The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 202: Shadowy

Wei Zhanmei's body is naturally inferior to Hualanting, but now the spirit is Hualanting's own. After crossing over, it is weakened, and it is easy to find someone to follow.

Just when he was considering whether to enter the alley deep in Hundred Blossoms to solve the problem, or continue to observe the changes, a team of embroidered guards hurried over from the other side, and the one in front of him came to the front and said, "Chief Wei, finally waiting for you, in the city. In the event of an accident, the Great Pavilion orders you to immediately put aside the affairs at hand and go to help."

"What happened?" Wei Zhanmei asked.

"The leader of the Qinglong Gang, Huang Chonghu, was just assassinated and killed. The prefect has ordered martial law throughout the city and has asked Nanzhen Fusi to arrest the murderer within a time limit. Jiang Qianhu wants to protect the envoy and the envoy. Tong Baihu has already rushed to the scene, Da Ge I invite you to help."

The relevant information of Huang Chonghu flashed across Wei Zhan's eyebrows.

This Huang Chonghu was originally one of the snakes in the city of Yingdu. After Qingchuan took down Yingdu, the brains of several other local gangs refused to be subjugated slaves and fled the city. Only this Huang Chonghu stayed and gathered all the people. Later, the Qinglong Gang became the largest gang organization in the city, and actively cooperated with the new master to suppress the lurking rebel forces.

As a result, Huang Chonghu was regarded as a traitor by the rebels who aimed to restore the country. The eagle dogs and accomplices of the puppet little court were on their kill list. Huang Chonghu had to be cautious. He hasn't succeeded many times, and he doesn't want to punish him today.

This matter is not trivial, no wonder the prefects personally intervened. Wei Zhanmei knew that Zhang Hulei, who was a full-time investigator in Nanzhen’s Fusi, was sent to the suburbs and counties. Today, Tongxiang’s 100 households are taking over. However, Tongxiang is not a quick arrester, and Hu Shiwei is asking him to assist. deal with.

Wei Zhanmei then let Xiyiwei lead the way. After he passed the morning Mayor Street in the morning, he could no longer detect the trace of the person who was stalking. It is estimated that he saw an Xiyiwei coming and temporarily gave up tracking. .

Not long after we arrived at the site of the incident, this was a bathhouse, and the roads had been closed around. People from Nanzhen Fusi were investigating the scene.

Wei Zhanmei went inside to find Tong Xiang, "Hundreds of adults, the Great Pavilion has ordered me to come and assist, how is the situation?"

Tong Xiang raised his head to see him, a dark cloud flashed in his eyes, and then he smiled, "Who is my Dao? It turned out to be General Wei Qi, oh no, it should be Wei Baihu now. Yali has spread, and Da Ge Ling is ready to go. Once you are promoted, you and I are at the same level, so you won’t have to call again after the word “adult”."

Tongxiang was keen on fame and was sent from Xindu Yingdu. He has never looked down upon local people. Wei Zhanmei knew that he was jealous of his rapid promotion. He said at the moment, "Hundreds of adults have spoken seriously. Formally appointed, the subordinate is ordered to come and wait for dispatch."

Tong Xiang stopped to say more, and introduced, "I have already asked the question clearly. The murderer is very cunning. I have heard that Huang Gang master often comes here to take a bath. He wears the same clothes as the Huang Gang master's personal guard, and he will be next to him when he comes out. He shouted that there was an assassin, and then took advantage of the chaos at the time and got into the guard team. When everyone was protecting the Yellow Clan’s retreat, he suddenly shot and killed him."

"What clues can be left at the scene?"

"The assassin's technique is clean and neat, and he quickly escaped after he succeeded, but the yellow gang leader is not so easy to kill. When he escaped, he was hit by a bodyguard in the shoulder and bleeding. I have ordered someone to follow. Since you are here, come here. Take a look at the corpse, I still have something for you to confirm."

The two came to the corpse together, and the assassin hit Huang Chonghu's heart with a single knife. Wei Zhanmei gently stripped off his clothes to inspect the incision. Tong Xiang asked.

