The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 173: Fight or go

According to Zhang Guanshi just now, this Chai Heng is the number one staff member and chief think tank next to Tu Yi. Not only does he have a strong cultivation base, he is also very savvy, and his business skills are quite good. "" The nickname is quite high in the Tujia.

   Tu Xuanlin, the contemporary Patriarch of the Tu family, has two sons, Tu Xiang and Tu Yi.

   The eldest son Tu Xiang was obsessed with cultivation and had a high level of cultivation, but he lacked interest in doing business and was not very caring. As for the second master, Tu Yi, he was more like a second-born son who was not a martial artist.

   There are rumors that the situation of these two people gave Tu Xuanlin a headache, and I don’t know who will pass on Nuo Da’s family business in the future.

   And Chai Hengbao's second son, Tu Yi, is precisely because of his great support and full operation that Tu Yi can vaguely gain the upper hand in the fight for the Tu family and Patriarch, which shows that this person has outstanding abilities.

   Chai Heng is a good wine. He and Guanshi Zhang have been drinking friends for many years. Tonight, after spending a day with Tu Yi overseeing the construction of the teleportation circle, he got free and came over to find Guanshi Zhang for a drink.

   Hua Lanting thought about it, and hurriedly said a few more words with Guan Shi Zhang, and took a pat with his left hand, quickly retracted the Kuikou cup, and then stood by the table with his hand hanging down.

  As soon as he finished this, Chai Heng pushed the door in.

Chai Heng had a big belly, ordinary clothes, and slow walking. He looked like a middle-aged foreigner. After entering, he first glanced at Hualan Court with a pair of small eyes. Knowing that he was coming to serve the wine bureau, he ignored him, and sat down with him. Guan Shi talked about it.

   Guan Shi Zhang just woke up from the psychedelic state, and his speech was still a bit converse.

   Chai Heng smiled and said: "Is the wine in the dusty mountains so good? Look at your drunk and dim look, you must go to the mountain with me for a drink tomorrow morning."

   The two exchanged cups, the wine was hot, and they chatted with each other. Hua Lanting lowered his eyebrows and pleasing to the side, pouring the wine and the vegetables obediently.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Chai Heng got up and said goodbye. When he walked to the door, Hua Lanting was about to breathe a sigh of relief. Chai Heng suddenly turned around and said to him: What's the name?"

  Hua Lanting made up a name at random, and Chai Heng nodded and said, "Lao Zhang will go up the mountain in the morning after a rest. You will come with me first and go to the mountain to help with work."

   Hua Lan Ting was a little nervous, I don't know if Chai Heng saw any flaws, or just casually talked about it temporarily, but couldn't, so I had to follow it out.

   Fortunately, Chai Heng ignored him on the road, and took him and a few of his men back to the construction site of the mountain teleportation circle.

   Hua Lan Ting took a peek at it, and it looked nervous and busy. Many disciples from the dust-covered mountain were busy under the command of the master Tujia, and the formation seemed to have been built.

   Chai Heng sent him to a place to help with his finger, while he went to the other side and whispered in a low voice with the crowd.

   Hua Lanting walked over to the place where he said to him. Just now, I saw that the person being surrounded was a greasy-faced son of Guijie. He was very handsome, and he should be the second son of the Tu family, Tu Yi.

   What surprised Hua Lanting was that he accidentally saw that one of the busy people not far away was Yue Guanghan!

   Yue Guanghan had also seen him a long time ago, and the two exchanged glances, and they both went to work.

   When the light came to light, another group of dust-covered mountain disciples were escorted up the mountain to replace them. Hua Lanting and Yue Guanghan returned to the warehouse in the corridor with the others.

   After the guards went out, the two slowly rubbed together, and whispered to each other after they separated.

After Yue Guanghan waited and waited until Hualan Court, he pretended to be a disciple of the dust-covered mountain that had been scattered and mixed in. Anyway, there were hundreds of people captured by the Tu family and contained in these days, and no one was there. Check the actual identity of each person in detail.

After listening to Hua Lanting’s narration, Yue Guanghan said anxiously: “Brother Lanting, I’ve seen it with big prophecy. This teleportation circle can be basically completed by noon today. It’s not three days as you said. We won’t have a chance when they pass it by in large numbers."

   Hua Lanting asked: "Can you destroy the magic circle in secret?"

   Yue Guanghan shook his head and said: "No, I don't understand the structure of the teleportation array at all, and the energy level of the teleportation array is too large. I can't affect it with my current strength. It will let Tu Jia notice it immediately."

   "However, I can provide positioning and respond with big prophecy, and wait for Xian to surprise them when they get to the bottom of the mountain. This distance is too close. It is completely possible to use the power of the magic circle and rely on our new transmission method to send many strong people directly up."

After thinking for a while, Hua Lanting said, "That means we must act in advance. I have found that Fan Lihua is worried about the safety of Haitang City, so the Ewha Club members evacuated after attacking the mountain with the Tu family. The Tu family hastily. Although the masters brought in in the game are not small, if the forces gathered by the second master of Shang are properly planned, it is possible to counterattack successfully."

"Well, I will use the sound transmission device to inform them of the number of butchers and the situation of the strong. When the businessmen gather in the morning, if the second master of Shang thinks it is feasible, we should work together to attack the mountain before noon. "

   The two then analyzed and discussed several possible suggestions for attacking the mountain. After the surrounding dusty mountain disciples fell asleep, they came to a corner, and Yue Guanghan covered Hua Lanting and sent the message.

