The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 181: Fox fake tiger

   Anonymous magic and Yoga Dafa formed an invisible collision within the cyclone.

   Under the confrontation between the two, it was like a young tiger going down a mountain against an old elephant, one jumping up and down with sharp claws, the other slow and thick skinned, and there was no victory or defeat for a time.

   However, the aura between the two parties was affected, causing this segment of the air current to raged wildly, roaring from left to right, up and down, and eight people danced with their hands and were thrown up and down.

   When the turbulent flow subsided, the two sides found that they were caught together, and they were gasping for breath at a distance of several tens of feet.

   Neither side dared to continue the practice.

   Hua Lan Ting resisted the upwelling discomfort in the abdomen and shouted: "Single day rushing, and then fighting again, no one will be able to get off. When the whirlpool passage is closed, I don't know what the result will be."

   "Anyone who is acquainted, stop the war, go in and divide the winners and losers."

   Shan Tianchong knew that Hua Lanting was talking about the truth. There are many unknown factors in this uncontrolled space channel, and disappearance and fall are possible. No matter how unwilling it is, it is not the time to fight.

   was about to nod and agree, Yue Guanghan pointed to the front and shouted: "Look at it!"

The light in front of    is shrinking, and the exit is about to be closed!

  Hua Lanting made a decisive decision: "Single day, don't want to get lost and suffocate in the passage, just join hands, bombard the rear together, and speed out."

   The situation is stronger than that of people, and he doesn't answer in a single day, and casts a spell facing the rear, and he also starts to move here.

   The air flow from the rear rushed like water into the oil pan, and everyone involuntarily was pushed in the direction of the exit quickly until they were squeezed and spit out.

   several bangs, eight people fell to the ground one after another.

   It’s okay this time. The place where I landed was a swamp mud puddle. Everyone was just covered in mud.

   Shan Tianchong got up first, thought for a moment, and walked away, leaving only one sentence: "Don't let me see you in the transition zone again."

He wants to fight again, but he already feels that his cultivation base has been suppressed and fallen, and these Vientiane Sect disciples are numerous and powerful, each is not weak, and there are many methods. He may not be able to negotiate well, but he should find them the opportunity to retaliate. Not later, and he always had an indescribable feeling for Hua Lanting, a strange and kind feeling that he couldn't wait to die.

   Hua Lan Ting and the others didn't want to fight Shan Tian recklessly, and saw him retreating.

   Yue Guanghan wiped the mud off his face and asked: "What shall we do now?"

  Hua Lanting observed the surrounding environment and said: "Leave here first. It is said that there is a crisis in the transition zone. The movement we just landed on is not big, but it is better to be careful."

   Lin Xian said, "Yes, first find a safe place to rest. The situation in the transition zone is unknown. When the three of us have energy, we should first predict which direction is safer and which area will have more opportunities before starting."

   Huo Huixiao also said: "Okay, it's very far away from several entrances. It is estimated that no one else will come over for a while, so I just took the opportunity to find more good things first."

   Hua Lan Ting said: "Without other cultivators, our danger is likely to be the strange environment and creatures here. Keep in line and don’t get too far away from each other."

   Song Feifei urged: "Stop talking, hurry up and find a place to clean it. It's too uncomfortable for this mud to stick on my body."

   A group of seven got up and headed towards the low hills in the distance.

   is surrounded by swamps and ponds, and occasionally green aquatic plants can be seen. It is not beautiful, but there is no special place.

   Not long after they left, bubbles began to emerge in the mud pools here, more and more, murmured, and then, something came out in pieces.

These creatures are weird fish, big and small, the fish body is nothing special, but the fish eyes are more white and black, the mouth is open, the mouth is full of sharp teeth, and the fins and tails on both sides are exposed, separated like a human Their fingers and toes, they can jump and walk on the muddy ground, plus at least thousands of them, it looks very scary.

   These strange fish didn't find the target, they patrolled for a while, then sank into the swamp one after another, without where they were going.

