see from each fragment. You can still reflect the original face of things."

   "Because, there is no division, there is so-called-one piece of sand and one universe, one leaf and one bodhi."

   "This is the unchanging in change. People often ignore the unchanging and pay attention to the bizarre and ever-changing changes. However, unchanging is more important than change."

   "Do you know if you know?"

   Hua Lan Ting blinked vigorously, and said slowly and with difficulty: "You mean that the whole is not the addition of parts, but the superposition of each information containing the whole?"

   "Just like Every hair cell in the human body contains all the information in the body, so it can be cloned?"

   Qi Ling clone showed an impatient "face" that Hua Lan Ting could feel out of thin air: "What clone? Don't make new words with me, talk to people."

Hua Lanting said helplessly: "Well, well, a long magnet, one yin and one yang, if it is broken into two, one end and the other of each one are still yang and yin, any section It still has all the functions of a magnet."

   "It's like a blind person touching an elephant, with different parts and different touches. The ears, legs, body, and tail of the elephant are actually the same as the elephant."

"If we enlarge the elephant infinitely and enlarge it to fill the universe, the elephant’s leg may be a space world, and the elephant tail is another. The parasites on the elephant can only feel the world where they are located, and the powerful parasites can go. To more worlds. But..."

   "Nothing." The Qi Ling clone interrupted him: "I'm just a little Qi Ling. I know so much. I'm only responsible for reminding you to start, and then you can think about it yourself."

   "This angle ends here, Ru Jin, isn't it?"

   "Now my father and I change a different angle, what else can you experience from the dualism of mirrors?"

   Hua Lan Ting: "What? I haven't figured it out yet. I'm dizzy today, otherwise, how should I fix it..."

   Qi Ling Clone: ​​"Don't always talk about things and things, it looks very boring, what to say and how. Come, answer my question, what else can you experience from the mirror dualism?"

   Hua Lanting hurriedly stopped:

   "Wait first, what I want to know the most now is, who am I and where am I? Where am I? Why did I meet you here? What am I doing?"

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