The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 194: Immortal Family Secret Art

Hua Lanting closed his eyes and felt it, and then asked: "So what about the mystery of space?"

Qi Ling replied: "You still don't understand it... Tao is Tao, very Tao. How can the Tao of time and space be described by words."

"The gates of many wonderful things, that I have to use the word gate to reluctantly explain. The avenue has no traces, no cliffs, no doors and no houses, and the emperor of the four reaches."

"The door is the entrance and exit, and the room is a tangible space. When the road comes, there are no traces and specific appearances, and when you go, you will not say hello and then jump through the ridge of the room. No obstruction, no double regulation-no appearance and stay at the prescribed time and place."

"It's like our thoughts and consciousness. It comes without a shadow, goes without a trace, flickers and disappears, free and unrestrained, invisible and invisible, unpredictable. It's like as long as you dare to think, your thoughts can return to the door of Vientiane in an instant."

"Everyone has hundreds of thoughts at any time. You can control it. Who can really limit your thinking or being in a daze? But you can't completely control it. Everyone has limitations and there are many unexpected things. Everyone There are times when I want to get regret medicine."

"The art of tangible space can be taught to you, but it is only art, and the way of invisible space, in fact, you have already touched it just now?"

"Just... touched the way of time and space..."

Hua Lanting felt like he was drunk, and seemed to realize something, and blurted out:

"Yes, "The Tao Te Ching" has been written for thousands of years. When Li Tan wrote the first chapter, he must have his own ideas. That master was also a figure a hundred thousand years ago, and his teaching was his own. Understand. And I, with words and sounds, have crossed thousands of years of time and space just now, substituting into it, listening to the teachings, and communicating with them."

"If time and space can really be folded, we have already met and interacted. Isn't this something more magical than crossing the barriers of small spaces."

Hearing Hua Lanting's self-talk, Qi Ling seemed to smile while stroking his palms: "Miao Zai, you have a first glimpse of the way of time and space, so how can I be stingy with the art of time and space. Now, I will pass you on the fairy family means. "

"This technique, even in the immortal world, is not for everyone. Although it is not as good as a tens of thousands of miles, it is not a problem to be a thousand miles in a flash. It is just that your cultivation level can only Practicing the introductory version of this fairy family secret method."

"Listen carefully, this method is practiced to the extreme, called the vertical golden light method, and the mortal version of our Taoist school, we must first learn the most basic space folding, its name is-inch step thousands of miles, shrinking ground technique!"

Hua Lan Ting received the secret key of the magic technique, and after a little thought, it became clear. The so-called shrinking ground is to fold the space coordinates of the destination with subtle skills and strength to achieve an instant effect.

Based on his current cultivation base, it is estimated that after reaching a small level, he should be able to achieve a crossing between tens of meters away in the same time and space. This is not as good as some profound space-based cultivation techniques, but it is already better than ordinary. The light-weight exercises are much smarter and much faster.

After he felt it for a while, the Qi Ling said again: "This is a reward for your understanding. As I said before, you can ask these three less snobbish questions, and the Qi Ling still has a gift. This time you, Don't refuse."

"To be honest, for the three people in the light curtain, their ability to achieve their current cultivation base is related to something that they have obtained and kept secret, and this thing is actually related to me, um, to you, and the jade in your chest. ."

"You didn't choose to enter the light curtain, so I want to take back the luck of the three of them and belong to you. With three benefits, plus I will give you tips on the cultivation of the Five Qi Dynasties. , It won’t take long for you to go straight to advance through several levels."

No one is unwilling to yearn for the rapid improvement of their realm. Hua Lanting asked, "Does that damage themselves?"

"There is no harm, it is just that they will rely on their own efforts and practical practice to improve in the future, and slow down the pace of progress. They have benefited a lot before."

Hua Lanting hesitated and said: "This is not so good, friends, or others are willing to give, or equivalent exchange, take it without telling..."

Qi Ling seems to be unhappy: "Why are you? It was originally not theirs. Now it is not wrong to get it back. Here I am in charge. I want to give it to whom, so I don't have to say much."

Hua Lanting stayed silent for a long time, pondered over and over, smiled at the end, and said: "Thank you for your accomplishment. I still don't want to accept such a gift. It is not the work of a gentleman to take the luck of my friends and strengthen myself."

"I have also received a lot of help from this jade. I know the beauty and benefits of it. If it is taken away out of thin air, I will also be reluctant to give it up. I can feel the same feeling."

"Don't do to others what you don't want. Everyone's desire to advance is the same. Rather than grabbing the beauty of others, I would rather, as you said, improve by practice instead of getting something for nothing."

Qi Ling: "You, the dog bit Lu Dongbin. You don't know good people. You kindly treat it as a donkey's liver and lungs. If you don't take shortcuts, you have to find hardship."

Hua Lanting smiled bitterly: "I am not a sage, but I also know that I have to make good connections, cultivate a lot of good fortune, and forcefully use means to take things that do not belong to me for my own, the purpose is only to increase my life resources and cultivation. , I am happy for a while, but this is likely to cause disaster in the future."

"I also know that the path of heaven is ruthless, and the path of cultivation of the weak and strong, but I have not yet reached the level of ruthlessness of the Dao. This will make me unable to maintain the calm and balance of the inner water. Is disadvantageous."

"Possibly, when the realm, pattern, and horizon are reached, I will look aside later, at least for now, I still can't go beyond my own level."

"Boy, you are still plausible, but you seem to be destructive and tireless, forcing your good into a prostitution. Well, if you have passed another level, withstood the temptation and the test, it was originally an indispensable thing. Do you have to go online?"