The Seven Hualanting came to the foot of a low mountain when the sun was slanting to the west. At the foot of the mountain, there was a huge rock protruding toward the small lake on the side of the mountain. Lin Xianjing chose this place as a resting place. Because the surrounding situation can be seen clearly on the rock, and the bottom of the huge rock facing the small lake can allow everyone to take turns hiding in to clean their bodies.

   Everyone changes shifts to rest and clean. When the sunset was about to sink, Lin Xianjing, Huo Huixiao, and Yue Guanghan, who put on clean clothes and trimmed them, began to cast spells to find the next direction and area of ​​action.

   After a while, Hua Lan Ting saw the three of them looking at each other, and couldn't help asking: "What? Have you found anything? The result is not good? Why are your faces so bad?"

   Lin Xian replied in surprise: "It can't be said that there is no result, but the result is that it is unpredictable."

   Huo Huixiao explained: "The secret here seems to be deceived. Our heavenly secret technique has failed. It's chaotic, and no useful signs can be seen."

   Yue Guanghan said frustratedly: "My big prophecy can only see the darkness, my cultivation is the lowest, and I have hardly been suppressed, but it is unpredictable. I have become the most useless person here."

Hua Lanting looked up at the sparse sky with a few stars, and comforted them: "It's okay. If we can't, no one else can. The people who come in are the same. No one can take advantage. It's fair. Let’s sleep here tonight. Tomorrow we will find a direction at will, and find chance by luck."

   They were talking here, when Song Feifei's scream suddenly came.

   Song Feifei's movements were the slowest. At this time, Zhang Hanyun was accompanying her to wash the mud on her body in the lake covered by rocks.

When everyone heard the sound, they rushed to the edge of the rock and saw Song Feifei wading through the water and screaming and running up, while continuously casting the red flame red flame technique backwards, Zhang Hanyun was also dancing with long swords and stabs beside him. block.

   With the afterglow of the setting sun and the light of fire spells, when everyone saw it clearly, they were all taken aback.

   Weird fish! Groups of strange fish are chasing the two girls.

   These strange fish have white teeth with their mouths, either from the waterway, or leaping into flight, and some of them use fins on the rocks on both sides, and pounce on the two one after another.

Zhang Han Yun's sword does not fail, every sword penetrates a strange fish. Song Feifei’s grilled fish with red flames and red flames is a must-see. The strange fishes are burnt down in patches, but the others are still chasing after them. In hot pursuit.

   Everyone hurriedly went down to pick up the two of them.

   When I went back to the top of the rock, they were already surrounded. There were countless strange fish on the lake, and a large number of strange fish came to the shore and attacked from the land along the rock.

   The condescending rock has turned into an island with nowhere to escape.

   Everyone couldn't, so I had to fight hard.

   These weird fish alone are not a big deal, but the number is too much. I am afraid that there are tens of thousands of them.

  The body of the strange fish is not strong enough to withstand weapons and spells, but the teeth are very sharp, and the rocks can be crushed. The problem is that they are fast and they are not afraid of death. The dead fish are covered with several layers, but the eyes of these strange fishes, which are more white and black, can't see any emotions, they just know to rush forward.

   Seven people concentrated their firepower to break through downwards, killing countless monsters. The powerful Lingbao can often clear a place, but it was filled up by the follow-up group of monsters in an instant, and after rushing several times, they were blocked.

   Ants often kill elephants. If this continues, when the spiritual power is exhausted, is it possible to be buried in the belly of the fish?

   The central patio is really dangerous. As soon as I entered the transition zone, I encountered a precarious situation.

  At this moment, more than a dozen strange fish of larger size appeared on the surface of the water not far away. They were able to stand in the water, seeming to be directing the impact of the fish and consuming everyone's physical strength.

   Lin Xian exclaimed: "There is no way, we can't rush out with our strength, while still having spiritual power, try the teleportation secret method that doesn't work here! Target, deep in the land."