"Zongqi Wei, I always feel that this wound is unusual. It seems that I have seen similar descriptions in the file, but I can't remember it for a while. You have been in the office longer than me. Do you have an impression of this?"

Wei Zhan's eyebrows were secretly startled, he had already recognized who used what weapon to cause the knife edge, and he didn't intend to say it, but he didn't expect Tong Xiang to ask him that at this time.

What does Tong Xiang mean by this? Do you really don't know or pretend you don't?

Wei Zhan’s eyebrows flashed in his heart, and he replied, “The blade is not deep, and the meat is shallow. After it can reach the fatal effect, he will decisively withdraw it without wasting a bit of strength. This technique is unequivocal. Zhuang Ji from the Rejuvenation Alliance!"

Tong Xiang said, "When General Wei said this, I remembered it. Yes, Zhuang Ji, the No. 1 killer in the Rejuvenation League, the No. 1 killer of Tianzi. Hasn't he been around Yingdu all the time? I didn't expect to kill Huang Chonghu. , Actually called him here."

Wei Zhanmei "It's not surprising that the leader of the Huang Gang is very guarded. The rebels have failed several times and have to play this big card. However, Tong Baihu, I heard that this Zhuang Ji is not only light, but also high in martial arts. I am afraid of him. The bleeding will stop soon, and your people may not catch him."

Tong Xiang smiled and said, "General Wei is right, but Zhuang Ji met me this time, but he didn't have that good luck."

"How do you say?" Wei Zhanmei asked.

"Without him, just take care and luck. I have found a small piece of clothing cut off by the blade from the blood on the ground. Following the blood stain, I may not be able to catch up, but relying on the smell of the trained hound, I will be able to Find his place."

Wei Zhan's eyebrows remained calm, boasting, "It is said that Tong Baihu was not born in six doors, but this is a powerful one. Congratulations to Baihu in advance for taking the court criminals."

Tong Xiang laughed, "It's easy to talk and talk, and we will take a shot together next time, it really caught Zhuang Ji, and you can't do without your credit."

At this time, an embroidered clothing guard posted a few words and whispered, Tong Xiangxi said, "I found it. Ten people are left here, and the rest will follow me on the hunt."

The brigade embroidered clothes and guards quickly encircled and sealed off a secluded area south of the city, where the terrain is complex and dozens of households are distributed.

When they arrived, the official Xiyiwei Xiaoqi came up to report on the situation. Tongxiang and Wei Zhanmei hid beside a higher roof chimney. Tongxiang ordered, "Wait for all the personnel to be in place, listen to my orders, and send someone to hit the door. Launch an attack."

During the waiting time, Wei Zhanmei suddenly said, "Hundreds of adults, the houses and alleys are densely covered here. Zhuang Ji may not be alone. You need to prevent criminals from fleeing in multiple ways, so as not to be caught in the plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain."

Tong Xiang turned his head and asked, "Well, what do you suggest?"

"It's better for you to defend one side of the north and the south, if there is more than one of them, you can take care of it."

Tong Xiang thought for a while and said, "No, I can look down here. You can just listen to my orders according to the situation."

Wei Zhanmei stepped back and said nothing.

After the arrangement, the embroidered clothing guards should not break into the door after calling the door, and there was a fighting sound coming from inside.

Tong Xiang did not act immediately. He watched carefully for a moment. A person pointing in one direction said, "The Beizhen Fusi has a record. Zhuang Ji is small and thin, and everyone follows me. Wei Zongqi, you stay in charge of cleaning up the mess and eradicating the remnants. go!"

Wei Zhanmei took the initiative to offer his plan just to make Tongxiang suspect that he wanted to fight for merit. Tong Xiang was really deceived by not allowing him to participate in the arrest, which hit his arms.

After Tong Xiang left, Wei Zhan eyebrows slowly descended to the yard. The battle was over. Except for the few who fled, the rest refused to drop and all died in battle.

Wei Zhanmei ordered Xiuyiwei to quickly clean up the corpse, clean up the battlefield, and search the surrounding courtyards, then asked some people to take the corpse back to the office, and the other to meet Tongxiang.

After Xiyiwei was completely removed, Wei Zhanmei stayed alone.

