The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 197: Survival of the fittest

This is just a beginner at Hua Lan Ting, being careful and not daring to do his best. Otherwise, at best, others can only feel the breeze passing by without seeing people, because the continuous space teleportation of thousands of miles has exceeded the human eye. The captured speed.

The light and shadow of the water rippled and twisted, and Hua Lanting appeared in the water vapor in the semi-plane space of the transition zone. He did not reach the expected position. He was a few feet away from Chao Tianque, but it did not prevent him from flashing and coming to Chao Tianque's side again.

Entering inside, the spiritual energy is very strong, but the cultivation base is suppressed again, and can not be delayed, Hua Lanting seized Chao Tianque and performed the shrinking technique again, taking him back to Feng Qingjun's side as he wished.

Chao Tianque ran away and was born with a lingering fear. He patted Hua Lanting on the shoulder to express his gratitude, and said, "I didn't see our people inside. You can look for it again. If you don't have it, leave here as soon as possible. It's not fun."

Hua Lanting was inspecting carefully. Suddenly he knelt down in front of him, holding his thigh and crying, "Big brother, do it well, save my second brother. He is also trapped in it. From now on, our brother The two are willing to be a cow and a horse for you but by dispatch."

Hua Lan Ting was startled. It turned out that this person saw Hua Lan Ting being able to get in and out freely, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, immediately rushed over and begged.

Hua Lanting couldn't bear it, and couldn't stand a big man kneeling and tearing up and begging for himself, so he broke free, asked the position, rushed in and fished out the man's second brother.

This time is good. When he came out, there were a few people surrounded by hula lala, all of whom had lost their relatives and friends. Some of these people thanked them with a magic weapon, and some immediately took out the spirit stone to pay in full, and some Imitate the man kneeling and pleading.

Hua Lanting had no choice but to rush in twice and bring back the two of them. Then he refused to go in anyway. He smiled bitterly and said to everyone, "Everyone, it's not that I don't want it, but I have exhausted my spiritual power. There is nothing I can do, love is helpless, sorry, sorry."

At this time, an old Taoist aunt rushed over and shouted, "Friends of Daoist mercy, please save my apprentice, Shao Xia, I will help you recover if your spiritual power is exhausted."

This aunt has a high level of cultivation, but she doesn't have the ability to travel through space. She can't help but put a few pills in Hua Lanting's mouth, and then put a palm on his back to relieve spiritual power.

Medicine is a good medicine, and people are masters. Hua Lanting quickly recovered from his cultivation, so he had to be a good person again and rescued the old Taoist aunt's female apprentice.

After these few rushes, the transition zone has retracted a lot inward, and it seems that it is almost disappearing completely.

As soon as he came out, a new brawny stood out, shouting anxiously, "My friend, I can help you recover, too. Please hurry up and save my son."

Hua Lanting was exhausted, and the spiritual power he sent out was not more than that he generated, and it was consumed extremely quickly. He replied feebly, "I'm really sorry. When the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, it will be difficult for the spiritual power to recover in a short time. Please forgive me."

The brawny man is also a master, knowing that Hua Lanting is telling the truth, but the father and son are connected, how willing to give up, and then angrily said, "You haven't tried it, how can you know if you can't!"

Feng Qingjun said next to him, "Uncle, let him go. We can understand your feelings, but if we can save him, we will not fail to do our best. There is really no way."

The strong man raised his eyes and looked almost desperate. He suddenly lost his mind and became fierce. He shouted, "If you dare not save, then accompany my son to death!"

After all, he took it out of the palm of his hand unpreparedly, Hua Lanting's cultivation was weak and weak, where he could resist it, he was shocked by the palm of his hand.

Feng Qingjun did not expect that the brawny man had lost his heart, suddenly shot, and in shock, he stretched out his hand and pulled it, but the brawny man made great efforts, and she flew to the lake with Hualanting.

The two hit the barrier of the semi-plane space. They didn't expect to coincide with the last moment. As soon as the barrier was stretched, they shrank suddenly, and Hua Lanting and Feng Qingjun were actually sucked in!

Afterwards, the transition zone disappeared cleanly, the coercion of the core zone immediately appeared, and a huge force was excreted, pushing everyone on the lakeside into the distance.

The brawny man was in a moment of anxiety. He didn't want to kill anyone to vent his anger. He just wanted to shoot Feihua Lanting and let him hit the barrier and bounce back, venting his grief in his heart. Now the regret in his heart is of no avail.

Chao Tianque was in a hurry, but he was pushed out by Juli, and everyone fell to the ground in disarray. He couldn't find the strong man anymore. He stayed for a while, so he had to go to the same door to report the situation and call for rescue.

Moreover, after Hualanting and Feng Qingjun were sucked in, they fell into the lake. Before they could react, they were dragged back together with all the creatures in the transition zone, including mountains, lands, rivers, and lakes. The core area.

At the speed of a thousand miles, the two of them passed out in a coma.

In the endless darkness, Hua Lanting seemed to hear someone calling his name, and slowly opened his eyelids as heavy as a mountain, surrounded by Feng Qingjun gently shaking him anxiously.