A few hours later, when the sky was bright, Hualanting and the others were taken to the top of the mountain to replace the night workers after having breakfast. Tu Yi and Chai Heng were also guards of the Tujia powerhouse. Down here.

   It was close to noon. Seeing that the teleportation circle was close to completion, suddenly someone from the Tu family ran up to report to Tu Yi, saying that it was the merchant Shang Chenxi who led a large number of masters to attack the mountain from the Qianshan Gate.

   Tu Yi and Chai Heng didn't seem to panic at all. They didn't think that the merchants would be willing to suffer this loss, they were always making preparations.

   Chai Heng immediately sent more than half of the masters here down the mountain to help their people defending under the mountain after asking about the general strength of the master attackers.

   Hua Lanting and Yue Guanghan were secretly happy when they saw it not far away. The strategy they had set before was to hit the west and turn the tiger away from the mountain.

That is to say, first use feints to attract most of the Tujia powerhouses to the bottom of the mountain, and then before the Tujia magic circle is activated, Shang Chenxi and the top masters he has gathered are sent up, with superior power to raid the hilltop Tujia people whose protection power has become weak and empty, it is best to be able to Capture Tu Yi, so that you can force Tu Jia to retreat.

   Soon after the many Tujia powerhouses left, the construction of the teleportation array finally came to an end, and it was ready to enter the trial run open state immediately, and Yue Guanghan had quietly launched the spell for positioning and guidance.

   One side of the Tujia magic circle suddenly lit up with a dazzling light of transmission, and the airflow around was disordered, shocking the Tujia people to avoid.

After the light passed, Shang Chenxi and others appeared, including Dai Xigui, Baojian Bo, Lu Duanshao, Qin Shanyin and others, as well as masters urgently recruited by several merchants.

  Shang Chenxi laughed loudly: "Yi Shao, you and I have not seen you for a long time, you have lost a lot of money."

Tu Yi's face changed slightly, and he glanced at Chai Heng, and immediately laughed: "Who am I? It turned out to be Shao Xi. It's a really good method. I can directly send it up the mountain. As Ben Shao expected, it's not the same. Not far away. It’s just that I don’t know if we two will have the last laugh."

Hearing this, Shang Chenxi's face changed slightly: "What? It's reasonable for Tujia to rob my merchants? Although there are many people on this mountain, the number and strength of strong players are not as good as mine. Ben Shao persuades you to take the initiative. Withdraw troops down the mountain, don't really hurt the harmony of the two families!"

   Chai Heng took a step forward and said in a loud voice, "Young Shao Xi is careless."

   said, he pointed to Hualanting at the side and back with his hand: "Think we didn't know that you arranged an ambush eyeliner?"

   "This kid doesn't know how to sneak in. It's a pity that he shouldn't be hit by me. Who is Chai Heng, do you think a little boy wants to escape my eyes?"

"This person confuses Zhang Guanshi in an attempt to obtain information. However, I know that although Lao Zhang is a good drinker, he has never been drunk. The person with that name. So, there must be a problem with him."

"I really don't know your specific plan, but you can guess it with your back heel. You can only win with a surprise attack. You can suspicious soldiers, and I also have doubts. As long as you plan to move forward, you will naturally show your feet sooner or later. As long as your strength is not strong Disperse, you Shao Xi can't get out of our Yi Shao's palm. Look!"

   Chai Heng raised his hand, and a lot of people spewed out of the rocky jungle under the slopes around the hill., headed by the president of the Ewha Society, Fan Lihua.

It turned out that Chai Heng was careful and thorough in his work. Fan Lihua and Lihua Hui's lobby masters and masters did not leave at all. Only ordinary congregations descended from the mountain. They lied to the inside that the evacuation was just a suspicious formation in order to attract Shang Chenxi to attack the mountain. .

   At this time, some of the strong men who had just been sent out to defend against the merchant's attack on the mountain also turned back.

   At the same time, the roar of the Tujia teleportation array operation sounded, the formation entered the preparatory stage before launching, and soon more masters could be sent in batches.

   Tu Yi behind Chai Heng took out a folding fan, opened it, and said easily:

"Sao Xi, how about it? The praying mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind. Now, although you have many men on this hill, my number and strength are only stronger than you. I advise you to take the initiative to go down the mountain and don't really hurt you. Only when the two families are in harmony."

   "My Shaoyuan's words will be returned. When I send the formation, the number of strong people will be several times more than you, and I won't really hurt you, as long as you personally admit that this mine belongs to my Tujia."

   "Now, if you are going to fight or leave, please give me a word."

   Shang Chenxi didn't expect the situation to take a turn for the worse, and didn't answer for a while.

   Here, Hua Lan Ting's face turned red and white, and his heart hated.

   This old fox Chai Heng is really cunning, and Jiang is still hot, and he plays with himself in his palms in a calm manner.

   Now his side is completely passive, there is no behind, there is no strength to fight back, this is caused by his own information mistakes.

  Hua Lanting was anxious, with regrets and anger, blood surged upwards.

   No, even though I am a small character who has been used, I have to bear the mistakes I made. The small character wins at this time because no one pays attention to it.

   Hualanting, he wants to take risks and desperately.

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