At this time, the sun began to sink to the west, and the surrounding houses were closed and there was no sound.

There was a small rooftop with a messy pile of dilapidated shack, Wei Zhan leaned forward, looking for a place to squat.

Unexpectedly, as soon as it approached, a sharp knife light suddenly flew from one side of the shack, and it slashed down diagonally.

Although Wei Zhanmei was defenseless, a pair of white knives were always clasped in his hands. He raised his arms in time and crossed the knives to hold the knife.

The two were about to change their moves, but at the same time they closed their hands. Wei Zhanmei blurted out, "Zhang Qianhu, why are you? Why are you here?"

The person opposite was quite old, with white beard and hair, and said, "It turned out to be your kid, okay, there is progress, and I can find this place. I have lived up to my old advice."

This person was not someone else, but Zhang Hulei, one of the two thousand households in Nanzhen Fusi, and he was originally one of the three masters of the six gates of Chaohua Yingdu.

After the defeat of Zhaohua, because hundreds of members of his family lived in the city for several generations, it was difficult to escape alone. The family also needed to rely on his position and reputation to support the family. Later, Hu Shiwei was half-invited to come to Nanzhen. Fusi.

More than a month ago, Zhang Hulei was seconded to a suburban county to solve a major case. He did not expect to meet again here unexpectedly.

Zhang Hulei stretched his eyebrows, and the two squatted under the shack.

Zhang Hulei said, "I don’t have to lie to you if I meet. Da Ge Ling received a secret report, saying that Zhuang Ji, the number one killer of the Restoration and Rape League, was likely to go south to Yingdu. Although he did not know his purpose at the time, Da Ge Ling decided to catch it. This person, in this way, can not only perform meritorious service, but also make Beizhen Fusi, who has been unable to bring this officer to justice for a long time, be crushed."

"Da Ge Ling pretended to send me out. In fact, I have been hiding in the city to search secretly, but his whereabouts are secret. Although I have clues, both times are late to the sky, until this time it happened to Huang Chonghu. Alas. , He was still a good one, and failed to take him before he did it."

"But I followed Wei Ti, embroidered clothes, to ride here. I can't miss any more this time. Little Weizi, how do you tell that Zhuang Ji is still hiding in this area?"

Wei Zhanmei vaguely said, "I'm not sure, but I think that the famous Zhuang Ji is not so easy to expose. It may be a suspicious strategy to escape. Tongxiang is afraid that I will not let me participate. I sighed and wanted to try. I'm not sure if I can just wait and see if I can just wait for the rabbit.

"By the way, Zhang Tou, how did you decide that the one who ran away was not Zhuang Ji?"

Zhang Hulei is very prestigious at the gate of Yingdu Yamen, and he is usually kind and friendly. He took Wei Zhanmei for a while when he first arrived. Therefore, Wei Zhanmei is used to calling him by the name commonly used in arresting fast travel.

Zhang Hulei smiled, "Your kid is always smart, and luck is also good."

"I’m not blindly In order to catch Zhuang Ji, I specially asked the Great Court to apply for access to the files of the Criminal Ministry about him over the years, as well as the difficult-to-see archive records of the inner court. Research has found that although he does not appear every time he commits a crime, this person seems to have a partner to act with him, so that Zhuang Ji can always escape his life at critical moments."

"So I didn't act rashly. I just wanted to confirm whether my judgment was correct. If it is true, and you happen to help me, this time I will let him fly. Okay, now is not the time to speak, you and me. Wait patiently."

After speaking, Zhang Hulei curled up, closed his eyes, and quietly felt the wind and grass around him.

Wei Zhan eyebrows also moved to the other side, listening to movements like Zhang Hulei.

However, he seemed to have a calm complexion and breathe smoothly, but in fact he was very anxious inside, but Zhang Hulei, a great master, was at his side, and he eagerly didn't think of a good countermeasure.

The setting sun is about to set, and the sky is getting darker and darker. Wei Zhan's eyebrows are sweating, and his heart is fluctuating. On the face of him, he is the official of the Nanzhen Fusi Banner, but secretly there is another identity-"Dark Shadows" secret organization." One of the "Thirteen Taibao".

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