Hua Lan Ting was exhausted, so he woke up later than Feng Qingjun. There is no lack of spiritual energy here. He slowed down for a while, and finally sat up and grabbed Feng Qingjun’s hand. Afraid to wake up alone."

Feng Qingjun struggled for a while and didn't break away, so he let him hold the catkin

"Master, I've always been by your side, and I've never gone far. Let's stop being numb and see where this is." Then he complained, "Look at what a bad guy did, put yourself in. NS."

It seems that there is no danger for the time being. Hualanting is used to entering and leaving various secret realms. At the moment, he smiled and said, “It’s okay, it’s just a free trip for the two of us. It’s been a long time since you have been alone with the old girl in the two-person world. ."

"I remember an old Master Qian said that travel is the most difficult test to get a person's character. Traveling is the most tiring, troublesome, and convincing time. After long and hard travel, people who don’t hate each other can do it. Make friends-wait a minute, listen to me-the honeymoon trip after marriage is reversed. You should travel together for a month. After a month, the two sides have not seen each other, hated each other, and have not quarreled. The original marriage contract must also be maintained, and such couples are guaranteed not to divorce."

"How? I have a good memory, right."

"Hate, I don't know from which script you read the words, you just love serious nonsense, nonsense, nonsense."

Feng Qingjun said.

"Hahaha," Hua Lanting smiled and looked around.

It didn't matter if the two of them focused on watching, they were all attracted by the unprecedented surrounding scene, and their eyes were not enough.

They should be in the water, sinking downwards, could it be under the surface of the big lake?

Then the lake is too deep, it looks like the sea.

The two of them are in a big transparent bubble and are wrapped in it, otherwise the water pressure here is enough to explode the human body.

Up and down, I can barely see a lot of such bubbles, and inside are also the monks who have been involved.

This situation has shocked the two of them, and what makes them even more close is the scenery in the water. If it is really the sea, it must be the deep sea where few people can set foot.

The water is very dark, but there are often all kinds of colorful, weird shapes, and weird creatures that emit colorful lights floating around. They are all unseen and unheard of creatures.

Some plants are layered on top of each other, like a pagoda shining with golden light; some are like lotus flowers, white and yellow, and the edges of the leaves are glowing with silver; some are long like large strips of amethyst stone, full of them. There are small bright red flowers; others are really seven colors, and they are as beautiful as painted in water.

Plants are just strange, bright and graceful. The most eye-opening thing is the bizarre seabed animals, which can never be imagined if they have not seen it with their own eyes.

The first thing that floated by was a school of fish, each only the size of a palm, like a purple flower dancing in the wind, the body was transparent, and the primary and secondary bones were clearly visible.

Then there is a, um, a strange fish shaped like a lake-blue "vase", with a confusing pattern on its body, moving its body arching forward.

Then there is a jellyfish, with an irregular round body that is white on the top, dark red on the bottom, and a fluttering tail. In its translucent body, a small fish that has been eaten can be seen turning.

A giant octopus swam from behind, with eight tentacles waving. The suction cups on the tentacles were scary enough. What's more frightening was that there was a big mouth opened in the middle of the body, and the two rows of people in the mouth continued to bite like teeth.

Then there was a piece, yes, it was a piece of fish, because the fish was square in shape, its yellow body was covered with black spots, its nose was prominent, and its eyes were separated on both sides, making it very cute.

Following it was a winged fish, fanciful, as if blinking at Hua Lan Ting He Feng Qingjun, and suddenly flew away in the water.

It turned out that there was a big fish with a flat body and an open mouth that was bigger than its face. A dozen of the same smaller flat-mouthed fish were floating on the body.

The two of them were dumbfounded, and the trip was really eye-opening, and these were already worth the fare.

Dazzled, Feng Qingjun pulled Lahualanting "Look, look, there's a seahorse giving birth over there."

"Do not look at evil, do not do to others as you do not want it. Except me, can you allow others to watch when you have a child?"


"Survival of the fittest."

"What are you talking about?"

Hua Lanting's son became serious again, and said seriously, "Look, why these underwater creatures are all weird, and the answer is-survival of the fittest."

"The pressure on the bottom is too great. In order to adapt to the, the physiological functions of these fish and plants have undergone long-term evolution and great changes have taken place."

"First, the bones have evolved to be very thin and have the characteristics of easy bending, which can prevent the bones from being broken by water pressure."

"The second is that the muscle fibers have become very dense and flexible. The third is that the surface skin is also very thin, making the body easily filled with water. The translucent skin helps to maintain the balance of the strength of the internal and external pressures without generating strong pressure. Poor, this is the secret of survival of deep-sea fish."

"This is very enlightening for our cultivation."

Feng Qingjun curled his lips and nodded, "Xueba has a reason to be a schoolmaster. When I go sightseeing, I don't forget to think about the way of cultivation. The little girl worships."

Suddenly, a somewhat irritable and yin and yang strange voice appeared

"Enough! When this seat is small and transparent? Really thought it was for your young couple to come to the bottom of the sea to relax?"

"Let Taiwan make Taiwan, wow, ah, really, mad at me too!"

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