"A red heart, ready with both hands, you don't want that, I still have this."

"The thing is like this. When the ancestor was in his prime, he entered the central patio to explore. At that time, he met the overlord here, but a heterogeneous chameleon lizard. The ancestors surrendered. The ancestors thought that it was not easy to practice, and instead of beheading them, they surrendered and stayed behind."

"Later, the ancestor set up this secret realm of Xiyi Palace, ordered me to take care of it, and let the chameleon lizard guard. This evil obstacle took advantage of my deep sleep, and had the thought of running away. It was sealed by the ancestor, and it was restricted by the formation and could not go out. Human essence and blood can only recover slowly, so a fake Analytical Palace is secretly arranged to attract explorers to kill each other in order to draw the soul and blood of the dead."

"It's also my negligence. If you didn't come in this time to wake me up, it might be a few years later, really let this guy succeed."

"This thing is yours. After being sealed, it is very small, and it can be thrown into a round melting cup and put in a chest jade that can hold living creatures. This lizard has a strong bloodline, and has great magical powers. It is especially good at changing things. Maybe it will be a boost in the future."

"I teach you how to control it, and you can drive it when your cultivation base goes further. As your cultivation base grows, you can gradually unlock its seal."

Hua Lanting had no objection to this. He often trained spot-winged flying lizards for many years, and he had long wanted to have a spirit beast.

"You can practice yourself here, and when the three of you are done, I will send you out." Qi Ling said again.

Hua Lan Ting bowed and thanked him, here is strong aura, coercive and strong, just suitable for practicing, or hurry up and familiarize yourself with the technique of shrinking the ground.

I don’t know how long it took. When he opened his eyes again, the sky outside the temple was bright, and the door opened. Chen Zhiyuan and the three were already impatient. Seeing him come out, Chen Zhiyuan shouted, "Finally, this place is suitable for cultivation. , But the mysterious voice said that the transition zone has already begun to dissipate and should not stay for long."

Hua Lanting looked at her happily and asked, "How is it, how is the harvest?"

"It's not bad. I have to thank you for speaking of it. The voice said that you took the initiative to give up the opportunity to compete. The three of us have a bigger choice. I really don't know what you think. We all owe you personal love in matters."

Hua Lanting didn't ask about the victory or defeat between the three, and smiled: "It's a blessing to suffer a loss. If you lose it, you will receive it. If you can't say whether you owe it or not, then let's go."

After exiting the Simyiguan Mountain Gate, the halo underneath swayed, Hualanting leaned in and gave salutes, and the four of them were immediately teleported out, where they appeared at the foot of a small hill.

As soon as they came out, the four of them immediately felt that the coercion between the heavens and the earth had decreased a lot, and the suppressed cultivation base had recovered a lot. Hua Lanting even noticed that the blood in the body was surging, and it was about to gush out.

Before they could speak, they could hear the cries of fighting from the other side of the mountain. They rushed up the mountain to look down, and Hua Lanting became anxious at once.

At the foot of the mountain, there were a bunch of people watching the excitement, and there were a few people in the middle who were under siege, not others, but Lin Xian shocked the six.

The six are quite embarrassed at the moment, and they retreat from the fight. Yi Liunian was stunned by Lin Xian on his back and motionless. It seemed that he suffered serious injuries. There were a dozen people scattered around and pressed on, including three masters. In the lead, there was a chubby fat man, one was a man with stunned eyes, and the other was Qiu Huanxi who had escaped.

It turned out that after Hua Lanting fell into the fire pit, Lin Xian was shocked that although they saw him hiding in two magnified cups from a distance, how could they not be anxious, but they had no way to get down, so they had to find their way around. To be able to go to the bottom to find and rescue him.

But there were too many forks in the cave maze, and they were eager to find the right way down. Finally, they accidentally hit and bumped back to the ground want to go back to the entrance of the seam and re-enter, but no matter what How can't be found anymore.

I don’t know if the ground is stitched together, or because the terrain in the transition zone is constantly changing. The place where the spider crab fights is not even found when it comes, and there is no way to use the magic prediction of the heavens. In desperation, they have to keep going. Change the direction and expand the search range.

At this time, most of the monks who entered have penetrated into the transition zone, and they can bump into groups of explorers from time to time. The disciples of Vientiane are unintentionally hunting for treasures and do not want to make trouble, but other people will not stop looking for them because of this. Trouble, so along the way, the six experienced many melees, big or small.

The strength of the six-person team is very strong, not only did not suffer a loss, but also easily grabbed a lot of good things that the provocateurs brought or found.

Later, a team of defeated men found the fat man to help out. The fat man was cunning and cautious. In order to ensure the victory, he told the stunned man and Qiu Huanxi, who were both powerful men, to besiege together.

After Qiu Huanxi escaped, he was trapped in the fake analysis Yiguan and couldn't get out. He could not escape until the chameleon lizard was forcibly recalled by the device spirit. His strength was greatly reduced and he planned to exit the transition zone, but later found that the pressure weakened and his repair base rose. Only then did he agree to the fat man, participated in the attack on the Vientiane Sect disciple, thinking about making up for the loss of the space bag being robbed.

Without Hualan Court, Lin Xian was shocked that the six of them could not set up a complete and complete Zhenwu Xuanyuan formation with strong defensive power to resist the enemy. In addition, they were injured by Qiu Huanxi's full moon scimitar during the hard battle. With injuries, the situation is not optimistic.

Hua Lanting exclaimed, "Here are my colleagues, please three, help me save people!"

After speaking, he took out the Yushang Cup, stepped it down, flew straight down the mountain, and entered the battle group.


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