Hua Lanting suddenly felt that there was movement in the sky blue smoke jade in the middle of his arms. Before he could think about it, the three of Lin Xianjing had already started their magic spells, so he immediately threw a few flashing Lei Yan gifted by Shang Chenxi towards the surroundings. Zhu, temporarily blocking the offensive of a wave of strange fish, immediately sat down and sits around with the other three to cooperate to activate the teleportation formation.

   The light of the formation method is lit, and it seems that except for the heavenly secret spell, the other spells are not affected.

   Then there was a feeling of flying over the clouds and fog, and the seven disappeared in place.

   When they fell to the ground, everyone secretly said that they were lucky, but fortunately they could still teleport, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable.

Observing the surrounding environment, this place is still wetland, but it is much drier than the shore. Underfoot is a muddy half-dry and half-wet reed pond. The low mountain just now can be seen in sight, about one or two miles away. It seems that the teleportation distance can't be far enough, and it is finally out of danger.

   Lin Xianjing and the three of them have almost exhausted their spiritual power when they launched the teleportation. They found a hard ground and immediately meditated and adjusted their breath.

   But not long after sitting down, in the gloomy night, there are many yellow-green spots of light flashing in the surrounding mud pools, which is creepy.

   Everyone can observe carefully, and finally see that thousands of light spots far and near are blinking eyes!

   still monocular!

  The owner of a single eye is a toad with a human calf.

   Toad is still three-legged.

   The three-legged toad is a pair of two hooked shoulders. The two are together, and the eyes and six legs form a pair.

   Seeing this monster, Song Feifei called out.

   Hearing the call, these strange-looking toads also screamed together, one after another, one after another.

  Hua Lan Ting seven felt their ears humming and their heads dizzy.

   After the first pair of toads screamed, their hexapods bounced together, leaped high, spit out two tongues with mucus, and rushed over.

Yu Ke tentatively sent out a spiritual force and knocked the pair into the air. The two toads fell to the back and separated, and then immediately limped their legs and jumped twice and then joined together. Zi jumped back again.

   The other pairs of toads also attacked at the same time.

   This is just coming out of the wolf den and entering the tiger den again!

  The seven people at the Vientiane Gate have not recovered their cultivation base, and they are in a bitter battle again.

Nearly a thousand single-eyed three-legged toads bounce amazingly The sound is so loud that it can disturb the mind, and the body is tough, can not kill in one or two blows, and can spray venom in the mouth, although it is not fatal, but Corrosive clothing, itching of the skin is difficult to deal with.

After the people tried their best to kill hundreds of them with weapons and spells, they used their portable spirit tools and treasures to kill a lot, but there are still a lot of toads left, but they have lost their strength, and the defensive circle shrinks. The younger, they complained and complained, and at this time they were both weak and incapable of launching the space teleportation array, and seeing them once again fell into a dangerous situation.

  I can't even imagine Lin Xianjing, who has always been conscientious.

  Hua Lanting's eyes turned sharply, and he threw several cups among twenty cups one after another, covering the other six people, and shouted: "Come with me, take advantage of strength, and drive away tigers and wolves!"

   After speaking, he roared, his hands were sealed, and he made a vajra lion head sound killing technique, shaking to death and retreating dozens of nearby toads, and then led the short mountain to escape when the crowd came and went.

   The other six people understood some things and some did not understand them, but they all ran after them desperately. They were covered with cups. The attacks of some toads that jumped fast to keep up could not hurt them temporarily.

   fleeing to the edge of the low mountain, the group of toads caught up.

   The group of strange fish hadn't completely dispersed at this time. Hearing the noise from here, when they saw Hualanting, they turned back and ran towards the lake. They quickly gathered together and jumped around.

  Hua Lanting didn't wait for the two sides to collide, then turned back and led the six people to rush towards the group of toads.

Hundreds of frogs saw the school of strange fish in Wuyang Wuyang. They did not know whether they were afraid of the strange fish or the number of thousands of strange fishes. Anyway, they turned around and fled, jumping at a faster speed than they did in the past. Into the pond, go into the wetland and disappear.

   This trick is to solve the threat of the toad group, but how does Hualanting deal with the chase of the strange fish?


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